Summer 2016 - Jolen

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Summer 2016 - Jolen

Post by PsychoKez056 »

Jolen: Jolen had decided that the camping trip he'd been wanting to take Toxic on for months was happening this summer no matter what, however he decided he should put the idea forward with a present. So sitting in a patch of sunlight from the window with his hair vines in some sugar water he was thinking about what to give him.

Cassie: "Well, I see you've got sunshine and you've got water, so tell me if I can put you in a bigger pot," Cassandra remarked, a smirk curling her lips, as she sauntered into the room. She avoided the patches of bright light by the windows, aiming for a chair in the shade instead.

Jolen: "Hello Cassie." Smiling as his white eyes opened to see the girl sitting down across the room from him. "I don't need a bigger pot but I could use someone to talk to me and help my leaves grow strong." Tiny flowers were budding nicely along his hair vines today, hints of yellow and blue showing through all the green.

Cassie: "I've heard you're supposed to talk to your plants to help them grow strong and healthy." She snickered and leaned forward on the edge of her chair. "So be careful around me, you hear, or I'll talk you into a might oak in no time."

Jolen: "And to keep them company." Smirking back he leant forward at her. "A pretty girl like you could do that to any man not just the plant men."

Cassie: "Most men also confuse mighty oaks with frail twigs and try to sell you one for the other." Cassandra laughed and gave Jolen a wink.

Jolen: "You can ask Jack, I have no frail twigs." Poking his tongue out at her and chuckling a little. "I'm glad you're back, I enjoy spending time with you and you're very funny. It hurt almost as bad as my parents deaths did when I found out about you and Johnny."

Cassie: "Thank you for the compliment," she replied, offering the plant-like boy a smile, letting herself slip off the chair to sit on the floor next to him. "I'm very sorry for all the grief I caused. Believe me, I rather make people smile instead."

Jolen: "It's not like it's your fault, you didn't mean to do it, besides your back now and making people smile." Smiling back at her as always, the nice calm person of the entire student body who never seemed to get stressed about anything aside for when people were hurt. "How are your memories doing?"

Cassie: "Loving to play cat and mouse with my sanity." Cassandra chuckled, sitting cross-legged and resting her head on propped up hands. "Apparently there's actually a downside for having a vivid imagination. I can never tell how much of what I'm remembering is the truth, and how much has been embellished by my fantasy."

Cassie: "However, I only rarely get lost in the mansion, any more, and I think we should be able to do without any name-tags." She grinned at Jolen.

Jolen: "Well no name tags is good and I guess as more bits fill in you'll have to worry less about wether what you imagining ever happened." Grinning back and shifting so he could lean against the wall leaving his legs in the sunlight, shorts meaning his strange body hair was in view.

Jolen: "I still get lost in here."

Cassie: "If you're ever up for some exploration, remember that I'm always eager to go on an adventure," she offered. "We can get lost together. Who knows what secrets we'll uncover. And at the very least we'll have each other to keep us company until we're found again."

Jolen: "Though I hope if we get lost for to long we don't start going with the idea of getting me because I look like a sald eh?" Laughing at her then. "I would be up for exploration, my mind needs a bit of jumping at the moment as I need some fresh idea."

Cassie: Cassandra was on her feet the very next moment, looking down at Jolen with a grin on her lips and holding out her hand to him. "What are we waiting for then?" she teased. "Take my hand, my leafy comrade, and we'll be off on our glorious quest!"

Jolen: Laughing he grabbed her hand and got to his feet, glad that nothing had been lost from his energetic friend. "I'm really starting to be glad I was saved from the forest by a group of weirdos now, I've come to a place full of awesome fun people to be friends with."

Cassie: "And I obviously traded one circus for another," she remarked with a laugh. "Which probably explains why I feel right at home here." Holding on to his his hand, she leaned back and pulled him towards the hallway. "So, what should we explore first?"

Jolen: "How about the upstair floors? I explore the basement all the time never know we could find abandoned class rooms with students still stuck in detention from eons back when xavier was a student." Letting himself get pulled as he padded across the floor barefooted.

