9/21 Instance: Duck Hunt

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Title: Pushed Beaver
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9/21 Instance: Duck Hunt

Post by Svartfreja »

Couple of days after [Instance]Looking for Cracks.

<Jessica> It had been a while since she'd been anywhere on her own and it was a little weird for Jess as she got out of the car in the actual parking lot of the school and looked around, brushing her hair out of her face as a chill wind blew it across her vision. Now. What should she do first?

<Bobby> Chill winds were Bobby's exact element, and Yoda didn't seem to mind them either as they strolled around the perimeter of the parking lot. Well. Bobby strolled, Yoda bounded and yapped and once got lost in a pile of leaves. He noticed a car pulling into the lot and squinted at it. Was that...?

<Jessica> She hit the button to lock the car up then stuffed the keys into her pocket and started for the front door. She could decide inside - it was cold and irritatingly windy outside.

<Bobby> It was definitely Shaw's fancy-schmancy Bond car, but that wasn't Shaw. He grinned and tugged the leash to get Yoda's attention, then took off at a trot to intercept her. "Jessie!"

<Jessica> Jess turned on hearing her name and grinned right back, "Bobby!" She headed back down the steps to meet him.

<Bobby> Even with the coat he could see the bump - it was really hard to miss, after all. He stopped a few feet from her and gestured at it. "Wow," he said with a laugh. "Look at you!"

<Jessica> "I know, I'm huge," she laughed and closed the gap to pull him into a hug and kiss his cheek, "I missed you!"

<Bobby> "No, it's not..." He laughed and hugged, carefully, the belly getting in the way. "Okay, it's pretty huge," he admitted, still grinning. "I missed you, too, babe!" The belly was really distracting, but he looked her over. "You look good - how's things?"

<Bobby> Realizing they were still outside, he grabbed her hand and started for the door as Yoda danced around them in excited circles. "Wait, you can tell me inside where there's heat."

<Jessica> She laughed, heading up the steps with him, "Yeah.... while I'm not as affected by the cold as I used to be, it's still nice to be in the warm and out of the wind."

<Bobby> "Yeah, yeah, I know," his nose wrinkled as he was reminded of the reason why. Bobby opened the door and unclipped Yoda's leash. "But yeah, it's still cold and your passenger probably doesn't want to freeze."

<Jessica> "No, probably not..." she gave him a smile in thanks for opening the door and stepped inside, "She's doing great, by the way."

<Bobby> "She." Bobby grinned and gave her another careful hug. "Paige will be so happy - another girl to drown in pink."

<Jessica> Jess pulled a face and rubbed the bump, "It's okay, I won't make you..." she promised. "Also there's other good news."

<Bobby> "Yeah?" He watched Yoda skitter off and offered to take her coat.

<Jessica> She unbuttoned the coat and shrugged it off to hand over, "We moved back into the house... it's safe now."

<Bobby> "Well I'm not gonna pretend I even want to know how but I'm happy for ya, babe." He slung the coat over his shoulder and gave the belly another look. "Why don't you come to our room? I've got something for you... if it'll fit."

<Jessica> "Um... okay," she gave him another smile, "But, just fyi, I'm not sure I want to know how either but that ship has sailed so I'm dealing with that..."

<Bobby> "He seemed... like himself. Shaw. At the hospital, I mean." Bobby waved a hand in illustration. "So he's okay, too? And you're all... okay?"

<Jessica> She nodded, "Yeah we're fine, everything's good.... well sort of complicated at the moment but it'll be fine," she waved a hand dismissively, "Oh! But we need the baby stuff back..."

<Bobby> "When is it not complicated?" He laughed again and took her hand to go upstairs. "Right! Of course! I can get it... as soon as I remember where we put it."

<Jessica> "I hope it's safe, heard on the grapevine that things have been going missing lately. Crazy. But then what else should I expect from this place?" she giggled, giving his hand a squeeze, "I miss being here..."

<Bobby> "Yeah, Cassie says there are demons in the basement," he said matter-of-factly, shooting her a crazed grin. Although, now that she mentioned it, he hoped the little blue bastards didn't have a thing for rubber duckies.

<Jessica> "Sounds awesome," she laughed, shaking her head, then glancing around to check for eavesdroppers, "Mind you, life was interesting in Hydra land."

<Bobby> "Yeeaaaaaah. Did she send us some demons by any chance?" He led her down the hall to the mini-apartment he shared with Paige, Rip and Yoda, who was pattering down the hall behind them.

<Jessica> "Noooo she'd be breaking her promise to leave you all alone then," Jess was confident.

<Bobby> "Although, you know, it was your brother that ripped the hole in time and space in the basement..." He opened the bedroom door for her.

<Jessica> "Why am I not surprised? This is why I told him he's not allowed to experiment in our basement."

