5/7 Game: Fantasy Island

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
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5/7 Game: Fantasy Island

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: December 9th.

JP: "So, we have access to an island? Why on earth don't we go there more often? I could do with an island getaway."

Scott: "Yeah! Also, I want a lei and a caipirinha!" Scott rose a finger to underline his statement, but then his eyes glazed over wistfully when he rememberd that he had to leave Bob behind this time around.

Selene: "I'm actually quite sure we've been there a few times already - we just can't remember anything aside from a terrible hangover for some reason," Selene replied.

Greer: "... I don't get hungover...."

Scott: "Makes me jealous..." he told Tigra.

Greer: "Healing mutation's pretty awesome...." she smiled.

Selene: "Then you simply didn't try hard enough," Selene told Greer with a smirk.

Scott: "...I think I'll side with Sel, that sounds like true facts."

Greer: Greer laughed, "Even getting drunk is hard work you know..."

JP: "Well, I look forward to both this trip and the resulting drunk shenanigans."

Selene: "I'm confident there will be plenty of opportunity to practice drunk shenanigans," Selene agreed and nodded.

Scott: "Drunk shenanigans are the best shenanigans, especially on a remote island without tattoo parlours that lead to regretfull decisions."

Greer: "... I wonder what'd happen if I got a tattoo...."

Scott: "We could design you a cool symbol so you can work as a super hero!" He drew an indescribably shape into the air, possibly a cartoonish cat, but rather looking like a sheep-pig hybrid.

Greer: "Um.... no thanks... not sure you'd see it through my fur anyway... which would negate the usefulness of it for superheroing since I don't have powers in this form."

Scott: "OR maybe the tattoo would come out as a black shape? We'll never know if we don't try!"

Selene: "We could always dye your fur," Selene suggested quietly.

Greer: "Nooooo no dying my perfect camoflage."

Scott: "Sometimes you have to take risks, for SCIENCE!" He struck a pose. "...or possibly comic relief..."

JP: "So, are we all most there?" Jean-Paul started peering out the window, hoping to catch sight of the place.

Selene: "We should notice when the jet enters the gravitational field of Terry's boobs," Selene replied, leaning forward to check the instruments. "Almost there... maybe I should do something to actually land the thing, don't you think?"

Scott: He peered out of the window. "I totally hope there's swaying palm trees and azure water. I'll take pictures and make people jealous!"

Greer: "I don't want to take that much of a risk til the stores start stocking food again...." Greer slouched in her seat.

JP: "Yeah, people had best be jealous. They missed out on an island getaway, after all...I think I'll avoid the boobs though."

Werner: Werner looked up into the skies into the direction where the plane should appear. Every now and then he checked his watch quite annoyedly or brushed inexistant dust off his all-white suit. Tatoo would then look up at him, furrowing his brows in a concerned fashion. Mister Werner was not known for his patience.

Selene: "I bet mutants would be disliked even more if people knew that they get evacuated to a literal utopia," Selene said as she disabled the auto-pilot and let the jet descend.

Scott: "Is there actually an airport? Is te island that big?"

Selene: "If you mean a lengthy strip not covered by rocks and palms, then yes, let's call it an airport..."

Terry: Terry looked over to Werner and his tiny little friend. "you know, this looks familiar somehow." She adjusted her parasol, looking up into the sky.

JP: "It's good enough by me...just as long as you can use it, yeah?" He looked to Selene for assurance.

Greer: Greer put her seatbelt on out of habit.

Werner: He rose an eyebrow at her. "Tatoo knows 32 ways of killing any human being with just what he has in his pockets. He is the only bodyguard my family always uses when coming to the tropics. AND he knows when I am annoyed..."

Selene: "Oh, I actually planned to make use of the jet's vertical landing capabilities, but if you insist on trying a traditional one..." Selene looked at JP. "We could bet on the outcome."

Greer: "Your way is fine, Sel... I'd like to be able to get out of the plane in one piece..."

Werner: He looked up again. "I really wish Andreas had given you people the forrest in northern Canada instead, I hate sweating as much as I do whenever I come over for checking your supplies...Ah, there they are."

Terry: "Well, in Canada I wouldn't burn all the time but I sort of like the parasol, distracts from the chest."

Selene: "Alright, let's see if we can topple a giant land turtle," Selene said and decelerated the jet, letting it descend towards the island before hitting the switch to channel the engine stream downwards.

Scott: "Oh, hey! There ARE palm trees! And the water is...is that azure? It looks blueish greenish..."

Selene: "I believe that's the definition of azure," Selene remarked.

