2/14 Instance: Artistic Licence

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
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2/14 Instance: Artistic Licence

Post by Starfish »

Timelined the day after [Game]Crime does pay.

Noriko: Noriko normally wasn't much of an artist; she hadn't had the time to really indulge her like for it, over the years. But she'd managed to find pencils and paper, and a room that didn't have anyone in it, and so she'd decided to try it again. She'd found a canvas with a sheet over it, which was curious, but she wasn't going to snoop just yet.

Pietro: Pietro was on his way back to the art room with a sandwich and some more supplies for his project. Emma had pulled through for him again. He didn't know where he'd be without her sometimes. He rounded the corner and pushed the door open, almost not noticing that it was no longer empty.

Pietro: "Oh... hi..."

Noriko: She started at the voice, turning around quickly and taking a step back from the guy in the doorway. "Hi." Noriko wasn't exctly sure if she should even be in here, but she wasn't going to show that, certainly wasn't going to say it.

Pietro: His eyes went to his canvas, didn't look disturbed... He frowned a little at himself for being so suspicious. "Sorry... didn't mean to startle you... I wasn't really expecting to find anyone else in here... it's normally so quiet outside of classes..." he moved back over to where his canvas was set up and put the sandwich and box of supplies down on the table beside him.

Noriko: Nori blinked. "I just...just came in 'cause it was quiet," she explained.

Pietro: "Good a reason as any I suppose..." Pietro managed a small smile for her, "If you like I can just shut up now and it'll be quiet again?" He picked up his paints and started to squeeze out the colours he'd need, "If you want me to keep talking, pick a topic..."

Noriko: "I...I dunno. 'M just here." It was the truth, that she'd just sort of been accepted in and wasn't entirely sure what to make of that. She fidgeted with her necklace; a small, thin metal spoon bowl and a metal tube about the right size to act as a cannula.

Pietro: "Did you want to use some of the art supplies? There's a whole cupboard full of fun stuff..." he pointed to the cupboard, "You name it, it's in there." He pulled the sheet up once he'd positioned the easle so that it faced away from Noriko.

Monet: Monet sauntered into the art room, having felt the odd jumble that was Pietro's mind coming from in there. "Hello, Pietro." She arched an eyebrow at the blue-haired new girl. "Shock-tart," she acknowledged her with a kurt nod then looked back at Pietro.

Noriko: "Bitch," Nori tossed back carelessly, before turning back to Pietro. "I ain't drawn in a while...years. Since before I left Tokyo," she explained, half to herself and half to the boy.

Pietro: Pietro had just been about to put brush to canvas and was glad he hadn't when he heard that voice - there would no doubt have been irepairable damage done. He leaned over to look round his canvas at the door. "Afternoon, Monet..." he looked over at Nori, "Never too late to start again," he smiled at her.

Monet: Monet paused at the girl's word, "You don't know the half of it, darling." She looked back at Pietro, "How was the tournament?"

Noriko: "Don't care, an' don't call me darlin'," she said, rolling her eyes at the twit before turning to the cupboard, with an audible crack as her fingers touched the metal door handle.

Pietro: "Disturbing..." Pietro answered Monet's question, "On several different levels." He carefully started to stick more items from his box onto the canvas. "And while I think of it, someone needs to remind Eddie what 'under cover' means because I really don't think he got it..."

Monet: "I did not call you darlin'. I called you darling. I was taught proper enunciation, dear." She arched an eyebrow at Pietro, "Eddie? What is that ignorant twit doing trying to be undercover? He can't even do a regular mission correctly."

Noriko: "Darlin', shock-tart, ignorant fuckin' twat, no difference to me," she said over her shoulder, with a shrug as she turned back, pulling out an art pad and a pen. She had no idea what she'd draw, but...something. Who knew.

Pietro: Pietro shrugged, "Beats me... but he yelled Jay's real name over a room full of people and had two mutant fangirls hanging off him all night... it was disgusting..." he leaned to look at her again, "Fortunately no one heard the yelling over Kyle getting his ass kicked by a girl dressed like an anime character."

Pietro: He sighed, "Like I said, all kinds of disturbing..." he ducked back behind his canvas, "I was a bit surprised you didn't turn up, actually... considering how adamant you were that I needed to be watched at all times..."

