3/17 Instance: Magic Turtle Ride

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3/17 Instance: Magic Turtle Ride

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: After the instance "Families".

Darren: Darren and his mini-me had retired to the art room, since Darren figured that at least if they made a mess there no one would notice. He'd managed to find some washable, child-friendly pain and had cut down an old apron to size.

Darren: He'd put down a few big sheets of paper, coated mini-Darren's feet in blue and red paint and he was not making happy feet pictures, Darren holding onto his arms to make sure he didn't fall over.

Selene: "There you are," Selene said, poking her head into the room. Her gaze shifted back and forth between Darren and the kid for a while. She frowned, then stepped into the art room, hugging the bundle of cloth she carried with her. "Where did get that?" Selene nodded towards the child.

Darren: Mini-Darren turned at the voice and blinked at the girl in the doorway, before shaking an arm free and pointing at her, "Darren! Look! A witch!"

Darren: Darren flushed bright red at his nephew's rudeness, "Dar! Don't say shiiiii-uff like that!" He gave Selene an appologetic smile, "Uhh ... this is my nephew, Mini-Darren-"

Darren: "Does she have a broomstick!?"

Selene: Selene grinned at being called a witch. "My, what a smart little man we have here," she said, putting a hand on her hip. "Nice to meet you, Mini-Darren." She stepped over to the two. "I'm Selene. And while I don't have a broomstick, I have something much better." She unwrapped the bundle of cloth in her hands, revealing a half-finished doll. "A voodoo-doll."

Darren: "No, I have the broomstick," Darren grinned, "this is my girlfriend Dar, Selene, I told you about her."

Darren: Mini-Darren gave his uncle a disbelieving look, "She's too pretty to be your girlfriend," he insisted, before looking back at the doll, "Raina has dolls but they don't look like that, they're all made out of plaster."

Darren: "Plastic, not plaster," Darren corrected, also giving the doll a look over, "You been talking to the houngan again or something, babe?"

Selene: "Everyone keeps on saying that," Selene commented on Mini-Darren's remark, glancing up to give her boyfriend a mischievous smirk. "Well, our recent voodoo wedding ceremony has rekindled my interest in all things occult. So I ordered a bunch of books on the subject over the internet. This is my first attempt at a doll, and I came here looking for more sewing stuff."

Darren: "Hey, thought you were on my side," Darren poked his tounge out at Selene, then grabbed his nephew's hand as he tried to make a grab for the doll, "Oooooh no you don't, sticky fingers, don't touch other people's stuff unless they say you can, okay?"

Darren: "Whassa woodoo?" Mini-Darren asked, his paint coated feet sliding over the paper a little.

Selene: "Hm, that's a tricky question, Mini-Darren," Selene said, glancing down at the kid. "But it involves fantastic things like ghosts, snakes, and dolls like this one here. Oh, there's also a lot of dancing and painting your own face." She looked at the paint smeared on the paper sheet. "I believe you would have much fun with that."

Selene: "So, he's visiting you for a while," Selene asked, looking back at Big-Darren.

Darren: "Face painting!" The toddler's leg's kicked in delight and if it wasn't for his uncle holding him up he would have gone ass first into the paint, "I wanna woodoo face painting!"

Darren: "You've set him off now, he'll never stop going on about it now," Darren sighed, shaking his head fondly, "Yeah sorta, my sister's in town on buisness and I said I'd watch him for her during the days, I like spending time with him you know." He lifted mini-Darren off the paper, "Come on then, you wanna do facepainting we gotta wash your feet first."

Darren: "You wanted sewing stuff babe, it should be in that cupboard over there," he nodded his head to indicate it before carring mini-Darren over to the big sink.

Selene: "Thank you." Selene proceeded towards the cupboard Darren had pointed out. "How surprisingly domestic of you," she said, glancing over her shoulder to show Darren a slight grin. "Even though you seem to be able to handle yourself quite well." She searched the cupboard for some thicker thread and a solid looking needle.

Darren: "Domestic?" Darren blushed as he ran the tap, waiting for the water to get warm before sticking his nephew's feet under the stream, "well ... uhh ... I like kids, guess it helps that we're on the same wavelength huh? Watching cartoons and getting paint everywhere ..."