Cassie: "Oh yes, I've heard there are secret lairs of former students still undiscovered underneath the roof." Cassandra turned around and skipped ahead, Jolen close in tow. "And later we could try to find dusty old tomes in the library, maybe holding old, forbidden knowledge - or just a great muffin recipe."

Jolen: Laughing he followed after her long legs keeping pace with her skipping. "I like muffin recipes, after all ancient knowledge isn't very good when you don't understand, while recipes I understand just perfectly."

Cassie: "Then muffins shall be the treasure to await us at the end of this perilous journey," she announced and raised an arm, before quickening her pace to drag the boy up the wide flight of stairs.

Jolen: Jolen quickly moved into a jog to follow her enjoying the freedom from lessons and for once all his extra studying. "Muffins, tea and cookies perhaps? After we've discovered the lost students of XU?"

Cassie: "Absolutely!" Cassandra peeked around the corner at the top of the stairs, looking down either path of the hallway. "They must be starving after all this time in detention. Let's hope they're not so desperate to try and eat us. I'm kinda over being mistaken for food."

Jolen: "At least it will only happen to you once. We get a vegetarian in the school and I'm screwed." Grinning and peeking round the corners himself. "I think left first what about you?"

Cassie: "Down there are the teachers' offices, so... " She looked over her shoulder and revealed a sly smirk. "Definitely."

Jolen: Smirking back he nodded. "Come on then 007 lets go find the students being held hostage in detention!" Starting off down the long corridor with a nice spring in his step.

Cassie: Taking the boy's hand, Cassandra pranced along by Jolen's side, bringing both of them to a sudden halt when they were about to pass by a heavy wooden door. "First of all, we'll need something to fend off any foul creatures lurking in the depths of the this go house," she said, holding up a finger.

Cassie: "Not any weapon will do, however," she elaborated, stepping closer to the entrance to Professor Farouk's office. "Only an enchanted blade from the lard-demons lair could keep us safe." Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "Beware, though, he's always hungry."

Jolen: "I always find the idea of weapons amusing when my body is one, but I shall take your advice on this one." Eyeing the door carefully as he dropped his own voice. "There's enchanted blades in there?"

Cassie: She looked at Jolen, a faint smile playing across her lips. "Anything can be in there, as long as we want it to be," Cassandra told him, carefully trying the handle of the door, only to find it locked. "That's the upside of having a vivid imagination."

Cassie: Placing her hand on the surface of the door, inky blackness appeared to crawl underneath the pale skin of her hand, bleeding onto the wood to form a large sphere of darkness. "Ladies first!" She stepped through the portal to the other side.

Jolen: Frowning at the strange blackness he carefully stepped through finding the sensation off all that darkness surrounding him discomforting. "That is a very weird sensation and right now we're in a very dangerous office, lets hope the swords are easy to find."

Cassie: "Oh, don't worry, this demon loves nothing more than to brag with his ill-gotten treasure and put it on display for everyone to see," Cassandra announced, spreading her arms to gesture at the wall behind Farouk's large desk, lined with countless knives of all shapes and sizes.

Jolen: Jolens eyes widened at the wall, he liked knives and kept his own well looked after but these were the coolest looking things he'd ever seen. "Well I think we need to find a suitable enchanted blade and get on with our explorations before the demon returns."

Cassie: "Yes, better be quick and on our guard," Cassandra remarked, already stepping forward towards the wall, tilting back her head to marvel at all the shiny, sharp treasure in front of her. Reaching out, her fingers carefully traced over one particular blade she had laid her eyes on before. "It's risky to linger."

Cassie: As she took the curved elegant weapon from its rack, she turned her head and showed Jolen a grin. "Just remember, if he comes after us, always keep running, no matter what - or he'll roll right over us."

Jolen: "Keep running don't look back, I got it." Smiling he found a long curved sword and carefully lifted it off the wall, feeling the rather secure weight in his hand with a good heft. "Right I do believe we are ready for our epic quest for the lost students."

Jolen: Stepping back over to the portal he extended a hand. "Shall we my brave warrioress?"

