4/30 Instance: Abra Ca-Bunny!

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
Location: Germany

4/30 Instance: Abra Ca-Bunny!

Post by Starfish »

Lorna: Sooraya felt slightly hypnotized at all of the flashing lights and the people going through the streets. Despite trusting the people she was with at the moment she couldn't help but wish that the staff hadn't decided they could handle this while they went and checked out their lead on Essex.

Lorna: She felt she needed an adult.

Jay: Adam had no such problems. So. Many. People. So many. So many lights! So much noise and smell and and and - ooooh! It was a little overloading, if he was honest, but the new drugs he was on were good drugs. So good. So many shinies!!

Lorna: "I believe that we should have purchased a map at that kiosk. I am not sure where we are now." She admitted, taking faster steps to be sure she didn't get left behind.

Jay: He bounced along the street, blue eyes everywhere, wearing a sleeveless black top and green and black stripey gloves and trousers, his dreads held back by his customary goggles. "We're here." He pointed at the ground helpfully, then bounced on the balls of his feet. "Okay. So. Looking for someone, right? Where the fuck do we start, I mean, there's thousands of people here and holy fuck she's naked."

Melati: "Fuck yes, Vegas baby!" Melati turned, walking backwards while flashing a wide grin at the others. "Come on, we need to stinking map. We'll always head where the music's the loudest and the people wear the least clothes. You heard what the teachers said, guys - the town's ours for the taking tonight."

Jay: He stared at a woman who gave him a suggestive wave and shuddered, shuffling behind Sooraya. "I swear I've caught JP's fear of female squishy bits." He muttered. "Is not, needs a peeersoooon."

Jay: "Soooo. This...dude that we've gotta find while our elders go find out what the fuck we're here for. Do we have a clue what he looks like? I mean, tentacles, interdimensional whatsits, wings...?"

Melati: "Hey look, is that a mobile party? Wicked!" She pointed at a throng of people, dancing around a cart that held a stereo blasting music at full volume and a makeshift bar. "See, that's totally what I have in mind for the boring old van at the school." Before anyone could reply, she had already disappeared in the bouncing and cheering crowd.

Jay: "...See, this is why bringing the lizard was a baaaaad idea."

Lorna: "Well, the person at the apartment said he would be near," Sooraya paused and looked down at her hand to read where she had written the place, squinting to make it out "Bally's at Flamingo Road...is that a real place?"

Jay: Adam was staying with Raya. As much as this place was awesome, it was also a little overwhelming for the guy who spent most of his time in the studio these days. "This is Vegas, so...yeah, I'd say anything's possible." The Irishman nodded. "C'mon, we need to get Scaley out of the party - we can do this shit after we've found the guy, right?"

Lorna: "Um...right." Sooraya did not know what she was agreeing to but as long as the first part was move on and get the person they were looking for she was on board.

Melati: A little while later, Melati emerged from the other side of the perpetually moving party parade, two bottles of alcohol in hand, differently colored prints of lipstick on her cheeks, and plenty of booze soaked into her shirt. "Woohoo! " Holding up her loot, she spotted her friends and headed back over. "You wouldn't believe where I've just been. In fact, where was I?"

Jay: Adam peered into the crowd, looking for the recognisable features of Mel and trying to ignore the temptation to join her. He couldn't do that to Raya, and damnit they had a duty first. "Mel! We need to dooo thiiiings first! We can have the drinking and stuff after we've found the guy!" It was a big crowd... "Fu-there you are! Christ."

Lorna: "Nevermind that, lets go to this Bally place." Sooraya was almost afraid of what would happen after they found this person, not sure she should follow Mel or Adam into any mass of people like this.

Jay: "Bally's...well, considering everything's all lit up, should be easy enough to spot, right? What booze you get, Mel?"

Melati: "I got you guys a little souvenir," she said, offering her bottles to the other students. "And hell do I know... the bottles ain't marked."

Melati: Mel looked around. "Hey, why don't we just ask someone?"

Jay: "...Brilliant idea! You do it."

