08/30 Instance: A Night in the Park

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
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08/30 Instance: A Night in the Park

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: Current.

Teagan: "Okay, so I'm not out to scare kids. But man is it fun to scew with people." Teagan said as she hid in the bushes with Rachel. She pointed to the dog that the woman had left off his leash to roam free and do his thing, free of her vision and therefore her responsibility in doing something about it.

Teagan: Teagan winked to Rachel and dislocated her arm with a tug. Then with another swift pull, she was able to yank it off. Throwing it into the woods she whistled and the dog ran right to it, sniffing it suspiciously. "This is where it gets awesome..."

rachel: Rachel leaned against the small-ish tree that was next to her and made a face at the arm popping off, glancing between it and the dog. "Well, just make sure we don't get caught because I'm not paying that close attention, and it'd be really bad to give someone a heart attack..."

Teagan: There was a shriek as the basset hound happily brought Teagan's arm to his owner. "Oh my GOD! Clayton put that down! Oh my God!" Picking the dog up the woman covered her mouth and ran off. "Officer!" she shouted. Moon snorted and ran out, grabbing her arm from the cement path. "Quick! Run for the playground!" She darted past Rachel who barely had time to look up.

rachel: She groaned and pushed herself off the ground as quickly as she could to follow Moon. "Y'know...we don't really fit in with all the little kids..." she glanced around, suddenly feeling the urge to keep an eye on her ankles or something in case they decided to attack.

Teagan: Moon turned to Rachel as she ran. "Are you serious?" She asked. "It's ten o'clock at night, the only people who will be there would be"- teenagers. And there they were, a whole group of them, sitting around the jungle gym, smoking cigarettes, listening to their ipods, and looking miserable.

Teagan: Teagan suddenly wore a sneer as she turned to Rachel. "Y'know what I'm thinking? That we should scare the bloody blue hell out of these punk kids."

rachel: "Pffft," Rachel rolled her eyes, "Whatever. They're at least five or six years younger than me."

rachel: She eyed the group for a moment and ran a hand through her hair, moving to sit on one of the swings. "It wouldn't be all that hard to scare them, I don't think..."

Teagan: Teagan shrugged. "You said you wouldn't mind seeing what I did at night, well this is it." She stiffened her back and held out her arm to Rachel. "Gimme a yank would you?" She asked.

Teagan: With her other hand she pulled her hair until her neck twisted a little to the side. Then she pulled her eye out and put it in her coat pocket.

rachel: Rachel raised an eyebrow, "I'm not yanking your arm off. That's like Liz or someone asking me to punch them in the face. Plus, it kinda even creeps me out."

Teagan: "You're no fun." Teagan frowned. Smacking her arm against a tree a few times it bent in a way that looked.. well unhealthy. Grinning she waggled her eyebrows as her right eye looked at Rachel. "You ready?" Running out of the woods she roared and gurgled and walked in quite an uneven line.

Teagan: Instead of zombie-like, from the behind at least, she looked quite frankly drunk or as if she had been just hit by a car and lost her bearings. The kids however, didn't see this. While she was talking to Rachel, the two Park rangers had already chased the kids off. They now stood and stared at Teagan, with both horror and confusion. "Oh, shit." she said.

Teagan: Hustling off back into the woods, with a hobble and, thanks to only one eye, a strange swagger that had her zig-zagging, she repeatedly whispered. "oh, shit, oh, shit."

rachel: Her other eyebrow raised as Moon burst back through the bushes. "Well, the wasn't as exciting as I thought it'd be. I expected to hear screaming."

Teagan: Teagan giggled and snorted. She didn't stop though. Cranking her neck back into place and shoving her arm back in, she held her eye out and poked that in as well. "Honestly, I didn't expect the cops to be there. C'mon, we should go before they decided they want to now what I was." She grabbed Rachel's hand and took her to the next location.

Teagan: It was in the middle of the park, which was a vast and seemingly endless field, that she took her. Once they got to what she deemed to be the most center point of the field, she laid down on the grass and looked up at the stars. "Lay down here, and look at the stars with me for a bit. They're really cool." she held her finger out and pointed to the bright twinkling lights in the inky black void.

rachel: She let herself be dragged and sat down, pulling her knees to her chest as she glanced at the sky. "They're okay. Not all that bright at home, so never really paid attention."

