8/30 instance: Pitch A Tent

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Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
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Title: Fergie the Unjust
Location: I'm in the hick-land playing the spoons

8/30 instance: Pitch A Tent

Post by Ferguson »

Current Timeline

Lorna: "Sorry about that...turbulance." Lorna muttered though to tell the truth she wasn't sure. She simply wasn't the pilot out of the Drakes and was, admittedly, relying on her own talents to keep things level. "We're nearly there, short flight." She smiled back to her fellow pitchmen for this particular pick up.

SinJin: Ginny smiled back weakly. "Oh yeah, no problem. You're doing just fiii-" Ginny broke off as his stomach lurched again.
Tigra: "Oh Good...." Tigra dug her claws further into the floor, "Have you flown this thing before? Like... did you have to pass a test?"

Michael: Michael sat on a stump alive with vegitation growing from where it was decomposing. "Hmm okay guys what should I do now. How about a Snowman army fighting?" A random kid sitting on the snow covered ground answered. "Yeah! There's not enough yet though."

Michael: Michael answered the childs retort with a scene of mini snowmen attacking each other with snow weapons, and snow bazookas. "There's always enough if you use your imaginations. Come on kids you can do better than that. Give me another idea."

Lorna: "I'm sort of the back up of the back up...'s back up." Lorna shrugged. "And that was when it was my first year, I've moved down the list since then but don't worry, I can handle this." Now, for some place to set the plane down. Lorna could see they were basically overhead of the location given. "Hmm, all right, here we go now." She muttered as she started to set the plane down.

Tigra: "You mean they're letting an ammatuer fly us here?!" Tigra really wished she'd asked more questions before agreeing to this thing. But it was too late now. She shut her eyes tight.

SinJin: Ginny felt compelled to watch the ground rushing at them. He supposed the sudden stop would kill them instantly, but the drop might just kill him from fright. His eyes squeezed shut and waited.

Lorna: "Oh don't tempt me to barrelroll the plane while I'm landing just to make a point." She smirked back. "I'll save it for the flight back, you're fine, and quit kneading the plane." She absolutely couldn't resist making the plane stop before they had actually landed though, waiting for them to realize.

Tigra: "I'm not kneading! I'm clinging for dear life! Can't you tell the difference?" Tigra cracked an eye open when the plane stopped moving.

Lorna: "I don't really think you have to worry." Lorna just smiled and held her hands up. Look, ma!

Michael: Michael kep making whatever image the kids could describe for him. "You kids have such amazing imaginations." He laughed warmly and squirmed when one of his sugar gliders decided to run out from it's hiding place and up into his shirt. "Ahhh cold! Vincent you know it's too cold out here for you, you should be inside with the others." One of the girls in the group jumped up, "Aww it's so cute!!!!"

Tigra: Tigra loosened her grip on the floor a little, "Have we landed?" It felt like they had.

Lorna: "Nope!"

SinJin: Ginny opened his eyes. He snorted. "Oh, no. We're still up in the air!"

Lorna: "Fel a bit more comfortable now?" Lorna smiled and set the plane down the few more feet she had left it hanging, rolling to a slow stop. "Now, business time!" She stood up, pulling her hair back. "Ready to sell a school?" She didn't wait for an actual answer, heading out of the plane.

Tigra: Tigra straightened up, brushing herself down. She checked her fur wasn't too ruffled and straightened her hotpants and halter top. It may be the middle of winter but clothing had never been a great love of hers and it played havok with her fur. She took a breath and shook herself free of the nerves brought on by Lorna's landing then followed the other girl out of the plane.

SinJin: He unstrapped himself and hopped out eagerly. He dropped to his knees and kissed the ground, shivering a bit. "So - where is this guy we're supposed to see?"

SinJin: He hoped he was at the very least cute.

Lorna: "We're close." She shrugged, rechecking her gps readout before pointing and starting walking. "One thing about Professor Xavier. He gives good directions."

