10/18 Instance: Padawan Lizzie

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Title: Executive Administrator

10/18 Instance: Padawan Lizzie

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

[Mimic] Cal ran a towel over his face, blinking the sweat out of his eyes. It had been a good workout - the kids were doing great. He tossed the towel over his shoulder, and scooped up a water bottle, taking a healthy sip from it.

[Elizabeth] Lizzie stood to the side of the room and streched out a little to cool down. Sparring...A little disconcerting at first, but excellent for pent up anger.

[Elizabeth] And Lizzie had a lot of pent up anger milling around...

[Mimic] Cal drained the last of the water and noticed that Lizzie was the last one left in the room. Sensible girl to be streching out after all that. Helped with not getting so stiff.

[Mimic] An idea flitted to mind. "Hey. You free now? I was thinking of taking the bird up and testing that stuff that I talked to you about the other day. You in?"

[Elizabeth] Lizzie looked up and slowly straightened her back, regarding him curiously. She wondered why she'd ever been such a cow in his class, he was alright really. He knew his stuff too.

[Elizabeth] "Yeah, if you're sure! Could I get changed first?"

[Mimic] "I'm going to grab a shower myself. Doubt I'll be much company otherwise." He glanced at his watch. "Meet you there in twenty?"

[Elizabeth] Twenty? "Erm...Yeah. If you don't mind wet patches on the head rests from my hair!"

[Elizabeth] She gave her waist lenght ponytail a meaningful fluff and leant down to grab her water bottle and towel before heading for the door.

[Mimic] ****************************20 min later**************************

[Mimic] Cal dropped the hatch on the blackbird, fiddling with one of the read out panels. Everything was checking out

[Elizabeth] Lizzie dashed into the hanger, coiling her damp, plaited hair up into a bun and pinning it into place at the back of her head. Eeew, it was still kinda drippy, she thought with a slight scowl.

[Elizabeth] Still...she didn't want to be late!

[Mimic] Cal noticed her entry. "Hey. You ready?" he looked at the way that she had her long hair pinned up and chuckled. "I'm probabally dating myself saying this - but nice princess Laia doo."

[Mimic] "At least it isn't the one where she had them over her ears though." He chuckled again, hoping she'd take the gentle ribbing for what it was - to lighten the mood. She seemed so tense lately.

[Elizabeth] "Does that make you Chewbacca then?" Lizzie scrunched up her nose at him.

[Mimic] "Chewbacca?" He snorted. "Guess I deserved that." He ducked into the interior of the plane, heading to the pilot seat. "Bring the back gate up will you? I'm gonna warm her up."

[Elizabeth] Lizzie grinned evilly. Heck, he'd even taken that with a grin!

[Elizabeth] She did as requested and walked up to the cockpit and hovered behind the co pilots seat.

[Mimic] "Well, sit down. I want to get back in time for dinner. We're having steak, and that never reheats as well."

[Mimic] He pushed a few buttons and the plane whirred to life. "If you aren't already, you should keep a log book for this too. It all counts to your flight hours."

[Elizabeth] "Yeah, I should really, if you're going to let me help you out with it," Lizzie mused as she sat down and buckled in.

[Elizabeth] She was pretty bag at logging her hours if she was honest, though...It was too much like hard work.

[Elizabeth] ((bag - bad))

[Mimic] "Well, you can log hours with whoever you want. Basically whoever will take you up for a spin. Charles and Kurt both fly too."

[Mimic] He flipped the switch that opened the hanger doors. "And we're off." The roar of the jets were always loudest in this confined area. "Once I get her out of here, you can take the stick. I want to head out over the ocean - less traffic there."

[Elizabeth] Lizzie's face fell a little at the meantion of Xavier and Wagner, but she perked up at the menation of the ocean and taking control...

[Elizabeth] "Always a good idea," Lizzie nodded, trying to perk up her smile.

[Mimic] He noticed the less that enthusiastic response to his suggestion, and filed it away for later.

[Mimic] After he got to a comfortable altitude, he switched it over to her control. "I can't get over it - everytime I fly this girl. She's a dream come true."

[Elizabeth] Lizzie sat a little forward in her seat, her mouth suddenly dry. She'd be fine. She could handle it...

[Elizabeth] "She is something else..." Lizzie sighed slightly, concentrating on what she was doing.

[Elizabeth] There...just get in the routine, clear the mind....Lizzie felt a little more relaxed. She needed to chill out more, for sure.

[Mimic] "Why don't you open her up a bit more. She's got the power. Let her run a bit."

[Mimic] He relaxed a bit more in the seat. "So...why didn't your parents want you doing this anyway? You enjoy it - and seem adept at it - and your families in it - so whats the deal?"

[Elizabeth] Lizzie glanced across at him, startled. He didn't know?

[Elizabeth] "My parents don't care what I do anymore, as long as it doesn't involve them. I'm suprised you don't know. I did have a massive argument with my mother in the school last semester."

