6/19 Game: Cannonballism

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Title: Damn Not Given
Nightscrawlearth Character: :icey :phoenix

6/19 Game: Cannonballism

Post by Slarti »

Timelined after Protean Development

@Bobby: Bobby hit the snooze button again. "I heard you the first three times!"

Lorna: "We should throw it out the window." Lorna murmered, not moving to take her suggestion. "Seriously, into the woods with it. It can go sleep with Tom."

Tigra: Tigra rolled over on the patio and knocked over her glass of water. "Ack wet!" she stood up and rubbed at the wet patch on her pants. "Dammit... Stupid nice weather...." she yawned and picked up the glass, heading back to the kitchen to refill it and try to cook breakfast.

Ronnie: Ronnie had already been up for half an hour, hair still slighty damp from her shower and fully clothed she sat at the breakfast bar pouring fat-free milk into a bowl of musili, 'Le Danse Macrbre' comming quietly out of the radio as she hummed along to herself.

Adam: Adam had been up for three hours already. He was sitting on the central island in the kitchen, an apparently exact working model of a ballista taking shape out of rubber bands and pencils in his hands. Red, green and black were his colours of choice, his gloved hands moving in a blur and tongue poking out the side of his mouth.

@Bobby: "Hmm. Good plan." He didn't move either, but he did crack an eye to check the time again and did some quick math. Saaay, they had fifteen minutes before they really needed to be up. He snuggled closer and slid his hand under Lorna's shirt to tickle her side gently.

Tigra: Tigra blinked, "Oh. Good morning..." She put her glass on the counter and crossed to the fridge, still rubbing at the dark patch on the side of her hotpants. She looked for some bacon.

Ronnie: Ronnie was taking careful care to ignore the multi-coloured blur, for one thing he looked like someone had vomited after drinking the contents of a glow stick, but at least he was quiet

Kitty: Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Kitty tugged at her pony tail and yawned as she stumbled down the stairs towards the kitchen. She gotten up and gotten dressed, but it always took her a good half and hour to wake up.

Lorna: That earned a laugh and Lorna cracking an eye open as well, adding up the figures...saaaay. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Adam: Adam looked up, red and green cyberdreads falling over his face. "Mornin'." He looked back down. Nearly finished. Then he could eat. Or test it. Or hey, both.

Ronnie: She glanced up at the cat girl and pulled her bowl and cup of tea in closer, last thing she wanted was to get fur in her breakfast.

@Bobby: "Well, I'm not thinking about world domination." He grinned and moved in. "Though, we could do a little domination of another kind if you want..."

Tigra: Locating the bacon and some eggs, Tigra made for the cooker, turning on the heat and putting a fryingpan on top. It took a great deal of will power not to just eat them raw.

Adam: Adam's nose wrinkled at the smell of cooking things, but he wasn't moving, looking like a multi-coloured hermit as he wound an elastic band and ignoring the kitchen at large. Must. Finish. Before. Class.

Sam_: "Not working. Not working. Notworkingwhyisnaeitworking!?" Sam's mouth kept moving, his body rocking on the medlab floor. He raised a hand and turned it over, inspecting it. This body... why was it doing the same thing Sammy's had? The skin looked tight. He felt... itchy.

Lorna: "I think that sounds like a great way to start the day, a little fun domination." she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, trying to wake up properly.

Kitty: Finding the OJ, Kitty poured a glass and yawned again. "Morning guys," she mumbled, rummaged for something to eat.

Eddie: Eddie stumbled into the kitchen, looking like hell. His hair was a mess and he was dressed in a vest and trousers, both black. He approached the fridge, mumbling something about Orange Juice and smiling at Kitty.

@Bobby: "Yes, my master..." Bobby waggled his brows.

Tigra: Tigra's ears twitched towards Kitty, she sniffed, "Hi Kitty..." she mumbled, "Hi Eddie...." she added, catching the other scent. She rubbed the water mark on her hotpants again.

Ronnie: "Good morning Kitty," Ronnie replied polietly to her former room mate, she didn't mind her, she was quiet, respectful and cleaned up after her rodent so it didn't smell.

Kitty: Handing the juice over, Kitty smiled back and made her way to the island. "Morning Adam. Morning Ronnie, morning Tigra." It was kinda like the Waltons... except it was morning, not bedtime.

Eddie: Eddie reached into the fridge and withdrew a soda can, casting a glance at Ronnie. Looking away before she could spot him staring he opened the can and began drinking.

Adam: Something had woken him up, some feeling of what the fuck was that and he hadn't been able to settle since, an odd iron taste in his mouth. "Morning Kitty. Oh! Eddie! How wonderful to see you! You look so good! Did you do something with your hair?" He grinned maniacally at the boy, hands still a blur.

Sam_: His shiver turned to a shaking. He wasn't cold, but he wasn't hot.... nothing felt right, and why did his shoulder hurt? He tried to rummage through this body's memories and a random neuron fired. ....this body could fly.

Ronnie: Ronnie's eyes cut over to the boy and she sighed inwardly, she hoped they weren't in for another ill-advised declaration of affection.

Tigra: Tigra raised an eyebrow at the tone of Adam's voice. Ooookay... not gonna ask. She poked her bacon and eggs.

Lorna: Lorna gave a chuckle. This constituted the best part of waking up. The alarm clock was officially not her enemy.

Eddie: Eddie looked at Adam. "Piss off...", he muttered, mostly to himself. "Anyone seen the Ricicles?"

Adam: "I ate them."

Adam: "...And might have used some to test my lolapult with."

Eddie: Eddie sighed. "What will you think of next(?)", he mocked, looking in the cupboards for something else, in this case.

Tigra: Tigra reached for a plate then dumped the contents of the frying pan onto it, turning off the heat and moving to perch on a stool. She was getting good at it now.

Adam: "I dunno, possibly greek fire and your hair...?"

Kitty: Pouring a bowl of Lucky Charms, Kitty climbed up on a stool, adding milk. "These aren't bad - if you like lots of sugar and almost no nutritional value for breakfast," she chuckled offering the box to Eddie.

Ronnie: "And where on earth would you get flaming tar from at this hour?" Ronnie muttered into her musili.

@Bobby: The best part of waking up definitely wasn't Folgers in Bobby's cup.

Eddie: "But beating you up again would be so very cruel in front of the ladies...", Eddie reassured Adam, cutting his eye at his foe. Good to see Ronnie was getting involved; not that he needed her help, he mentally reminded himself.

Tigra: "Not at breakfast time.... maybe after I eat, I'll enjoy it then." Tigra grinned at Eddie.

Eddie: Turning to Kitty, Eddie smiled again, also nodding to Tigra. "Lucky Charms it is then.", he confirmed going to find a bowl.

Adam: "I can make a substitute." Adam muttered, eyeballing Eddie as he put in the final pencil. "Uh-huh. I'd join in the pissing match, but it's no contest if I win, is it? Do me a favour, emokid, take your ego elsewhere."

Kitty: Kitty looked between Adam and Eddie. Suddenly having Julie as a room mate didn't seem quite so bad. "So, who's got class this morning?" she asked trying to change the subject.

Sam_: He accessed the powers and didn't even have time to be surprised. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He shot straight up, crashing through the ceiling, through an empty space, through another ceiling. Okaystopstopstop! The streak of Sam's blasting fire exploded through the kitchen floor.

Lorna: "Oh-Jesus on a trisket, what was that?" Lorna sat straight up, current entertainment forgotten.

Tigra: Tigra's ears pricked up at the sound then she tumbled off the stool in surprise. "Gah! What the fuck was that?!" Her claws extended instinctively as she tried to work out what the hell just happened.

