5/7 Instance: She Did What!?

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5/7 Instance: She Did What!?

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: after Beyond Where we Should Have Gone

<Neena> Neena paced nervously at the foot of the bed. She didn't like Ben's tone over the phone. Nope, not at all. It was his, "I'm going to be in deep shit" voice. Or maybe she was just pregnant, and lost her touch. But no, it sounded bad. And where was he?
<Benjamin> He opened the door and shut it behind him, looking at his fathers watch on his wrist and then to the bags on the bed. "Neena! Good, I need to talk to you before I go. I got about forty minutes." He began to check the sock drawer for guitar strings. "Can't find any... shit!" He really needed those Enrie Ball's. "Okay uh... yeah so we might have a problem. I need you to speak with Hank next time you go down there for your check up." He walked by her, stopping, kissing her on the cheek, and continuing his search.

<Benjamin> "Oh, and keep the door shut. And locked. Try not to venture out alone, okay?" He looked to the crib and smiled. "Like it? Rae helped." Hurry, hurry, hurry! Oh shit the picks!
<Neena> "Yeah but," she followed him with her eyes, a bit bewildered. "What's going on, Ben? And will you please sit? You're making me dizzy."
<Benjamin> "Sorry, just gotta find this stuff..." he checked under the mattress. Porn. He let it fall back down and tried the suitcase under the bed. Nothing but spare clothes. Contingency Plan a note said on the inside cover of the case. He rolled his eyes and shut it, shoving it back under the bed. "Look Neena... I thought she would stop. I really did. And I think she still could but..." he looked up at her and just sort of gave up.
<Benjamin> "She got worse."
<Neena> "What? Who got worse?" Neena already had an idea, but she wanted to hear it from his mouth first.
<Benjamin> "She... she drugged me or something..." his hand reached to the back of his neck again. "I think she went off the deep end. She's being super creepy lately... I've had my spider-sense going off the wall... feeling like I'm always being watched. She shows up in the closet, she knocks me out and puts a video camera on me..." He stood up and held Neena. "I think her loneliness has turned into something much worse... and I need you to stay away from her," he pulled away for a moment to look her in the eyes.
<Benjamin> "I don't think she knows she's doing it..."
<Neena> Neena closed her eyes. "Amara. Right? I want to hear you say it so I know I'm not the crazy one."
<Benjamin> Ben sighed. "Well it ain't Rachel." He said, trying to smile.
<Neena> She wasn't smiling. She didn't know what to address first...the closet, the drugging, or the camera. "So, how did she even get access to you to drug you in the first place?"
<Benjamin> "The letter that said 'Meet me in the Guest Room B' .... I should've known... it was typed and left on my guitar case by the door. I figured it was you! I mean who the hell else wants frisky guest room calls?!" He ran his hands through his hair. "Neena, I don't know how it came to this but... I want it to stop!"
<Neena> "Well did it ever occur to you that MAYBE I'd be out until now?" she shrieked, pulling away. "What happened, Ben. And I want the WHOLE story. Leave something out for me to hear from Rachel later and I swear I'll...I won't be responsible for my actions."
<Benjamin> "I was getting ready for the next part of the tour, just walking around doing my routine, I see the note! I walk in, she stabs me, I wake up like... eight hours later, sun's coming in the window, I'm sprawled out in the bed and she's next to me, I have no idea what happened, and she seems pretty clueless too!"
<Benjamin> "By stab, I mean with a needle..." As he said it he remembered it all suddenly. The quick movement, the locking of the door. Even his spider senses could move fast enough. She was trained well... "Look, I-... I woke up, we're both naked,--but we didn't do anything! She even had a camera! I watched it, I watched the footage. She snapped out of it after getting my unconscious naked ass on the bed!"
<Benjamin> "I'm telling you, it's like someone is puppeting her or something, she has no idea what she's doing!"
<Neena> "So she.." Neena choked. "I don't care! Do I look like I care? No! I don't care if she knows or doesn't know! She sure as hell knows somethings' wrong so she needs to get help! Not
cop feels at MY man!" 
<Neena> Neena clenched her fists. "And you! I swear! I'm out all day WHY would I leave you a note by your damn guitar! I can't believe you!"
<Benjamin> "This was like six in the morning! You know my morning routine!" Had it really been afternoon sunlight that had woken him up? Jeez... "Neena, I-.... You know me! And if you really think I would bed that psycho then I don't get what you're doing with me, having my child, and marrying me, if you can really think I would do that!"
<Neena> "I don't know anything anymore! All I know is that some bitch is trying to take my man and he's defending her! Do I look like I care what mental state she's in? Do I? It's no excuse!"
<Benjamin> "It most certainly is not an excuse, but under no circumstance should you injure her if she is mentally unstable, if she can't control it. There's no reason for violence, just... Neena, just talk to Hank."
<Neena> "Did I say I was going to hurt her?" Neena snapped. "Now you expect the worst of me? And you still defend her? You should be begging my mercy!" She cried out as her body protested her stress level.
<Benjamin> "Neena! Calm down!" He fought her flailing arms to her sides and pushed her to a sitting position on the bed. "I am not defending her... I am telling you she doesn't know she's doing it, so to get angry at her is pointless because you're getting angry at the wrong person. She's clearly got some mental issues going on, and she needs to speak to Dai or Hank. Okay?! And you getting your blood pumping is not going to help!"
<Benjamin> "And yelling at me is definitely not going to help! Okay!? I am sorry she's doing this, I am sorry I couldn't prevent it, and I am sorry that I love you and not her and that you don't believe me!"
<Neena> She wrenched out of his grasp. "Then let her get help and stay the hell away from you and from me. I don't want to see her face, or hear her name or know that she exists until she's sane enough to apologize!" She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Understood?"
<Benjamin> He hugged her, knowing perfectly well this was the closest thing he would get. "Yes. I understand. Just promise me you won't resolve to violence... please..."
<Neena> "I can't promise anything unless she's kept away from me. Do you hear me, Benjamin Reilly? SHE needs to stay away from ME. SHE needs to go out of her way to avoid me if necessary. Otherwise I will promise you nothing!"
<Benjamin> "Neena... you're lucky... but she's Magma." He looked her in the eyes and kissed her on the lips. His eyes would hopefully do all the speaking for him, but just in case. "If she's gone as far off the deep end as I'm afraid she has...." He choked a bit and realized there was a lump in his throat. "I can't lose you. Okay?"
<Neena> She accepted the kiss coolly. "Don't provoke me, Ben. She may be Magma, but also touched what's mine. But I won't hold back for you. I'll hold back for Antonia."

<Benjamin> Internally, Ben rolled his eyes. That'll have to do for now... "Good. just... please... stop acting like I'm doing this to you okay?" He grabbed his bags and guitar case. "I'm going to run these to the van and get the other bags in there too, I'll be back up in a bit, okay?"

<Neena> Neena sighed, resigned. "Fine."
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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5/7 Instance: She Did What!?

Post by Svartfreja »

:shifty Neena's pissed... *hides under a rock* no can see me now....
:quicksilver Pietro Maximoff [Quicksilver]

Quicksilver: Howisshe?Isshealright?Imusetspeakwithmysisteratonce.
Hawkeye: What is that noise?
IronMan: That is the noise Pietro makes right before he's tossed out of the airlock. ~ Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6
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