6/6 Instance: Doom of Doom

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Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
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Title: Timelord
Nightscrawlearth Character: :x23 :rachel
Location: Indiana

6/6 Instance: Doom of Doom

Post by tears~fall~like~glass »

Johnny: Johnny wandered down the sidewalk, glancing around and keeping an eye peeled for signs that anyone was in danger or needed rescuing. Heaving a sigh, he looked between the others before complaining, "You would think there'd be something going on."

Noriko: "After all the chaos while I was in medlab it's typical the moment I'm back out on patrol it goes dead."

Sooraya: "Apparently something happened last night. I heard someone talking about crowbars and ice cream." Sooraya frowned, not sure how the two went together as she walked along with the others.

Johnny: "At least they got ice cream?" he wondered, giving a shrug.

Melati: "Looks like most people are staying indoors these days, unless they absolutely have to leave their homes," Melati commented, kicking an empty bottle down the sidewalk as she walked along the others. "Or when they want to raise some hell. Can't blame them for being on edge, I guess."

Sooraya: "No, I suppose you really cannot. I generally like to avoid rage-crazy people, giant tumbleweeds, or the plague."

Melati: "Also, why are we walking again," she asked, giving her mates an annoyed look. "Just because the seniors are hogging all the vehicles, doesn't mean we should have to hoof it. Am I the only one who thinks we need more vehicles? Like Batman, you know?"

Johnny: "I could get behind the idea of a batmobile..." he grinned, "Also, I have no idea why I'm walking... I can totally fly..."

Noriko: "Or maybe a proper race car? Or Tron like motor vehicle? It would be rather fun to go round with all the neon and flashing lights on the way to save people!" Bandages or not, you won't stop this ball of energy.

Sooraya: "You would not abandon us that easily, would you?" Sooraya laughed to Johnny. "I imagine they are afraid of what we would do with one of the cars on a regular patrol."

Johnny: "Dude... Lightcycles would be awesome!" he grinned widely and shook his head, "Nah, I'm not opposed to being surrounded by girls. Also, they'd only have to worry if we let Mel drive..."

Melati: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean." She shot Johnny a look, before a smirk lit up her expression and she raised her hands. "While those are certified cool, you've got to think bigger. I believe it wouldn't be much trouble for me to get Lizzie shipped over here. The boys back at the yard have been taking good care of her."

Johnny: He smirked as well, "In normal vehicles, you can't just run everything over."
Noriko: "On Light cycles we could just blind and disorientate our enemies, no need to ruin the wheels by running idiots over right?" Playing with her gloves and staring at a piece of hair on her nose dye faded.

Sooraya: "Lizzie?" Sooraya looked over to Mel, not quite sure she wanted to know what Lizzie could be.

Noriko: "Its a tank, you know what I really hate about coming out of medlab? the after healy bit when things get itchy!" Scratching at the edge of a bandage covering her scarred arms.

Melati: "My very own tank," Mel replied, grinning with pride. "Well, not exactly my own, I guess. I used to work at a scrap yard for decommissioned military hardware, and me and the guys dragged it from the trash and started refurbishing it. Started as a hobby to pass the time, but you should see her now."

Sooraya: "I...how would a person even ship a tank?"

Doom: ((in bubble wrap))

Johnny: "I bet if we put a tank at our front gate people would think twice about attacking or kidnapping us."

Jamie: Jamie came out of a coffee shop balancing the tray of drinks and the muffins in one hand and carrying the variety of creamers and sweeteners in the other. He turned a corner as he grumbled to himself about how he should be more important than just the errand boy for his boss. After all, he did figure out that the Jehovah's Witnesses weren't that at all! ...Not that he could tell his boss that. Sigh.

Melati: "Well, the reasonable answer would be 'in parts'," Melati replied with a shrug. "The more fun one, however, is 'you don't; you drive it across country." She smirked. "Can you say most wicked road trip ever?"

Sooraya: Despite not wanting to be arrested abroad, even Sooraya had to smile at that. "It would be quite the trip...bit cramped but nobody would mind."

Noriko: "I'd strap a seat to the top! like a few deck chairs! Sooooo roadtrip this summer? Get lizzie here for self protection?" Giggling a little at the idea of a Tank with Neon lighting.