Eddie: Eddie had no time, even with his 'spider-sense' to react, simply flailing to the floor. His world slowed as the bowl he was holding crashed against the kitchen floor.

Eddie: "'the FUCK!!!", Eddie gasped.

Adam: "Me, apparently-" Adam was cut off as he stared at the new entrance to the kitchen. "Uuuuuh...hello there?"

Kitty: Screaming, Kitty was thrown off the stool and hit the floor. She phased instinctively as something exploded through kitchen floor.

Ronnie: Ronnie shrieked as the breakfast bar exploded and she was sent flying backwards.

@Bobby: Bobby rolled straight off the bed and onto the floor with a thump and a muffled ow.
Adam: A lone, remaining Ricicle pinged past the new arrival's head.

Eddie: "Shit! Is everyone ok?!", Eddie managed over gasping breaths, looking to see if anyone was hurt.

Ronnie: Then, probably much to the suprise of anyone watching, as she flew back she twisted in the air, landed upside down on her hands and did a handspring back onto her feet in an almost reflex action, "God in heaven!"

Sam_: "I-I-I said STOP!" Halfway through the kitchen ceiling, he gained control. The blasting shield cut out and he fell back to the floor like a stone.

Tigra: Tigra's tail swung wildly behind her, knocking a few things that were still standing over. "What the hell is going on?!"

Kitty: Wincing, Kitty nodded, standing up with a little limp. "I think so.." she replied. "What happened??" She stared at the figure on the floor.

Lorna: "Okay, that calls for pants." Lorna was reluctant but hurried out of bed, getting said clothes.

Ronnie: The shock cut through Ronnie and she slipped back into her real accent without thinking, the words clipped and barked, "What on earth was that!? Guthrie!? What the hell do you think you're playing at you horse-shagging hick!?"

Adam: Adam's head followed the guy up, and then down again, and he peered as the guy hit. "Havin' fun there?" He murmured mildly - then looked slightly strained as an elastic band snapped. "Motherfucker! You broke my lolapult!"

@Bobby: "Okay, what blew up now? We taking bets?" He started to untangle himself and search for clothes himself. Dammit. He'd had plans.

Lorna: "My bets? New kid, the kitchen, with the stove. We should really make a clue board of the mansion sometime."

Eddie: "Hell if I know...", Eddie remarked, looking at the figure. He stood up and looked at the disaster that was the kitchen. "SO not cleaning this up..."

Tigra: Tigra quickly covered her nose, "Oh god...." her pupils grew large and she backed up from the new arrival, hitting the patio door.

Kitty: "Sam? You ok?" Kitty asked, kneeling beside him. "We need to get Dr. McCoy?" she asked gently.

Ronnie: "Is he unconscious? Someone poke him with a stick, Eddie, I volunteer you," Guthrie did not look healthy ... did his skin normally look like that after doing his ... flying thing?

Eddie: "Him and the insurance details!", Eddie laughed, half-heartedly to Kitty.

Sam_: Okay, that had hurt, but so fun! Kevin sat up and looked around the room. He jerked back from the girl beside him. "....Kitty."

Adam: Adam degenerated into Irish muttering as he worked to replace the band, ignoring the chaos around him and trying to ignore the smell.

Eddie: Eddie looked at Ronnie, trying to smirk, but unable to.

Tigra: Her mouth was watering. Not good. She edged around the side of the room to the sink, filled a glass of cold water and threw it in her own face.

Kitty: "That's right," Kitty smiled trying no to look freaked out. "It's me, Kitty. Can you get up??" What had happened to Sam??

Lorna: "And whoever it is is going to get a reaming. 'blocking is not cool!" Lorna was already out the door.

Adam: Another Ricicle pinged off Eddie's forehead. "Hah! It works again!"

Sam_: Such power in this body... it was intoxicating! He laughed wildly.

Tigra: "He smells funny...." Tigra managed to force out.

@Bobby: Bobby followed, still fighting with his shirt.

Eddie: Eddie glared at Adam. "Hardly the time, you schizo-bitch!"

Kitty: Kitty backed away a bit at Sam's laugh. This did NOT sound good.

Adam: "Half this school smells funny." Adam grinned beautifically at Eddie. "He's fine. See? He's laughing!"

Eddie: Eddie looked at Sam. "What the f-...hit your head there, jackass?"

Ronnie: "Are you insane man?" Ronnie demanded, sounding every inch affronted english upper-class, "You owe me breakfast! That was the last of the musili."

Tigra: "No... funny... something else..." she shook her head, "Can't think good...." SHUT UP TIGRA.

Sam_: The laughter cut off with a gasp. He started to shake, his flesh seeming to shrivel on his bones.

Ronnie: Ronnie's jaw dropped, "... That's not usual for him, is it?"

Adam: Adam suddenly stared at Sam. "...Ew. Your power's gross, man."

Kitty: "Sam!!" Kitty shrieked. "Somebody get Dr. McCoy or Dr. Summers!!" she cried, backing away even more.

Tigra: "We should get someone..." Tigra shook her head, blinking, "Blood..."

Adam: "...You mean that isn't usual?"

Lorna: Lorna was muttering to herself angrily all the way down the stairs. Whoever was the cause of this was going to get sporked in a most unhappy place by the mistress of cutlery.

Eddie: Eddie took a steb back, nervously; his tendril-armour beginning to form. "Back away!", he ordered. His senses were screaming; something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

Ronnie: Some sixth sense made Ronnie start to crouch down behind the largest part of the ruined bar.

Sam_: "Nae! Not this one!" He screamed. The powers had made it better before! He reached for the body's power again and flames began to lick over his body.

Tigra: Tigra shrieked and jumped up onto the sink at the appearence of fire.

Adam: "..." Adam stared, seemingly transfixed at the fire, hands loose in his lap.

Eddie: "Back away!!", Eddie reiterated, crouching and raising his arms to brace himself.

Ronnie: At the vaguely porky smell Ronnie dropped down, covering her mouth as she took shelter under the wreckage, some after thought made her grab Kitty and pull her down as well.

Kitty: "Oh my God..." Kitty gaped as Sam was engulfed in flames. Where was that fire extinuigsher!?

Sam_: The body shook, rising into the air as the flames grew. He blasted into the ceiling and stuck.

Adam: The taste in his mouth got stronger but Adam's blue eyes were wide as he just stared, completely mesmerised, shaking slightly.

Eddie: "Jesus...what the hell is going on?! Adam! Cover!", Eddie said, darting to the wall.

Kitty: Making an almost comical yelp as Ronnie grabbed her, Kitty hunkered down with Ronnie under the wreckage looking up at the ceiling with disbelieving eyes.

Tigra: Tigra tried to make herself as small as possible, crouching in the sink and trying to crawl away from the fire and the smell.

Sam_: His body seemed to pull into itself, shrinking, then expanded into a fireball that consumed the ceiling. In a moment it was over, aside from the slow patter of charred matter and liquid that dripped from the ceiling.

Tigra: Too much! Tigra leapt across the kitchen and out into the hall when it was over, her claws scraping on the floor.

Eddie: Eddie fell to his knees, covering his head with a cry at the light and sound. What the hell was this?!

Adam: Adam was...completely blank, covered in blood, eyes wide. "Oh god...oh god...oh god..."

Ronnie: "... No, to answer your question ... that's not usual ... at all," came Ronnie stunned and hollow sounding voice from behind the table.

Kitty: "Oh no..." Kitty put her hand over her mouth, a horrified expression on her face. She couldn't look away from from charred mark on the ceiling. "Sam??" she asked as if Sam could hear anything anymore.