Lorna: "...who do we ask, though?" Sooraya glanced at all of the people, not sure if they were to be trusted to...actually talk to.

Melati: "Cool! Can do!" Melati nodded, about to take off towards the nearest flock of people, before stopping in her tracks. "What are we looking for again?"

Lorna: "Bally's on Flamingo Road." Sooraya provided, sticking with Adam.

Jay: "Bally's at - what was it, Raya?" Adam blinked at the other girl. "Yeah. What she said."

Melati: "Okay, I got this," Melati said, leaving the bottles with her fellow students. "You watch that a second for me, and I'll be right back." She looked around and quickly headed off towards the nearest group of people who didn't look like clueless tourists - easier said than done.

Jay: Adam stared at the bottle in his hands. "...You get the feeling you shouldn't have agreed to this?" He muttered to Raya, before sniffing experimentally at the bottle - and nearly dropping it, sneezing. "Holy fire of God what is that?!"

Lorna: "I am afraid to even sniff it as I am sure it is something my family would be very unhappy about me even knowing the scent of."

Melati: After much pointing about and some wild gesticulating later, Mel thanked the group of young men she had been talking to and gave them a casual salute. "Alright, got the directions, so we're all set," she said, looking at what she had written down on her forearm. "The Flamingo's Balls is just two blocks from here - must be some kind of gay bar."

Jay: "...Flamingo's...Balls? Are you sure?" Adam gave the bottle back hurridly, eyes watering.

Lorna: "I...well...if it is not right I am sure someone working there will be able to direct us." At least it involved moving down the street with enough of a purpose not to get sucked into the crowd again.

Jay: "Point...alright. Onwards. And Mel - no more partying until after we have the guy, right?"

Melati: "Fine, whatever," Mel said, rolling her eyes. "Gee, I thought we didn't have a teacher with us this time. Alright, let's at least hurry, so we get this over with."

Jay: "Hey!" Adam skittered to keep up. "I ain't a teacher, I didn't say no partying which I could because I totally can't have any thanks to my drugs, just that we need to get the boring shit done first so that we can and you know, not be yelled at." He finally took a breath. "I don't like being yelled at."

Melati: "Oh, you just gotta learn how to deal with it," Melati said, leaning against Adam as she put an arm around his shoulder. "Believe me, I've been yelled at so much already, at some point you just learn how to tune it all out. That's the trick, you know? Not giving a crap."

Lorna: She was with a crazy person and that person was not Adam, Sooraya was sure of that now.

Melati: "And I think we need to make a left over there," she pointed out, gesturing ahead. "Yes, where the old guy is dancing on that box in his briefs."

Lorna: "...are you sure?"

Jay: Adam gave the arm an eyeballing, but it wasn't going to eat him, apparently. "Well yes, usually I don't but...you know...everything recently...eeeww, at least it's not Lemon Party, huh?"

Lorna: "What is a Lemon Party?" Sooraya asked, steeling herself up for heading down the road Mel had pointed towards.

Jay: "...Look it up, it's educational."

Lorna: "I'll have to remember that." She nodded. "Shall we then?"

Jay: "Yes." Adam nodded. "Hey, that's it there, right?" He pointed at a pink-glowing sign with a rather large crowd under it.

Melati: "Sounds like something Ms. Selene would be involved in," Mel pointed out as they turned the corner and pushed through the onlookers. "Ha, score! Guess that's it, yes. See, did I promise too much?"

Jack: "Now Keep your eye on the Jack, this isn't your basic three card monty, this is a little something new. You know what, think I'll mak this easier for everyone, let me flip them over, then I do the shuffling again, hmm.. jack's not this one... or this one... or this one..."

Jack: The bunny looked perplexed that the three cards he had shuffled on the makeshift table weren't the same cards he showed seconds ago. People clapped.

Melati: "Hey, what's this over there?" Mel pointed at the large crowd standing in a wide circle. "Should check that out - ooh, maybe it's another mobile party."