Johnny: Johnny caught sight of a person coming out of a shop but didn't think much of it. Wait... Blinking, he glanced back to him and asked the others, "...Isn't that the guy that stalked us or something?"

Melati: "Oh, it's surprisingly comfy." Mel smiled and nodded, eager to share every detail about her pet project. "The whole armament had to be stripped out, of course, but that made more than enough room for all kinds of amenities."

Sooraya: "Like your own personal mini-bar?" Sooraya asked, smirking, then looked over to who Johnny was looking to. "Possibly so."

Noriko: Noriko looked round and head tilted at him. "It is you know, you make him jump and he multiples."

Johnny: A smirk found its way to his face, "We should go make him jump..."

Sooraya: "Is that...a good idea?" Sooraya bit her lip, looking at the people who were out and about, wondering what they would think if suddenly the man witht he coffee became many men with coffee.

Noriko: Grinning a little Noriko skipped along innocently darted behind a table then behind the guy giving the stalker a friendly buzz to the butt.

Johnny: "Might make things a bit more exciting," Johnny reasoned.

Melati: Looking ahead with a frown, Melati then bent down to pick up the bottle she had been kicking about. "Wanna find it out if it's really him," she asked, wearing a mischievous smile as she tossed the empty bottle into the air repeatedly.

Jamie: Jamie jumped and the coffee flew up into the air and spilled all over himself and his electricuter. "Yeowch!" He spun around to see who did the dirty deed and was startled to see a whole group of people... People from the school. "Ohaithar... What's up you guys?"

Sooraya: "Hello Jamie, have you about gotten your stuff ready to move in?" Sooraya laughed as she waved. "We're just on patrol, really. Quiet day."

Melati: "Aw man, I was just going to bug him about some of that coffee." Mel grinned, stepping up to Jamie to pat him on the back.

Jamie: Jamie jumped a little at the contact and shrugged, "Slowly..."

Noriko: Shaking the coffee off her nose wrinkled. "Well can't say I didn't try..."

Johnny: "It was a nice try."

Jamie: "Try? Try what? To shock me?"

Sooraya: "We were just trying to make you a multitude." Sooraya waved it off, now more interested in the coffee at hand.

Jamie: "..Oh... Well to do that, you'd have to do more of a blu---" Shut up, Jamie. Don't give them any ideas. "Oh, I see."

Sooraya: "More of a what now?"

Noriko: "I can turn the voltage up if thats what you mean?" Giving Jamie a mischievous grin as she jumped a spark between her fingers.

Jamie: "N-nothing! It's nothing." He gave a bright grin to all of them and gestured back at the coffee shop, "I think I need to go get more napkins... But if you guys need help, I can probably join you? Maybe?" His eyes went wide at the spark, "No! ..I mean, no, that's ok. Thanks though!"

Sue: Sue slammed the breaks on and drew to an abrupt stop beside them on the street, invisibling the walls of the van so she could see them and they could see her. "Hey!" she yelled through the open window on the passenger side.

Johnny: Johnny raised an eyebrow at the van pulling up alongside them, "We don't want any candy."

Sue: Sue smacked him in the head with a tennis ball sized force field.

Johnny: "Ow!" he rubbed at his head.

Melati: "Finally, someone with an actual ride," Mel exclaimed, greeting Sue with a wave. "We've been stomping pavement all day our here."

Jamie: "Oh! I love candy!"

Sue: "No smartass comments you know I hate driving a manual." She ran a hand through her hair, "Well now you have an actual assignment so get in.... candy later."

Johnny: "Looks like you can join in," Johnny shot Jamie a grin. "It wouldn't have been very exciting before."

Jamie: "Right. You 'stuck' with a bunch of girls. Not exciting at all. Uh huh."

Noriko: "Sue your a life saver!" Happy to jump in the van next to her mate. "How are you Sue? Up to much side giving us a lift?"

Jamie: Jamie looked at the girl driving, "Any napkins in there?"

Sue: "Probably..." she leaned over to the glovebox, "Yep."

Noriko: Although she ended up face first in the van side first...