<Bobby> "Gee, thanks, babe." He poked out his tongue and put her coat over a chair, picking up Ripley's toys as he went. "I can make you tea! We have that much. You want some tea?"

<Jessica> "When do I ever say no to tea?" She found a chair that wasn't occupied by toys and sat down on it, "And if you have problems with his experiments, maybe someone should think about imposing some rules on them?"

<Bobby> "Yeah, well, that's on Lehnsherr," he said dismissively and went for their mini kitchen. "I just don't understand how he does like... a quarter of what he does." Turning, he leaned on the counter after he turned on an electric kettle. "It's seriously like he opened a fucking black hole in the basement!"

<Jessica> "Well, the problem is that neither does he...." Jess ran a hand through her hair, "He just builds... it's intuitive. He doesn't know what powers half of the things he builds..."

<Bobby> "Well that's scary." Remembering why he'd brought her up here in the first place, he started digging through drawers. "Um... don't mind the toys. They kind of get all over since Rip's all toddly now." He looked up and grinned. "You'll learn all about that in a couple years."

<Jessica> "Yeah... she'll be nearly two by the time this one's born..." Jess rubbed the bump and offered a small smile, "It'll be nice for her to grow up with friends... she won't be as awkward as me."

<Bobby> "Aww, you aren't... well, okay, you are, but we're all a little awkward in our own ways," he said, making a face at her to take the sting from the words. Finally he made a sound of triumph and pulled a tissue paper wrapped package from the drawer.

<Bobby> Bobby went back to her, pulled up one of Ripley's tiny chairs and parked his ass on it, handing over the package, which bore a terrible wrapping job overshadowed by an enormous - if slightly squished - pink bow. "Happy baby!"

<Jessica> Jess laughed at the presentation, "Wow that's... I wish I had a camera." She took the package and leaned to kiss his cheek, "Thanks... but you didn't have to get me anything...."

<Bobby> "Nah, it's nothing. I knew I had to get it for you when I heard the news." He reached over and fluffed the bow a little. "Paige improved it, just in case you couldn't tell."

<Jessica> "I never would have guessed," she giggled again, carefully unwrapping the gift and unfolding the shirt inside. "Oh my God!" The design on the t-shirt matched the mug he'd bought for her back when they still lived in New York, "I love it!" sure she was crying now because of the ridiculousness of hormones but it was awesome.

<Bobby> "Wow you love it so much you're leaking!" Bobby laughed and reached over to give her a quick hug before he looked for tissues. "I was just going to get you a new mug, but then when you said you and Sharky were spawning..."

<Jessica> "It's really great... not sure it's the right weather for t-shirts though," she managed a laugh, rubbing at her eyes with the cuff of her sweater, "but I think I'll wear it anyway." In fact she was going to put it on right now. She pulled it down over the layers she was already wearing. "How do I look?"

<Bobby> He abandoned the search and studied her. "I approve, and I promise I won't squish you, babe." Grinning, he went back to the little counter to finish her tea. "So, she keep you up all night kicking?"

<Jessica> "At first, yeah.... but now she's getting into a regular sleeping pattern so I sleep when she's not doing anything... pretty sure it's going to drive Sebastian crazy now that we're back home because I'll just get up and cook instead of staying in bed and reading at night when I wake up."

<Bobby> "Well, not if he likes to eat." Tea wasn't hard, dammit, he could make tea.

<Jessica> "He does like my cooking..." and they had another mouth to feed anyway. "And I have company whatever time of day I'm up so I can chat away and she can learn my voice."

<Bobby> Tea mission complete, he snagged a soda for himself and took the cup to Jess. "Yeah, she'll learn both of your voices," he said, trying not to think of Lorna's pregnancy and all that entailed. This time, he pulled over a regular chair and sat beside her.

<Jessica> She smiled and took the cup, "Good... but I want her to know all the voices of the people that'll be in her life that I care about the most so I'm going to be spending lots of time around here now that I can... you know, once the baby's room's all done again."

<Bobby> "Right." He snapped his fingers. "Promise I'm thinking. We put everything in one of the spare rooms down the hall. We can go look here in a sec." Leaning in, he addressed the bump. "Hey, little lady, someday you'll like pestering my daughter."

<Jessica> Jess giggled, "Yes, you are one of the people I intend to spend time with," she gave him a gentle pat. "I really really missed this place... and everyone here, even all the crazy stuff.... I mean, some things were nice there but... it wasn't the same...."

<Bobby> "I'm glad we rate higher than terrorist crazies." Leaning over, he bumped her shoulder with his own.

<Jessica> "Of course you do..." she bumped back, "But I did get to try out all kinds of fun things while I was there and I was allowed to throw people through walls. Can't do that here."

