7/13 Instance: Confusion about fags.

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Title: Executive Administrator

7/13 Instance: Confusion about fags.

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

[Lizzie] Lizzie was cat on a jacket on the cold ground, hidden from view from the school building.

[Lizzie] She was cold, but she had a bottle of vodka, so that was alright. She was far too ashamed of herself to be in the company of anyone right now.....

[Lizzie] Ashamed, stupid and deeply hurt. She shouldn't get so drunk.....

[remy] Remy wandered the grounds semi-aimlessly, smoking in the chill air. It smelt all weird, crisp and sharp. And so fricken cold!

[Lizzie] Lizzie notices Remy before he does, tenses slightly and wonders if he'll miss her.

[remy] A slight movement out of the corner of his eye, making him turn. It had been a distinctive flash of purple as the wind caught at Lizzies hair. distinctive, that.

[Lizzie] Fuck, he's seen her....

[remy] Remy changed his path, scuffing through the leafs on the ground as he approached her. Stopping a few feet away he sunk into a crouch, pulling out his pack and holding it out in invitation. "Awfully cold out 'ere t' just be sittin' petite."

[Lizzie] "No." Lizzie shrugged, then stood up. "I'd rarther have a fag after you've knocked the shit out of me, if you don't mind." Lizzie sighed, pushing up her sleeves

[remy] Remy frowned in confusion at the words. "Y...want me t' do what t' y'? Remy keeps explainin' the same thing t' Talia...just cause Remy likes guys don't make 'im gay. Gay guys only like guys..."

[Lizzie] "Fags're cigarettes....." Lizzie muttered.

[Lizzie] "And as for knocking the sit out of me, you are here to kick my head in, aren't you?"

[remy] "Ah...now Remy gets it." He shook the pack invitingly again. "First off, Remy'd never hit a femme...well not like dat anyway." He arched a brow at her. "An' secondly just why would Remy want t' 'urt y'?"

[Lizzie] "You mean she hasn't told you?" Lizie asked uncomfortably.

[remy] "Who Talia? About dat kiss?" He snorted and took a cigarrette out and lit it for her, puffing it alight and passing it over. "Of course she did."

[Lizzie] Lizzie ignored the cigarette and looked away. "Why aren't you mad? I kissed your girlfriend - I like her, for fucks sake!"

[remy] "Oui...so?" He shrugged. "Remy can understand why y' find 'er so attractive...she's an amazin' woman, neh?"

[Lizzie] Oh my god, I don't think I'm hearing this.....

[Lizzie] "Alright, is it that you don't care because TJ is straight and always will be straight or are you into swinging?"

[remy] Remy chuckled at Lizzies open mouthed expression. "Thing is dat Remy trusts 'er...so dere isn't anythin' for Remy to worry about."

[remy] "An swingin'? What d' y' mean by dat?"

[Lizzie] "Never mind....everything is lost on everyone over here," Lizzie answers moodily. "You seem oddly happy though. I'm feeling like I stabbed myself in the gut, I've probbaly upset TJ to the point she'll never talk to me again....I'm stuck in this fucking hellhole. Life is so perfect."

[remy] "Ah, petite...y've not 'ad an easy time of it lately, hein? First y're mere, an' now dis." Remy took a slow drag off of his cigarrette and blew it out. "Y'll be just fine with TJ, she just was a bit suprised an' all with dat."

[remy] He chuckled. "Y' did kinda amush 'er after all."

[Lizzie] "I was drunk," Lizzie said, trying to keep tears from falling. "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I'd have carried on keeping it deep inside, hiding it so not to upset the balance..."

[remy] Remy sighed and inched nearer to her, patting her on her shoulder comfortingly, hoping that she wasn't going to take his actions the wrong way. "But 'ow would dat 'ave worked either petite? Watchin' 'er and not knowin'...its no fun either way. Y' don't get t' choose who y' like."

[Lizzie] "But I wouldn't have upset her," Lizzie sagged slightly. "And at least if 'd have kept it bottled up, I wouldn't be out here, and I wouldn't have given her a fright. She's straight and she loves you and I was stupid to think otherwsie, even if I was drunk."

[remy] "Ah y' didn't cause 'er any lastin' 'arm...she was just a little suprised an' worried dat Remy'd be upset with 'er or somethin'." He took at last drag off the smoke and chucked it into the crunchy lawn. "Of course, dere is one way dat Remy knows dat y're an 'onerable girl, petite."

[remy] "If y' just wanted 'er...an' didn't care about 'er - y' coulda just fucked with 'er mind a little an' done it, neh? But y' didn't...so..."

[Lizzie] "I don't fuck with minds like that." Lizzie said bitterly. "I've had my own head fucked by people without mind powers so screw that if I'll do it myself."

[Lizzie] "Sure, I've used my powers to make myself appear older so I could get into a club or get a tattoo when I was too young, but I draw the line at emotional tangling."

[remy] "Exactly..." He smiled at her. "So y' don't need to worry about us...dat will be just fine. An' TJ? It will work itself out just fine once she gets over dat small thing...don't think dat dey 'ad a whole lot of 'alternative lifestyles' where she grew up."

idsunki enters this room

[remy] "Afraid dat d' only one dat's 'urtin' 'ere is y' petite."

idsunki exits from this room

[Lizzie] "They didn't have alternative lifestyles where I grew up. I just found a back door," Lizzie smiled weakly.

[Lizzie] "And, yes, I think I am. Doesn't help matters that I'm...I just feel lonely right now. The people I usually talk to, well one of them is TJ...and as for the others? Not around." Lizzie shrugged and rubbed her forehead slightly.