Sue: Sue blinked at the crash then laughed hard. "Haha! Brilliant! I was hoping someone would do that!" she giggled and made the walls visible again.

Noriko: "Ow....." Rubbing her nose and looking like a kicked puppy up at Sue.

Jamie: "Great! I'm in!" Jamie headed towards the van and paused when the girl who shocked him faceplanted. Better her than him. Because it almost was him.

Sooraya: "...that looked painful."

Sue: "Top tip: Open the doors first."

Johnny: "So, what's the situation?" Johnny asked as he reached around the others to open the door and climb in.

Melati: She laughed. "Man, the only way this could have been funnier would be with a baby strapped to your chest," Mel commented, before exchanging looks with the others. "What? Just for the pop culture reference."

Sue: "So far, group of mutants causing trouble. I have an address but not much in the way of information because apparently we're going to speed rather than accuracy. Something you can relate to, Johnny." She looked to see if everyone was in.

Noriko: Pouting Noriko got carefully in the van this time trying to see if her nose was bleeding at all with how much her nose hurt, why did her healing never kick in when she needed it?

Jamie: "So... What are all of your names again? I'm not sure I recognize a couple of you..." He climbed in the van and scrambled for some napkins to wipe up the still wet... and now cold... coffee. "...Trouble? What kind of trouble?"

Melati: "Ah, you're doing it my way, girl," Melati remarked, climbing in the back to lounge across the bench, putting her feet against the back of the seat in front of her. "I like that."

Johnny: He rolled his eyes, "If we're doing things mine and Mel's way, let's go. Oh, and I'm the best person ever, but you can call me Johnny."

Sue: "All in? Awesome." The gearbox made an unhealthy sound as Sue skipped a few gears and gunned the accelerator, peeling away from the curb. "Close the doors please! Create drag when they're wide open like that!"

Jamie: "That's pretty cocky of you, Johnny... And seeing as how I'm the best person ever, that's also wrong."

Johnny: "Fine, fine. I'll settle for best in the universe."

Jamie: "But.. That... I... " Jamie frowned, "Fine."

Sue: "Ooo the egos are drawn! Quick someone get a ruler and find out whose is bigger!"

Noriko: "Being japanese makes me more awesome then anything, and I'm Noriko Ashida pleasure to meet you!"

Jamie: "I never said I was bigger... I'd rather not know that."

Johnny: "Obviously, mine is bigger," Johnny stated.

Sue: Sue laughed, "I'm Sue, by the way. Johnny's older, and smarter, sister."

Jamie: "Now hold on a sec. You don't know that for sure." He paused for a second. "Rulers anybody?"

Sue: "Check under the seat Mel has her feet on, Wade might have left one."

Johnny: "Are you sure you want to risk embarrassing yourself?"

Melati: "Ah, why bother, it'll be my pleasure to be the judge," Melati said, rubbing her hands together.

Sue: Sue laughed again, "Mel, I love you."

Noriko: Noriko gave the guys a worried look before turning to Sue. "Can I come sit up front? Please?"

Sue: "Of course you can, Nori." She smiled over her shoulder at her.

Noriko: Noriko darted over the seat for safety's sake, she wasn't sure she wanted to see ego measuring if Mel was involved.

Jamie: Jamie stared Johnny down for a second then slammed his fist against the car door, letting another dupe pop up in the seat beside him. "Two is better than one."

Melati: "That's what she said," Mel chimed in, dirty grin plastered across her face.

Sue: Sue laughed again, "Oh this is fun. I should accept assignments like this more often."

Johnny: "I don't have to compensate by having another me..."

Jamie: Jamie's dupe gasped and looked absolutely horrified. "I think not! I am a respectful man! I like the theatre and ballet and other things I shouldn't like if I were macho!"

Sue: The van swerved dangerously as Sue cracked up again.

Jamie: Jamie looked embarrassed and sucked the dupe back in. "Wrong one."

Johnny: He grinned. He totally won. "Are we there yet?"

Sue: "I think nearly." Sue wiped her eyes and looked at the street signs, "Hmm... I missed a turn somewhere." she made a U-turn to go and look for it.

Melati: "Pretty sure that's where we supposed to be," Melati pointed out, gesturing down an intersection, where several people appeared to jump around on the middle of the road.