Cassie: "Lead the way, my valiant knight in leafy armor," Cassandra replied, cracking a grin, and put her hand into his.
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Re: Summer 2016 - Jolen

Post by PsychoKez056 »

<@Jolen> Jolen had been planning this trip for months, puttting it off because of nerves and setting it up again then putting it off. Now they were miles and miles from XU in a national park with a nice tent and a borrowed car. Sipping his juice he poked the fire abit waiting for Adam to returned from the bushes.

<Toxic> Jolen wasn't the only nervous one. Adam had been hiding in his basement studio for the semester, only surfacing for lessons and gigs - he didn't want to get involved with the whole mess in case he did something stupid to fuck up what he had. He'd finally managed to get something good, he was not risking it.

<Toxic> And now Jolen had taken him out to the middle of nowhere...he padded up to the small camp, putting another armful of wood down and then wordlessly snuggling up to the plantman's side. "Ohai. Can has cuddles now?"

<@Jolen> Arms opening Adam got pulled into a proper hug before getting pulled onto her laps for the requested cuddles. He didn't have the courage just yet to do it so instead he was just going to get all the cuddles he could and share all the contact with his friend.

<Toxic> Adam couldn't help the slight squeak as he was pulled in, not expecting it but relaxing into it. Strange, how much he hated being touched - both because of his issues and because of the sensitivity - but Jolen...he actually looked for it from him. "Ohaithar." He smiled. "You okay?"

<@Jolen> "I'm fine, I just enjoy cuddling you alot thats all." Smiling down at his friend and trying not to be crowding while holding him. Strange they spent nearly every minute together and they always slept together now and yet he still felt so very awkward trying to make what was already between them more solid.

<Toxic> Adam snuggled a little further into the bigger guy's arms, reaching up and pulling the goggles out of his dreads and letting them drop to the side. "I don't mind this at all." He smiled at him. "I like being cuddled. At least by you." Especially by you. He blinked slowly, watching Jolen's face.

<@Jolen> Jolen blushed green at that, giving Toxic a careful squeeze and leaning back against the log behind him. "You are enjoying yourself right> Figure this place is far from everyone else we could have some privacy and really chill out."

<Toxic> "You kidding? I love this." Adam smiled at the blush, even though he didn't know why, head going to Jolen's shoulder. "Just...just you and me, you know? It's been a bit...weird, but this is good. Nice. Quiet. Besides...I...I always like spending time with you, you know that." Yeah, together in everything but name, neither of them quite having the balls to take it further...

<@Jolen> He smiled and blushed a bit more then, proud of himself for managing to make this a good trip and help Adam enjoy himself outside the basement for once. "Weird I think is just what XU life is.... and I like spending time with you to Adam a lot actually."

<Toxic> "Well yeah, but in my experience people don't tend to get et much." He nuzzled Jolen again, smile widening as he smelt the blush. "Good, or I'd wonder what the hell you keep doing in my nest." He grinned up at him, shifting a bit in his lap. " enjoying yourself, Triffid?"

<@Jolen> Nuzzling bakc he wrapped his arms around the guy gently, petting at his arms. "Your nest is warm and comfy and it smells of you so vhy wouldn't I be in your nest." Accent slipping as he relaxed and nuzzled the dreads. "I'm enjoying myself a hell of a lot Adam, always am when I'm with you."

<Toxic> "Keep talking like that and I'm gonna start thinking you care about me, you know." Adam chuckled, smiling up at him happily, wondering if Jolen would mind very much if he kissed him. He already knew he liked Jolen - though that word was too mild for the feeling - but he just didn't have the self-esteem to try for it.

<@Jolen> Jolen blushed a bit more then, skin taking on even more of a green tinge. "I do care about you Adam. I wouldn't have asked you out on this camping trip if I didn't or looked after you all the times you were down. You are kind and nice to me and funny and I care about you.... alot infact." White eyes finally brekaing the contact to duck down then.

<Toxic> Adam opened his mouth to make another smart-ass quip - before his mind caught up what had been said and hurridly closed it. He was quiet for a while, repeating the words to himself, going from studying Jolen's face to the fire. "...Really?" He said finally, voice unsure.