Jack: "Wait, hang on, I think I know what's the problem here. " The rabbit looked up and scanned for his target, "You ma'am, you're the culprit, you got my card, don't you? No no, don't be shy, come on, show everyone what you pilfered from me. Yeah, in your pocket there. I can see it sticking out."

Jay: "Meeeel..." Adam's tone was warning. "What did I - bunny ears! He's got bunny ears!" Adam stared at the guy the people were surrounded by.

Lorna: "I really don't think t-bunny ears?" Sooraya strained up to see and yes, there were bunny ears. "Well...I guess this is it then."

Melati: This made even Melati pause, who stood and squinting over the crowd at the pair of large black bunny ears. "So, what kind of mutant were we supposed to look out for?"

Jack: "I'll take that, you quick fingered little minx," the rabbit told the elderly lady, "Now I'm keeping them all face up, so keep your eyes on the jack. See, ace, ace, jack, ace, ace, jack, ace, jack, ace, ace, jack, jack, ace, jack...jack? Wait, this is wrong... Ma'am, you are destroying this act, now your fingers finched all of my aces, I only have jacks now!"

Jay: "...I don't know, but now I'm suddenly hoping Bit's in his hutch back home." He was really, really glad of the other two now. He didn't need to be doubting reality. No way could Bit have become...that...even if he was convinced Bit could talk..."

Lorna: "Well...I'd say we've found him. I'm sure once we can talk with him we can match him up to who we're looking for."

Jack: "Ma'am, would you please take both aces out of your pockets? Thank you! Goodness' sakes, how is a poor little bunny like me supposed to make money when a firey fox like yourself keep breaking up his act. Tsk tsk tsk."

Jack: "Thank you, now as I was saying, keep your eyes on the Jack, see, here he is.. and here he is again... and now he's here... and here and here and here and here and.." the sentence went on as he turned his three card monty into fifteen card monty, all jack of spades. People were clapping.

Melati: "I'd say giant two-legged bunny is all we need to match him up with the descriptions we've been given," Melati pointed out. "Hey Adam, where's your bunny, by the way? He wasn't snacking on any of the things in McCoy's lab again by any chance, was he?"

Jay: "No, I...I'm pretty sure I left him in his cage back at the school...he doesn't like bright lights and crowds..." Adam shook his head, not taking his eyes off the bunnyman. "His ears are too big anyway. Bit's half-lop and a runt...h-he has tiny ears."

Lorna: As people started clapping Sooraya joined in to be polite as she moved closer. They were going to have to talk with him, after all, there wasn't any need to risk losing him in the crowd when it broke up.

Jack: When the clapping died down, Jack gave a small bow, flipping a tophat upside down and on to the makeshift table. People tipped him, and he said, "For my next trick, I will turn all of you stinking drunk, because all of you will get ten percent off at the bar here at Bally's!" The crowd started to move in unison to the bar.

Melati: Exchanging a look with her fellow students, Melati made a move, heading towards the humanoid bunny in a suit before he could disappear in the crowd. "Nice show, kid," she said, putting on a wry smirk. "The only magic trick I can do is make a bottle of scotch disappear."

Jay: Adam edged closer, eyes on the guy's ears, having to actually resist the urge to pet them. If he looked like a bunny, did that mean he was as soft as one...?

Lorna: "She is very good at her trick, however." Sooraya smiled, stepping up alongside them.

Jack: As the crowd started moving away, Jack started collecting his things. He looked up at a voice, "Yeah?" He blinked when he saw what he saw, then went back to normal composure, "I know that trick, its a big hit on barbecue day at the AA."

Jay: Staaaaaaaaare.

Jack: Jack was used to people staring, heck, sometimes it brought in money, but the way this guy stared at him and his ears... it... it wasn't just a stare... it was a Staaaaaaaaaare. "Is your friend okay?" he asked the two girls.

Lorna: "You just make him think of his pet rabbit...I hope."

Melati: She laughed. "Sure that would get the party started," Mel said with a grin. "Hm?" She turned to look at where Adam seemed to have frozen solid. "Oh, yeah, he's just fine. Guess he's still in awe from your show."

