1/30 Instance: Omelet du Fromage

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Title: Damn Not Given
Nightscrawlearth Character: :icey :phoenix

1/30 Instance: Omelet du Fromage

Post by Slarti »

Timelined right after Soofail

<Lorna> "You think anyone'll notice?" Lorna was attempting to find her phone in her pocket, figuring they could call a plumber on the run or something, completely forgetting the fact that it was very, very early morning.

<Bobby> "It's late. I mean surely everybody's asleep." He tripped and started laughing for no good reason.

<SinJin> Timezones are a bitch! St. John sighed and turned off the laptop. Emily was hopefully very happy now. He squirmed off the bed and went into the bathroom, turning on the water in the shower. he stepped in and lathered himself up. He tilted his head back, but the water stopped. "What the bloody hell?!" he bellowed. He whacked the shower head. Nothing happened.

<J> J had just finished lathering up his hair and leaned back in the shower to rinse it out. The water got deathly cold for just a second before it stopped completely. "What the..." He was confused, and suddenly very very cold and still soapy. He reached up to feel the shower head and it felt like ice.

<Rogue> Rogue yelped as the water streaming from the sink faucet turned to ice and she jumped back. Well... at least she had been fixing to turn it off. No leftover soap on her hands.... She wrapped her hands in the towel for a minute, getting them warm again as she told Sam to go back to sleep.

<Rogue> Rogue tapped the faucet a few times after her hands were warm then ducked under the sink to check the pipes. How the hell were they frozen?

<SinJin> Jerking back his hand - that sucker was cold. That meant one thing. "BOBBY!" He stormed out of the bathroom and poked his head out. "Where are you, you wanker!" He realized that some people might be asleep still. He hoped nobody had been awakened by him.

<Rogue> Damnit. Now she was more awake than she wanted to be... And since Bobby had no power over all things icy, she didn't know who to call to fix their pipes... She moved back up and turned off the knob anyway. Well... she never got her snack earlier so maybe she could now. Rogue fluffed her hair a bit in the mirror and made her way out, not caring about the attire. Hardly anyone would be around most likely.

<Christopher> Christopher walked into the bathroom slowly and sleepily and lifted the lid to the toilet. Then he just stopped starring down at the frozen water in the bowl. "Uhmm what the hell...." He walked out and went looking for someone to answer his question and hopefully a non frozen toilet so he could take a piss.

<J> In a small fit of panic J sent out a small stream of power thoughout the school, trying to see if anyone else was awake or knew what was happening. He picked up a few traces of people and climbed out of the shower and toweled himself off, trying to get as much of the conditioner out as he could. He wrapped one towel around his waist and another draped over his shoulders to stop the dripping from his hair and made his way out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

<SinJin> Ginny grabbed a pair of underwear and slipped them on, and padded out into the hallway, wiping suds out of his eyes. "Oh, hey, Chris - did I wake you?"

<Bobby> Bobby just couldn't stop laughing, the alcohol and stress finally catching up with him. He stopped in the rec room, hand braced on the back of the sofa.

<Christopher> "No I had to go to the bathroom and while in there found out my toilet was frozen...." He looked at the new person he'd never met. "Uhmm why are you only in your underwear?"

<Rogue> Rogue yawned as she trudged down the stairs towards the kitchen, running her fingers through her mussed hair and ending by rubbing at her neck. Ok, tired was coming again. Quick snack then. She stopped at the bottom of the stairwell at the sound of laughter. Bobby? "Go ta bed, Popsicle," she called as she started moving again.

<Lorna> Lorna was having a gigglefit as well, mainly because Bobby was having a gigglefit. "Stoooop, we'll get caught!"

<Bobby> Bobby froze at the voice. Though not literally. "Um... too late?" he whispered to Lorna.

<J> J made his way down the hall quickly, debating on whether or not to knock on some doors as he passed to see if he could finish his shower in one of the other bathrooms. He heard voices from not far off and rounded the corner to see Chris and Ginny. "Hey guys... is um... your water frozen?..."

<Lorna> "Shit, it's the popo!...er...the ropo?"

