4/3 Instance: Covergirl

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
Location: Germany

4/3 Instance: Covergirl

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: Current.

Cessily: Cessily took a long, judging look across the scene the Danger Room had created. It seemed as if everything that was needed for a fully equipped photo studio was in place. So far, so good. Of course, a virtual camera wouldn't do, so Cessily stepped into the middle of the room to begin to assemble her tripod.

Tessa: Tessa stepped through the door cautiously, holding a spare patterned shirt in the hand onder her belly. She was nearly due, but she'd thought about having Cessioly take some pictures, to serve as both a reaminder and a pretty bit of art; Cess took some really good shots. "Hey, you're all set up already."

Cessily: "Oh, hey there." Cessily looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Yeah, I wanted to get the boring preparations out of the way, so we can get started right away." She opened her bag to take out the camera and carefully fixed it on top of the tripod. "I've come to really appreciate the DR as a photo studio."

Cessily: "Sure, you need to do a little programming first, but in the end you always get the perfect lighting and can create any scenery you like." She turned again, grinning at Tessa. "I think this shoot is a wonderful idea."

Tessa: Tessa smiled. "I thought it might be good art, to have some of your shots up in our room. Or to wherever we end up moving to, if we do." Tess took a seat on a chair to the side, smiling. "I didn't know if you wanted me to wear something different for the shoot," she said slowly.

Cessily: Cessily made some last adjustments to the camera and ensured that everything was lined up correctly. "Well, you can wear whatever you like, really." She said, peeking over the top of her camera. "I can give some suggestions, but generally this is about how you would like to present yourself. So, anything is possible."

Cessily: She took a step to the side to get a better look. "However, since you wanted to take these picture before the baby is born, I'd say it would work best if we accentuated your belly. So, you might want to avoid loose clothing."

Tessa: "Yeah..." Tessa nodded, deciding to stay in the tee shirt she was already in. It was one of her older ones, so it fit rather snugly around her belly and breasts, but she didn't mind. "I'm nervous about actually having her, now that I'm so used to beign pregnant, and her kicking." She rubbed her stomach slowly, a little concerned look flitting over her face.

Cessily: "If you ask me, I'd say that's only normal." Cessily replied. "I'd be terribly nervous in your place, as well. I guess that's just part of the experience." She smiled. "But you don't have to actually worry. After all, there are tons of people around to help you out." Chuckling, Cessily shrugged. "Besides, won't it be great when you fit into all your old clothes again?"

Tessa: "Yeah, it will. I'll be so glad not to have this big...thing in front of me. And actually be able to eat something again." Tessa smoothed her clothes over her stomach nervously. "It's almost due date, just a few days now. But there hasn't been anythign happening....no kicking or anything. It worries me."

Cessily: Cessily stepped over to where Tessa sat and gave her a comforting smile. "Don't be worried." She said. "I'm absolutely sure that Dr. McCoy will have everything cared for and under control. I know it's not like I can speak from experience here, but I'm certain that it'll go just fine. You'll see."

Tessa: "I know, and I trust McCoy, with everything aobut the baby. It just makes me nervous." She stood, though, and moved over the little stool Cesily had set up to shoot around. "I wonder if nude ones would turn out nice or not... I've seen some on the net and they've looked interesting." She smiled up at Cessily. "For now I guess we'll just do fully clothed ones."

Cessily: Cessily gave Tessa a quick grin. "Ooh, I bet that those would turn out wonderful. I've seen a lot of really well done artful nude pictures of pregnant women. If you were up for trying that, I'd love to do it." She followed Tessa and made sure she was properly aligned towards the camera and checked the lighting again.

Cessily: "Tell you what: We start with a couple of regular ones and see how comfortable you feel about them." Cessily reached out to move Tessa's hair around until she was satisfied with how it fell. "Hmm, that looks good, I'd say."

Tessa: "You take such good pictures. I'm glad you agreed to do this shoot with me." Tessa smiled towards the camera for the first shot, calming her nerves about the pregnancy coming to an end.

Cessily: "Oh, you know me. I'd never say no to the chance of taking some pictures." Cessily positioned herself behind the camera. "Alright. Let's start by taking some casual ones to warm up. Just relax and be yourself. Don't worry about how they might turn out. I have enough memory in this thing to take thousands of pictures."

Tessa: "I'd expect that of you, though. You're usually so prepared for everything." Tessa relaxed mroe as the pictures were snapped, surprisingly alright with being so near birth. It just felt...awkward, that she kenw she was so close, and yet nothing had happened much.

Cessily: Cessily laughed and pressed the trigger a couple of times. She waited a couple of seconds until the pictures she had taken were loaded into her laptop, then inspected the results. "Thank you." She said. "I try to get as much routine into it as possible. After all, I want to do this professionally sometime."

Cessily: "Looks really good so far." She nodded at Tessa. "So, let's bring in same variation, shall we? Just move around a little and try some different expressions. Some serious ones, some smiles, and so on. Yes?"