Tigra: "Well that's good at least..." Tigra wondered why he could tell them where a mystery mutant was but couldn't get a decent pilot on short notice.

SinJin: He peered over Lorna's shoulder. "So... it's that house down there?" He pointed. "Why is it that we can't bonk him over the head and drag him back, again?" He blew into his mittened hands.

Tigra: "You mean apart from the fact that'd look like kidnapping?" Tigra asked, quirking a brow.

SinJin: "Well, apart from that yeah - but it's not like he's going to say no."

Tigra: "He might - I nearly did... then they said 'free college'...." She grinned.

Lorna: "Never met anyone who's said no so far. That's our big selling line." Lorna shrugged, she had been intrigued by most all of it to be honest but she could understand that one being the main draw she supposed. "And here we come...judging from the snowmen with the bazookas I think we've found our target." She put on a bigger smile, taking larger steps to close in the distance. "Michael Twoyoungmen?"

Michael: "Huh?" Michael's images disapeared as he lost concentration. "Who's there?." He stood up and turned to face where the sound came from. "More kids comming for a show? You don't sound very young."

Tigra: Tigra's tail flicked back and forth behind her as she sniffed at the new scents around the place, paying particular attention to their target's scent so she could remember it. She also tried hard to remember the name... and to not giggle at the surname.

Lorna: "I'm sorry, didn't mean to disrupt the show...and I suppose I am too old to sound like that but I'll let the comment slide." She cracked a proper grin at that. "Lorna Dane-Drake. I'm here to talk with you about a college opportunity if you have the time."

SinJin: "I'm St. John Allerdyce, I'm here to help Lorna. I can attest that the school is excellent." He gave him the best grin he could.

Michael: "Uhmm... Hey kids why don't you head home I need to talk to these people." As the children left he felt a few weird things sweep over him, fear from a few of the animals he stayed connected with and some things that confused him from something, or someone with the two that had introduced themselves.

Tigra: Tigra realised she should probably give her name too, "Um... I'm Tigra..." she mumbled, her tail curling around her legs once her scent imprinting was done.

Lorna: "We're sorry to be stealing him away." Lorna waved to the children before taking a seat. "Now, how are you today, Mr. Twoyoungmen?"

Michael: "I'm fine. You can call me Michael though. Nice to meet all of you. I'd offer you a seat but I don't really have any. I don't like to impose upon my parents otherwise we could go inside." He reached his hand out towards where Lorna's voice came from. "I'm sorry but you'll have to help me if you'd like to shake hands, I'm at a bit of a disadvantage."

Lorna: "Not to worry, the ground is the most trustworthy seat ever made." She reached over, taking the hand and shaking it. "And Michael it is. Now, as I mentioned before, we're here to tell you about a college opportunity. It's...considerably unique. We are a school for mutants."

Michael: "So I could assume that's where my little abilities come from." He changed his attention to the sugar glider hiding in his shirt. "Shush in there if you're scared of her go back inside no one's stopping you. Sorry my sugar glider's a bit afraid of one of you."

Tigra: Tigra shifted uncomfortably, "Yeah that'll be me... Sorry.... I'm not gonna try and eat it or anything - I've been fed today..." she looked around, "Maybe I'll go for a walk around - I'll still hear you..."

SinJin: Ginny edged closer to Lorna. If the girl was that wild... yeah. He watched Michael for a minute, taking in the odd apparel for the first time and decided that he could laugh silently, as the guy couldn't see. "I'll let Lorna fill you in - she's the official. I just came to get out of the place for a bit."

Lorna: "Don't worry, Tigra, I think Michael is more than capable of keeping them calm." She made a face at the thought of being 'the official' but shrugged it off. "We're from Xavier University, in Westchester and we're an exclusive mutant school where you can learn more about your abilities as well as whatever it is you choose. I would be the arts teacher there and St. John and Tigra are both students."