<SinJin> "I was in the shower," he shrugged. "Anyway, so it's not just me. Damn." He looked down the hall. "Let's go downstairs -s ee if anyone's up."

<SinJin> "Yeah. Frozen solid." He took the chance to leer at J for a moment then turned to walk down the hall.

<Christopher> "Yeah J my toilet's froze and I gotta piss."

<Bobby> "Got any tricks up your sleeve to make us vanish?" he tried to Lorna.

<Lorna> "Yes, I do." Lorna leaned in, all sneaky like. Then, she bolted the other way.

<Bobby> Bobby eeped and tried to follow.

<SinJin> At the bottom, he flicked the lights on. "AHA!" He announced to an empty room. "Bugger."

<J> J followed behind, might as well travel in packs to find out why the water's all gone. "Why did you yell like that?" He asked, a bit concerned for the other boy's mental health.

<Lorna> She grabbed onto his arm. "Let's go for the woods!"

<Rogue> Rogue paused as she watched Bobby and Lorna dart from the room, "Ok...G'nite then!" She shrugged and pushed into the kitchen, jaw dropping at the mess. "Bobby! Lorna!"

<Bobby> "....but it's cold out there!"

<Christopher> Christopher followed J trying to stay near someone he knew.

<SinJin> Ginny heard Rogue yelp. "Come on, guys!" He pointed and darted for the kitchen. "Where is that freezy bastard?"! He asked, bursting into the room, almost running Rogue over. He wiped at the suds some more.

<Lorna> "Your powers are back! Oh...wait...It'll be cold for me." That earned a whining noise. "What do we do?" She asked, fumbling again for her phone.

<Rogue> Rogue yelped as she whirled, hands going to the bottom of Sam's shirt to make it cover her rear. "Bobby? Ah don't know. But damnit lookit this mess!" She scrubbed at her face, "They went thatta way," she pointed.

<Bobby> "Fuck the cold! Let's go!" Bobby started dragging her this time.

<J> "Oh... Hello Rogue..." He blushed a bit, and made sure the knot on his towel was tied well. "What happened in here... Are we being attacked again?"

<Rogue> "No. Bobby an' Lorna made a mess. Came down ta get a snack... Mah pipes froze in our bathroom..."

<Lorna> Lorna lunged and ran but started gigging. "People are going to be so pissy come morning! We should get a camera!"

<Rogue> Rogue growled and scrubbed at her face again. "Ah am too tired f'r this shit." She pushed past the boys and went the way Bobby and Lorna had run. "Drakes!"

<Lorna> "Oh man, the RoPo's pissed!"

<Christopher> Christopher followed Rogue. "Please tell me he can unfreeze stuff I gotta piss."

<Bobby> "Come morning? You hear the mob at our backs now? They have torches, babe! torches!" He was laughing too, but kept dragging her down the hall and around a corner.

<Rogue> "No, he cain't at tha mo--" Shit. Had he told people that?

<SinJin> St. John followed her. "Anybody got a light? I could see if I could melt some?" He didn't particularly care about the messy kitchen - as long as he didn't have to clean it up.

<J> "Um... No. I left my lighter in my other suit..."

<Rogue> "Good idea, sug. But nope." She held her arms up a bit. "Sam don't smoke an' Ah don't sleep with a lighter."

<SinJin> "Well, mine are in my jeans."

<Christopher> Christopher sifted through his tripps. "Uhmm I do but I'm pretty sure it's outta fluid." He tossed it to St. John.

<Rogue> Rogue turned a corner and looked around. Now which way had they gone? She paused and blinked for a second. Had the pot rack been taken down too? "Lorna!"

<Lorna> "She knows my NAAAAME!"

<J> J blushed again as Rogue's shirt lift along with her arms. "Well, we need to figure out a way to get water. I can feel the soap in my hair.... and it does not feel good."

<Rogue> Ah ha! She made her way towards the yelling. "Damn straight Ah know ya name, woman!"

<Lorna> "And she has ears like a...eared thingie."