<@Jolen> Jolen nodded at first and then realizing Toxic wasn't looking at him any more he got his voice working after afew tries. "Yes really.... I like you Adam alot and I find you attractive and I don't ever want to stop sleeping next to you and-" He realised he'd gone from quiet to panicked babbling and managed to shut himself up.

<Toxic> Adam swallowed then, looking back up at Jolen, chewing his lip. " me? Even though I'm weird and...stabby and broken? Even though I'm a freak?" His mind had just - stopped. He liked Jolen, liked to think the guy felt the same but now he was faced with it, he was...yeah, he was terrified. He'd mess this up, he knew he would, he always did...

<@Jolen> "I don't mind that your stabby and broken, it makes you *you* like all my bits make me *me*. I don't think your a freak at all.... look at me I'm a walking plant I can't think of anyone as a freak." Smiling nervously and stroking at Adam's arm hoping this went the way he wanted it to.

<Toxic> "But I'm a screwup, Jolen, even if it makes me me I'm still a mess and I fuck things up and - I mean that's why I've been hiding this semester in case I do more stupid things or - oh fuck, I like you too, I mean really like you, you know? But I-" He swallowed, realising he was really babbling. Breathe, breathe, or you're going to go into a panic ttack. "...I always fuck up, I sabotage relationships, I can't help it..."

<Toxic> He swallowed, mood starting to plummet. He'd been dreaming about this, why did this have to happen like this? Why did reality have to suck? He'd been fine, they'd been fine...why'd Jolen have to say it out loud?

<@Jolen> "I know you explained it's why I haven't asked for one I mean I want one but I know you don't, but I at least had to tell you how I felt. You make me feel like I'm worth something, like their is someone on this planet that cares about me and if I go missing you know?" Rubbing his neck his face dropped abit hearing Adam starting to panic.
<@Jolen> "I do want a relationship with you but I know you don't but this is more then just friendship and I want what ever we have to mean alittle bit more then *just friends*. Because just being friends with people never makes me feel like you do."

<Toxic> Adam forced himself to breathe, looking up at Jolen with wide blue eyes, blinking at him for a long moment. "...You make me feel like I'm worth something too, you know?" He said, hoarse voice very quiet, almost young-sounding. "I...fought to get back into the X-Men because...of you, you know? I-I don't think we've been 'just friends' for...for a long time, Jolen..." He curled more into his arms, gloved hand pressed against Jolen's chest as he nuzzled into
<Toxic> "...The idea scares me." He admitted finally. "I...have all these feelings for you, and I can't even think straight and I look back on all the shit I caused everyone...and I don't want to hurt you. Ever. I don't want to see that." He shook his head. "But...but...I...I want be with you, Triffid. You make"

<@Jolen> "You've never once hurt me aside from that one time you feel over a wire a landed on me." Nuzzling back his hugs were getting alittle more grippy now not wanting to let Adam go. "All my life I've been alone and wanting someone to care about me, then I came here and realised it's not about having everyone care but who cares."
<@Jolen> He spent a moment taking a breath from his own babbling. "You make me feel safe to bunny and I don't think things can go wrong between us because we're always so careful. I want to be with you and never have to worry that one day you might not want me in the nest anymore."

<Toxic> "Always want you in the nest." Adam's voice was a little muffled as he clung to Jolen just as hard as the guy was hugging him. "Always you...never anyone else." He was silent for a long time, the only sound besides the fire Bit's gentle snoring. "I've been alone too. I thought I didn't need anyone though, that I had to look after me, you know? And then you..." He trailed off.
<Toxic> "Jolen...I-I want to be with you, okay? I want a relationship with you. I do, I promise." He said it quickly, before he backed out of it. "I'm staying here. I've graduated now, but I'm staying here, because this is where you are. And I'll be honest, if I said no to something with you I'd be...really fucking stupid. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

<@Jolen> Jolen actually shook some what with happiness, burying his face properly into the dreads to hide the look of ultimate gratitude on his face that Toxic had said yes. "So we stay together in the nest and not as friends now... as boyfriends? I want to look after you and let you look after me."
<@Jolen> One hand coming up his slid it into the dreads and cupped Adam's head against him, holding him and rocking him slightly as afew of his flowers bloomed.