Lorna: "What in the hell is-" Lorna cut off after actually getting to the door. "...what the hell?!"

Adam: "I-I didn't do it! I didn't do it, it wasn't me! Th-that-that...it wasn't me!" He touched his face, but there was no blood-tears, though he was shaking. No, it wasn't him. Couldn't have been him.

Tigra: Tigra yeowled again at the sudden apearance of Lorna. Then clung to her legs.

@Bobby: Bobby skidded to a halt at the kitchen door and immediately sent some ice into the room to put out a few small fires. "....I'll second that – what the hell?"

Eddie: Eddie glanced upwards at the...charred remains of Sam? "...i-is every...everyo-...", Eddie tried to say, his tendrils retracting from his face. This was too weird.

Kitty: "Mrs. Drake!!" Kitty screamed, jumping up. "Sam!!" She pointed to the charred ceiling.

Adam: The blood suddenly flew off him, splattering the wall and leaving him completely clean and staring at the ceiling, whimpering.

Ronnie: "-is that?" Ronnie's hand appeared from behind the table, pointing at the dripping mark on the ceiling, the hand only shaking a little, "It was Sam Guthrie ... I think ..."

@Bobby: "....wait, what do you mean, it was." Bobby was starting to realize that some of what was burning was... well, it wasn't the stove.

Eddie: "What happened...? He...exploded...?", Eddie tried to answer, glancing at everyone and then back at the ceiling. "How did..."

Ronnie: "Well ... I suppose technically it still is him ... what's left of him at least ... I think ... unless he can teleport ... of course ...?"

Kitty: "Coach! Sam... he came up through the floor and then he... he..." Kitty didn't really know how to explain what just happened.

Lorna: "Tell us exactly what happened." Lorna was motioning for people to get out of there as her mind tried to go into adult leader mode, having trouble as, well, Sam was in pieces on the ceiling. "No, he can't."

Adam: Adam looked down at his catapult. "...Think I'm gonna be sick..."

Tigra: Tigra tried not to dig her claws into Lorna as she clung to her still, trying to calm down. But the smells!

Eddie: "Shut up, Ronnie!", Eddie yelled at her. "Just sh-...he fucking died!"

Ronnie: Ronnie managed to climb up to her feet, looking a little pale and shaken, "R-rec room professors?"

@Bobby: Bobby moved closer to the hole to look upward and gagged when something dripped on his face. "Oh, God..."

Eddie: "He...like, died." Eddie managed, falling onto his backside. Still mouthing to himself.

Ronnie: Without looking, Ronnie picked up a blasted table leg, leant over and smack Eddie around the back of the head with it before walking very calmly out of the room and into the rec-room.

Adam: Adam put down the catapult, sliding off the central island, making it to the sink before he lost what little he'd had for breakfast.

Lorna: "Yes, rec room, and I believe she knows that well enough, Eddie." Lorna swallowed hard, deciding to look down at the student attached to her leg instead of at the remains. She lowered her voice to Bobby. "Maybe a reaction from the cure?" It was the worst scenario to come into her mind at least, considering how many had taken the cure.

Eddie: Eddie went down. Breathing quietly, unable to look at anything. He was scared.

Lorna: "After all, that woman Kitty had been with when we were helping the aid station...in a way died like that too, power malfunction."

Kitty: Kitty was shaking all over. What had just happened? She numbly started walking to the Rec room. Wrapping her arms around herself, she curled up in one of the love seats.

J: J came running from the gym, his early morning workout disturbed as mass emotions flooded across the school and almost over whelmed him before he reinforced his shields, picking up his town to dry off and took off at a sprint across the school to figure out what was happening.

@Bobby: "Maybe... I mean, I can't think of anything else?" Bobby completely frosted himself and shook like a dog to get the blood off and bolted from the room with Lorna. "Okay, really guys, what happened before.... the obvious..."

Eddie: "Rec room....y-yeah.", Eddie managed, crawling up and away slowly.

Adam: Wiping his mouth, any gore that was near Adam seemed to literally scurry away as he ran the water and got a glass, blurring after the others and finding a seat to curl up in.

Ronnie: Ronnie sat down rather primly on one of the armchairs, still holding the table-leg in a white knuckled grip ... after her years living rough she just ... felt better when her hackles were up and she had a weapon.

Kitty: Nodding, Kitty agreed with Lorna. "Yeah... it was the same..."

Tigra: Tigra wedged herself in a corner, curling up tightly. Need to answer the question... Talk dammit!

Eddie: Eddie leant against the wall of the Rec Room, head in his arm. All he could think about was the sight he'd beheld.

Ronnie: "I was having breakfast and listening to music ... that's ... it," Ronnie said blankly, just shareing ahead of her.

J: J sent out a wave of power, easily determining where everyone was, and where they were headed, feeling them start to converge in the Rec room he turned down a hall and came barreling in the door a few moments later. "What happened!?"

@Bobby: "But he was fine yesterday. I saw him..." Bobby was in shock himself, and adult gear wasn't kicking in very well. It was like the Fringes in the tunnels...

Kitty: Kitty jumped as J burst in. "J!... Sam..." she pointed to the kitchen.

Adam: "There's...a lot...there was...blood?" Adam hugged himself, still looking down. "He just...smashed through...and then...started burning and-" He gagged again, taking a sip of water, white as a sheet and shaking.

Tigra: Tigra's ears turned towards J. The feral growled.

Ronnie: "He broke the table, then fell down, then got stuck in the ceiling and ... caught fire …"

@Bobby: "So he came from downstairs?" The medlab was down there, a couple floors down. "You're sure he was alone?"

Eddie: Looking at Adam, Eddie felt his neck well up. He cast his gaze over everyone. Everything seemed so gray.

J: A quick glance over the room showed everyone physically fine, but quite mentally shaken. He nodded at Kitty and then backed and and ran towards the kitchen.

Adam: Adam nodded, the usually blue irises a deep, blood red.

Ronnie: "H-he ... I think he was talking to himself?" Ronnie put in, "then he laughed like in a hammer horror …"

Tigra: Tigra turned her head towards Bobby, "Blood." she forced herself to speak, helping to reassert control over the feral. "He smelled of blood.... before...."

Lorna: "Talking to himself? What kind of things did he say?"

@Bobby: "Blood. Okay, we need to get some help who's not shell-shocked - check out the medlab, search the grounds. None of the alarms went off..."

Kitty: "He... he recognized me for a second... but then." Kitty shook her head. "He had this accent. Didn't sound like Sam..." she offered, trying to be helpful.

Adam: "'Not this one...'"

Kitty: "It kinda sounded like Adam..." she added.

Adam: "I-I can - I can...blood, I can help with that..." Adam swallowed, sounding and looking younger and terrified.

Adam: "It was Scottish. A Scots accent. Really thick, you know?"

Lorna: Sam but not-Sam? It didn't take more than a second for Lorna's mind to jump squarely to Malice which still made her panic inside...but the accent didn't make any sense.

Tigra: "He didn't smell like Sam either..." Tigra added, uncurling a little, "Well... he did.... but it wasn't right...."

@Bobby: "Scottish?" Bobby glanced at Lorna. His mind had made the same jump. Malice wasn't Scottish, was she?

Eddie: Eddie's eyes found Adam. Enimies or not, this was scaring everyone. "M-me too; I felt like there was something wrong, his voice w-...", Eddie paused.