Selene: "Well, I've been told my mind can be as unfocused as that of a child," Selene remarked, giving a dry chuckle. She went through the different threads to find one of suitable colour. "I'm not sure if that makes me a better or worse babysitter, but I've actually been asked to watch children before. Back when we had more students who successfully spawned here at school."

Darren: Darren actually paused at that ... and got a face full of paint-water for his trouble, "Gaaaah! Little shiiiiiiiii-thing! Who did you babysit for then?" He asked as he scrubbed mini-Darren's feet.

Darren: Mini-Darren just cackled and kicked, getting water all over his uncle, "You're all wet!"

Selene: "TJ and Remy let me watch over their son when they still lived here," Selene replied, finding a sturdy looking needle and testing its sharpness by poking the tip against her finger a few times. "I wonder what made them believe I'd make for a good choice for a babysitter."

Selene: She put on a thoughtful expression. "Maybe they thought I could teach the child unique and valuable life lessons that he'd never learn elsewhere."

Darren: Darren grinned, "Good point babe," he said, as the water simply ran off his skin and clothing onto the floor, "what did you end up doing with Johnny then?" He remembered back when he'd been Warlock bumping into TJ in the library with her son and using his shapeshifting to make a puppet for the little boy to watch.

Darren: Mini-Darren looked down at his feet and grinned, "All clean! Facepaintin' now?"

Selene: "Well, we often used to play hide and seek," Selene explained, nodding slowly as she thought back. "Which of course is an euphemism for either me forgetting where I left the kid, or him running off to explore the mansion." She turned to look at Darren and Mini-Darren, showing a slight smile. "But I remember that he always was very fond of me animating his toys for him."

Darren: Darren laughed, "Yeah, I can picture that, thought you wouldn't need to worry about this one running off, he sticks like a bandaid unless you're trying to get his clothes back on him," he once again shoved his nephew under one arm as he tried to wrestle him back into his socks and shoes, "love being a shapeshifter sometimes. Dude! Put your socks and shoes back on or no facepainting."

Darren: The little boy whined, but facepainting won over his hatred of clothing and he went limp.

Selene: "I see blackmail works with boys of every age," Selene commented and chuckled. "You just have to change what to blackmail them with when they're older, but it doesn't make it any harder to have them dance to your tune." Having found a proper needle and the thread she wanted, Selene sat down cross-legged and spread out the pieces of cloth she needed.

Selene: "And speaking of which..." She looked up, smiling at Mini-Darren. "If you promise to be a good boy, do what Uncle Darren says, and don't get sticky stuff into Aunt Selene's hair, I'll let you keep the first doll I make."

Darren: "Aparently Sue blackmails him with chocolate ice-cream," Darren said, putting mini-Darren back onto the floor where he toddled over to Selene, "be a good boy for Auntie Selene and don't touch her stuff, otherwise she'll sew you up as a doll, I'm gonna go look for something we can use as facepaints."

Darren: There'd probably be something in the drama rooms ... "Could you watch him for a few minutes Sel while I run down to the theater?"

Selene: "Of course," Selene replied, glancing up. "I'll do my best to not lose him or anything." She looked back at Mini-Darren when he came waddling over to see what Aunt Selene was doing. Tilting her head, she gave the kid a wry smile. "If you promise to not destroy or run off with my stuff, I'll make that a voodoo doll of Uncle Darren, yes?"

Selene: With a mischievous grin, she waggled the half-finished doll for Mini-Darren. "Then you can torment him whenever you like. Every child would love that, right?"

Darren: Mini-Darren blinked, then sat down cross-legged just next to the cloth and leant forwards conspiritarily, "Issit magic then? You're really a witch?" he asked in a stage whisper.

Selene: "Maybe I am," Selene replied in a similar whisper, faintly smiling at Mini-Darren. "Do you want to see a magic trick?" When the kid nodded reluctantly, she lifted the doll into the air with her telekinesis and let it twirl around a few times. "You don't have to be scared of me, however. I'm not a bad witch that eats little children. Not if they're well-behaved, anyway."

Darren: Mini-Darren watched the doll for a moment, "The lady downstairs made the lamp fly," he went to reach for the doll, then dropped his hand sheepishly at the mention of eating children, "Imma well behaved!"