<Toxic> Had he said...he had, hadn't he? Oh...he had...and it felt wonderful, terrifying, amazing... "Yeah...yeah, as boyfriends." He breathed out, relaxing utterly into Jolen's holding, smiling a little despite the tight terror. No. He wouldn't let himself fuck this one up. " with me?"

<@Jolen> Jolen's body relaxed then face breaking out into a smile as he finally felt properly happy. "Thank you, you mean so much to me and I'm more then willing to be patient and understanding for you, you should know that by now." Petting at the soft dreads he smiled up at the stars.

<Toxic> Well, he smiled at the stars until he was pulled down by the raver, Adam deciding that he deserved that kiss now, thank you. Though it was gentle and soft, to give him his due...and made him tingle pleasantly. "I do." He said quietly against Jolen's lips. "And...thank you...for everything, Triffid. My Triffid."

<@Jolen> The kiss for the short minute it happened was perfect, he was tingling to as their lips moved enjoying the sensations it sent through him and how it felt so different from the other times he'd kissed. "Thank you to my Bunny, your Trifid. My Bunny."

<Toxic> "Mmhmm." Adam stroked his thumb over Jolen's cheek, before he did something he'd never done before - he took off his gloves, shyly feeling Jolen's skin properly, shivering a little as the sensitive, scarred skin goosebumped. "My...boyfriend. Wow." He giggled a little. "Oh wow..."
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Re: Summer 2016 - Jolen

Post by Starfish »

Jimmy: "Why do we gotta go tramping around this forest anyways?" Jimmy grumbled, "I got enough mud and animal shit back home to be worryin' about," He pulled a face and wiped the base of his trainer on a tree, "Why don't his folks just like ... microchip him or somethin'?"

Jolen: Jolen smiled at that. "Do your parents have you microchipped?" Trapsing through the snow in just jeans and boots, plant life from his hair acting as a cape.

Jimmy: "No ... because my parents are DEEEEEEEAD ... well, not really, I dunno who my folks are, I just wanted to say that."

Rachel: When Rachel had gotten back from her amazingly awesome vacation, she hadn't expected to take a trip to Russia to rescue a stray. As she followed the others through the dense forest, she pointed out, "We all need chipped."

Jolen: "My parents are dead and I'd didn't need microchipping while they were alive no matter how much I ran about in the forest." Chuckling alittle at Rachels comment. "I'm unsure chipping would work on some of us."

Melati: "I'm seriously considering that," Melati remarked, no idea where she was going. She knew that around them where trees, and in each direction a lot more trees. "Microchips for all once we get back to the school. I'm so sick of trying to find your abducted asses, anyway."

Jimmy: "Ugh, way to ruin the joke, Jolen."

Rachel: "Who doesn't want to look at my ass?" Rachel asked with a smirk as she glanced back to the others, almost walking into a branch as she did so.

Mikael: There weren't just trees. There was a lot of snow too. Crunchy snow, all the better for showing up worryingly large wolf-prints in...

Jolen: Jolen was following the wolf prints happily, more then used to tracking stuff in the snow that and he could smell the wolf thing faintly in the direction they were going in. "I'm sorry Jimmy, I didn't mean to get a=offended about dead parent jokes."

Melati: "It's summer break, and I'm wading through snow in some Russian backwoods," Melati muttered, scaling yet another small hill, expecting to find even more trees behind it. "Which by itself isn't even half-bad, had we only stopped to pick up that moonshine vodka as I've said we should."

Jimmy: "There's no point anyone getting offended by dead parent jokes, it's like a Batman convention back at that school. I'm with Mel, we should go pick up some potato juice and hunt down those mail-order brides that apparently pop up all over Russia."

Mikael: There were more trees, alright. And snow. And a large shadowy silohette in between a couple of them that was suddenly gone with a flurry of movement.