<Bobby> "Sure you can! ...you just have to be sneaky about it." He decided since she wasn't a student anymore he didn't need to worry about corrupting her. Glancing at the bump again, he smiled. "One of these days, Paigey and I will probably take the plunge for another baby."

<Jessica> "Really?" she smiled and pulled him into a hug, "That's nice to hear..."

<Bobby> "Yep! Paige has always wanted kids... lots and lots of them, and I... well, I always wanted at least a couple." He squeezed gently, remembering his promise not to squish. "And it'd be nice," he added, more quietly. "Nice to go through that with her..."

<Jessica> "I think you'd both be great at it... I mean, you do so awesome with Ripley anyway, it'd be good for her to have a little brother or sister."

<Bobby> "Thanks," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and eying the belly. After a moment, he rested his hand on it. "Think you guys will have more?"

<Jessica> She gave a helpless shrug, "I don't know... have to see how I feel about that when I get out the other side... might not want to do it all again - hear it hurts."

<Bobby> "Still got your inhibitor bracelets? If not, we got more of 'em. SHIELD keeps them in stock after all. Then you can get the good drugs. That's what... L-Lorna did. The drugs, I mean, not the inhibitor."

<Jessica> She nodded, "I know I have options but... we'll see. I have a high pain tolerance so I might be alright... years without being able to take pain medication sets you up good."

<Bobby> "Yeah, piece of cake then, right?" He remembered the feel... the warm, firm bump, but the baby was probably sleeping. Removing his hand, he unscrewed the lid of his soda and took a slurp. "Besides, it's worth it, babe."

<Jessica> "It better be after all this..." she gave a soft laugh, "Sebastian's crazy protective which I get but... it's hard enough with all the restrictions on activities... and I know I wasn't great at the start or even a month ago... but now it's frustrating..."

<Bobby> "Nah, it is. You take one look at that squirmy little red thing you made and you fall in love. And when she starts looking back up at you with that confused expression and you start to see yourself and... well, Shaw," he paused at the catch in his throat and cleared it. "It's worth it, babe."

<Jessica> She bit her lip and nodded, drawing him into another hug, "I never thought I'd want to have children... still don't think I'll be very good at it but... hopefully she won't notice."

<Bobby> "Nah, you'll be fine." He patted her back. "Hell, if I can do it, anybody can." His mouth twitched with his sudden thought and an evil grin spread. "It's Sharky you'll have to worry about if he starts using it as an excuse to hire hot nannies."

<Jessica> "Maybe I'll hire a hot nanny of my own! .... A manny!" Jess giggled.

<Bobby> Bobby snorted. "Niiiice thinking! I totally support this."

<Jessica> "Gotta keep him on his toes with all those scantily clad women at the Hellfire Club, I could get jealous. Time to turn the tables, I think," she nodded sagely, picking up her tea. "That and I think deviousness has worn off on me a little bit."

<Bobby> "From which one of your evil influences?" He took another slurp of his soda and shifted in the chair. Feeling something, he raised himself enough to dig a rubber building block from under his butt. He squeaked it at her.

<Jessica> She laughed, taking the block to feel the weight of it in her hand, "Probably Viper... spent lots of time with her..."

<Bobby> "Ech, that's scary." He wrinkled his nose at her. "Still got your dog-thing?"

<Jessica> "Yeah but he's on guard duty at the moment... with Widget... which is hilarious on so many levels."

<Bobby> "He's guarding Widget?"

<Jessica> She shook her head, squeaking the brick at him, "No, the house... sort of...." she wrinkled her nose.

<Bobby> "So they're both guarding the house? From Broo coming over to give you basement demons?"

<Jessica> She pulled a face, not at all comfortable with lying to Bobby. "You'll get mad...."

<Bobby> "Why?" His head cocked. "What's wrong?"

<Jessica> "We have a houseguest... sort of unexpected and awkward...."

<Bobby> "Y'okey?" Confused, he decided more caffeine was needed.

<Jessica> She sighed, looking away across the room, "It's Shinobi."

<Bobby> "Shin....oh. Oh. OH! Oh my God, Jess!" Bobby very nearly spewed his soda.

<Jessica> "Yeah... there was a thing with a thing and Viper thought it would be helpful to deliver him to us... so then there was freaking out and talking to people about it and now he's living with us on a day by day thing... and hitting on me... which is creepy."

<Bobby> "Holy fucking shit! He's crazy! He shot Hope! A-and he, like, helped kidnap her, before! And Rachel and the rest!"

<Jessica> "Well Viper kidnapped me and she worked out okay.... Way I see it is, we give everyone second chances all the time so why shouldn't he get the same chances? At least if he's with us no one else can take advantage of him, poor guy."