J: J skidded to a halt in the kitchen, his face going pale almost instantly from the gore and carnage. "Oh God..." His body shook and he averted his gaze, there didn't seem to be much left to help with. He walked back to the Rec room and listened as the others recounted what had happened.

Ronnie: After a couple seconds delay Ronnie nodded too, "Aye, scottish," he father had been from Yorkshire originally, she knew that and the scot's accent well.

Adam: Adam closed his eyes, a red trail coming from under his eyeslids. "...There's...there's a lot of blood...blood everywhere. Um." He pointed down.

@Bobby: "Okay - we need to check out the medlab then... there could be more..." He stopped and looked around. "Have you guys seen anybody else? I mean, this got us out of bed - shouldn't everybody be here by now? Have you seen Rogue?"

Tigra: Tigra licked her lips, the smell of blood from the other room was still making her hungry. She got up and climbed onto the sofa, curling up and burying her nose in a cushion.

J: J walked over to Kitty, she looked visibly shaken, and he put his hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly for comfort.

Lorna: "Did he touch anyone before he...died?" If he hadn't, unless Malice was feeling suicidal, they could rule that possibility out.

Kevin: He wasn't together anymore. The body... It'd happened again. He looked down at himself, then around the room he'd ended up in. Voices nearby... That meant more bodies... They'd make it better.

Tigra: She shook her head at Bobby's question, curling up tighter.

Kitty: Kitty gave J a grateful look and scooted over. "I don't think so.." she answered Lorna.

@Bobby: He looked at Adam. One of the new kids, but... well. "Okay, Adam, why don't you come with me. We'll just check it out."

Eddie: Eddie slid down the wall he was leaning on, sitting with a bump. Fear was all he could manage to feel. "Oh, God...", he whispered, holding his face in his hands.

Adam: Adam didn't want to open his eyes - he could feel it, sliding underneath his skin, making his hackles rise - and he nodded, opening them and keeping his gaze on the floor, hoping no one would notice his eyes. "O-okay." He stood up. He could feel everyone. Uuugh.

J: J took the seat and gave her a soft smile. "You ok?" He whispered softly, not wanting to interupt the others talking and making plans as he listened in.

Tigra: Tigra shut her eyes, battling the feral again. Since all her talking was done it wanted control back. For protection.

Eddie: Eddie peeked at Adam. That glow was the same as when they fought, wasn't it? "Adam....", he said to himself.

Kitty: Shaking her head, Kitty blinked. "I... I will be." She looked at J. "Sam's dead..."

Ronnie: Ronnie kept the table-leg across her knees, "W-what should we do now then?" she asked ... she really wanted a shower.

Tigra: As Adam passed her, the control slipped. The smell of blood was strong on him. She lifted her head, licking her lips again.

Ronnie: Lots of showers, long, hot showers with bleach and dettol.

Kevin: Forcing his form up, Kevin lurched forward. He stumbled across the room, ignoring whatever was dripping on him. He had to make it to the other room... They'd help him.

@Bobby: "J, why don't you come too - we might need somebody with med experience. Dee, why don't you see if you and these guys can get anybody up to help." He turned to head to the stairs. "Let's all be real careful."

J: J looked around the room, almost not registering what she said, "What?" He spotted Tigra, and saw her lick her lips, Oh no... <Tigra?... Are you alright?...>

Eddie: Eddie looked at Ronnie. Boy, he wanted her to hit him again and knock him out cold this time.

Tigra: She crawled off the sofa, crouching and watching Adam. Hungry....

Lorna: "We figure out what caused this." Lorna straightened up. "It might be a reaction to the Legacy cure, we might have been invaded. We can probably rule out Malice but considering the accent you brought up possession is pretty likely still. We stay together, we don't let anything touch us, and we keep an eye on one another."

Adam: Adam nodded at Eddie, not looking at him - the guy had seen his eyes after all. At least...this...this was okay...he felt hot but...but nothing was happening...he'd never held it this long. Shock, that was it. He followed the Coach, fidgeting with his gloves.

Ronnie: "Malice?"

Eddie: "Malice?", Eddie echoed. "What the fuck's a Malice?", he asked, sounding like his sentence was one word, it was so fast.

J: He patted Kitty's leg and then stood, nodding to Bobby before telling Kitty, "Be careful..." He started to follow Bobby out and stopped by Tigra, <Tigra... You do not need to feed now.... You need Greer in control... Can you do that for me?> He gave her a determined look, so much to do in no time at all.

Lorna: Lorna nodded. "Dr. McCoy has to be somewhere. He can contact Dr. McTaggert." She cleared her throat at the question. "I was possessed by her a while back."

Tigra: No breakfast... big bang... She blinked slowly, her vision focused on Adam.

Kevin: Almost there. So close. He reached out and hit the door as he fell forward again, bursting in to the room.

Ronnie: "Possessed?" normally the idea would make her skin crawl, but it was already crawling as much as possible.

Tigra: Her claws extended again as she turned around when something else came into the room. Loud sudden noise! Bad thing! She growled.

@Bobby: "Fucking hell!" Bobby stopped and eyed this .... person. "Okay, stop dude. Stop right there." He backed up and waved the others back a little too.

Eddie: Eddie blinked up at Lorna. "How the f-?", he began looking at Tigra's reaction to something and jumping up. "What is it, Tige-...Tigra!"

J: <We will get you breakfast soon, but please... Hold it together... This is not a good time for the feral.> He turned to leave and saw something crash through the door.

Adam: "A-all the blood it-" He cut off, freezing at the new arrival. "Nrrr?" He backed up a step, staring at him. Almost blankly he raised a hand, eyes flaring- no, no, back down.

Kevin: "H-help..." Kevin managed to mumbled, reaching out.

Lorna: "Jesus!" Lorna had not been prepared for that entrance at all, lifting off the ground and drawing a shield up. "Who are you?"

Adam: The reaching out made Adam back up another step, the hot feeling coming back.

Tigra: Tigra snarled at the movement towards them, swiping at the air between them in warning.

J: J took a cautionary step back and tried to reach out with his power, sending a bolt at the guy reaching towards them. <Who are you!>

Ronnie: Ronnie lept to her feet, holding the leg like a club, "The fuck!??"

@Bobby: Bobby unconsciously iced up. "We'll help you... if you tell us who you are. Where'd you come from?" He came from out of the fucking kitchen! What the fuck?!

Kitty: Kitty stood up and stared. I really should have slept in today...

Eddie: Eddie gulped deeply. "Alright, actually scared now; someone get him to speak?"

Adam: Adam hugged himself again, eyes still blood-red, chewing on a leather-clad finger. It was all the blood, that was why he couldn't stop feeling it all. Hell, he could even taste it.

Kevin: All the bodies. So many to choose from... And, they weren't nice like the last one. He lurched forward again, shaking his head, "J-jus' need help..."

Kitty: Phasing, Kitty quietly eased up to stand behind Bobby, looking at the... whatever it was - from around the Iceman. She shrieked as it came forwards.

Tigra: Tigra's ears twitched back and forth as she tried to work out what this new thing wanted. She snarled. Ears going back. Bad Thing! Blood smell.

Ronnie: The ... thing had barely any sort of human shape, a mass of coloured light that pulsed, empty holes for eyes and a mouth ... it looks like a child's clay model of a man …

Eddie: "D-darren? Or...'Cylon Lady'?", Eddie guessed. "C-can you just....like...back away?", he asked rather politely, doing so himself.

Ronnie: Ronnie back away, still holding her club up like she might actually be able to defend herself with it.

@Bobby: ".....that's not Darren, is it?" Now Bobby wasn't sure. He needed a bell.