Melati: "So, you're Jack, I take it," she added. "Got a last name to go with that?"

Jack: Jack eyed the guy, then squinted. "Kind of creepy, isn't he?" Squuuuuuuuuuint. He jerked back to looking at the reptile girl, "Hm, oh, yeah, I'll tell it if you promise not to laugh." his eyes squinted back at Adam.

Jack: Squuuuuuuuuuint.

Lorna: "I believe that we can promise that, yes."

Melati: "Hey, always speaking my mind is one of the rules I live by, so I'm not sure if I can make that promise," Melati replied with a chuckle. "But I promise I won't make it a mean spirited laugh."

Jack: "O'Hare."

Jack: Squuuuuuuuuuint.

Jay: "Huh? Oh, hell, sorry. I uh...I zoned out." The squint was met with a raised eyebrow. "I do that. And I'm not creepy - well, I am, but I'm apparently a nice guy. I don't know." He blinked. "Jack O'Hare? You got Irish family?"

Jack: Jack straightened back up, "Yeah, my mom. Oh, can you pick that ring up for me? Thanks." he said as he went back to gathering his things.

Melati: Melati just looked at the rabbit-like mutant at first, visibly tense as her lips were pressed together to form a thin line. Then she started trembling and cringed, even holding her breath in the desperate attempt to not make any sound. She squinted, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Jay: Adam gave Mel a sharp look. "Are you okay? Someone didn't spike your drink, did they? Oh god, if you're gonna be sick point away kthanks."

Jack: He squinted at the reptile. "So, you guys heard about the great Black Jack then? I do parties, conventions, pretty much anything where a magic show can be held. Not funerals, not anymore, they did NOT like my 'mystical' re-animation trick."

Melati: "Jack... O'Hare?" Her voice was unusually high-pitched. "Pleased to... meet you, Jack." She barely swallowed a laughed. "I'm Melati. Friends... friends... call me... Mel." The great black jack did it then, sending the reptilian mutant into a fit of loud laughter.

Lorna: "...we're sorry. I'm Sooraya." She smiled tight-lipped, trying to ignore Mel's fit of giggles.

Jay: Adam stared at Mel, thought for a moment, and then rolled his eyes. "Oh, right. I see. Sorry, O'Hare's a pretty normal Irish name and that's where I come from." He looked back at the bunny. "Uh...not as such, really. Adam Kilduff, everyone knows me as Toxic though. Or Glowstick. I don't care, I'll answer to anything." He hesitated, then offered a gloved hand.

Jack: "Hello," Jack said with a smile, shaking hands, then clicking his suitcase shut. "And as you two can see," he gestured to Mel, "I like adding comedy to my shows. So what will it be?"

Melati: "See, that's why... that's why I don't make promises," Mel said, slowly catching her breath again. She stood up straight and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm so sorry, but hey, told you it wouldn't be a mean laugh. Meant no offense, yeah?"

Jay: Adam looked at the other two, rubbing the back of his head. "Well...you see...we uh...school. School! Yes. We're here to talk to you about...you know...school..."

Jack: "Oh, pfft," he waved it off, "bridge under water or off a duck's back or something in that line. I don't mind, if you don't laugh, you cry. I prefer people laughing."

Jack: "School? Look, I finished highschool already, but I really don't see how that's got anything to do with how well a magic show is."

Jay: "No, it's not a normal school." Adam looked at the other two for help, gloved hand tugging on a neon green dread. "I mean..."

Lorna: "Oh, sorry, the magic show was lovely but i'm afraid that isn't why we're here. We are mutants like you as you can...um..see. We were sent to talk about a school of mutants with you."

Melati: "Yeah, I guess a human bunny mutant performing magic tricks in the streets of Vegas didn't fail to get the attention of our headmaster," Melati explained. "So we got sent out to be his little recruitment party for tonight. Not sure why us, but I'm not complaining. Because, hey, Vegas, you know?"

Jack: Jack paused and looked at them, raising an eyebrow... along with an ear. "So... are you guys like a cult or something?"