<SinJin> "You're dead meat, Bobby!" Where Lorna was, Bobby was sure to not be too far away. He caught the lighter, but it was out of fluid. He tossed it back with a sigh. He'd have to get his later.

<Bobby> "Clearly, we're just not running fast enough!" Bobby kept dragging her until he rounded another corner and tripped over a table. This time, he went impressively ass over tea kettle.

<Rogue> "Why's he dead meat? 'Sides wreckin' tha kitchen?"

<J> J shook his head and wiped his fore head, making sure soap didn't drip into his eyes.

<SinJin> "Somebody froze the bloody pipes!"

<Rogue> "Well it couldn'ta been him!" She frowned, "Wait. Everybody's?" She looked at all three boys following her and tilted her head. Bobby didn't have his powers. Shit. Maybe they were under attack? "Drakes!" she tried again.

<Lorna> Ass over tea kettle made Lorna laugh, even when she was doing it instead of just thinking about the phrase. She grabbed Bobby's foot and tried to pull him under the table.

<J> J decided to head back to the kitchen, an idea hitting him, but he kept it to himself. He quickly found a few bottles of water and stashed them in a plastic shopping bag and headed back to the shower to at least get all the soap off.

<Bobby> Table! Yes! ....too bad it was one of those stupid decorative side tables... But he tried to hide under it nonetheless.

<Lorna> They could fit! Lorna was sure that they could fit. It was all mind over matter!

<Rogue> Rogue pulled up short at the sight of them hiding under a teeny table in the hall. She was way too tired for this shit. But... Could be funny. "Wonder where they went. Y'all got any idea?" She purposefully walked past them and scratched the back of her head.

<SinJin> "Um..." He blinked. He could SEE... oh. "No. BUT WHEN I DO..." he left it hanging.

<Lorna> Well, damn. "SAVE YOURSELF!" Lorna threw herself at Rogue, not quite getting up so essentially tackling her knees.

<Rogue> Rogue yelped as her knees buckled and she turned mid air to land on her back. "Tha fuck?!"

<SinJin> He blinked. They were blitzed. "Bloody hell..." he muttered.

<Bobby> Bobby was torn. Lorna! But, but... freedom! But, but... yeah... Ginny was looking at him. "I trade myself for her freedom!" Bobby crawled out from under the table and raised his hands, only wavering a little.

<Lorna> "Wait!" Lorna paused as something brilliant occured to her. "I CAN MAKE A BUBBLE!"

<Rogue> Rogue took in a big breath once she was able and reached up to wrap her arms around Lorna, essentially hugging her and trapping her arms at the same time. "Gal! What is goin' on?!"

<Bobby> "....you didn't remember this before?"

<Hector> Hec stepped out of the hallway bathroom, he'd tried to flush like 10 times and it didn't work, the sink wouldn't put out any water as well. He was certain he was just having difficulties, his mind being in quite an altered state at the moment. He saw the group around the table down the hall.

<Lorna> "...no." Lorna hung her head, then realized that her arm, or more importantly, the wine in her hand, couldn't reach her mouth. "RoPo, help a sister out?"

<Rogue> Rogue blinked and arched an eyebrow, "No escapin'. Ain't got tha fuzzy pink handcuffs no more."

<Rogue> She looked over at Ginny and mouthed 'RoPo?'

<Hector> "Hey... Hey guys!!!.... The water's gone.... Someone has STOLEN.... the water.... " He shook his head and stumbled for a moment, trying to comprehend what they were saying, but they were talking SOO fast...

<Lorna> "Er...POSEIDON has taken the water back. No, wait...NAMOR! NAMOR TOOK IT! He took it all the way back to Atlanta!"

<SinJin> He shrugged. Who the hell knew? Drunks were inventive. "Bobby, did you or did you not freeze the pipes?"

<Rogue> "Bobby couldn't've!" She glanced at Lorna and finally let her go. "No he didn't. Stopped in a flow o' ice from mah fauc-- Bobby?" She turned back around. Definitely much more awake now.

<SinJin> "Well, who else controls water and its ability to freeze solid?" He asked, talking as if to a child.