Jolen: "Or we could actually go find the potential student we have here, and jimmy I know you don't have sarcasm in your world but thats what I just did." Smiling and sticking his tongue out at the lad before darting off after the flurry. "Come on!"

Jimmy: "... Yeeah, anyone else getting Dog Solider flashbacks here?"

Rachel: "It feels so wrong to be walking through snow while sunburned... in the middle of summer," Rachel commented, "After I just spent a good deal of time on the beach... Though, Disney World is totally lame and doesn't serve vodka."

Melati: "How does anyone survive that place then," Melati asked Rachel, as she followed the others, leaping over a fallen tree. Her bare feet left large, clawed prints in the white snow.

Mikael: There was another flurry of movement and a light growl, followed by a snapping and a whimper as something less-than-gracefully tried to run away from the group.

Melati: Her long, pointed ears twitched. "I think I've just heard something fall on its ass," Melati commented, pausing to sniff the cold air. "This way!"

Jolen: Jolen just picked up his speed, he was built to run in this environment and if needed he could do that weird ass root transport thing again, he was following that thing without slowly or breaking stride.

Jimmy: "Maybe it's a lost russian bride," Jimmy perked up, trailing after her.

Rachel: "I think part of me died there," she admitted with a smirk as she squinted into the shadows of the trees. Startling at the noise, the smirk immediately left her face as she turned sharply toward the noise, moving through the snow to follow Melati with some difficulty. Unlike her and Jolen, she was not made to trudge through snow.

Jimmy: "Yo, Rache, can't you just like .... brain feeler out to let us know if it's what we're looking for and not ... a drunk bear falling outta a tree or nothing?"

Melati: "If it's a drunk bear, can we keep him?" Melati asked, looking back over her shoulder. "I want to make friends and ride it."

Rachel: "I'm not an animal whisperer," Rachel answered with a roll of her eyes.

Mikael: They were chasing him?! Why the hell were they chasing him? They weren't even Russian - were they here for him? Ugh, of course they were, they didn't smell all-human and let's face it, there was nothing else interesting in this forest. His dad was going to kill him...

Jolen: "Hey wait up! We need to speak to you!" Legs pumping he sped up even more, there was a reason he could keep up with most cars and it was because of all those muscles working in unison so perfectly with a bit of help from plant biology.

Jimmy: "Ugh, fine, can melt pavements with her frontal lobe but letting us know if we're about to be eaten by drunk bears and she's useless," Jimmy grumbled, tripping over a burried tree root and landing face first in the snow, "MOTHERFUCKINGTITWANKTOFFEEBANANA!"

Melati: "Here, doggy!" Melati ran up another incline to get a better vantage point. "Momma Mel got a big stick for you!" Wait, that came out all kinds of wrong, she thought, right before she slipped on some hidden ice.

Jolen: As Jolen went down the inclines his spines came in useful, snagging on things and dragging him on ice to slow him down, keeping his balance going she he could just keep running, it reminded him of a time when't he'd ran a deer to the ground.

Mikael: There was some decidedly vitrolic Russian swearing before there was another yelp and the sound of something large falling over. More swearing followed, degenerating to mutterbeing before a heavily accented "I am not a fucking [/i]dog[/i]!" echoed out.

Jimmy: Jimmy sat up and shook the snow off his face, "Guessin' that' our fella?"

Jolen: "Good! We're not after a dog we're after a werewolf!" Jolen shouted laughing as he ran through the snow after the trails, searching for the far off voice.

Melati: "Then we promise your balls have nothing to fear from us, no matter what you did with them," Melati called into the vague direction where the voice had come from.

Jimmy: "She lies, no man's manhood is safe from her lecherous, lizardly ways," Jimmy said, poking his nose gently to check it wasn't busted.

Melati: "Hey!" Melati turned her head to glare at Jimmy, before she let out a loud sigh. "Okay, he's right, but that's totally a good thing! You can ask anyone!"

Mikael: Oh great, Americans. The fingure huffed, giving up and sitting up before standing. "Alright, alright, fine, I'll stop running, da?" His voice was low, growly, not something that should have come from a human throat...which was fair enough, considering he looked like he'd walked fresh off the set of Helsing...

