8/11 Instance: Penny Has Your Cake and Eats It, Too

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8/11 Instance: Penny Has Your Cake and Eats It, Too

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: Right after "True Friends".

Jean-Paul: There were dark mutterings near the door in the kitchen as Jean-Paul swore with his usual choice religious terms as he tried to clean the rice up, wincing at where the pan had come into contact with the wall.

Jean-Paul: That had definitely not been him maintaining any kind of level head in the situation and he was still having trouble with the whole...calm thing.

Penny: Judging by the swearing coming from the kitchen, it almost seemed as if the deities of the world had conspired against the cooking of rice. Her interest piqued by what sounded like an attack from kitchen tools, Penny pushed open the door and peeked around the corner.

Penny: From the look of things, she didn't seem to be far off with her suspicions.

Jean-Paul: He cut his muttering short and glanced up to see who was interrupting his personal ranting and rice-disposal time. "...hi Penny."

Penny: Wearing a small and slightly lopsided smile on her lips. Penny raised a hand to wave at Jean-Paul. "Why did you murder the rice," she asked with the use of her reliable little chalkboard. "Did it taste that bad?"

Jean-Paul: "The rice...is unfortunately just an innocent bystander." He was sure things would get out soon enough, he might as well enjoy the short time he did have of the school not knowing he had attempted to assault Adam with a pan anyway.

Jean-Paul: "It's quite good, actually. I'd offer you some if it hadn't suffered such a fate."

Adam: The assaultee, meanwhile, was blurring away from the kitchen, gleeing a little inwardly - that had gone better than expected. JP shouldn't have let himself get angry, the Brotherhood had a lot of added weapons now. All he needed to do was find someone to whimper at and ignore that irritating little 'you shouldn't have done that' in the back of his head...

Eddie: And, as chance would have it: "'So don't let the wo-orld bring you do-own...'", sang Eddie, hanging down the stairwell and hopping off his web, singing 'Incubus - The Warmth' to himself with an aura of happy surrounding himself. Today had been a good day, and nothing would change that.

Eddie: 'Famous last words, we think...', groaned the Symbiote in his head.

Penny: Standing by her viewpoint that appearance was overrated as long as food was tasty, Penny proceeded to try for herself and used a claw to scoop some rice off the wall next to her. "It's still quite good," she informed Jean-Paul after licking it off her finger.

Adam: Oh, today was his lucky day. "Eddie!!" Adam suddenly blurred, attaching himself to Eddie, all clingy, chewing his lip. "Oh g-god, Eddie...i-it's JP..." Cue wibbly lip, big blue eyes and hug.

Jean-Paul: "Well...that's something." Jean-Paul half muttered as he kept scraping the remains into the pan.

Penny: Penny leaned forward to look over Jean-Paul's shoulder while he gathered the unlucky rice into the pan. "Are you going to throw that away," she wanted to know by holding up her chalkboard.

Eddie: Up the hall, Eddie shook his head, stopping singing as Adam began his sporadic upset speech, 'Told us so...', "A-adam. Adam. ADAM! Calm. Down.", he requested, holding Adam still. "Slowly, Adam. What's up?"

Adam: "I found something out and tried to talk to JP about it and he got mad and attacked me!" Adam was jittery, hurridly wiping his eyes. "H-he's been hiding something from us a-and when I found out and went to ask h-him about it he went really mean a-and threw a pan of hot rice at me!" He drew in a half-sob.

Adam: ""A-and...oh god, Eddie, I-I think...I think he...he might have..." He hiccuped and clung to Eddie again, tears running down his cheeks. Oh yeah, he was good.

Eddie: "Wow, you're really....wow.", Eddie frowned, he knew they had a history, but this was a little extreme, surely. Eddie patted Adam on the back a little, "Look, is it something like...", Was he really going to ask outright? "...did you find out you...have something?", he gestured downstairs.

Jean-Paul: "No, help yourself." Jean-Paul sat back on the floor, giving the wall a good glare in place of Adam. "There's more food on the stove too...cake's probably done by now as well, go ahead and take it out."

Adam: Adam whined. "Almost w-wish I did, I'd prefer it to this..." He swallowed heavily. "JP's been a-arrested for terrorism, Eddie. Terrorism! And he's b-been hiding it, h-hasn't even told the police a-and when I went to talk to him...he attacked me! I was just trying to be nice! Wh-what else am I meant to think with this murder thing?!"

Eddie: Eddie stepped back, scarcely able to believe it. A shot of anxious anger went through him, "...is this a joke?"

Penny: Waving in approval, Penny turned to step over to the oven, where she carefully opened the door without leaving too many scratch-marks on the glass window. Then she took out the cake inside its tin, not bothering with gloves or a towel. The delicious smell instantly filled the kitchen.

Adam: "N-no!" Adam sniffled, then wiped his eyes, but the tears (apparently) wouldn't stop. "I'm a-an asshole, Eddie, but this...I-I wouldn't joke about...not this..." He tried to hold back a sob. "You think you know someone..."

Eddie: "Where is he?", Eddie asked shortly, JP was about to get 'F'd' in the 'B'.