Lorna: "God I hope not." Lorna muttered, stiffening her back. "And how do we help you, exactly?"

Tigra: Tigra kept up her low rumbling growl at the thing. BAD THING. she thought as loud as possible.

J: J took another step back, keeping his eyes glue on it. He sent out another bolt of power, seeing if he could overwhelm the... monster was the best term he could think of, and put it to sleep.

Adam: "Wh-who are you?" Adam backed off again, it had no blood so he couldn't do anything. "Wh-what do you want?" He slipped into Irish, his voice hoarser then usual.

Kitty: "I don't think so. Darren would stoop to this to make a joke..." Kitty whispered.

@Bobby: Yeah, well... Kitty didn't remember bee Darren, but still... Bobby frowned. "Just stay where you are and answer our questions. Then we'll try to help you."

Eddie: "'Help'? Are you kidding! It's a culprit!", Eddie raised his right fist, forming a scythe like blade. "Get it the fuck outta here!"

Lorna: "Stand down. We don't touch until we find out what is going on."

Tigra: BadthingbadthingBADTHING! Greer kept repeating the words over and over since the feral refused to let her have control over her vocal chords and wouldn't let her run the hell away either.

Eddie: "What's going on?", Eddie said, with a dry laugh. "Sam blew up and this guy remains; that's fucking 'culprit' material back in England!", he still lowered his hand, scared of what'd happen if this 'thing' got pissed.

J: J nodded as he picked up Tigra's thoughts, agreeing with her completely at the moment, his telepathic blasts not able to do a thing to the creature.

@Bobby: "Eddie... yeah, but not helping." He shot the student a glare.

Kitty: Still phased, Kitty eased out from around Bobby. "It's all right..." she said putting a hand out. "No one's going to hurt you... just... tell us who you are... how did you get here..."

Lorna: "We're well aware of what happened." Lorna flashed Eddie a warning look and decided that once training took up there would have to be some courses in situations like this put together.

Kevin: Kevin looked around again, setting his sight on one of the bodies. It would do for now. He forced himself forward, lunging for the lanky looking boy that was nearest to him.

Adam: Adam's eyes widened as the...thing shot for him. "No-no, no not-" He couldn't move fast enough though, even with his reflexes.

Tigra: Her claws were digging into the wooden floor beneath the carpet by this point. She snarled again at the movement of the creature.

Eddie: "Adam? Adam!", Eddie tried to warn him in time with a cry.

@Bobby: "Kitty, be careful..." Even phased, who knew what this guy could do. The lunge took him by surprise and Bobby's blast of ice missed its mark.

Ronnie: Ronnie shrieked as the thing moved suddenly and she pratically dove behind the sofa, still holding her improvised club.

Kitty: Kitty cried out as the 'thing' launched at Adam. "No!!" she spun around.

Adam: The thing shot into him, becoming him and there was no telling the difference between the two any more - they were completely melded.

Tigra: Tigra narrowed her eyes on Adam, now both blood smells were in the same place. She crouched low.
Lorna: "You'll stay back!" Lorna pushed her shield towards him too late

@Bobby: "Well.....fuck." Bobby needlessly told everybody to back away from Adam - they'd have to contain him now.

Tigra: OHCRAP! No! Get back in your box! RIGHT NOW! Greer pushed at the feral side of her consciousness but it wouldn't budge.

Kevin: Taking hold of the boy's arm, Kevin shot him what would be a smile as they fused together. This one wasn't bad. He looked down to the body's hand, experimentally flexing it.

Eddie: Eddie stepped back, re-forming his scythe. "Adam...Adam, don't you fucking explode..."

J: J watched helplessly as the creature sprinted towards Adam and they melded together, losing Adam's mind from the one's he could still sense.

Lorna: "What can you sense, J?" Lorna wasn't making any fast movements, trying to draw a shield between Adam and the others as she mentally gathered her retaliation.

Ronnie: Ronnie's frightened face appeared from behind the sofa, "No, don't explode, my nerves are shattered enough as it is."

Adam: Adam couldn't move. He could still feel and see and hear but he couldn't control where he was looking. The fuck?! What's happened - don't you be fucking up my clothes - oh god...you...you blew him up!

@Bobby: He exchanged glances with Lorna. First sign of blowing up, he could freeze him into unconsciousness... but he didn't want to hurt the new kid before he had to.

Tigra: Tigra took a slow and deliberate step towards Adam.

Lorna: "This isn't helping you, not if it's going to end the same way. We need to get you real help, let him go."

Kevin: Kevin grinned manically as the blades shot out, snickering. This was so much fun. Made him feel much better. He could hear the other voice in his head but paid it no attention as he swung his arm around.

J: "It is like... Static... I can hear him, but barely, and it is all distorted..." He told her as he tried harder to pry in to find out what he could from the creature.

Adam: Yes, please, I don't wanna die, do as the nice lady asks.

Eddie: Eddie looked at J, and then back at Adam. "Adam! Fight back if you can!", he encouraged his...well, 'friend'.

Tigra: Tigra growled at Adam, crouching lower as the blades came out. She swiped at him again - even though she was too far away to actually hit him.

Eddie: "Tigra! Knock it the fuck off! Don't hurt him!", Eddie shouted at the feral.

J: J took Eddie's words of encouragement and started to loop them in a mental broadcast aimed at the Adam-merged creature, "He is trying..." J was starting to get a slight headache as he worked through the feedback the static was causing.

Adam: Adam was terrified, and angry, and for once helpless about it - he couldn't reach anything. Fuck! And how the fuck am I supposed to do that, Eddie? Oh! I know! Mind-bullets! Except I'm not fucking telepathic! I hate telepaths!!

Kevin: He looked up from the blades at the woman that was talking to him, cocking his head to the side. End the same way...? He jumped back at the girl trying to swat him, smiling at how fast he was!

Eddie: Eddie looked at J with a panicked face. "Isn't there something, anything we can do?", he glanced back at Adam. This was gonna get complicated.

Tigra: Tigra moved forwards, her prey was moving now.

Ronnie: "Hit it with a stick?" Ronnie suggested from behind the sofa.

Ronnie: "A really big stick."

Tigra: Greer internally face-palmed at the feral. He's not LUNCH you idiot!

Adam: No, don't hit me - us - with a stick, it'll hurt! Adam did the mental equivilent of curl up in a corner and rock, unable to do anything. Please...please, Kevin, don't hurt me, please get out, I-I don't like this...

Lorna: "The only thing you're doing here is wasting a resource. It's pointless burning through bodies like this." In the kitchen drawers were opening and very sharp things were being gathered up.

J: J shook his head, "I don't know... I'm trying all I can..." He redoubled his efforts trying to break through to Adam, grimacing as he heard about hating telepaths.

Adam: I'm not burning up. I'm...actually, I'm not burning up. You're not gonna burn me up or set me on fire, right? I just can't DO anything!!

Tigra: Tigra licked her lips, circling her prey a little, watching it's movements.

Kevin: Bodies... Other bodies had to do different things... They'd be fun, too. He blinked at the green girl talking to him again, then down at the cat one eyeing him. There was so much going on...

Tigra: The circle got a little smaller. Greer gave up and sat back to watch.

Adam: Hey, you even fucking listening to me? Don't you dare go for anyone else! You stay right here. Please? No hurting anyone, it's not fun. See? Niiice body. Comfy body. Adam really did not want to blow up if the guy left, and he didn't want to see anyone else blow up either. Not today, anyway.

Lorna: "Who are you?" Keeping him distracted was good, Lorna was telling herself. She remembered at least when Malice was losing her focus she had a better chance of fighting for control.