Scott: "Cooool." He got his camera out and took half a dozen pictures just of the water.

Greer: Greer gave Scott an odd look.

Scott: "What?," he asked Tigra. "If you're a tourist you have to take pictures. It's practically a law!"

Greer: "Of the sea?"

Scott: He looked out of the window again. "It's azure!"

Terry: As the plane came into sight Terry found herself all ready bouncing up and down, waving her parasol in an accidentally threatening manner.

Greer: "Uh huh... I think we covered that one...." she patted him.

Selene: The view was obscured by a cloud of dust when the jet descended the last couple of meters before touching down gently. "I think I landed on a crab or something..."

Werner: "Stop that, woman!" Werner just barely dodged the flimsy construct. "Also, someone should tell them to get their collective asses down here faster, or I'll reactivate grand-grandfather's cannon."

Greer: "How can you possibly see what you're landing on?"

JP: Jean-Paul arched an eyebrow as he looked down at the bouncing as they came into land. "I'm not certain I am liking this as much as I thought I would...I think I might get seasick watching."

Terry: "Cannons? Is it on a tank? Can I ride it?!"

Werner: "It's somewhere in the interior and shoots 50 centimetre bullets. He used to shoot at a crazy Frenchman the next island over, but they couldn't exchange more than one shot per day, as the cannons would overheat. In short: You would burn your crotch."

Scott: Scott diligently took pictures of the bouncing.

Greer: "That is an impressive rack...." Greer was sure she was staring.

Selene: "Once you've landed on things often enough, you develop a feeling for such things," Selene explained, switching off the engines.

JP: "We can just open the doors and let the passengers out, right?"

Scott: "Wait, let me out first, I have to take pictures of them seeing their new home!" Scott struggled to undo his seatbelt.

Greer: "I guess? I wasn't really paying a lot of attention when instructions were handed out..."

Terry: Terry would have none of that, bypassing Werner and his little man to make her way as close as she dared (which was closer than most sane people would have dared) as the plane landed.

Selene: "I only know to get them here and look out that no one runs off to drown in the sea," Selene said, opening her seat-belt before hitting the switch for the ramp. "I planned on shooing them out of the cargo bay with a broom."

Greer: "Sure, try that..." she undid her seatbelt and got to her feet.

Werner: Werner saw Tatoo frowning at Terry and letting his hand glide into the inside of his jacket. "No, my friend. The poisonous throwing stars are for real threats. Let's go to ze plane." He took off.

JP: Jean-Paul made himself stand up. "Think of the drinks, JP, think of the drinks." He waved their guests down. 'Okay! Welcome to your new home!"

Selene: "There'll be cocktails and gropings waiting for you as a welcome gift," Selene added, proceeding down the ramp. The hot air hit her like a wall as she left the climate-controlled environment of the jet.

Scott: "Brush off your feet before you step out of the plane, we don't want to get the beach dirty, right?" Oh yeah, his comical routine was still on fire. He was itching to get to a gig at some point again.

Greer: Greer wrinkled her nose at the heat and promptly stripped off most of her layers, scrunching her toes into the sand.

Scott: "You should feel right at home here, right?" Scott poked Tigra in between taking pictures of mutants marveling at their new home.

Greer: "What makes you say that?" she looked over at him.

Scott: "Hello? Tiger..." He pointed at her. "Tropical paradise." He pointed at the island's interior.

Greer: ".... I grew up in Chicago."

Terry: "Hello! You don't know me but we're going to get properly drunk! How's the school?" Terry's head poked in, stepping in the way of those coming out.

Scott: "I know, I met your parents. But still, I bet you could totally vanish in the undergrowth and stalk people."

Greer: "Yeah probably.... but for now I think I'll stay fur free til I adjust to the heat...." she looked over at Terry, "Hi..." she smiled, openly staring at her chest. Holy crap.

Werner: "Don't scare the people before they even put a foot outside, you insufferable drunkard! It's me who gets the bill for cleaning up the pissed pants." Nevertheless, he peered in over her shoulder, while tatoo poked out from behind her leg.

Werner: "I don't know you people, except maybe the crazy lemon girl, and she is dangerous, as I've heard." He pointed at Selene.

Selene: "That sounds promising," Selene said, stepping over. "Hello, Terry!" Her gaze managed to pull away from the massive boobage towards the midget behind her. "Hi there..."

Scott: Scott took a picture of the trifecta greeting them. "Hey folks!"

Selene: "Only when fed after midnight," Selene replied, cracking a wry smile.

Greer: "She's an acquired taste..." Greer nodded at the mention of Selene, "I'm Greer... hi...." she waved.