Selene: "I know you are," Selene said with a smile. She put the thread through the needle and animated that, as well, then had it float after the hovering doll. "There are a lot more people here who can show you magic tricks." She made the doll wave at Mini-Darren, then had it flee from the flying needle that chased after it. "Or you can play pranks on them, which is always a lot of fun, too."

Darren: Darren clapped and giggled as the needles chased the doll around the room, "Darren can do lots of magic but he says it's not magic, it's 'cos he's a mutant and he says everyone here is a mutant like him only they're not like him, 'cos they have wings and flying stuff ... he can't do that ..." Mini-Darren stated, looking a little confused as he tried to work this out.

Selene: "Really now?" Selene tilted her head. "I like my explanation better. It's much more simple." She smiled again. "You'll understand the difference once you're a bit older." Selene made the doll float over to Mini-Darren and had it hide behind his back, while she picked the needle out of the air. "I think it likes you."

Darren: "So it really is magic!" Mini-Darren clapped happily, half turning to try and look at the doll behind him, "Really? What's his name?"

Selene: "Hm, I don't know," Selene replied, acting as if she would lure out the scared doll by waving her hand at it. "He never told me." She made the it sit on Mini-Darren's shoulder. "Maybe he doesn't have one yet." Selene tapped a finger against her chin. "Hm, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you gave him a name once I'm finished sewing all of his parts on."

Darren: Mini-Darren giggled and gave the doll an experimental poke, "Okay! You finish sewing him up and I'll give him a name!"

Darren: It was at this point his uncle reappeared in the doorway, and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Mini-Darren was still sitting with Selene and hadn't noticably distroyed anything, "Heya kiddo, I found some facepaints for ya, you been a good boy for Selene?"

Selene: "Indeed he has," Selene told Darren, glancing up to smirk at him. "If you hadn't surprised me by coming back in, I'd have already hid him away to keep him for myself."

Darren: "Don't think Sue'd like that," Darren grinned, "Okay kiddo, let auntie Selene do her sewing for a bit and I'll paint your face ... what do you want?"

Darren: "Face painting!" Mini-Darren said happily, taking the doll carefully off his shoulder and giving it back to Selene, before running over to uncle, who picked him up and put him on a chair, "Uhhh ... I dunno ... a dinosaur!"

Selene: Selene caught the floating doll out of the air and reached for the piece of cloth she wanted to sew to it. "Well, we already have cat, dog, and bird-people at school. A dinosaur would be something new."

Darren: "Very true," Darren said, putting the facepaints on the table next to him and getting out a sponge.

Darren: "Cat and dog people?" Mini-Darren asked as his uncle started to apply the green base coat, "do they have collars and go for walks? Daaaaaaaarren, can we go and see them next?"

Selene: "Oh, yes, Darren," Selene chimed in with a similar tone, grinning at Darren. "Can we go and take them for a walk? They'll be delighted to frolic out on the lawn, and we can show Mini-Darren the turtle pen while we're outside."

Darren: "Uhh, no, they're people and you don't put collar's on people," Darren said quickly, he didn't want to even imagine what would happen if his nephew tried to put a collar on Hepzibah, "I think we'll just stick to the turtle pen, maybe we can see if you can have a ride on Filburt as well."

Darren: "Riding on turtles?" That sounded a lot more fun then cat and dog people who didn't want to wear collars, Mini-Darren nodded, getting green facepaint in his hair and making Darren curse under his breath.

[Edited on 17-3-10 by Starfish]
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3/17 Instance: Magic Turtle Ride

Post by JackSkulls »

:shifty why do I see this kid going back to his mother with crazy crazy crazy stories and her not believing them, but they're completely true?
:maverick (weapon-x) :shaman (alpha Fight)
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3/17 Instance: Magic Turtle Ride

Post by steyn »

d'aww, haven't read an instance in a while, glad I chose this one.

:shifty Kyle wouldn't mind the collar though.
Raven Hare
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3/17 Instance: Magic Turtle Ride

Post by Raven Hare »

D'awwww! ^_^ so sweet!!

Just save the collar for Fido. Hepz don't do collars... Unless they are made of diamonds and she can hock them for a boatload of money :shifty

Anyways, very sweet you two!
:hepz :kitty
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