Eddie: "Fuck's sake...", Eddie muttered, webbing Tigra's back and tugging her. "No! Fight! Adam!", he said, looking at Lorna.

Adam: ...Oh god, so if the guy left...did that mean he'd die? He wore bodies to destruction. Fuck. He tentively tried to 'push' against the invader.

Tigra: Tigra turned and snarled at Eddie. IDIOT! Greer screamed internally.

Adam: But then, if the guy stayed...the others would know where he was...and would be able to do something...right? Fuck! He didn't want anyone to get hurt!

@Bobby: Bobby watched, feeling fairly helpless until "Adam" made a move and he had to put him on ice.

Kevin: "Ye don' really want tae help," he ground out, standing up a bit straighter as he adjusted to the body. No one ever really wanted to help...

Adam: No - look - I'm helping you now. You're using my body. Fair trade, don't hurt anyone? Please?

Ronnie: God ... this place really was an insane asylum ... oh it speaks? Her head popped around the sofa again.

Kitty: Kitty stood, watching on feeling completely helpless.

Eddie: Eddie's hands remained on his web, looking at Adam's form but hearing something else. "Who th-...'energy guy'?"

Lorna: J? Are you having any luck telling Adam's thoughts from whoever this is? Lorna projected out to J, straightening up and firmly planting her feet on the ground. "You need help. If helping you will keep you from blowing us up I would call it a win win."

Kevin: "I got help," he looked down at the new body, "I feel better."

Lorna: "What's to stop this one from burning up?"

Tigra: Okay. No more. You had your fun. My turn now. Greer forced the Feral back through the gate in her mind and locked it. Stay. Good kitty. She retracted her claws, getting to her feet, pulling at the webbing stuck to her. She looked over at Adam, "You stink of blood."

J: <No... Yes... Some?... He is trying to bargain with it.... I think...> He was having to fight hard just to listen in, the static never letting up whatever he tried.

Adam: Yeah, tryin', but it's like...I'm not even here...

Lorna: Focus on the foreign thoughts, we're going to have to push them out. When you think you've got a good grip, tell me to go and then start pushing.

Kevin: Kevin opened the mouth to answer the question, then paused, "I don' know..." He considered the cat girl and sniffed, face twisting at all the smells.

J: J nodded and separated them out as best he could, Adam on one side inside his mind, curled up and fighting with the foreign mind taking up the rest of the space.

Adam: Adam didn't know whether to fight or keep the guy here. Odd thoughts and memories that weren't his were forced through his head and it would've made him sick, the feeling of being invaded and...he could only put it up to mental rape. Why do bodies burn up when you use 'em, Kevin? Oh god, he was terrified...

Ronnie: "Just so long as you don't hop into me," Ronnie muttered from behind the couch.

Eddie: Eddie looked at the possessed Adam and then at Tigra, pulling slightly on his web. "This way, 'pretty-kitty', please mind the beastie."

@Bobby: Bobby noticed J had that constipated look and realized there was some sort of telepathic battle royale going on.... he hated telepathy.

J: J got a firm grasp of where they each were and sent to Lorna, <Go!> He pushed himself, straining to push as much power as he could into seperating them and pushing the foreign mind out. <Help me Adam! Fight back!>

Tigra: Tigra blinked at Eddie, "I'm in control now, thank you." She muttered to him, "There is no need to keep me on a leash."

Adam: Fuck this shit. He could barely hear the other voice - Thought I told you to stay out of my fucking head!! He nearly laughed, before doing the mental equivilent of shoulderbarging the other personality. He had superstength, right, surely that meant something mentally? Don't fuckin' hurt anyone, remember! Please dont' let him blow up...

Kevin: "Nae!" he growled at the forced seperation.

Lorna: Knives and forkes and all matters of kitchen utensils came flying through the recroom door, sweeping past students heads towards their target. "Kitty, phase as many people as you're able to, everyone else stay back!"

Eddie: Nodding in reply, Eddie removed the web from Tigra's back, glancing back at the 'Jedi-mind-fight' that seemed to be happening. "Come on, J; kick his ass!"

Ronnie: "Argh! What's going on now!?" Ronnie yelped, ducking back down incase of exploding techno-goths.

Adam: Outoutoutoutoutoutgettouttamyhead! Gettouttamyhead!

Eddie: "O-or the...psychic equivalent...", Eddie corrected himself.

Kevin: He pushed back, trying to keep his hold on the body. He liked it. He didn't want to leave. It helped.

Tigra: Tigra ducked the flying cutlery, "What the fuck!?"

@Bobby: "It's cool guys - stay calm. That's Lorna. Just stay down." He thew up some ice shields for the students.

Adam: I don't care if you like it, it's mine, and I don't want to die! I want to help you, but not like this! You can't just take my body and expect me to like it!!

Kitty: Kitty grabbed hold of J, if this thing went after anyone, it would go after him. She stretched out her hands to the others. "Grab my hand!"

Eddie: Eddie crouched down behind a satalagmite of ice.

Lorna: We're going to need a healer ready to get in here. Lorna would have to apologize to the poor guy later if this worked but she was working under the assumption that causing the body pain was going to make it not exactly ideal.

J: J focused, pushing harder and harder till he could expend no more mental power. And then another voice in his head pushed as well, Come on kid.... More... He was un aware of his body or Kitty grabbing hold as he blasted harder still.

Eddie: "Hand, right!", Eddie realised Kitty had said something and reached for her hand also. To hell with getting impaled by cutlery.

Kevin: Kevin looked around at all the cutlery and backed away, flinching as his back hit the wall, "Ye cannae 'ave it. It's mine now!" It helped. He didn't want to give it up. It was his.

Ronnie: Ronnie didn't dare risk coming out from behind the sofa, luckily it was shoved up right against the wall …

Kitty: Kitty grabbed Eddie's hand and held tight watching the makeshift weapons fly at Adam.

Tigra: The feral rattled at the gate, scratching around the base of the fence in her mind.

Adam: Adam flinched at the incoming cutlery. Ruin my clothes and I'm gonna go spare... He pushed harder, but he'd never...ever done this before. Was it working? How did he tell? Not yours! Mine! Mine mine mine mine mine!! Oh hell, he was going to need a syringe...

Lorna: She tried pushing her shield through Adam, not sure what the make-up of whoever this was actually was but remembering how Malice was stuck because of her own magnetic field. She took a breath and let the cutlery and pans do their work.

Kevin: The body crumpled to the floor, curling up in the corner. It all hurt. Everything felt wrong. He gave up trying to keep hold of the body, feeling weak. "Not again," he muttered.

Adam: What a way to meet new people - have them beat up his body with kitchen gear. Adam whimpered mentally. Get out, please, please get out without blowing me up, okay?

J: J felt himself starting to win and gave another burst of power, trying to push the other mind from Adam's body. <GET OUT!!...> He staggered from the strain.

Adam: Then - suddenly - something gave and - "Ow! Ow ow ow stop with the beatings already, please?!" He could move his arms, and he did, shielding his head.

Kitty: Kitty watched as Adam crumpled to the floor and covered his head. "Guys?..." she gripped J's shoulder and Eddie's hand tighter.

J: "Adam is free...." He croaked horsely.

Eddie: Eddie looked up at Adam. Then at J. "You won?", he looked back at Adam. "Dude, that was fucking freaky."

Lorna: At J's all clear the cutlery dropped to the floor. "Sorry...I hope you still take my class."

Tigra: Tigra lifted her head, "It's over?"

Kevin: Kevin curled into the corner, his back to the others. They didn't help. Of course they didn't... No one did. They all left him...