Slarti enters this room

[remy] "Yeah..." Remy shrugged. "T' be 'onest dis place kinda freaks me out a bit wit' all d' whole 'bondin'' stuff...never really 'ad friends 'fore Remy came 'ere. Like it...but its weird."

[remy] "think dat now Remy is used t' it...would miss it."

[Lizzie] "I don't think I would," Lizzie shrugged. "But then I can't exactly be picky right now."

[Lizzie] "I've had 'friends'. And I've been to four boarding schools, apart from this one and this place just takes the biscuit...."

[remy] "Well...doubt dat d' people in y're other schools could blow shit up n' stuff, neh?" Remy chuckled.

[remy] "So den...what exactly d' y' want from Talia now?"

[Lizzie] "No. They could just pull out chunks of hair and kick hard," Lizzie said, slightly bitterly.

[Lizzie] "I just....don't want her to hate me. And I don't want her to think I blmae her. I...kinda gave her the impression I did, I think," lizzie blushed, ebarrassed.

[remy] "Nah, she don't 'ate y' petite...y' just caught her off gaurd like. Remy'll talk t' 'er some more about all dis, an' it will get all straightened out."

[remy] "Talia's still tryin' to wrap 'er mind around d' whole bi thing yet."

[Lizzie] Lizzie tries not to laugh at his use of straightened.

[Lizzie] "I do feel bad for blaming her a little," Lizzie sighed. "She...well, we were having a chat a few days ago now, and she was like, well, we were talking about guys and she was kinda poking a little, to see who I liked. And that - that just made it all really snap."

[Lizzie] " Like, here was the person who I was beginning to truely realise was the person I liked, asking me which guy I liked..."

[Lizzie] "Is it any wonder I'm so fucking confused...." Lizzie said hurridly, wondering if was making sense.

[remy] "Yeah dat sucks..." Remy chuckled. "But not too sorry dat it didn't work out for y' nonetheless petite."

[remy] "T' 'er...she just never even thought about dat. Its not somethin' she'd consider. After all - she's still tryin' t' get used t' the idea of Remy findin' her attractive."

[Lizzie] "I just feel so bad. And so...alone. The thing I hate most about this place is that...no offence, but you don't know what it's like to have telepathy or the life I've led. I don't think there are many here who can come close...."

[remy] "Well we all 'ave our bit of a past, neh? All had t' deal with different shit." he patted her kindly again on the shoulder. "But its better when y' ave someone to share all dat with, oui."

[remy] He raised an eyebrow at her. "Y'aren't gonna go tryin' t' steal my girlfriend now are y?"

[Lizzie] "No. I cant take something I could never really have," Lizzie shrugged, shivering slightly and stepped away from Remy.

[Lizzie] "And that's my point. I don't have anyone to talk to. Not now."

[remy] "Y' not listenin' to a word Remy's sayin' petite? TJ will be just fine, y' can talk t' 'er anytime..."

[Lizzie] "And you're not listening to my meaning," Lizzie sighed. "You guys are all great people in your own ways, but show me the person who can understand me and where I've come from and know what I feel like today, whn my mother came here, when I was beaten in the toilets at school."

[Lizzie] "I am not suggesting I am the only person to have had a bad time. To have had greif from their fmaily."

[Lizzie] "But it's different feelings, settings, experiences for different people."

[remy] "Oui, but den dat's true for everyone, neh?" he shrugged. "Can't say dat Remy understands y' but 'es been kicked aroun' more dan once for bein' different too."

[remy] "but no one is every gonna understand y' completely, petite. D' best dat y' can do is t' explain it t' dem."

[Lizzie] "But would you understand?" Lizzie turns to look at him and raises an eyebrow.

[Lizzie] "Most of you here don't understand what I say half of the time, so how can I explain?" Lizzie chews her lip, rubbing her forehead again. Her head was on fire...

[remy] "Well...y' don't know till y' try." he looked at her with some concern. "Y're 'ead botherin' y' again?"

[Lizzie] "Yes. It's always bothering me. Do you have any headache tablets?"

[remy] "Oui." He reached into his pocket and passed her some chewable asprin. "Remy gets dem a lot too." He suddenly froze realizing how close he was coming to a point that he didn't wish to have uncovered. "Its dis shitty weather...never any nice warm sun, 'ere."

[Lizzie] "Pfft, I lived in England." Lizzie remarked, chewing on some asprin.

[Lizzie] "Engalnd is just home to shitty weather. You think this is bad? Try Kent."

[remy] Remy chuckled at that. "Well Remy's tried a kent, but never been dere. Why in d' ell would people choose t' live in places like dis permenantly anyway?"

[Lizzie] "Because they like rain? I don't know...I thought Kent was just an English county...."

[remy] "Well...over 'ere its also a guy's name." He grinned mischiviously at her.

[Lizzie] "Oh. Fair enough," Lizzie shrugged. "You been batting for both teams long then?"

[remy] Remy laughed at that. "For longer dan Remy probabally should 'ave been, Oui." He reached into his pocket again, withdrawing his pack of smokes. "Does Remy got y' convinced dat 'es not goin' t' kill y' yet?" he smirked offering her one.

[Lizzie] "Just about," Lizzie gave a slight smile and took a cigarette via telekinesis. "You wouldn't waste your fags on me."

[remy] "Waste dem?" he laughed at her, leaning over to light hers for her. "Are we still talkin' about d' smokes or somethin' else lizzie?"

[Lizzie] Lizzie looked at him, wide eyed in mock surprise. "Cigarettes of course! Whatever do you take me for?"
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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