<Bobby> "Namor does like the water," he waffled, looking from Ginny to Rogue and sitting back on his heels.

<Lorna> "Yeah, it was totally Namor."

<Lorna> "Totally."

<Rogue> Rogue gave Ginny a flat look and then looked to Bobby. She didn't like people thinking she was an idiot and that tone from Ginny pissed her off. She was already grouchy. But it was his secret damnit. She glared at Bobby to convey just how grouchy she was now.

<SinJin> Crossing his arms, he stepped forward and loomed over Bobby. "How you feeling, anyway?"

<Hector> "Wait... wait.... wait..." He looked around, "What?" He leaned up against the wall.

<Rogue> Rogue looked up at Hector. "Pipes're frozen. Water's not been stolen, darlin'."

<Lorna> "Namor took the water. Check it, you'll totally find ankle wing feathers."

<Bobby> "I'm....good?" Bobby realized cowering on the floor was not a good look and shuffled back, grabbing the table to push himself to his full height.

<Bobby> "How're you?" ...oh, bad.

<Rogue> Rogue threw up her hands and finally decided to touch on the reason she went after them in the first place. "Y'all gonna clean up tha kitchen please?"

<Lorna> "You don't want any soofell?" Lorna looked hurt. "It's going to be delicious!"

<Hector> "Oh good." He grinned at Rogue. Not being too subtle about checking out Rogue's legs and rear as her arms pulled her shirt up. "Oh nice... It's usually so quiet when I get home... This is nice..." He smiled lazily.

<SinJin> He sighed. "Wet, wild, and sudsy." He winked. Something was bugging Rogue aside from being up at the buttcrack of dawn.

<Rogue> "Burned omelet, egg goo an' shells, an' tha pot rack's taken down. An' then there's tha half melted chocolate..." She put her hands on her hips and arched an eyebrow at Lorna, not noticing Hector checking her out.

<Lorna> "We got interrupted. It's still going to be delicious. You must eat our soofell."

<SinJin> "Soofell?"

<Lorna> "Yeah, soofell." Lorna nodded happily.

<Rogue> "Don'tcha mean souffle?" She crossed her arms, "Clean up tha kitchen an' Ah'll make ya a real one. How's that?"

<SinJin> "Mmm. Food."

<Lorna> "That's what I'm saying, soofell, and nah, I'll stick to ours. We've got a...receipt."

<Bobby> "Souffle! I was tryin' to remember how the TV dude said it!" Bobby grinned.

<Hector> Hec was loving this, pretty scenery, and talk of food. "I am kinda hungry..." Among other things... Wonder if Hepz is still up.... He thought with his eyes glued.

<Rogue> "Recipe." She rolled her eyes. "Me too," she tapped her temple then shook her head, turning back to Bobby with another glare. Drunk or not, she was mad at him. She turned back to Lorna, "Please clean up? Ah'm too tired f'r this."

<Lorna> "Cheer up, Crabby McSleepwear or yer gonna be walkin' the plank and denying the barnacles their winespirits." Lorna just grinned at her and gave her a hug.

<Rogue> Rogue was baffled at the hug and just stood there huffing for a moment. Lorna had wine right? Rogue could use a drink. She took a deep breath and hugged back. "Wine," she asked hopefully.

<Bobby> Bobby just turned and looked at Lorna. Oh, she was wasted.

<SinJin> “I think coffee would be better for you at this point, followed by a glass or two of water."

<Lorna> "Of course!" Lorna grinned quite happily and pushed the bottle into Rogue's hand. "Wine for all me crew!"

<Christopher> "Screw this I'm going outside." Chris walked towards the closest door to the outside and went out there."Ok where's a bu....HOLY SHIT it's cold out here." He ran towards the closest bush and relieved himself then ran back inside. "Ok who needs some glass cuz these things are hard as diamonds."

<Rogue> "Cain't give 'em water if tha pipes're frozen, Ginny." Rogue took the bottle and took a healthy drink.

<Lorna> "We could lick the ice?"

<SinJin> "I could try to warm them up - I do control fire...but that is a fire hazard and they might burst..."