Fergie: "No! No, definitely not a cult."

Jay: "No! Well, I'm catholic, but these guys aren't. We're just...you know, mutants." His eyes flared red and he lifted himself an inch off the ground before landing again. "And we have a...school, of sorts."

Melati: "Do I look like the kind of person who'd get recruited into cults," Melati asked and chuckled. "No, it's a pretty normal college. Aside from the people who live there, that is."

Jack: "Cool trick, but didn't David Blaine do that inch off the ground trick already?" Jack said, "Look, I don't have any other jobs, so what I'm making here is what's pretty much keeping me alive. No fucking-pardon my french-way can I afford college."

Jay: "...It's free, and that wasn't a trick, trust me." Adam tilted his head. "Free board, free food, free education and everyone's mutants there."

Melati: "Did we mention it's free?" She smiled. "Yeah, that's pretty much what I looked like too when they told me that."

Jack: "Yeah... sounding less like a school and more like a cult. Tell me one thing, is there a curfew?"

Jay: Adam scratched his cheek. "Fuck no. I regularly come in at 5am."

Jack: "Huh, not a cult, okay, you're starting to win me over. So what happens, do I just pick up my stuff and get whisked off to some fancy college and that's that? Where's the catch?"

Melati: "Why, just because the owner is a friendly old rich guy who loves to have many young people live in his house," Melati asked with a grin. "And I can assure you that they're pretty liberal over there. Believe me, I've tried my best, but I rarely managed to make them yell at me for being an irresponsible git."

Toxic: "Hell, I've done some real bad stuff and they still look after me. They're epic!" Adam bounced happily. "Plus the people are cool. No tricks, just treats, promise."

Sooraya: "Well, I believe we are flying out tomorrow. The teachers we were with said something about having a night when the went off to check up on something so we'll have to wait on the wisking I suppose."

Jack: Jack bit his lip. He wasn't a big fan of life changing decisions. "Tell you what, I'll come along, but the second I have to start slicing up animals in the name of the dark lords, I'm out of there. Comprende?"

Melati: "Fair enough." Mel smirked at the bunny boy. "You're free to come and go as you please, so why not just check it out? Make up your own mind and see if that would be something for you, yeah? No obligations, no fine print."

Toxic: "Sounds like a plan!" His eyes kept going back to the ears. "If you don't like it, we can bring you back, no big."

Jack: "Okay... Where you three staying anyways?" Jack asked, swinging his jacket over a shoulder.

Jack: "For the night I mean, before you're kidnapping me to your mutant cult."

Toxic: "Some high-end classy place." Adam jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Did we mention the guy running the place is loaded? Top hotel rooms."

Melati: "Well, I planned on passing out somewhere," Mel replied. "Not sure about the others."

Toxic: "I want my comfy bed! I like comfy beds!"

Sooraya: "We have money for a hotel." Sooraya patted the bag she had with her as someone decided she was least likely to drink the hotel money.

Jack: "Mind if I crash there then? I think Mr Magnifico is having his lovely assitant over for dinner tonight. That's where I live at the moment, friend of my dad."

Toxic: "I has spending money. Can we have that really big hotel over the casino? It has butlers and everything."

Toxic: "Sure! Hey, he could totally crash with us, right? Right. Sorted. You'll come with us."

Melati: "Hey, how come you two got money, and no one gave me anything," Melati wanted to know, looking at the other two.

Toxic: Adam gave Mel a look. "Because I have a job, remember? And I sell music. This money's mine, miiiiine, I earnt it and everything."

Sooraya: "Well...mine is for all of us?" She shrugged.

Jack: "Perfect, I'm just starting my day, mind if we go someplace for a quick lunch.. well, lunch for me... probably dinner for you lot. I can show you three the fun things around vegas, where to spend money, where to make money, that sort of thing."

Melati: Mel exchanged looks with her two friends, then turned to smile at Jack. "I think we've found us the right person, after all," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Lead on then, great Black Jack!"
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