Jolen: Jolen slowed down to walk the last few yards barely out of breath and smiling. "No worries we come in peace, we just wish to talk with you." Then he rouned the snow heap to get a good look at the guy -oh wow...

Jimmy: "Hey, he's not naked is he?" Jimmy just wanted to check before he came to have a look.

Mikael: "Da, I am. But I'm also decent. Vell, as decent as I get. Vhat the hell do you vant? Did Dad send you out here? I told him it vas the girl's fault, not mine!"

Melati: "At least until my feet get really cold, then I'll drag you out of here by your tail if I have to." Melati trudged closer, her gaze sizing up the tall werewolf. "Yes, your dad told us you're hiding out here, but whatever you did with that chick only concerns you and her. That's not exactly why we're here."

Jolen: Jolen came properly into view, long vegetation odd body hair, spike, eyes and all. "We aren't here about the sex, we're here because we are like you... sort of."

Jimmy: "How can you be naked and decent? Don't tell me he has a comic book modesty fur patch?"

Melati: Melati thumbed over her shoulder. "I think Jimmy is here about the sex, though."

Jimmy: "Only if these legendary russian brides are about," he quickly clarified.

Mikael: He looked down at himself. "...I do. I vould use my tail, but it's not big enough, moi drug." He chuckled. "Vell...if you're not going to take me back to the police...okay, ve can talk. Who are you, vhat the hell do you vant, and I like the piercings, plant-boy." He gestured at Jolen's spikes, though his eyes were on the lizard-chick. "Wow..."

Jolen: It actually took Jolen a few moments to realise that the wolf man wasn't talking about his naturaly plant spikes but the metal nipple ones getting to cold right now.

Melati: "I know," Melati commented, holding out her hands. "My awesomeness is hard to handle for the unprepared. " She chuckled, before giving a firm nod. "Anyway, we're here to help you. Even with your little cop problem, if you like."

Jimmy: Jimmy peered around the brush to check, "Holy shit ... he really does as well. Moralistic mutations, crazy."

Jolen: "You know Jimmy the really funny thing is my plant mutation does that to, I just prefer clothes so you acn use your imagination more." Grinning playfully over his shoulder

Mikael: The huge werewolf sniffed, crouching so we wasn't looming so much and shaking out the shaggy ruff, revealing he still had a head of long hair in a loose ponytail. An ear flicked. "I'm listening. name's Kael, by the vay. And I prefer reality to imagination, sveetheart."

Jimmy: "Maybe one of the biology students could right thier theory on it, 'genetic censorship'?"

Melati: "Name's Melati, but you can call me Mel," she introduced herself, stepping over to the larger canine mutant, casual as if she wouldn't approach a terrifying feral beast, and held out a clawed hand. "Nice to meet you, Keal. These jokers back there are Jimmy and Jolen, and the redhead up there is Rachel."

Jimmy: "And just to warn ya, if y' eat me I'll give ya the shits."

Jimmy: "Just so we're clear on that, fuzzball."

Jolen: "I'm the vegetarian option only there, and I'm not a Joker I'm enjoying myself and enjoying all the wonderful conversations going on."

Jimmy: "He's german, you couldn't find his sense of humour withthe hubble telescope, mate."

Mikael: That got a laugh from Kael, taking the hand - but instead of shaking it, he kissed the knuckles, a hell of a feat with a muzzle, and kept eyecontact with Melati. "Privet, Mel. A pleasure." He murmured. "And I am not anything like a Dog Soldier, moi drug. I'm more likely to mistake you for a full moon."

Melati: Melati frowned. "Are you saying I'm fat?"

Jimmy: Jimmy snorted.

Jolen: "He's saying your beautiful Mel, don't be silly." Grinning at Jimmy a tentacle came out and poked him. "Ever wanted to try out all those Hentais you watch at night?"

Mikael: "Actually, I vas saying hi, but if she vants to take it as meaning beautiful, vell, I meant that too." Kael winked. "But ve're getting sidetracked. Vhy are you looking for me? I'm pretty sure being caught with my pants down isn't all that big a deal...metaphorically speaking...da?"