Tessa: "Alright. I think I can do serious..." Tess shook her head to get her hair out of her eyes, looking at the camera with what she hoped was a neutral expression. "I know I'm going to ask you for the baby pictures...once she's old enough."

Cessily: Cessily tilted her head to the side, so that she could grin at Tessa past the camera. "I'd feel hurt if you wouldn't ask me to take some." She said. "Ah, yes, that's really nice." Cessily pressed the trigger a few more times, then flipped a switch and took the camera off the tripod to take some picture out of some different angles.

Cessily: "We should try some different backgrounds later, too." She said.

Tessa: "Maybe we could do a window like in the mansion... So it would look like we took it in the rec room, maybe." She smiled at Cess behind the camera, caught between wishing she could remember whatever they'd had, and not; she had the baby to care for, too.

Cessily: "Ooh, that's a lovely idea. I'm sure it would stunning." Cessily walked over to the control panel and went through the list of available background. Fortunately, everything from around the mansion was saved in the database for training purposes. She loaded up the wall of the rec room. "There, let's see how that comes out."

Cessily: Turning around, she nodded appreciatively at the changing scenery. "Let me arrange the light so that it comes from behind the window front, and you can sit in front." She walked past Tessa in order to move one of the lights. "If you're up for it, we could also try this one with less clothing."

Tessa: "That would be really pretty," Tess agreed, looking down at her stomach. "I hope I don't need any help getting out of these clothes, or back into them..." That had become one of the bigger problems of pregnancy. She needed help for so much.

Cessily: Cessily waved at Tessa and chuckled. "Oh, no worries. Tell me if you need a hand with anything." She paced around the part of the wall, watching closely that the light fell in a way she was content with. "I think I wanna take some in black and white, as well. That would look wonderful."

Tessa: "Oh, that would be good..." Tessa carefully shed the clothes she was wearing, reseating herself on the little stool with her back to the window, one arm over her breasts. "I'm always happy to be your model."

Cessily: Cessily gave Tessa a smile. "Thanks. That's nice to hear." She said, nodding. "I always enjoy taking pictures of you. You're really pretty." Dropping to one knee, Cessily raised the camera and took a row of pictures. "Oh yes, I already feel that these are gonna come out wonderful. Turn your head a little more to the side. Yes, just like this."

Tessa: Tessa smiled gently, looking down as she rested her hand cupped undernearth her belly. "I hope this is a good decision, keeping the baby..." she sighed to herself lightly. "It's been a long few months."

Cessily: Cessily paused between taking pictures and gave Tessa a smile. It may have looked a little helpless perhaps. "I'm sure it is." She said. "After all, you're not alone. The baby will have many aunts and uncles at Xavier's." She chuckled. "Perhaps someone should think about opening a daycare at the school."

Tessa: "Perhaps. I get the feeling we'll be taking full advantage of everyone here." The little smile she had showed through, shaking her head amusedly. "She's going to like her Auntie Cess taking pictures, I hope."

Cessily: "I hope so, too. And if not, I can be patient." Cessily returned the smile and chuckled. She slowly circled Tessa, taking several pictures. "Who knows? If she'll have her mother's looks, she might decide to become a model when she's grown up."

Tessa: "I hope she doesn't have her father's driving skills..." She shook her head with a light smile. "I'm nervous about bringing her back here, though. What if we have another invasion like the last ones? With a newborn..." she was letting the worry get to her, about the baby, and everything else.

Cessily: Cessily was silent for a minute, just taking some pictures. "It's a dangerous for mutants, no matter where they live." She said. Cessily found her thoughts drawn back to the massacre in the sewers, but didn't want to mention it. "I wish it weren't so, but that's how things are, sadly. I still think the best thing we can do is stick together and protect each other."

Tessa: "I know...I hope everything settles down for a while. At least until all of us have gotten settled." She drew in a quick breath at one particularly hard kick, as if the baby were saying 'enough worrying!'.

Cessily: Cessily gave Tessa a smile and nodded. She returned to the tripod on fixed the camera on the mount. "If you're getting cold, you can put your clothes back on." She said. "We should have enough pictures to find some great ones by now. I'm going to upload them to my laptop, then you can have a look."

Tessa: "That'll be great." She struggled to put her bra back on, but got the rest of her clothes on without too much trouble, coming over to sit near Cessily's laptop, after she'd plugged in the memory card from her camera.

Cessily: "Alright, let's see what we got, shall we?" Cessily waited until all of the pictures had loaded. A screen full of thumbnails appeared. "Ooh, I think we managed to get some really pretty ones. Tell you what: Why don't you go through them and pick the ones you like best? Then I can make some prints later."

Tessa: "I'd like that," she said with a smile. "I really like some of these...maybe if they were black and white?" Tessa went through searching the pictures, delighted that Cess was so good with a camera. "I love them all, you know. Your photography is so good."

Cessily: "That's no problem. I can just take the colour out." Cessily said. She smiled. "Thanks. And thank you for modeling for me a little. I'm always happy to get the practise."
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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