Jamie: "...They look like they're trying to do Super Mario Yoga. Why is that 'trouble'?"

Johnny: "I don't think the middle of an intersection is the appropriate place for that..."

Sue: "Looks like it!" Sue turned that way and checked the street sign, "This is the right place! Woo team work!"

Jamie: "That's their problem if they get run over then."

Melati: "Guess we should be more worried about the cars then them," she commented, as one ended up turned on its side, set ablaze moments later.

Sue: Sue spread a forcefield over the car to smother the flames as she pulled the car to a stop.

Johnny: "I could've taken care of that," Johnny commented as he hopped out of the van, changing into his fiery form.

Sue: "My way's faster." Sue took the keys out of the ignition and stuck them in her pocket as she climbed out.

Johnny: "Pfft. I control fire. There's no way it was faster."

Sue: "Well I guess we'll never know now."

Noriko: Noriko climbed out of the van and bounced abit, fingers flexing.

Melati: "Remind me not to join any team whit you two on it at same time again," Melati commented, jumping out of the car.

Jamie: "Oh. Well... Yeah, maybe we should take care of the little koopas then."

Sue: "But it's fun! And you know it is!" Sue protested Mel's announcement.

Johnny: "Yeah, things were nicer when it was just me."

Sue: Sue gave Johnny a shove. Force fields were AWESOME!

Doom: And once again it was up to Victor von Doom aka Dr. Doom to save the day! The X-Men were obviously struggling with this threat, but it would be NO MATCH for his skills and powers!

Doom: He fired up his rocket boots and flew into the fray ... though he realised a little belatedly that he should have built more sensors into the mask since his view was still obscured by the smoke and he ended up flattening a tiny japanese X-Man.

Johnny: He stumbled a bit at the shove and blinked as someone went flying by him and into Noriko. "Oh no..."

Noriko: Noriko squeaked before hitting the floor, head smacking the pavement nastily, you could almost see the dazed spirals instead of eyes.

Melati: Once outside, it quickly became obvious that the small group occupying the street where in fact mutants. At least the big burly guy with the boar tusks was. "Back off, if you don't wanna get hurt," he yelled. "This is our business!"

Doom: That ... shouldn't have happened ... but clearly it was her fault for getting in the way in the first place, "Never fear, Dr. Doom is here!"

Sue: "Uh... I got it..." Sue picked Nori up with a forcefield and put her safely back in the van.

Melati: "Whoa!" Melati kissed the pavement as she jumped out of the way, barely dodging the guy in the funky looking armor. "It's a party out here." She looked up, frowning. "Uhm, Nori?"

Jamie: "Bowser! Is that you?!"

Sue: "She'll probably be fine..." Sue shut the van door after making Nori comfortable and sending a text to Dr Summers to let him know she'd done it again.

Johnny: "Work around the guy in the sill suit of armor," Johnny suggested as he started toward the group of mutants that were destroying things.

Sue: Sue spread her forcefields over as much property as she could to protect it. It was good that she'd been practicing.

Melati: "Get lost, X-Men," the burly guy demanded, stepping forward. "And take your little friend there with you. This is a real mutant affair. We don't need no traitors who're not on our side." There were several people trapped among the group, looking quite frightened.

Doom: "Stand back! I will deal with these ruffians!" Victor proclaimed proudly, firing a concussive blast at the one with the funny mustache, missing completely and blowing up a car.

Jamie: "Hey!" Jamie ran towards the guy with the armor, "Don't make it worse with your fire flowerpower there dude!"

Doom: Silly suit of armour? ... Clearly he was just jealous.

Melati: "Aw, crap." Mel winced at the next exploding car. "Is he supposed to be on our side?" She thumbed at Doom.

Sue: "Oh Jesus... Johnny, can you try and control the fires....?" Sue tried to divide up her concentration and shield the crowd of people too.

Johnny: His eyes widened at the explosion, and he completely ignored the warning for them to get lost as he moved to take contain the explosion, "I'm on it."

Sue: "I'm going to try and get close to them..." She vanished from view. It was easier to shield things in her immediate vicinty.