<Hector> "Oo ooO!!" He made his way over, "Drink!" He reached for the bottle.

<Bobby> "Oh... right..." The pipes. He'd really frozen all of them? Bobby was impressed with himself.

<Rogue> Rogue draped her arm around Lorna and passed Hector the wine. "C'mon gal. Kitchen. Clean."

<Lorna> "To the soofell!" Lorna was more than happy to go back to the kitchen now.

<Rogue> She glared over her shoulder at Bobby, "Y'all too, Drake."

<Hector> He smiled when he got the bottle. He took a quick swag from the bottle, making bubbles in it as it tipped up. "We going to the kitchen? Snack time?" He asked hopefully.

<Christopher> "So what's the low down on the frozen pipes?" He walked up to rogue and tapped her on the shoulder.

<Rogue> Rogue laced her arm through Chris', still leading Lorna. "Don't know. Don't care at tha moment. But unless Ah got lied ta, Ah ain't stupid," she tossed the last over to Ginny.

<SinJin> He stuck his tongue out at her and looped an arm around Bobby. "You too, Frosty. Coffee for you, bud."

<Lorna> "Coffee? YES!" Now Lorna was excited!

<Rogue> "No coffee if we don't have water." She thought for a moment. "Bottled water then."

<Christopher> "Woah woah woah what's going on," he yelped out as he was drug away by Rogue.

<SinJin> "Yeah. There should be some - hopefully it wasn't frozen too."

<Bobby> Bobby realized he had a nearly-naked man attached to his side. "You need more pants, dude..."

<Hector> Hec got to the other side of Lorna and helped her along the hallway as they all made their way towards the kitchen.

<Rogue> "Chris, this here's Lorna Drake. Tha arts teacher an' wife o' Coach Bobby Drake back there," she tossed her head his way. "Both very good friends o' mine. Meet ya now drunken teachers, darlin'."

<Lorna> "Yarr!" Lorna reached over, smacking Bobby's ass. "Boot-ah!"

<Christopher> "Uhmm Hi?"

<Hector> Hec walked with the group into the kitchen, seeing the place trashed, "Oh shit yo.... Someone's gonna get, in trooooouble....." He sing songed and let go of those he was helping hold up to sneak off to grab something to snack on.

<Bobby> Bobby jumped but got himself under control enough to wave at what seemed to be a new student. "Yo, noob!"

<Rogue> "Yeah. Two teachers Ah know already are." She arched an eyebrow at both of them. "An' why tha hell did y'all take down tha pot rack?"

<Bobby> "It was a hazard to Darwin!"

<Rogue> "What?"

<Lorna> "It was a Darwin Award waiting to happen. We've saved your lives! So a thank you would be appreciated!"

<SinJin> "I could have been fully nude, Bobby," he grinned and sort of pushed him at a chair and went to find a bottle of water to put in the pot.

<Rogue> Rogue blinked, "Alright. How many bottles o' wine have y'all had?'

<Bobby> "Plus it was trying to kill us..." He flopped into the chair, but stared at the sink.

<Lorna> "Numbers are not our friend at the moment." Lorna slumped against the count as she started to let the pot rack reassemble itself.

<Rogue> "Ah ain't never had a problem with it." She settled Lorna into a chair and took another look around, scrubbing at her face after she'd surveyed the room. She hated it when the kitchen was a mess... "Y'all... such a mess. An' tha pipes on top o' that!" She sighed and fell into a chair herself. "Were y'all in here when that happened?"

<Bobby> Bobby closed his eyes.

<Rogue> Rogue nudged Bobby with her toe. "No sleepin'."

<Lorna> "Omelets bite. Blame them."

<SinJin> "Yes, where were you?" St. John asked smoothly, using a bottle to rinse out his hair into the sink while the coffee machine turned on.

<Rogue> That was cryptic. But she was drunk. "Omelets broke tha pipes?" Why did this sound like another Danger Room issue? Crazy omlette men attacking the pipes...

<Lorna> "The omelets attacked Bobby. I was going to butter him but we only had margarine."

