8/21 Instance: Sexuality Transmitted

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Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:31 pm
Title: Pigeon Fancier
Nightscrawlearth Character: :blink :warlock :morph :deadgirl

8/21 Instance: Sexuality Transmitted

Post by puppygirl »

Timeline - Some point before the game on the 21st

Jay rubbed the back of his neck before putting in the last few digits of Darren's home phone, then sitting back against the wall as he waited for it to connect. He actually missed the guy, after the initial freedom of having the room to himself for a while had worn off. For one thing, he'd gotten used to the snoring already.

Darren glanced at the phone and then picked up ... it was still kinda strange having to talk with his mouth over the phonelines ... and not knowing who was on the other end, "Hello?"

"Hey dude." Jay smirked. "Of course Ah got y' mom's number. What sorta stalker do y'all take me t' be?"

"Well ... kinda a crappy one since you're a few hundred miles away dude," Darren sat back on the sofa ... okay, he hated small talk at the best of times, he wasn't very good at it, so might as well cut to the chase, "So ... what you wanna talk about?"

"Can fix dat if y'all ask me real nice, Gede." Jay smiled. Right, yeah. "Uh...dude...it's about d' merge." He ran a hand through his hair, chewing a lip and trying to think how to word it. Damnit...

Darren blushed a little, as much as Jay was one of his best friends he was kinda glad he was a few hundred miles away at the moment ... "Yeah? Umm ... what about it man?" He pulled a face, why'd Jay want to know about powers he no-longer had?

"Ah know it ain't really fair t' ask y'all about it now, man, but...Ah need t' check somethin' ain't just me goin' completely nuts." Jay chewed the inside of his lip. "Uuuuh. Y' know...well, Ah got all y' memories an' shit...right?"

"Well, some of them have faded now that I've lost my perfect recall, but yeah," Darren said, taking a moment to comb his hair out of his eyes, "I do, for the most part."

"And...Ah'm sorry f' bringin' dis part up but...Ah know y'all have...others too. You uh..." Fuck, how was he supposed to put this? "You ever...have any...Ah dunno...bleeds from 'em?"

"... Huh?" Darren blinked, "You mean like when it first happened and we thought we were each other a few times?"

"Oui. But lastin' ones." Jay floundered. He didn't want to have to tell Darren that he liked him as a girl - and Selene too. And that he was vaguely attracted to women now. The idea of sex with them mostly grossed him out still but... "Y' know. Like...you developin' a sudden taste f' showers an' pizza an' workin' out and me..." No, don't say dat. "Me readin' Wells."

Darren just stared at the wall oposite for a moment, you asshole, "Umm ... well I guess, it's hard to tell now though since i'm not sure what's you and what's just being a regular human ... but we already knew that had happened, why're you asking me about it now bro?"

"Well...Ah didn't really wanna...an' den all d' shit kicked off..." Jay shrugged. "Plus...well...dis stuff...Ah just...didn't notice until now...Ah guess. Y' know how dense Ah can be." He chuckled a little nervously. "Trust me, any pizza urges is pretty much yours truly, man. Sorry."

"So when I get a fat-gut I'll be sure to lay it at your door bro," Darren sighed, rolling his eyes, "though, still not getting what exactly it is you wanted to talk about here ..."

Jay picked at his wing, sinking down a little lower. "Yeah, just um...jus' come t' me, Ah can help y'all work dat shit off down d' gym, you know. It's how Ah keep my physique up." He chewed his lip. "You uh...y' remember...d' time Ah...walking in on y'all and Sel...?"

Darren smirked, "Which time?"

Jay blushed harder. "...Last time."

"... Oh ... you mean the time with the ... yeah," Darren flushed at the memory ... "like I could forget ..."

"Yeah..." Jay pulled out a loose feather and twirled it in his hand. "Well...since...since den...no, Ah guess before den, but dat kinda...Ah've been...Ah dunno, interested in girls." Yeah, safer to stick to that then scare him with the fact it was Sel specifically as well as him. "...And dat ain't normal for me."

Darren just stared at the oposite wall for a while again, "You ... you've been?" Fuck ...

"Interested in girls, yeah." Jay stared at the feather, nearly the same colour as it. "It's been drivin' me insane, Gede. Ah'm supposed to be gay."

And I'm meant to be straight ... fuck, i'm doomed! Darren started to fidgit with his I.D. tags nervously, "And that's since we did the vulcan mind-meld thing .. yeah?"

"It's gotta be. Never had doubts before, man, you know dat." Jay sighed. "Born gay. So...Ah mean...Ah've sorta...Ah guess Ah'm dealin' with it better'n Ah was - Ah mean, d' whole Eddie thing was a mistake but it wasn't like it was a bad one, y' know? But...Ah managed to sorta...shut down d' rest of d' bleeds from you. Dis one ain't goin'."

Darren rubbed at his face before playing with the tags again, "I'm ... i'm sorry man, are you .. you're alright with it?" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Motherfucker!

"It ain't your fault. S'pose bein' slightly bi's a good switch for bein' alive, man." Jay smiled a little. "Well...Ah guess. Ah'd be lyin' if Ah said Ah liked it or Ah'm happy wit' it but...at least it means Ah ain't so traumatised by your shit any more."

"Thank heaven for small mercies, huh?" Darren said, a slightly fixed grin on his face, You smug bastard! You and your fucking gaybies, and you Kevin! He was 99% sure he'd still be a one-girl guy if it wasn't for Kevin changing him into a human and giving him hormones!

"Yeah." Jay frowned. There was something off about Darren's voice, though it could be just that he wasn't used to the new cadences yet. "Darren...y'all okay? Nothin' bad's happened, right?"

"Oh fine, everything's fine, it's been nice just being able to spend time with Selene you know," yes, Selene his girlfriend, who he loved very, very much.

"Alright. Well, y' know, if ya need anythin'..." Jay shrugged. "Mesi for hearin' me out, man. Figured y' should know...jus' in case you get anythin', yeah?" He raked a hand through his hair. "You got a day f' when you're ready t' come back, Gede?"

"Yeah, Sel and me should be back in time for the 'school trip' on the 5th," Darren rolled his shoulders, pulling a face at the crack, "that's if Munroe hasn't cancelled it 'cos we're all naughty children."

"Yeah. Real fuckin' naughty. Ah didn't even have a fuckin' clue an' was nearly asleep on d' book." Jay muttered. "Seriously, Ah'd've preferred jus' a fuckin' spankin' and bein' sent on my way. Dat essay on top of all d' remedial shit d' rest of d' faculty put me on nearly broke me."

And now guilt on top of sexual confusion ... why was Jay his best friend again? "Yeah ... well it's all okay now, right?"

"Oh yeah. Be perfect when y'all get back. Room's too quiet without you, dude, an' Spook's missin' y'all." Jay smiled. "Y' wanna bring Sel when ya get back, an' we'll all get pissed t'gether, yeah? Ah got plenty of beer after all an' you ain't had d' god-food dat is pizza yet, have ya?" Jay grinned. "Make it a welcome back party, jus' us three. Sound good?"

Darren smiled, "I'm sure Sel'd be good for that bro, I'll see you then, yeah?"

"Sure thing, man. Take care, and tell Sel not t' break y'all before Ah get a chance to." Jay smiled. "Later, garcon." He pulled the phone away and ended the call, letting it drop on to the bed. Well, it hadn't weirded Darren out...that was good...right?

Darren waited for jay to hang up before putting the phone back in the stand and letting out a small groan, fuuuuuuuuck ... things were just gonna get even more complicated once they were back at the school, weren't they?
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