Tigra: "I'm sure he is, but it's not them I'm worried about..." she frowned. If there were any small animals freaking out nearby and the feral caught on, it'd be everyone's problem.

Michael: "It sounds interesting. But I don't know how good of a student I'd be. I didn't do well at all in Highschool. I just barely passed." He shrugged and sat back down on his stump the plants moving to cover him a little.

Lorna: "Well, luckily we have a decent variety as far as class goes. We're small enough that personal help is always an option as well."

Michael: "Uhmm... I guess I can go. It's not like I'm doing anything around here other than talking to animals and amusing children. Mind givin me a minute packing or helpin out. I don't really have that much stuff. Uhmm... am I allowed to bring my sugar gliders? They go a little crazy when I'm away for too long, and uhmm I can kinda use them for different things here and there."

SinJin: Ginny settled down, beginning to make lots of little snowmen a la Calvin. He sighed. As the only man, he supposed he was expected to help back. He stood back up. "I can help, if you want."

Michael: "It's ok if you don't want to I'll pack up all my crap I just need someone to help with the tent. It's pretty easy to take down just takes a while to do it solo." Michael smiled in the direction of the person who offered help.

SinJin: "Um. You do get a room you know. In a house..."
Michael: "Well I do still have to put away my tent so it doesn't get ruined."

Tigra: "Leave it for everyone else to look after? I'm sure those kids you were entertaining would like it to stay so they can pretend you're still here..." Tigra suggested, trying to look as non-threatening as possible.

SinJin: "Well, I can do the tent - I go camping a lot, if you want to get your stuff?"

Michael: Michael went in the tent and packed up all of his stuff making sure to get it all in well and came out with a large hiking bag with a sleeping bag and a few rolled up blankets attached to it as well as deer antlers and feathers and a few animal pelts. "That was simple enough. OK now for the tent." He started to take it down slowly.

Lorna: "We have a whole jet for you to fill up so we'll be able take everything." She was all ready picking things up ready to haul things for the jet.

SinJin: Ginny blinked. The guy lived in a tent? In his own backyard? Had he had a fight with his parents? Over his powers? He sighed. He was very grateful that his parents had accepted him. He went to help him break it down.

Michael: "Lemme go get my Sugar Gliders and their stuff I'll be right back. Oh and I need to let my parents know I'm going." He set his pack down and ran inside to get things together.

Tigra: Tigra watched him go, "I hope those sugar gliders know how to hide...."

Lorna: "We'll be here." Lorna waved, straightening up with her load. "Well, that was easy."

Michael: A few minutes later Michael headed out of the house with a rather large cage and five sugar gliders climbing around him and the cage. He grabbed his backpack and attached the tent to it. "Thanks for the help." He gave Ginny a smile. "Well looks like I'm ready to go."

Tigra: "Woo! That didn't take long at all... which is good because this snow is sticking to my fur...." She frowned trying to brush it off. "Home time now?" She looked at Lorna.

Lorna: "Homeward! I'll even show you my barrelroll!"

Michael: "Uhmm.... I don't know If that'd be a good idea. You might achieve sugar gliders and my lunch flying all over your plane. Uhmm think on of you can give me a hand I can't use my walking stick when i'm carrying all this stuff."

Tigra: "I'll take all that - enhanced strength is a perk of my mutation. You worry about not falling over stuff..." She moved to lift the items from his arms.

Michael: "Oh uhmm thanks." Michael knelt down over by the stump and searched around in the snow for his walking stick and then stood up with a hand carved wooden walking stick with various animal heads carved into the top of it. "Uhmm to the school?"

Lorna: "Yes, to the jet and then to the school." Lorna smiled, trusting the others to help Michael make the way as she turned back for the plane.
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8/30 instance: Pitch A Tent

Post by puppygirl »

Yaaaay! New student :clap

Though I have a teeny question about timelining, this is set before the end of semester game, yes?
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