<Rogue> "Ah'm not followin' how that answers mah question..." She frowned at Lorna and nudged Bobby again.

<SinJin> "You two are wasted!" He used a tea towel to wrap his hair up into, and started tidying, getting mugs down.

<Bobby> In the sink and throughout the mansion, the water started flowing again. He opened his eyes and edged away from Rogue's pokings.

<Hector> Hec grinned and grabbed some pop tarts, a bottle of chocolate syrup, a glass of milk, and some cheetos. Promptly he vanished and made his way back up to his bed room.

<Lorna> "It's the truth! We only have margarine!"

<Rogue> Rogue folded her arms on the table and leaned her head on them, closing her own eyes with a sigh. She jerked her head up as the water started pouring. "Um...'

<Rogue> She pushed to stand and moved over to turn the water off, letting it sit for a minute and then turning it back on. "Weird."

<SinJin> "Excellent." He grinned at Rogue. "Houston, we have water."

<Rogue> Rogue smirked, "Awesome." She turned to look at Ginny, "But Ah still don't get it."

<Bobby> Bobby smiled a little and leaned over on Lorna.

<Lorna> "I'm just sorry the omelet's on the floor." She toed it but smiled, leaning against Bobby.

<SinJin> "I don't either."

<Rogue> Rogue threw her hands up again in a small shrug. "Who wants real souffle? Ah'm too awake now."

<Lorna> "The baker's chocolate's all ready melting for you." Lorna pointed to the microwave."

<Rogue> "Yeah, Ah noticed earlier." She shook her head and sighed. "So y'all got no idea what happened ta tha pipes?"

<Bobby> "...you might wanna redo the eggs," Bobby mumbled, eyes closed again, a slight smile still curving his lips.

<Rogue> Rogue arched an eyebrow at the mess, "No kiddin'?"

<Christopher> Christopher yawned a bit louder than normal. "Well if yall don't need me I think I'm going to head back to bed."

<Rogue> "G'nite, sugah. Gonna miss some great food though... Likely be all gone 'fore ya get down here later."

<SinJin> "I'm up for food."

<Christopher> His stomach growled loudly. "Hmm what cha cookin good lookin?"

<Rogue> Rogue sighed and laced her arm through Ginny's lying her head on his shoulder as she looked around the room, "Will y'all help me clean since Drunken McWino an' his wife're a bit preoccupied?"

<Rogue> She glanced over at Chris, "Souffle. But can make whatever y'all want." She grinned. She hadn't really cooked since Sam got admitted. This would be fun.

<SinJin> "I'd love to."

<Christopher> "What's that?" He gave her a quizzical look.

<Rogue> "Thanks!" She gave him a peck on the cheek and moved away to start cleaning. "Dessert. Chocolatey goodness." Rogue glanced at Ginny, wondering if Bobby and Lorna would avoid him if he asked about the pipes.

<SinJin> He started by picking up pieces of shell, making sure Rogue had a good view. "So...what do you think sparked off their rampage?"

<Lorna> Lorna was preoccupied. She was preoccupied with making the pans dance.

<Rogue> Rogue reached over and flicked Ginny's tush as she cleaned up the omelet on the floor. "Who's rampage?"

<SinJin> "Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen Nightmare."

<SinJin> He grinned at her, shaking his butt.

<Rogue> "Wine. Does funny things ta those two." She shot the two in question a look. "Least ways, that's what Ah figure. "Chris, will y'all get more eggs out f'r me, please?" She stood and bumped Ginny's wiggling rear with her hip, grinning.

<Lorna> "I'm making beauty and the beast. I need a candelabra and a clock."

<Rogue> "An' a feather duster."

<SinJin> "Be..our..GUEST!" He bumped her back, grinning, shimmying over to get a clean rag, and gave Chris a light smack on the derriere. Put our service to the test

<SinJin> Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie."

<Rogue> Rogue giggled more and took the rag from Ginny to tie around Chris' neck, "An' we'll provide tha rest!"

<Christopher> "Uhmm... What?" He stared at them completely befuddled.