<Bobby> "Yeah but..." He stared at his Mountain Dew bottle and tried to remember if he'd read his email from Darren this week. "SHIELD had him, babe," he finally said, looking up at her. "So Viper sprang him from SHIELD?"

<Jessica> Jess nodded, "Yeah... we had that conversation with her already. Don't worry, she didn't hurt anyone - we checked."

<Bobby> "Uggggh, motherfucker." He slid down into the seat. "Shit, I owe Paige like... three bucks." Bobby was quiet for a bit as he processed all of this. "He's Shaw's kid."

<Jessica> Jess pulled another face and gave a half shrug-half nod, "Sort of..."

<Bobby> "And he's hitting on you," he deadpanned. "Like father, like son."

<Jessica> "Oh it's so creepy.... but I don't want to be mean to him because he's been treated so badly...." she shook her head, "It's a delicate balancing act."

<Bobby> "Treated so badly?" Bobby scrubbed both hands over his face. Fuck, now that he knew this... he wished he didn't.

<Jessica> "People have used and manipulated him all his life... it needs to stop, it's not fair..."

<Bobby> "Well maybe Shaw shouldn't have left him by himself?"

<Jessica> "He has stuff to do... and so do I. We can't be home all the time and we don't leave him alone for that long... besides, I'm like ninety percent sure that the house is being watched anyway."

<Bobby> "No, I mean when he was a kid or whatever. He should have taken responsibility for having a fucking kid like the rest of us. As far as I know, the kid's mom abandoned him too."

<Jessica> "Oh that.... yeah... um... he didn't know..." Jess set the block carefully on the table, giving it another poke on the top when it was down on the surface. "It's kind of complicated and worse the more you know..."

<Bobby> Bobby gave her an unbelieving look. "Yeah, worse than knowing you're harboring a fugitive from my boss?!"

<Jessica> "Uuuugh, you say that like Fury doesn't know we have him. Sebastian called Tony, it's fine," Jess waved a hand dismissively. "Shinobi's not really Sebastian's child... see, for that to have been the case he'd have to have become a father when he was just into his teens... we let him believe that he is because the truth would damage him further..."

<Bobby> "Fury knows?" Bobby whistled. "Thank fucking God." He sat up, interested again now that his moral dilemma was resolved. "Okay, yeah, I don't know how old Sharky is really other than that he's looked the same since I've known him, but I thought it was weird he had a kid as old as crazy... but then this is Shaw we're talking about..."

<Jessica> "He's not old enough for Shinobi to be his kid, trust me. If Shinobi was the age he looked - which he isn't - it'd be creepy that I married Sebastian - that'd make him old enough to be my dad." She chewed her lip, "I probably shouldn't be telling you this... don't let on that you know, okay?"

<Bobby> "No problemo, since I plan on never seeing this Shinobi joker and I don't see much of Sharky since he's not teaching.... oh yeah, is he gonna do that again? Not that we have a massive student body screaming out for robotics classes right now, buuut..."

<Jessica> "I don't know... we haven't really talked about that yet... we're just trying to get settled at home first.... I'll bring it up at some point." She offered a small smile, taking a sip of her tea.

<Bobby> He nodded and went back for a drink himself. "Okay, so Junior isn't really junior, which kinda sorta begs the question - why the fuck is he living with you?" Bobby squirmed in the seat to look at Jess again. "Especially since like you said... you're just settling back in at home, and you already have, you know... baby."

<Jessica> "Because Viper surprised us with him... it's sort of our fault for talking about the situation we're in within her earshot but it's fine... and I stand by what I said about it being good for him to be with us because I don't like the actual reasons he's there and I wish they weren't true... I want to find another way."

<Bobby> "Yeahbuwha?"

<Jessica> Jess sighed, "Sebastian wants to use him as leverage against Kenji Oyama of the Tokyo branch of the Hellfire Club... because Shinobi's 'mother' is his granddaughter and we're currently in his bad books for some reason..."

<Bobby> "Yeah, okay, you're right. I don't want to know." He laughed and ran his hand over his hair.

<Jessica> "My life is so complicated..." Jess rolled her eyes, "It's a pain."

<Bobby> "I can imagine!" Shaking his head, he took another swig. "Okay, well... those ducks won't find themselves."

<Jessica> "No... they won't..." She levered herself to her feet with the help of the table. "Let's go on an adventure."

<Bobby> "Duck hunt!" Bobby lined up a shot with his finger gun. "Pew, pew!"

<Jessica> "Pew, pew!" Jess lined up a shot with her own finger gun and fired it at his ass.
:quicksilver Pietro Maximoff [Quicksilver]

Quicksilver: Howisshe?Isshealright?Imusetspeakwithmysisteratonce.
Hawkeye: What is that noise?
IronMan: That is the noise Pietro makes right before he's tossed out of the airlock. ~ Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6
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