[Elizabeth] "Xavier knew about it..." Lizzie muttered darkly and concentrated on one of the dials for no reason other than it was a focal point.

[Elizabeth] Don't get mad...

[Mimic] "I tried to stay out of stuff that didn't need my involvement." he shifted a look at her. "So - you're not pleased with Charles then? Why?"

[Elizabeth] "Well...He didn't...I didn't know he knew until I had an accident with my powers and I had to go see him." Lizzie said uncomfortably.

[Elizabeth] "It's like...he was telling me I could go see him, but it was too late to help with some things then, the damage had been done and it just...I felt really lonely and I didnt know I could talk to anyone."

[Elizabeth] "That was the problem with this place...All the staff was like 'but my door was always open!' which is no good if you didn't know..."

[Mimic] Cal thought on that for a minute. "So you were saying that you wanted him to - what? Force you to do...I don't know...talk to him or something?"

[Elizabeth] Shaking her head she looked up again. "No...Just let us all know that if we wanted to talk, that he was around."

[Elizabeth] "Because...Myabe he shouldn't have to tell us to do that, but how should I know? Most people in my life before were closed. I could never talk to my parents about anything. When I manifested, I rang my older brother."

[Elizabeth] "Once my ribs stopped hurting long enough for me to run down the lane to a phone box," Lizzie added in an undertone and blushed.

[Mimic] "Yeah." He frowned slightly. "I think that you guys are going to have to bear the brunt of the mistakes. This is a completely new project. Still - there is that new staff member now - Dr. Guan. Have you thought about talking to her?"

[Elizabeth] Lizzie shook her head. "Not yet. I probably should, though...It's just hard. There's a lot to have to tell her, if I'm honest..."

FallenSPY enters this room

[Mimic] "Well. Not to sound like a broken wheel, but honestly is the best policy." He looked out the window to the water that was now below.

[Mimic] "Plus, why hold onto all that shit? Seems like its doing you more pain than good. Better to have it out with someone that can help you a bit, eh?"

[Elizabeth] Lizzie bit back a response. She wasn't jst holding on to herown excess baggage...But there was nothing that would make her fess up that shit. That was down to other people.

[Elizabeth] "Okay. I'll talk to her," Lizzie sighed and twiddled her thumb a little on the stick, admiring the waters below them.

FallenSPY exits from this room

[Mimic] "Why don't you try a roll? Have you done one before?"

[Elizabeth] "I....no, well, I was in a plane when it rolled, but I've not actually done one myself....Done steep turns and that though," Lizzie felt an icy shiver run down her spine. She was gonna crash the jet....

[Mimic] He glanced over. "Well first breathe." he ran down the quick intructions on what to do, and hovered his hands over the controls incase he had to take it over. "Ok - go for it."

[Elizabeth] Lizzie squared her shoulders, swiftly following the insructions with presicion.

[Elizabeth] "Ooooh.......ohmygodohmygod!" Lizzie started to squeak as she took the jet into a roll. She would never have squealed like that in a tutorial back home...but she wans't at home anymore. She was sure Rankin wouldn't care.

[Mimic] He chuckled for a minute after the roll, noting the white knuckled grip that she had on the controls. "See. That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

[Elizabeth] "No..." grinning impishly, she relaxed her grip on the stick and lt her shoulders fall back down. It really wasn't...

[Mimic] "Whoop." Cal reached forward and flipped a few switches. "You might want to bank right. Unless you want a close up of that passenger jet."

[Elizabeth] Lizzie swore loudly and banked to the right steeply, the jet protesting slightly as she did so.

[Elizabeth] "Wow, close!" she gasped and looked over to him. "Do you normally run into other planes? Don't they get a little suspcious of this beast?"

[Mimic] "Nah - there's cloaking on it. Can't see it." He smiled at her. "ITs amazing was a few billion dollars can buy you nowadays."

[Elizabeth] Cloaking? Fucking hell, did she really want to know?

[Elizabeth] "And you're letting me fly, because...?"

[Mimic] "You want to learn." He shrugged. "Near as I can figure, you guys will need certain skills to deal with this world. You never know when knowing how to fly this thing will come in handy."

[Elizabeth] Okay...Yeah, cause this was very very everyday.

[Elizabeth] "So...like, skills. How come you don't teach somehting sensible, like cooking?" Lizzie shrugged slightly. She still couldn't cook....

[Mimic] "Cause I've never been able to do much more than boil water." He pushed a few more buttons. "I'm a soilder. I know how to fight. Its what I do."

[Mimic] he looked back at the guages. "Time to head on back. Those steaks are calling my name."

[Elizabeth] Lizzie stifled a laugh. "Fair enough. If I starve to death because I can't cook I'll die happy with the knowlege I can roll a mutli-billion dollar jet!"

[Mimic] He chuckled again. This was a side to his student he much prefered. "Yeah. Well - that's why I don't work any places where they don't have cooks."
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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