Jean-Paul: A glob of rice came down, falling on Jean-Paul which just added insult to insult, really. "Penny, I'm fucked."

Penny: Penny slightly tilted her head and gave Jean-Paul a confused look, soon adding a sympathetic smile as she put down the cake on the counter and reached for her chalkboard. "I don't think you will get detention for spilled rice," she assured him.

Jean-Paul: "Not quite what I meant...Adam thinks he knows something about me, something that...well, something that with current events doesn't look all that good with me."

Adam: Adam swallowed hard. Great, so first I'm framing my ex for a murder I committed and now I just duped my best friend into it too. What the hell am I doing? The sudden thought shocked him, before he hurridly pushed it away. This was bigger than him. For a better cause. If he listened to it, he'd tell Eddie everything. "K-kitchen." He half-sobbed. "I-if he hasn't run away..."

Eddie: At that, Eddie waltzed right past Adam and towards the kitchen. This needed a hell of an explination.

Penny: Returning to Jean-Paul, Penny bent down to pick up the bent pan and placed it on the table, a frown on her face as she thought about what he had just said. "You mean it is about that rally," she asked, having wiped her chalkboard to scribble another question.

Jean-Paul: "Yeah, that's in there too. He found out about some of the things I did for some people I met at something similar that...turned out to not be exactly kosher."

Eddie: Eddie stepped into the kitchen, looking past Penny ans straight at JP. "You and I need a word.", he growled.

Penny: Her eyes widening in surprise, Penny tensed up and blinked at Eddie. He looked really upset. Her gaze swiftly fell on Jean-Paul, before returning to the other student. She hastily wiped her chalkboard clean and fumbled for the piece of chalk.

Jean-Paul: "...I take it Adam's shared his story with you then, huh?"

Jean-Paul: He didn't make any move to get up at all, figuring whatever Eddie wanted to say he could say it right there.

Eddie: "Shared his story? There's more?", Eddie straightened up, clenching a fist. "Oh, pray tell: what did he miss! I am ever so curious(!)"

Penny: Her clawed fingers leading to plenty of chalk ending up in crumbly bits on the floor, Penny managed to complete her message and quickly held up her chalkboard, hopeful to defuse the tense situation. "Jean-Paul did not mean to harm the rice, Eddie! We saved most of it, and it is still tasty!"

Eddie: Any other day, any other time, Eddie would have laughed at Penny. "Sweet as ever, kid, but not right now...", he looked back at JP. "Explain."

Jean-Paul: "Adam went nosing around, thinks he found something, and came in harassing me about it. As it turns out I can only take so much nagging...before I throw cooking utensiles."

Penny: Penny lowered her sign and frowned. So that was how the kitchen had ended up with a rice wallpaper. Starting to feel apprehensive, she looked back and forth between Jean-Paul and Eddie.

Eddie: Eddie approached Jean-Paul, holding eye contact, "And, what, you think it's a GOOD idea to hide that, given everything?"

Jean-Paul: Jean-Paul crossed his arms defensively, deciding now was a good moment to at least stand up even though his height didn't make much fo a difference. "Does everyone tell everybody about the trouble they got themselves out of when they were sixteen?"

Eddie: "When it can be used against you, yes!", Eddie pondered his answer to that, by rights what he said should've been followed up with 'when I was that age I almost killed someone, buy hey-ho'. Instead, Eddie pointed to the back door. "Outside. Now."

Penny: "What are you going to do?" The lines on Penny's little black chalkboard were jittery from having been written in a haste. "Has no one told you never to get into a fight over rumors?"

Jean-Paul: "It's all right, Penny, nothing's going to happen." Jean-Paul reassured her, not taking one step towards the door.

Eddie: "Is that a fact?", Eddie challenged, "All this coming from the guy who tried to pin the murder on me, seriously?"

Jean-Paul: "What? I never pinned anything on you!" Okay, maybe something would happen now. "It's not my doing that you're beating the living snot out of people in some alley. I've been helping you!"

Eddie: "At least you fucking knew!", Eddie pushed, angered slightly more, "I mean, 'terrorism'? What does that mean, exactly? You're some kind of 'X-Al-Qaeda' member?"

Penny: Her gaze darted back and forth between the two arguing students, the tension growing between them also crossing over to Penny. She fidgeted with the board, trying to scribble another message that would hopefully calm down the two squabblers. Unfortunately, the piece of chalk cracked and crumbled between her restless claws.

Jean-Paul: "Yes, they're so predominantly French Canadian I can't believe it's taken you this long to piece it together." Jean-Paul snarled back, eyes rolling. "Where's Adam? I've he's going to ruin what good name I do have the least he can do is face me." Jean-Paul moved towards the hall, intent on looking for him.

Eddie: Eddie let Jean-Paul walk past him, watching him leave the room. 'Actually, we could USE this...', he blinked, suddenly curious. How had Adam figured this out? He looked to Penny. "...hey, I'm sorry, ok? Don't be too alarmed..."

Jean-Paul: Adam was no where to be found and, far too jumpy not to, Jean-Paul circled back to the kitchen. "Alarmed? What, is she supposed to be afraid of me now?"