<Rogue> Rogue stopped and just stared at him. "Lumiere... He don't know."

<Lorna> "You are saaaaaaad!" Lorna pointed, and missed. The pans were slowing down as well as she slumped back farther. The world...was getting dim. It was time for sleep and the kitchen counter was as good a leanto as anything.

<SinJin> "Soup du jour, Hot hors d'oeuvres, Why, we only live to serve...have you never seen Beauty and the Beast as done by Disney? Oh, Babette! Chere! This is 'orrible!" he clutched at her, putting on a horrible French accent.

<Rogue> Rogue put the back of her hand to her forehead, "Oh non, non, non! Say eet izn't so!" One arm wrapped around Ginny's neck as she leaned back a little to tickle at Chris' lower back.

<Christopher> Christopher just stared at the two and slowly backed away.

<SinJin> "Come, join us, Chris." He held out a hand.

<Rogue> Rogue thought for a moment, "Oui, Cogsworth! Join us!" She shook her rear for him a little, tauntingly.

<Christopher> Christopher blushed beet red. "Uhh .... Uhmm... Uhh..." He just kept stuttering and stammering on.

<SinJin> "Awww, I think we're shocking the new hot stuff."

<Rogue> Rogue sighed and shook her head, "He's so young, darlin'. So much ta learn." Speaking of learn... She glanced over at the two at the table and shook her head again, moving away from Ginny to try and lift Bobby from his seat with his arm around her shoulders. ...He felt normal again. Weird. "C'mon. Let's get 'em ta bed."

<SinJin> "Oui, ma babette." He got a hold of Lorna. "Come on, my lovely. Bed time with Bobby."

<Christopher> Chris just sat there stammering still shocked at what rogue did, the shade of red on his face barely fading.

<Rogue> Rogue smirked, "An' zen we can come play with the souffle!" She hefted Bobby up and made sure he was awake enough to at least control his legs and feet before moving. "C'mon Chris. Help us put tha teachers ta bed. Then ya can have some blackmail."

<Christopher> He stammered some more and then got up his eyes still focused on Rogue's goods. "Uhmmm....Okay." He grabbed hold of Bobby's legs and helped Rogue get him to his room.

[Edited on 30-1-2010 by Slarti]
Love das flockige
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1/30 Instance: Omelet du Fromage

Post by Love das flockige »

The omelettes were at fault, eh?:LOL
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Raven Hare
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1/30 Instance: Omelet du Fromage

Post by Raven Hare »

Oh! Too many good lines here!! Great instance y'all - sorry Hepz and Kitty slept through it. ;)
:hepz :kitty
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1/30 Instance: Omelet du Fromage

Post by Elfdame »

Enjoyable Instance, folks!

Hec's confusion added merrily to the mayhem, and I'm sorry, but even tho I am basically Sister Mary Prude, I could not help but read this " Hec was loving this, pretty scenery, and talk of food. "I am kinda hungry..." Among other things... Wonder if Hepz is still up..." and think ... I know who's gonna be up in a half a sec . And Christopher's line ""Ok who needs some glass cuz these things are hard as diamonds.""

and THIS gem: " Bobby just turned and looked at Lorna. Oh, she was wasted." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Then, at "Bobby was impressed with himself." I had to think "not too difficult, eh?"

Drunken McWino an' his wife' - lol -"I'm making beauty and the beast. I need a candelabra and a clock."

I wish Wade had been available. just imagine his running commentary on the whole shebang .... of course, if he's around, he could still pop in some yellow thoughts in the thread below ...

J AND Hector in the same instance? Hmmmm *scratches head*

Why didn't the pans fall down when Lorna dozed off, or did I miss something?

So, the Back to "Normal" List now includes Sam, Darren and Bobby. (I still miss Mo.)

Okay, I am having waaaay too much fun. Must go be useful in life now. Never been around any fun drunks in real life, but this was soooo amusing. Thanks for the laffs!
"Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton." From Chapter 9 of _Brother Odd_ by Dean Koontz / from Chapter 10: "Life you can evade; death you cannot."

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