Teagan: Teagan sighed as she took in Rachel's words. "See that one there?" Her fingers pointed up and traced a few stars in a crooked line. "That one there is called Lynx." She took Rachels hand, pulled out her finger and had her trace it the same way she had. "See it? Apparently people pictured a lynx there... I see a snake. Or a river. Whatever."

Teagan: Realizing she was holding Rachel's hand, and the awkard look Rachel was giving her, and the constellation, she dropped it and looked away. "Sorry..."

rachel: "It's cool. ...No pun intended," she shifted so she could stuff her hands in her pockets, chewing on her lip. Only slightly awkward. Suck it up and follow Cess' advice. Just tell her.

Teagan: "I didn't mean to blurt out... and come off that strong to you the other day...I just... wanted you to know I thought you were cute... that's all. I don't think anything will happen...." Hell, it'd be nice. But I know it won't.

Teagan: Teagan looked quickly to Rachel. "I know you love Josh. I know that."

rachel: Rachel blew out a breath and tried to think of what to say. "Don't want to sound horrible or anything, but nothing will happen. Doesn't bother me so much that you told me. I mean, it was an improvement. Cess kissed me, which ended in disaster," she shrugged. "I'm not really into girls. At all. And yeah, Josh..."

Teagan: Teagan winced at the "not really into girls." How she had not picked up on that was just stupid. But she was right, at least she hadn't kissed her. "Well... as long as we're still friends."

rachel: Great. Now she felt bad for avoiding Josh and upsetting Moon. "Yeah, of course. Cess and I are still like best friends," she gave a weak smile.

Teagan: "Good." Teagan felt better already. "That's good to know." She turned her head back to the starry night and imagined she was looking into Selene's eyes. The vast, huge, and empty blackness that had pulled her in when she first looked was now before her as the night sky.

Teagan: "Rachel... if you could change one thing about XU, what would it be?" She asked.

rachel: "No clue. I like it how it is. Though...I could go without Farouk..."

Teagan: Laughing, and unaware of the actual history, she shook her head. "I think.... I think I'd make it public. I'd have this little squadron of Go-Rangers you guys have as a separate entity... and I'd just open the school, develop it into a campus, and teach mutant/human rights and general togetherness. Then I'd charge the hell out of them to come here." She snorted.

rachel: "Not a bad idea, but I kinda like the free thing. I wouldn't be able to get into any other college..."

Teagan: Moon whacked Rachel teasingly. "Obviously everyone who was here before it went public would remain free. Grandfather laws girl, keep up." She put her hands under her head and closed her eyes. Black. Opening them it was still black, but at least it was dotted. "You wanna go back?"

rachel: Rachel fell onto her side as she tried to avoid the smack, "Only around for another year unless I fail miserably. Well...guess Josh has another year after I finish, too." She chewed on her lip, "I don't care, but I'm kinda tired of sitting here. We should go do something...like...break things. ...Not bones."

Teagan: Teagan sighed as Rachel squashed her hopes. Standing up and helping Rachel do the same she looked around. "Okay... well... I suppose we can-" She froze. Her eyes widened and she stood very, very still. "Okay... let's go. There's a whole bunch of dead voices in my head right now, and-" She grabbed her head and dropped to her knees.

Teagan: "Gah! Go away!"

rachel: "Shit," she muttered under her breath, biting down on her lip as she tried to decide what to do. She was definitely not the person to be dealing with this.

Teagan: "They.... want things...Ahhie!! No!" She shrieked. "Go away!" She pounded her fists on the grass. "I don't want to help you, I don't know you!"

rachel: Oh, fuck. What the hell was she supposed to do? "Shit," she repeated, struggling to think of something else to say or do. "Moon...?" That kinda worked...

Teagan: Teagan looked up at her, but more into her eyes than at her face. Shaking her head, the voices seemed to drift off, as if being carried away with the wind. Soon they turned to whispers and she was, once again, left to her thoughts. "God damn them..." She spat. "I'm sorry... they just.... hit me, sometimes. They ask me to do stuff, it's weird." She shook her head again, shaking out the last of the whispers that were trying again.