Werner: He just frowned at the scantly-clad girl. He didn't mind the scantly-clad part, but her appearance here mainly meant more work for him, which he did not approve of.

Werner: "I will inform you that Tatoo has my expressed approval of breaking up any and all drunken silliness that should ensue for certain simply by associating with the resident red-headed barrel next to me."

Greer: "Aww but that's no fun...." Tigra pouted a little.

Selene: "Any silliness?" Selene crossed her arms and cocked her head. "Is he a professional killjoy?"

Scott: "...You DO have a tattoo parlour here?"

Terry: "Course. Whadda think I've been doing here? What's your name, you need a name. I think I shall call you dumpling."

Werner: "No, a professional killER," he replied dryly. "Also, his NAME is Tatoo." He pointed at his associate. "Do not make fun of his size or he may become proctological with a knife."

Greer: She giggled and looked at Scott, "I'm totally calling you that now."

Greer: "Professional killer, huh? Does he cheat and use weapons?"

Scott: "Mwah...?" He looked at Terry quite puzzled. "I'm Scott, thank you..." Nevertheless he took a picture of her.

Terry: "Okay Scotch dumpling, lets get you a drink." She flopped her arm around him. "Now, a picture for both of us, yeah?"

Greer: Greer giggled again, "I like you," she told Terry.

Selene: "I approve of dumpling," Selene said, casting a weary sideways glance at Werner and his suspicious midget.

Scott: He made a pittifull face at Tigra, secretly gesturing for help. "Iiiii...like drinks?"

Greer: Greer patted Scott on the head and headed off into the trees to explore.

Terry: "Of course you like me, I'm fuckin' fantastic! And drinks are fantastic too, everyone likes them!"

Werner: Werner gave the students mean glances while directing the mutants towards the medical checkpoint where they would be checked for anything ordinarily extraordinarily which had nothing to do with their mutations.

Selene: "I think we should definitely schedule more evac-flights to this place," Selene told herself, following the others.

Scott: Scott got dragged along by an irresistable Irishwoman. At least there would be drinks. But he would never forgive Tigra for abandoning him!

Greer: Greer scrambled over branches and rocks, exploring the trees and listening to all the sounds around her.

Selene: "I wonder if we can get evacuated here too, in case they actually decide to clear out the mansion, as well." Selene certainly wouldn't mind a plague-induced holiday.

Scott: Scott struggled free of Terry, which had made a beeling to a small and conveniently placed bar under some palm leafs, just next to where the tree-line began.

Scott: "I don't know, I bet the Internet connection is pretty bad out here."

Selene: "We'll just set up Darren as a WI-FI antennae and will be fine," Selene replied, following the others to the shady bar in the shade.

Scott: "Like a huge parabolic antenna?" He tried to imagine it. "It would look freaky..."

Selene: Selene waved at Greer, who had walked off to explore their surroundings, and found a spot to sit down in the shade. "Well, I imagine we could make quite some improvements to the place if we stayed for a while." She watched the line of mutant refugees waiting for their medical check-up.

Greer: Greer waved back then started to climb up a tree. It was hard without claws.

Scott: He took a caipirinha and sat down next to Selene, watching Werner wildy gesticulating at everybody, making things go actually slower than they would otherwise have, and Tatoo stoically observing everything.

Scott: "I kind of want to see the cannon..."

Selene: "I wonder if she can get a sunburn without her fur," Selene said, watching Greer in her underwear. "Now, a cannon sounds promising. I think after a few cocktails in the sun I'll be in the right mood to fire one."

Greer: Greer shimmied her way up the trunk of the tree. Not too bad once you got the technique... of course, her lack of clothing was probably a help there.

Scott: Scott looked upwards at the swaying boobs. "Maybe...Also, should we try to fire the little man out of the cannon?"

Selene: "I'm afraid fate leaves us absolutely no choice but to take this chance," Selene replied, nodding solemnly as she took her own drink.

Scott: "I like when fate is on my side."

Greer: Greer succeeded in reaching the top of the tree and realised it was a long way down.... she'd just wait there for now.

Selene: Selene frowned and tilted her head to the side. "Seems like one of us eventually will have to get her down from there."

Scott: "Eventually..." He still remembered the unhelpfullness regarding Terry, so he took a picture of stuck Tigra, got his sunglasses out, and then leaned back against a palm tree. "...eventually..."

Greer: Greer fidgeted until she got comfortable in the top of the tree and settled in.

Selene: "I can live with that," Selene muttered in response and leaned back herself, wondering where on the island she could find a lobster to arrange a knife-fight between it and the killer midget.
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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