Adam: He curled up tighter, sobbing, blood-tears running down his face, gloved hands clutching his head harder as he rocked. He was bleeding, but instinctively the blood stopped running and the wounds sealed, the bruising halting. Oh god, he felt too hot, too hot needed a syringe...

Kitty: "You ok?" she asked J, slipping her hands down a little hesitantly.

Lorna: "Now," Lorna's attention turned. "Who are you?"

@Bobby: "......so.... this leaves blob boy...." Bobby stepped closer to the shivering form. "Everybody stay the fuck back from it this time."

Eddie: Eddie looked over at the energy...thing cowering in the corner. "Yeah, 'the hell is this?", he added to Lorna's query, doing as Bobby had suggested.

Tigra: "Blood..." Tigra mumbled again, biting down on her lip.

Ronnie: Ronnie didn't need telling twice, she was perfectly happy cowering behind her nice big sofa thank you very much.

J: J leaned heavily into Kitty, barely able to stand from expending so much of his power. "Tired..." He noticed she was all but holding him up, "Thanks..."

Adam: A gloved hand dived into the pocket for the ever-present cigarette box with the smily face on, pulling out a thin syringe with his tranqs in, sleeve going up and needle uncapped and sliding in. Half a minute later and he was relaxed enough to slump against the wall, still gulping in air.

Kitty: Kitty smiled. "No problem, J. Here, why don't you sit down?" She led him over to the love seat. "How's Adam?" she asked to the group.

Eddie: Eddie looked over at Adam, creeping carefully over to him and checking him. "He's ok...tranquilized himself to stop the...you know...", he made an explosion sound with hand gestures included. "Still breathing though, Kit-kat."

Kevin: He glanced over his shoulder at all the people hovering over him. If he could make another jump, he'd be okay. It'd all be better. He felt so weak though... "I...I," he started, not sure what to say. Who was he? That was easy. He knew his name. "...Kevin."

Lorna: "Kevin, we're not going to let you use us. If you want help you're going to have to find another way."

J: He landed heavily on the cushion and leaned back againt the seat, trying to keep his eyes on the other body. Kevin. I need to find a way to recharge... He thought, wary of being depleted while there was still a possible threat around.

Adam: Adam put the empty syringe away and dropped the box, sitting with his back to the wall, head on his knees as he concentrated on breathing. Everything hurt. "H-he killed S-Sam...a-and Sammy d-downstairs...d-don't think...he d-didn't mean it..." He slurred.

Kitty: "We should get him to the medlab... if there's one still left..." Kitty said in afterthought. "J too."

@Bobby: "....where did you come from? You didn't drop in from the sky? How did you get in Sam?" It sounded way wrong to even say that.

Tigra: Tigra edged forwards again, sniffing a little at the other people in the room and trying to filter out the smell of blood. Her ears turned to Adam.

Adam: "N-no. Blood. Too much blood. S-Sammy w-was down there."

@Bobby: Bobby looked over at Adam, frowning. "Sammy..."

Eddie: Eddie heard Adam and tried to make sense of it. "He...what, that thing didn't mean for him to die?"

Tigra: "I need... um... gonna... water..." She backed towards the door to the hallway. The kitchen was just full off the smell she was trying to ignore. "Anyone else?"

Adam: Adam looked up, eyes unfocused and still red, the colour swirling. "Mmmhm. I...his...when he...d-did the..." He gagged slightly, stomach lurching. "I-I could...see it...i-it isn't clear now b-but..."

J: J tried to raise his hand at Tigra's question, "I would like some... Please..."

Kevin: All the questions. All the people talking. He couldn't focus. What had he done? "I-I... dinnae mean to. It just h-happens..." Kevin babbled, not even sure they were listening, "Need another..."

@Bobby: "Oh, hell no." Bobby turned back to this Kevin. "That's not going to happen."

Eddie: Eddie nodded, placing his hand on Adam's shoulder. "Yeah, I understand it...rest, Adam. You did fucking awesome...", he looked at 'Kevin' or whatever the hell it was calling itself. "No, you need to back the fuck off while we decide if killing ourselves is worth you living!"

Ronnie: Curiosity won over and a single eye and the tip of the club peered around the side of the sofa to watch.

Tigra: Tigra nodded at J, backing out into the hall then running for the bathroom to wash her face with cold water so that she could face the kitchen to fetch glasses.

Adam: "Get o-off me, fag." Adam slurred, though there was no venom as he let his head drop to his knees again.

Eddie: Eddie pushed Adam slightly; good to see his winning personality was alright(!)

Lorna: "If you try it's going to go the same way." Lorna warned him coldly despite feeling for the guy if he didn't mean for this to happen.

Kevin: He ignored the voices, still talking to himself, as he slowly uncurled and made his way to his feet. Kevin shook what would be hair out of his face and looked around again. The green girl. She'd work. Her powers looked fun. He tried another leap.

Tigra: Tigra stepped back in from the kitchen, carrying two glasses of water and licking... something, off the fur on her arm.

@Bobby: "Look, we don't want to hurt you if this was all some kind of terrible mis- oh, fuck no!" He aimed a blast of ice at Kevin.

Kitty: "Look out!!" Kitty yelled at Kevin lunged towards Lorna.

Lorna: "Shit!" Lorna shoved all the force she could at her shield, getting the knives ready to attack her if it wasn't enough.

Adam: Adam's head jerked up, his head swimming. "Oh fuck no!" His voice was panicked as he lurched to his feet, blurring into movement to try and barge Lorna out of the way.

Eddie: Eddie stood up, standing between Adam and Kevin. "Fuck right off, son!", he shouted, armouring himself in his Venom guise, futile as it would be as a means of defense.

Tigra: Tigra blinked at the movement as the door swung closed behind her, "What did I miss?"

Kevin: Kevin hit something and just stared blankly at her for a few seconds, not fully understanding why he couldn't reach. He slumped to a side and started to stumble toward all the people. He'd be lucky and snatch a body, or he'd make it out and he could find another. Hopefully.

Ronnie: Ronnie just settled for ducking back behind the sofa and pretending she wasn't there.

Tigra: She walked over to J and held out the glass, checking her arm to make sure she'd got all the suspicious stains off as she did so.

@Bobby: Thanking God Lorna had her shields up, Bobby tried again, but ice didn't seem to affect whatever this Kevin was made of. "Everybody get out of the road!"

Adam: Adam ended up tripping and blurring into a heap on the carpet. Fuck, speed on sedatives didn't work. He looked up as Kevin was blocked, staring up at the thing that had mind-raped him.

J: J took the glass, drinking it down in one long gulp as he watched the rest of students and faculty face off with 'Kevin'. There was nothing he could at the moment untill he recovered enough to use his power again.

Kevin: He looked to Adam as he made his way through the room, reaching out for anything that'd hold him up. Had to get out of here. Wouldn't help him anymore...

Eddie: Eddie stood, combat ready, watching Kevin move. "What, would webbing work?", he asked Lorna. Dumb question, if Ice hadn't have.

Tigra: Tigra frowned, sipping her water, "Where are you from, Kevin?"

Adam: "Don't let him touch you...h-he's not a b-bad guy but he..." Adam shook his head as Kevin looked over to him. "Blew your chance for help from me, sunshine. If you'd asked first..."

Adam: ...He'd still have said no, but still.

Lorna: Lorna took a deep breath, straightening up again and making sure to extend her shield.

Adam: Adam pulled himself up, swaying and stumbling, blurring occasionally. Hurt...and he wanted to sleep...and he wanted Bit and maybe a tin hat and a nice, quiet, dark room somewhere and a really, really hot shower...