Jimmy: "Eh, we're mutants, from a mutant school, looking for more mutants so we can mutant while we mutant."

Melati: "Hey, I can't speak for the others, but where I'm concerned, that alone was worth the trip all the way over here," Melati remarked, stealing a glance down the the tall guy's body. "Officially, though, we're here because we help young mutants, especially those who seem to need it most."

Jimmy: He eyed the tentcle suspiciously.

Jolen: "I was one of last summers pick ups, funnily enough also found in a forest." Chuckling as he saw the look on Mel's face.

Mikael: "I look even better as a human." Kael winked, seeing the look and really not minding from the way his tail tapped. " vouldn't be those X-Men kids, vould you? And I bet you vere, you got that vild look about you." He smirked at Jolen, eyeing the tentacle with interest.

Jolen: "They are all X-men I'm just a student at the school but otherwise yes." Smiling back at the guy and missing the look entirely.

Melati: "The one and only," Melati replied, revealing some of her sharp teeth as she put on a smirk. "Looks like our reputation has come a long way."

Mikael: "You guys do turn up on television a lot. Dad likes you, so you can't all be bad, da?" Kael tilted his head. "So vhy the hell do you vant me? I'm just a volf-boy."

Jimmy: "... You do see the lizard girl over there, right?"

Jolen: "I would've thought your head would've been the more obvious one." Poking his tongue out at Jimmy.

Mikael: "Da, I keep vanting to howl at it..."

Jimmy: "Harhar, so original."

Mikael: "Vell, it's either that or I mistake you for a - vhat is it called, a hydrant?" Kael smirked, automatically leaning on his tail to stop it wagging. Did they want him to join? Did he want to? Stupid question - hell yes. It was new, different, exciting. Sonata would understand. Hopefully. " vant me to join up?"

Jimmy: "Good thing I left my red coat at home then, huh?"

Jolen: "It's an offer to join the school, free board and food and if you can't get a job or don't have money you get allowance. Free education and if you really want to learn to become an X-men."

Melati: "We didn't make the trip only to try some of the local vodka and get lost in these woods, even though that still is on my vacation schedule." Melati crossed her arms. "And Jolen already put it better than I could. You can come along and see for yourself. Everything is taken care for. No obligations."

Jimmy: "Also, the bitches. The bitches be lovin' this whole superhero shit, mate."]

Melati: "Yeah, we do," Melati agreed, smirking suggestively.

Mikael: Kael tilted his head, considering, an ear flicking. "So, leave Russia, become an X-Man, get bitches. Vell. Not literally, I hope, all things considered..." He looked down at himself. "Da, I'm for this. Especially if you can get the police off me - for god's sake, it vas a graveyard, not my fault I lost track of time and it vas a Sunday..."

Jimmy: "I though you burnt all the christians in russia for kindling since it's anti-communist?"

Mikael: "Hell no. This place is all Orthadox, Moony. I'm just a Satanist."

Jimmy: "... Really? A werewolf satanist?"

Melati: "Well, that's certainly we were still missing in our colourful bag of skittles," Melati remarked with a chuckle.

Jimmy: "And I left my bingo card at home, too. All I need is the brain in a jar and I've got a full house."

Mikael: That made Kael grin, before standing up and stretching all eight-five of his fuzzy self, tail wagging. "Vell...guess I better get back to my house, change - in all the vays - and let my folks know, da? Dad alvays did say I should apply to you guys, so this is just jumping the gun. Shall ve?"

Jimmy: "Do you have vodka?"

Jolen: "I take it you've not been to the lower levels of the medlab then? Me and Cassie... we found some weird things down there..." Nodding at Kael and smiling. "Welcome aboard Kael, prepare for mental trauma and the weirdest household you could ever imagine."

Mikael: That got Jimmy a long, hard look. "You're in Russia, and my father is the most Russian Russian you'll ever meet. He has Grandfather's still in the back garden. Da, ve have wodka." He turned back to Mel then, giving her a fangy grin. "The pleasure, moi drug, is all mine. Take me to capitalism!"
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