Teagan: "I hope I didn't freak you out, it helps when someone talks to me. Thank you."

rachel: "No problem. I'll try and remember that if it happens again," she chewed on her lip, "So, ready to go?"

Teagan: "Very ready. Let's get the hell out of here." The two of them started trudging through the long, tall, grass and under the light of the stars and the moon, Teagan felt, more than ever, like she was okay with just being friends with Rachel. "You sure I can't get Ben drunk?" She teased.

rachel: "Positive. I'd have to kick his ass, and I always fail...except for like...once," Rachel rolled her eyes. "I could always get drunk though..."

Teagan: "Sounds like a plan." Teagan agreed. "And I'll make sure you don't hurt yourself. Or others." She smiled at Rachel tin a way that would show that she meant it. "And whaddya mean you always fail? You're freaking telepath? He's a hopped up little spider-boy, whoop his ass girl!"

rachel: "Should be fine, I think. Things start shaking or whatever, time to leave and cut me off." She smirked, "You haven't figured out I always fail yet? And, being a telepath sucks a lot of the time. It occasionally has a decent use, I guess."

Teagan: "You don't fail. You rock. Hardcore. And as for being a telepath, at leas you're not like... a dead-o-path. The voices your hearing are at least real." She turned to her raising an eyebrow. "They are real right? You don't have anyone saying 'Rachel drive a car and kill this person!' or anything like that?"

rachel: "I tend to have one saying 'Rachel, you're an idiot' but that tends to just be me," she shrugged.

Teagan: Teagan lightly pushed Rachel in the shoulder. "You're not an idiot. You're awesome. That voice should shut the fuck up, 'cuz it doesn't know what it's talking about. I bet Josh would agree."

rachel: "Of course Josh would agree, but he doesn't count. He's biased," Rachel gave a small shove back.

Teagan: "Well I just so happen to think that maybe his bias is what counts most." She said. "Don't cut his opinion out, it's an important one."

rachel: "For important things he counts, but me being an idiot is debatable and doesn't really matter."

Teagan: "You're not an idiot." Teagan said. "You're just feeling down about yourself. What you need, is something to happen, something for you to feel good about yourself again."

Teagan: "You need to feel either needed, or wanted, or something."

rachel: She rolled her eyes again, "Yeah, right."

Teagan: "Seriously, you just need to help out a dying person or something." Teagan stopped on the sidewalk and turned to her. "Not me, 'course."

rachel: "I don't really want to see anyone dying..."

Teagan: "Rachel, hun. You watched me fall three stories. And I'm pretty sure some other terrible stuff." She looked at the cars that drove by quickly on the street. She was tempted, but she decided to hold back.

rachel: "I actually didn't watch. I saw you jump, and that was it. Depends on what you call terrible," she shrugged.

Teagan: "Terrible?" Teagan eyed the cars again. "Okay, look, I'm getting really tempted here to jump into the cars. Change the subject. How're you sleeping lately?"

rachel: She sighed, "Slightly better...I guess..."

Teagan: "Good." Teagan said nodding. "Let's get back so you can get some more."

rachel: "Fine..." Rachel huffed, though she wasn't really planning on sleeping.

Teagan: "Don't you huff and puff at me young lady. I'll leave my head in your room to make sure you go to sleep, so help me God, I will!"

rachel: "oh, don't start. If you do, you're pretty useless with a blanket over your head."

Teagan: "I can still bitch and yell. I make a helluv an alarm clock!" she added with a wink.

rachel: "Who says I'd be in my room?" she smirked back.

Teagan: "Oh, smart ass now are we? Well don't you worry, I don't sleep. I'll check each room to make sure your asleep. Or I'll have Ben stinger you to sleep."

rachel: "I'll just have use your advice from earlier about kicking Ben's ass. Plus, it wouldn't be too hard to find me. If I'm not in my room, I'm in Josh's most of the time..."

Teagan: "You're going to be asleep that's where you're going to be." She said as they turned the corner to the mansion. "Now go get some."
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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