6/24 Instance: Out the Window

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Dread Pirate
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6/24 Instance: Out the Window

Post by Ferguson »

Current Timeline

<Darren> Darren touched down on the balcony of Jason's swanky bachelor pad and looked around for any sign of of the Mastermind himself. Okay, mybe he should have arrived the conventional way but fuck stairs and elevators man. He should be used to people arriving via air anyways, didn't Monet fly? He rapped on the pane of glass to get the attention of anyone inside.

<@Jason> Jason was in his office, reading over a few things for work when he heard the rapping, looking up and arching an eyebrow as he caught sight of his guest. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked as he opened the balcony door, curious despite knowing there was probably a lot of reasons he wouldn't want Darren just stopping in.

<Darren> "Hey Jase," Darren gave the guy a smile, "can I come in? I've got something I wanna talk to you about."

<@Jason> "Come on in, don't mind the mess, I've got a bad habit of not putting my work away in here." He waved Darren on in. "Need anything? Drinks?"

<Darren> "Pffft, you should see mine and Sel's apartment," Darren stepped over a pile of papers, "Sure, if you're offering, got any beer?" He pulled out his cigarette packet and offered one to his host before flopping down on a chair.

<@Jason> "We've got drinks for every occasion." Jason laughed, gladly taking the cigarette before heading off and grabbing two beers. "I imagine your apartment to be a rather unique collection of things indeed...and lemons."

<Darren> "Lemons do make up a sizeable amount of our decore," he looked around the room, particularily the art on the wall, "... Is that a Hockney?" He asked, pointing to a particularily bright one as he took the beer from Jason.

<@Jason> "Oh, yes, that it is, Monet hated it and I was feeling contrary." He took a drink of his beer as he wondered what on earth he could do for Darren.

<Darren> "Yeah, I never imagined you as a Hockney man, but everyone needs some colour in thier life I guess," to be honest he'd never imagined Jason as an art appreciator anyway, but along with the Hockney there was a Kitja and a few small pieces by Lucien Freud ...

<Darren> Darren took a mouthful of beer and lit up his cigarette, "So, have you heard from Ronnie at all recently? Know where she is?" Might as well cut to the chase.

<@Jason> "I'm afraid I haven't heard much from her, no." He shook his head. "She's been out of town for quite some time. I figure sorting estate issues."

<Darren> Darren sighed and blew out a stream of smoke, "Damn ... well if she contacts you can you let me know ASAP? We really need to drag her in for a little chat."

<@Jason> Surely Ronnie hadn't managed to get caught out for everything they had gone through together now, surely. "Certainly, what do you need her for?"

<Darren> "Did you hear that we had Malice at the school?" Darren asked, taking another sip of beer, "Turns ot she'd been hiding in Chuckle's brain all this time, we found her, caught her and then these two kids turn up out the blue. One of them, Lukas is the cousin of one of our students."

<Darren> "Long story short, Lukas and his buddy Fabian are working for Apocalypse, he sent them to extract Malice, only they ran into half the faculty on the way out and it didn't go so good for them," he smirked a little at that.

<Darren> "They agreed to co-operate and turn over any information they had on their boss and his organization in exchange for protection, and gave us a list of what they called Apocalypses' Accolyts, some of his most trusted followers ..." he trailed off, letting Jason work out the rest for himself.

<@Jason> Oh hell, that was not the best news Darren could have come through his window with. "So I would take it Ronnie has earned herself a spot front and center for the end of the world then, yes? Well...I can't say as I am completely surprised."

<@Jason> Not completely surprised but definitely dreading this. He knew the kind of things she was capable of, after all, considering how closely they had worked together.

<Darren> "Really? And why's that?" Darren sighed, "All everyone ever knew about her was that she was a grade-a bitch, but we never figured into this, from what I can gather these Accolyts are a collection of real psychos, you knew her best which is why I'm comming to you, is there anything you can tell me?"

<@Jason> "Ronnie's ruthless and does exactly what she thinks is best for her. I can see why she would think this would be the best thing for her." Jason admitted though he didn't exactly what to think about that. He might think it was too far but he did agree with the thoughts behind it and he knew Ronnie wouldn't exactly have the same line he did.

<@Jason> Not that he had too firm of a line, lets consider who he was talking to at the moment.

<Darren> "She's a big one for mutant superiority then?" Darren frowned thoughtfully as his mind started down another, much more personal track, "... Interesting," his eyes narrowed.

<@Jason> "Yes, I would say she is pretty gung-ho about the whole thing." Jason motioned to one of the chairs, taking a seat himself.

<@Jason> "So, I assume you're trying to track them by her?"

<Darren> "Hopefully, she's my best lead so far ... you sure you don't have any contact details for her?" Darren took the offered seat and tipped his ash into the tray on the coffee table.

<Darren> And ... after what Jason had said about her, she sounded like a potential Brotherhood member ... ooooh when he got his hands on her he was going to ask her so many lovely questions, which she would answer.

<@Jason> "I'm afraid not, we've not talked since before the whole Genosha incident." He shook his head, settling back in his chair and frowning.

<Darren> "Do you know anyone else she had deaings with who might know how to get in contact with her?" Darren gave his beer can a murderous look as he thought about the posibility of getting his hands on the Brotherhood.

<@Jason> "I'm really one of the main people that has dealings with her but she didn't feel the need to bring me in on this."

<Darren> ...But did she feel the need to bring you in on anything else? Darren's eyes flicked to Jason, sizing him up.

<Darren> When he'd been looking into the Brotherhood he'd concentrated his investigation around the school, since absolving the X-Men had been his top priority, but now ... well. If Ronnie did turn out to be Brotherhood then who was likely to be a fellow member if not someone, probably the only one, she had ever been even slightly close to at the school.

<Darren> "Well ... you just let me know if she gets in contact, yeah?" He said carefully.

<@Jason> "I'll be sure to, is there anything else I can do for you then?"

<Darren> Darren gave Jason a slightly knowing smirk, he needed to keep him onside since tracking down Ronnie and seeing if she could lead them to the others was his top priority at the moment, afterwards though ... he might be back to question Jason a little further.

<Darren> He drained his beer and stood up, "Nah, that's plenty, thanks for the info just ... let me know if you hear from her, alright?"

<@Jason> "Of course, and could you tell Scott I believe some of the projects the labs are doing for him are ready? I assume Pietro has been reporting but anytime he needs them delivered we can send them on over."

<Darren> Darren gave a lazy salute, "Will do, you take care now Jason, and stay where we can get in contact, just incase," he crushed the can in one hand and tossed it into the trash can before making his way to the balcony.

<Darren> "Have a nice night," he smirked before leaping off the balcony and into the night with the dull roar of rockets.

<@Jason> "...well hell." Jason finished his beer, letting himself have a moment to think over what had just transpired there.
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Re: 6/24 Instance: Out the Window

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