Doom: Hmmm, he needed to recalibrate the aim on this thing, but the mustachioed one was distracted by it, "Diversionary tactics!" and he punched him, sending him flying through a store window.

Melati: "Why do you want to protect this racist scum," another of the group of mutants called out. "These losers consider themselves Friends of Humanity, but obviously they didn't get the news. Haven't you heard what the herald said? This is our world now, and we're no longer gonna take it!"

Sue: "Because you're not being racist at all by doing this..." Sue muttered as she passed them invisible.

Jamie: Jamie was just confused by all of this. Herald? Friends of Humanity? Scum? ...Oh wait, he knew what the last one was.

Melati: "Aw, come on, aren't we all on the same side," Melati said, stepping up to the group. "Let the professionals handle this, will you?" She got her reply in the form of a parking meter chucked her way. "We're not," one of the other mutants called back. "Not if you don't see that Apocalypse is doing what you should have a long time ago!"

Johnny: Finishing up with the explosion, Johnny turned in time to see the parking meter being thrown and sent a blast its way to divert it from Mel.

Doom: Now, for the little blonde woman, concussive blasts!

Doom: ... Oh wait, that was a civilian ... well she must have been up to something shifty to be hanging around her with all these rough types.

Sue: Sue used a field to cushion the landing of that unfortunate woman.

Doom: ... Ooh, he could see right up that pink skirt of her's ...

Melati: "Dude, not helping," Melati called out at Doom, before repaying the parking meter assault in kind, snatching a stop sign to whack one of the mutant rioters with.

Jamie: Jamie ran to hide behind the van and watch for a mo--- "Hey!" Jamie picked the woman up from the ground and shook a finger at the armored man. "No staring up the Princess's skirt!"

Jamie: He made sure she was alright and helped her pick up her grocery bag full of mushrooms and shooed her on her way.
Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
Posts: 2673
Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:16 pm
Title: Timelord
Nightscrawlearth Character: :x23 :rachel
Location: Indiana

Re: 6/6 Instance: Doom of Doom

Post by tears~fall~like~glass »

Johnny: Johnny ducked a blow from an oncoming mutant. Why couldn't these groups ever just give up when they appeared?

Doom: "Wait, how could you tell under my mas-I-I mean, Dr. Doom does not stare at women's panties! Not when fighting is to be had-OWCH!" Someone had hit him with a frying pan! An actual frying pan! They would pay for this assault on his royal superheroing personage!

Sue: Sue ducked around a few more people and finally reached the crowd of frightened humans. She became a tiny bit visible and put her finger to her lips, "Shh." she said very quietly.

Doom: Concussive BLAAAAAAST! Oooh, he managed to get that one through a second story window, twenty-five points!

Melati: The trapped humans weren't that thrilled by the attempted rescue, however, scrambling away from the transparent figure. "Get away from us," one yelled. "You're another of those freaks!"

Sue: "I'm trying to help you, idiots!" She contained them in a forcefield.

Jamie: "Because I saw how you were tilting your head just so! I'm a P.I., man!" Jamie squeaked as a guy came throwing a punch at him, "I didn't do anything!"

Melati: "There must have been some idiot juice in the water this morning," Melati remarked, while was busy wrapping one of the angry in the bent stop sign.

Doom: Victor swooped his cape dramatically, these fools were not match for him and his power of SCIENCE ... oh this one wanted to do fisticuffs! He could certainly do that!

Johnny: "There must be some of that in the water every morning," Johnny tossed it as he dodged another blow and returned it with a fireball... Except his fireball didn't hit his intended target...

Doom: Suddenly he was blinded by light, scorching hot light ... and then the pain hit, "ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, falling back and flailing, his hood on fire and his metal face mask glowing orange, "GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF!!!!"

Sue: "Johnny! You idiot!"

Sue: She was completely visible now and hitting him with forcefields.

Melati: "Aw hell, that can't be good." Melati turned around, seeing the armored guy on his back and holding his face, flames licking around his head. She took off and darted over. "That's what you get when playing with fire, kiddo." She tried to help him beat out the flames. "Hold still, will you?"

Doom: "MY FACE! MY FACE! IT BURRRRRRRRRNS!" He screamed, trying desperately to pull the mask off, but the more he pulled the more it hurt.