Monet: Monet arched an eyebrow, "That child needs to be put in his place." She moved to perch on a stool rather than just stand there. "I had something more pressing to attend. You can be certain I will be there the next time. But I do not need to make sure you keep away from Mayhem anymore, so that's not as important at the moment."

Noriko: Noriko had an idea, and gave a little laugh, curling up onto the counterspace that was free of bruhes or bottles or jars of paint. She began to draw a figure, vaguely human yet, sprawled in midair as if weightless.

Pietro: "Well I look forward to that..." Pietro said, not even trying to hide the sarcasm. "And no longer worried about Mayhem? Guess it's too much to hope that's because you trust me a little..."

Monet: "You would be silly not to," she countered, ignoring his sarcasm. Monet had to laugh at what he said next, "Of course not. He's gone to England to help his father recover from a seizure that resulted in an unpleasant fall."

Pietro: Pietro looked over at Nori for a moment, pausing in sticking the pressed flowers to his canvas, then he looked back at Monet. "You'll probably feel insulted for my asking, but if you speak to him will you tell Mayhem I wish his father a speedy recovery?"

Monet: Monet scoffed, "Not insulted, darling. Appalled. But oui, I can see no problem relaying that message although he will likely laugh."

Pietro: "Thank you." All the good it'll do... "Now, if that was all....?" It was less of a question and more of a hint. He didn't want to work while he was in a bad mood and if she stayed a bad mood would certainly be the result.

Monet: Monet smirked and got a little more comfortable on her perch. She did not get dismissed. She left when she pleased. "What was your name, shock-tart?"

Noriko: "Ain' gonna tell you," Noriko said, not looking up from what she was doing. She'd been listening carefully, yes, but hadn't shown any of that concentration on her face. She was good at that. "Think ya can leave now, 'less ya want an invite in writin'."

Monet: "That's your perrogative then," she shrugged. "No, I shall not go anywhere unless I feel like it. I don't tend to do things unless I see fit, you see."

Noriko: "Whatever," she said, only moving one shoulder. "You stayin' ain't gonna bother me."

Pietro: Bothers me though... Pietro frowned behind his canvas and put down his brush, pulling the sheet back down over his work. He would eat his sandwich in stead.

Monet: Monet sat up a little straighter and began to examine her nails, noting that it was about time for another manicure.

Noriko: Noriko shifted in her place, tilting her drawing pad to begin adding shadows. The kid with the wings had popped into her head, and, well, he'd make for an okay sketch. Maybe. "What're you workin' on?" she asked Pietro, not at all bothered by Monet's presence.

Pietro: "A personal project..." Pietro replied carefully. It was personal. His secret. Only Emma had the vaguest of notions as to what it could be.

Noriko: She raised an eyebrow, but didn't press. She knew how those personal projects could be. Though his was probably nothing like hers. Noriko rubbed her thumb over the bowl of the spoon on her necklace, as she kept sketching, balancing the pad on her knees, held with her elbow. "What's your name?" she asked, trying for a more accent-less pronunciation. Some of her Japanese still showed through, though.

Pietro: Pietro wondered if he should remind her they'd met before, but thought better of it. "Pietro," He told her and finished his sandwich. Better now.

Noriko: Noriko wasn't the best at remembering meeting people. She hadn't really had to in a couple years. "Cool." She began to turn back and remembered it was usually polite to give her name back. "Noriko."

Pietro: "I know," Pietro told her with a smile, "We met in the kitchen before you confused everyone..." he picked up the small box and dug through it a bit to find some specific colours. "This is Monet...." he added, "In case you couldn't tell... we don't really get along."

Monet: Monet arched an eyebrow at Pietro then glanced at the girl who had announced her name as Noriko. "How mildly put, Pietro."

Pietro: "Well I figured she probably didn't wan't boring with all the gory details of our sordid past, Monet..." Pietro replied in a slightly lighter tone because of the sugestion that lay behind the words and the probability that it would bother her.

Monet: "But it's always so interesting to watch people's faces as they find out about the horrible things you did to mon chat," she gave him an evil smirk.

Pietro: "And you want to give the new girl nightmares because.....?" Pietro raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh right, yes. Because you don't want to make any friends...." He shook his head and continued to rummage through the box. There was orange in there somewhere....

