5/3 Instance: Old Friends, New Powers

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
Location: Germany

5/3 Instance: Old Friends, New Powers

Post by Starfish »

Timeline- Few days before summer break

Rachel: Rachel followed Chris out of the tattoo shop, glad work was finally over. Not that she had a ton of issues drawing on people all day, but sometimes people were irritating. Luckily, Chris wasn't. Well, he tipped well, so she wasn't going to complain. Plus, he had some fun ideas that were a challenge. "So, you like how they turned out?"

Christopher: "Yeah look amazing Rachel." He lifted his shirt up admiring the animals on his chest. "Mind takin a picture of my back when we get back so I can see it better?" He let his shirt fall down. "Hmm I think I'll hit up Selene for a new piercing next wanna go help me find some new piercings for me to try out?"

Rachel: "Of course not. I probably should've taken a pic while we were still in the shop, but whatever," Rachel gave a shrug, "And, sure. What are you thinking about getting done now?"

Christopher: "I don't know but I'm sure I'll think of something." He laughed lightly, maybe I'll consult Cessily, see what she thinks looks good on me.

Gabriel: Gabriel walked into an intersection and almost got hit by a speeding car. He tensed up while a blast of energy pushed the car away from him and into another car. Having looked at the reaction of the people watching he heard murmurs and ran off; hearing sirens behind him. He pushed a guy off of a messenger bike and hopped on and took off.

Christopher: Chris took off after the random man that just caused a nice little accident and stole some guy's bike. "Get your ass back here." He knew he'd catch him eventually; his healing factor mega boosted his endurance so he could run for hours without getting too extremely tired.

Gabriel: "Aw shit!" Gabriel forced his legs down harder and faster on the pedals. He glanced back and saw a man running after him; the weird part was that he was fast! Really fast! He made a left into the park and jumped the set of six shallow stairs. He then swerved right and continued down the handicap ramp. He peddled harder than ever before.

Rachel: She glanced between the accident and Chris disappearing as he chased the dude. "Oh... fuck." Sighing at the sirens, she took off after the two, giving the people on the sidewalk a nice mental nudge to part to avoid shoving and pissing people off. That was the last thing they needed since this guy was a mutant, and so far he was falling onto her shit list. She hated running.

Christopher: Chris jumped down the stairs landing with a sickening crack. "FUCK!" He pulled himself forward getting back to his feet as his knee he had probably shattered and his leg he'd at least cracked healed and he took off again after the guy on the stolen bike. He surged with new found energy from the landing and his whole body felt lighter as he closed in on the biker.

Gabriel: Gabriel looked back at the sound of the crack. He saw the man landing and then gets up. "Fuck! How is he still moving?!" He continued on the straight away and there was the exit to the park up ahead. He decided to take a short cut and continued straight, not turning left and down the last stairs to the exit. There was a bench in front of him. He timed his jump perfectly. He placed a foot on the seat and leaped over the bench and off the bike like a hurdle. He landed on a hill slope and darted down the hill.

Christopher: Chris was starting to catch the man now that he wasn't on the bike anymore. "Stop now! I'm not going to hurt you." As he got closer to the man Chris got ready to tackle him. "I'm serious STOP!" He lunged forward and caught the man from behind tackling him to the ground. Chris pushed him down to the ground so that he couldn't move. "Ready to talk yet?"

Gabriel: "Okay okay!" Gabriel rolled over to see his attacker. "It wasn't my fault! I didn't mean to! I just kinda lost control!" The look on his face was priceless as we told the man what happend." I was scared is it just happened! People were starting to stare! Please don’t arrest me!"

Christopher: "Do I look like the cops? I know you didn't do it on purpose man! Come on we gotta get outa here before the real cops come." Chris got up and helped the guy up.

Christopher: "My name's Chris Nord. Who might you be?" He pulled the guy up just as Rachel got to them. "Oh and this is Rachel."

Gabriel: Gabriel got up with the help of his....new? friend. "I’m Gabriel Summers, umm nice to meet you two." And where are we going?

Rachel: Rachel took a few deep breaths, glad Chris had saved her from speaking. Yeah, no more running. Ever.

Christopher: "Gabriel! It's me Chris! From the orphanage! What the hell are you doing up here?!?!" Chris could hear the sirens coming. "Okay let’s put the reunion on hold and get to the mansion before the cops catch us. Deal?"

Gabriel: "Holy Shit! No way! I was looking for you actually." Gabriel said as he ran with them away from the area. "Where are we going Chris?"

Christopher: "A school that helps people like us. You're a mutant, and I am too. Now let’s get going!" They took off towards the mansion as the sound of sirens got louder.
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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