Eddie: "Should have known the flying man would jump the gun...", Eddie sighed, turning to JP again, "...she seemed upset that we were arguing, that's all."

Eddie: "Hey, look at that: the world ISN'T revolving around your issues(!)"

Penny: Visibly disappointed in the poor performance of her chalk, Penny looked up from the sad little pile left on the floor and fixated Eddie and Jean-Paul with an intent stare. In another attempt to stop the silly dispute, she raised her hands and pointed at both of them before indicating they should back off each other.

Jean-Paul: "Why yes, you're right, this isn't my issue at all. It's yours and your apparent need to yell and beat your problems away. By all means, continue with your apology to her and while you're at it I'll take one for myself."

Eddie: 'Why are WE getting so annoyed?', "I just...don't like being lied to and I feel like you have been!", Eddie persisted, "Especially when you're always getting all paranoid over people being 'killers'."

Eddie: "What can I say: a known terrorist hardly has a convincing alibi."

Jean-Paul: "It's nice to know you can't trust me when I trusted you. Real big of you, glad to know we were such good friends after all."

Penny: Penny glared at both of them in frustration, losing her patience not only for the two bickering boys, but also for her inability to make herself known. Looking for another way to get their attention, she once more decided to rely on her trusty little chalkboard.

Penny: Just because she lacked the chalk the write on it didn't mean it would be useless to help make clear her standpoint. Gripping it in one hand, she leaned forward and bonked both Eddie and Jean-Paul over the head with it.

Eddie: Eddie winced as the chalkboard contacted. "...'the hell!?", he rubbed his head, looking at Penny. "What?"

Jean-Paul: More swearing came out as Jean-Paul rubbed his head where the chalkboard had landed. "I think she's trying to tell us to either shut up or take it somewhere else."

Penny: Looking around, Penny spotted the unused tablets on the nearby kitchen counter, promptly stepping over to reach for the topmost one. Before flipping it around, she used the tip of her claw to carve a message into the plastic. "Stop the arguing, or I will throw the rice again!"

Jean-Paul: "...and I think she's made herself clear."

Eddie: Eddie couldn't help but smile a little wryly. "...sorry. JP, I just..."

Jean-Paul: "Oh, I know." He muttered flatly. Just thought he was a murderer. Next time Jean-Paul saw Adam was not going to be a pretty time.

Penny: Penny watched the two of them warily, before she lowered the makeshift sign and allowed her expression to soften. "I told you not to listen to rumors," she added to the scratched up tablet. "Much less fight because of them."

Eddie: Eddie pointed at Jean-Paul, "You know, he thought I did it! I resent being singled out for blame."

Jean-Paul: "I don't remember almost attacking you in front of people at the school over it." Jean-Paul muttered back.

Eddie: "It's an insult to my inteligence when someone is wry of me being secrative, but does exactly the same thing.", Eddie replied in a low voice, "It's selfish and hypocritical."

Jean-Paul: "The truth is I treated you a whole hell of a lot better about you beating the shit out of people because you couldn't control yourself than you're treating me. If you want to play the hypocrite game then I'd suggest you cover yourself as well."

Penny: Her eyes narrowed when it became apparent they were starting again, the tablet already bending between Penny's hands. A loud snap resounded through the kitchen as her claws crumpled up the plastic remains.

Eddie: Eddie jumped at the snap, placing a hand on his heart and taking a deep breath. "Look, Jean-Paul. I'm sorry, but I've never been anything but open about my...issues."

Eddie: He glanced at Penny. "B-but, hat said, I'm sorry I was so angry."

Jean-Paul: "Right, I can taste the sincerity in that. I suppose you'll just have to put up with seeing me around then." Jean-Paul decided it was just best to get out of there.

Eddie: "...alright, fine, screw it.", Eddie sighed, backing off. "Go on. Not as if you're gonna listen."

Penny: Penny breathed a frustrated sigh when the shredded bits of plastic dropped to the floor. Why would no one ever listen to her - inability to speak notwithstanding? She threw the remaining pieces into the trash and looked up to watch Eddie and Jean-Paul back away from each other.

Jean-Paul: "Listen to what exactly? If you want to tell me something then we can very well take it somewhere else. I'm sure you're more than capable of finding me in the school." He slipped on down the hall, giving Penny a wave.

Eddie: Eddie frowned as JP left, looking back at Penny. "...sorry."

Penny: Penny waved her hand in a display of resignation and rolled her eyes, turning to pick up the battered pan. At least she still had wall-and-floor rice.

Eddie: Eddie sighed, well, that had been terrible. He decided to leave through the back door to get some air. Although the question nagged: exactly how had Adam found all this out? It didn't make sense.

Eddie: Suiting up, Eddie departed, maybe a stroll in the city would help him mull this over.

Penny: Looking briefly over her shoulder to watch the squabblers leave, Penny turned back to the salvaged rice on the counter in front of her - until her gaze drifted over all the other food they had simply left behind. The smile returned to the girl's face. When two quarrel, a third gets free cake.
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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8/11 Instance: Penny Has Your Cake and Eats It, Too

Post by puppygirl »

:eeevil Tasty, tasty drama!
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