Noriko: Noriko made a soft noise that might have been a snort. "Don' think I'd get along with her either," she said to Pietro. "Seems like a real shit. But ya gotta deal with 'em everywhere," she shrugged. "Easier to ignore 'em when ya can." Yes, she really was completely comfortable compeltely ignoring Monet.

Pietro: "Sadly I can't ignore her..." Pietro told Nori, "She doesn't go away...." he gave Monet a pointed look.

Noriko: Noriko only shrugged. "Maybe pick her up an' shove her out the door? An' lock it?"

Pietro: "You wanna try picking her up? Be my guest..." Pietro eyed Monet. She was being suspiciously quiet. Dangerous.

Noriko: "I ain' gotta pick anyone up. I want someone to move, I zap. Works faster."

Monet: Monet arched a highly amused eyebrow at the two of them. She was almost positive her invulnerability was still misbehaving, but neither of them needed to know that. "He knows better than to try, his legs are much too precious to him. You however, are more than welcome to test your theory."

Noriko: "That an invitation?" Nori asked, looking over at Monet. It didn't bother her to attempt it, and she shrugged as she put down the art pad, looking for a good spot to aim for. It was lightning, so not exactly straight as an arrow when she let it loose. And anyway, it was still relatively weak. Probably wouldn't kill her. No way but to find out... Noriko held out a hand and felt the energy surge up it and connect with Monet's side with a punch.

Pietro: Pietro's eyes widened. Wow, this girl was either brave or stupid. His money was on the latter. He moved himself and his canvas out of harm's way.

Monet: Monet squirmed a little, a smile on her face as she watched the girl, "That tingles. It actually felt quite pleasant. However, I'm certain that this will not." She kept her smile as she sent out a psionic blast at the girl. Only enough to give her a mild migraine, but enough to make her sit up and take notice unless she was born yesterday.

Noriko: Nori tensed, but only looked back at Monet unblinkingly. "Ya really think I ain't used to headaches, bitch?" Truth was the lights felt like they were burning her eyes; but she wasn't about to let her win that damned easy.

Pietro: Pietro groaned inwardly. Yep. Stupid. Baiting Monet. Never sensible. He set his canvas down at the back of the room. Far far away.

Monet: Monet's grin changed to a more predatory one. "That's not even a minimal fraction of what I could do, darling. That was merely a slap on the wrist, as some would say. But, if you're interested, I have no qualms about showing you more of my abilities." This was a nice distraction from Mayhem being gone.

Noriko: Noriko rolled her eyes. It helped, some. But fine, if that was the game this twit wanted to play... She had some pretty good mental shields, both helped and hindered by the energy absorption and the drugs. "Ain't about to ask for it, if that's what you're waitin' on."

Monet: "Don't push me and you won't find me pushing back," she smirked, "Much." She stood and glanced back at Pietro with a laugh at how he had taken care of his art and then left the room. Pity Jason still wasn't able to be found... He was amusing normally.

Noriko: "When I push you it'll be off a cliff," Nori said, not bothering to keep her voice soft. "A very large cliff."

Pietro: "That wouldn't do any good, Noriko... she can fly..." Pietro told her from his safe distance, "It really would be unwise to anger her... she's got a hell of a temper and she's not afraid to hurt people."

Noriko: She only snorted softly. "'M no stranger to people wantin' to hurt me. Been doin' that real good for about six years...nothin' much new about it."

Pietro: "Yeah but I bet most of them weren't mutants.... And invulnerable to boot..." he frowned, "If you want to bait her, by all means go ahead, I'm just saying it's probably not the best idea in the world...."

Noriko: "I ain't tryin' to bait her. She can do whatever she likes, no skin off me."

Pietro: "If you say so... just be careful, I'd hate to see you on the wrong side of her." He picked up his canvas again to move it back to where he'd been sat previously now that it was safe.

Noriko: She only shrugged, and went back to the drawing. It was actually quite good, if a little sketchy. It would need some fining down but she wasn't exactly going to present it to anyone.

Pietro: Pietro sighed and shook his head, going back to work on his own piece. At least now there was no Monet so he could concentrate. Part of him wondered if she would be strong enough to break his legs (after all they'd survived a jump off a roof, from fifteen stories up and running right into a wall at two hundred miles an hour). But he was in no mood to find out. Better safe than sorry after all.
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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