Kevin: Ignoring all the voices, he focused on how much he wanted to get out of the place, the energy slowly dissipating as he continued toward the doorway.

@Bobby: Bobby's mouth fell open as Kevin faded as he crossed the room. "Oh, what fresh fucking hell is this? Invisible?"

Ronnie: "Is it gone yet!?" Ronnie demanded from behind her sofa.

Tigra: "Well fine, ignore me.... that's rude..." she sipped her drink again, noticing a spot she'd missed on her other arm. She licked it off.

Eddie: Eddie heard Ronnie. "Sure as fuck hope he's going...", he said, still watching Kevin.

Lorna: "...well hell. Teleportation?" Lorna hoped he wasn't lurking and waiting for her to put down shields on someone.

J: J sent out a small ripple of power, a trickle really, all he could scrounge up atm, "I can not sense him.... And the static is clear as well... I believe he is gone."

Adam: Adam watched him disappate, the adreneline suddenly crashing as the sedatives did their job. He started to shake, what little colour he had to begin with suddenly draining. He doubled over, dry-heaving as his stomach lurched, tasting blood and bile, arms wrapped around his middle.

@Bobby: "Gone-gone?" Bobby tried his thermal vision, but it was useless too.

Tigra: Tigra looked over at Adam, "Uh.... he's not well...." she pointed.

Lorna: "I'm not getting anything...and we need to get you downstairs...and someone to take care of...Sam."

Tigra: Tigra turned her head quickly towards Lorna. "I'lldoit!"

@Bobby: "Yeah.... not the medlab, let's go to the DR. Get some help..." Bobby looked at the feral girl. "No... I'll take care of Sam..."

Eddie: Eddie's eyes fell on Adam. "Ah, shit...medic?", he said, retracting any armour and going down to see if Adam was ok. Whether he liked it or not.

Tigra: Busted! "Okay, if you're sure...."

Adam: Adam shook his head, back of a shaking gloved hand over his mouth as he swallowed heavily. "I-I'm f-fine..." No I'm not...oh god...I just...did that...that just happened...

Eddie: "Shut up, jackass. Just breathe as calmly as you can manage.", Eddie commanded, turning the shivering goth onto his back and cradling his head. "Try and calm down, Adam."

Eddie: Eddie looked over his shoulder. "Hey, what happens when people do this? I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing!"

Lorna: "I'm...really sorry about the knives." Lorna gave Adam an awkward apology. "Get him downstairs, I'm calling Dr. McCoy." She went for her phone, glad it was in her pants and made her way over to Bobby.

Tigra: "Should keep him warm...." Tigra put in, "If it's shock..."

Adam: "Get. Off. Me." It came out weaker then he meant it to but he leant against Eddie for support, before waving to Lorna vaguely. "'S okay...other mutation...I didn't mention it..." He was shaking violently.

Ronnie: "I'm going to have a shower, I take it classes are cancelled today professors?" Ronnie said, finally emerging from behind her sofa.

Eddie: Eddie nodded, lifting Adam. "Trying to save your life at the moment, shush...", he muttered. Ungrateful to a fault; a worthy opponent.

Adam: "Stop bein' s-so me-melodramatic, fag." Adam pushed off Eddie. "Can walk. Not inna strai' line, but can walk."

@Bobby: "Oh yeah. Definitely no classes..." Bobby was still poking around the corners of the rec room, just makign sure, before he went into the kitchen.

Tigra: Tigra wanted to run. But maybe he wouldn't notice.

Eddie: Eddie shrugged, leaving Adam to do his thing. "Be my fucking guest, then.", he smiled, "Catholic bitch..."

Ronnie: "Right ... I'll ... I'll bid you all good day then ..." Ronnie said, making her way out of the room, stiff backed and still holding up her club.

Adam: "Mmmnn. J-jus' wait until I wake up...where'm I goin', man with ice?" Adam swallowed heavily again, but there was nothing else to bring up, swaying on his feet.

Tigra: Tigra chewed her lip, "Um.... can I help... somehow?"

Adam: "Oh wait. He went." Adam rubbed his head.

Eddie: Eddie walked into the Rec Room again, sitting down on the sofa and holding his head again. He took a few deep breaths.

@Bobby: "Why don't you guys all go to the DR. It's been a long morning... it's safer there." In theory.

Eddie: Eddie looked over his shoulder at Bobby. A DR vacation was for certain better than just about anything he was thinking. "Y-yeah...simulate somewhere quiet and...", he looked into the kitchen. "Devoid of death."

Adam: "Sure." Adam carefully made his way out of the rec room, arm folded over his middle and the other one keeping a shaking hand over his mouth to block out the smells, eyes still red and unfocused as he half-staggered, half-blurred out.

Kitty: KItty nodded at Bobby and started to head down. "Need a hand, J?" she asked.

J: J nodded, "Yes please..." He struggled to his feat and let Kitty help him walk.

Tigra: "Okay... um... actually.... think I'm gonna go... outside... for a run..." Dammit Tigra. After all this, how can you still have an appetite?!

Eddie: With a stretch, Eddie crept away too, hunched over. "Bye...", he muttered to Tigra, retreating from the atmosphere surrounding the rooms of the ground floor.

Kitty: "What about the other students?" Kitty asked as she put an arm around J to steady him.

@Bobby: "Well, I'm hesitant to announce over the PA that everybody go to the DR in case our buddy is still around..." He sighed, staring at the kitchen door. "We'll have to door knock. But Adam and J need help first -- we'll get 'em."

J: J's arm wrapped around Kitty as well and he leaned against her, smelling her hair, a voice in the back of his head, Ohh... Nice... Soft... You could do worse...

Lorna: "We should put the alarm on." Lorna realized, wincing that it only occurred to her now.

Kitty: "Come on J," she smiled at him. "You heard Coach."

@Bobby: "God... we suck." He laughed. "We're all in shock, I guess. Let's wake up one of the telepaths or Pietro -- put them to work getting everybody together."

Tigra: "I have time for a run right? Nervous energy..." Stop lying!

@Bobby: "This probably isn't a good time for any of you guys to wander off alone."

@Bobby: Hell, he didn't want to go off alone... but responsible adult, right?

Tigra: "But..." Just say it! "Uh... the blood made me hungry.... can I get some food?"

[Edited on 20-6-2010 by Slarti]
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6/19 Game: Cannonballism

Post by Slarti »

@Bobby: Ew. Bobby hid his reaction and just blinked at her for a moment. "Okay... you can come with me and get something, then go join the others. Dee, how about you go wake up a 'path -- keep your shields up. We'll all meet back up in the DR."

Lorna: Lorna tried not to look thoroughly disgusted and swallowed down the 'that blood is our friend' that wanted to come out. "Yeah, if I'm waking Monet up I'll need shields anyway." She stepped out, trying to stay in business-mode for just a bit longer.

Tigra: Tigra nodded, "Okay... sorry...." she mumbled.

Kitty: Kitty edged herself and J over closed to Lorna and waited for the group to move. "Funny thing - used to be the DR was the last place I'd want to go. That place tried to kill me twice," she tried to joke.

Adam: By the time everyone got to the DR, Adam was already mostly unconscious in the corner, a simulated version of Bit curled in his ungloved hands, barely registering anything as the drugs worked to keep him calm.

Eddie: Eddie simply slumped against the wall, head in his hands again. Christ. Life didn't ever get easier.
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6/19 Game: Cannonballism

Post by Esynthia »


Remy: he feels lust for everyone
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