Johnny: Johnny simply stared as he attempted to process what had actually just happened. The realization he was still in a fight hit him though, and he ducked a swing, hesitantly throwing a blast into his opponent before rushing over to where the kid was flailing. He quickly absorbed the flames and focused on cooling the metal.

Doom: The metal was cooling but his face still burned in pain, and he realised that he couldn't get the mask off, it was melted to his FACE!

Melati: "I think we really need a medevac here," Melati remarked, shaking her hand after she burnt it on the searing hot metal of the guy's mask.

Sue: Sue knocked the mutants that were creating a barrier for the trapped humans down with a series of forcefields then freed the humans and gave them a shove as a hint to run the hell away.

Johnny: He slowly nodded, "Yeah... Someone should call for one..."

Sue: "I'll work on containing the people that are left... Jamie would you mind calling someone?" She looked over at him, glad for the nod before she worked on catching people in fields and pulling them into one big group.

Doom: The pain receded somewhat, enough for him to be ale to open his eyes, they were talking but he couldn't hear what about, his gaze fixed on the flaming one ... the one who had done this to him.

Doom: ... He was SO dead! They all were!

Melati: "Guess we better don't book that one under 'successful mission'," Melati remarked with a grumble, ushering the free humans to take a hike. "Come on, get your asses out of here. Nothing more to see."

Johnny: He swallowed, attempting to regain some of his composure, "From what I've heard, we haven't had many successful ones lately anyway..."

Sue: Sue finally had all the trouble makers sealed in a single field, which was much kinder on her brain. She moved over to Johnny, putting a hand on his shoulder - or at least as much on his shoulder as she could with a forcefield and fire in the way.

Melati: "No kidding." She jogged back to the car to grab the first aid kid, even though she wasn't sure what she could possibly do with it that might help the Doom boy.

Johnny: "So... When they get here, do we just send him to the hospital by himself... or what...?" Johnny questioned, looking between the others. He supposed the least he could do was go with him since he had wrecked his face...

Sue: Sue looked down at the kid, "Do you have anyone we can call for you?"

Melati: She shook her head. "No, pretty sure there will be questions asked," Mel said. "The least we can do is stick to his side."

Johnny: "Probably can't talk now," Johnny pointed out in a mutter and nodded. "I can go if you two want to head back. Nori needs to be seen by Dr. Summers."

Doom: "You ... will pay for-" he managed to get out, before passing out.

Johnny: "Or maybe he can..."

Sue: "I guess that's a no then....." She dug the keys out of her pocket, "Mel, do you mind driving back? I'll stay with Johnny...."

Johnny: "I'll be fine, Sue," Johnny was rolling his eyes despite them not being able to see them.

Sue: "I know. Just want to make sure you don't get lost on the way home. Your sense of direction is awful... and you crash into ducks."

Johnny: He sighed, shooting Mel and look and hoping she'd drag Sue away, "I can make it home."

Melati: "Sure can do," Melati replied, giving a nod. She looked from Sue to Johnny and back again. "Wanna tag along? I think Johnny wants to handle this by himself. Understandable, if you ask me."

Sue: Sue frowned a little, "Are you sure, Johnny?" she glanced at the people hammering on her forcefield, "I have to hang around a while anyway..."

Johnny: "Yeah, I'm sure. It's my fault, I'll take care of it," Johnny answered, changing back to his normal state. The only good thing about the uniforms... They stood up to his powers, so he didn't end up naked.

Sue: "Okay..." she gave him a hug now that he wasn't on fire. "Come see me when you get back?"

Johnny: He just nodded and decided he may as well take a seat on the ground next to the kid while they waited for medical assistance.

Melati: Melati gave Johnny a pat on the shoulder as she stood up. "See ya back at the school," she said, before looking down at the armored guy, still lightly smoldering. "Good luck to you, kid. Sorry about the whole mess..."

Sue: Sue could hear sirens approaching. "It's about time..." she moved back over to her captured baddies.
Dread Pirate
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Re: 6/6 Instance: Doom of Doom

Post by Ult_Sm86 »


I loved this. It had the appeal of a classic comic combined with modern day writing. And even better, Doom gets Leonardo DiCaprio'ed.
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