3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

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Title: Executive Administrator

3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

[Meggan] Meggan chewed her lip in thought as she wandered down the corridor. It was hard work trying to concentrate on controlling both her empathy and shape-shifting at the same time and she wasn't really sure which one was more important.

[Meggan] So she was trying to keep a healthy balance of both, but it was tiring. Despite this, she wanted to go and see how Rahne was doing. She liked Rahne, they had similar interests and she felt bad for her because of everything that was going on. She only hoped she could keep her appearance normal.

[Rahne] Rahne shook out her hair as she paced the room, it needed cutting.

[Rahne] She was still feeling a bit confused over what Vic had said in that phone call ... did he really not mind if she ... did stuff with Remy?

[Rahne] She sat down on the bed and chewed her lip, did she even really want him that way, or was it just a crush? Would it help this restlessness she was feeling inside. She ... she wanted Vic!

[Rahne] She lay back on the bed and smiled up at the ceiling with her eyes closed ... how she missed Vic ... how soft and thick his hair was when she ran her fingers through it, how soft his skin (okay ... yes technically fur) was ... the way he smelt ...

[Meggan] Meggan squeezed her eyes shut, bugger. This controlling shape-shifting was harder work than she thought... maybe she should leave this ‘til another day?

[Meggan] She opened her eyes... oh, I'm at the door already.... she felt taller for some reason but shook the feeling off figuring it had something to do with the state of the door frame more than anything else. She knocked quietly, half hoping there'd be no one there.

[Rahne] Rahne was jerked from her day dream by a quiet knock at the door. She frowned ... that didn't sound like Remy or Lizzie, she couldn't think of who else could be coming to see her. And it sure as hell wasn't Ali.

[Rahne] She sighed and walked over to the door, opening it. It had better not be anymore of those bloody camera-man. If she had to explain one more time tha- everything stopped as she stared at the figure in the doorway. She couldn't breath and her heart felt like it'd stopped.

[Rahne] It ... it couldn't be ... "... VIC!!" she shrieked, leaping forward and wrapping her arms around his waist, the momentum throwing them both to the floor. "Dia! Oh my GOD! Vic! Wha're ya doin' here! Tha let ye ou'!" she garbled.

[Meggan] Meggan blinked. What the-?

[Meggan] Owwwwww. Floor bring pain. "Uh... Rahne... you feeling ok?" she patted Rahne on the head, then saw her hand. Wait? What?!

[Rahne] Rahne froze ... that ... that was a girl's voice! She looked up at Vic's face "Uhhh ... Victor?"

[Meggan] Meggan bit her lip, don't cry. She could feel the tears stinging her eyes already. She shook her head. "I-it's Meg..." she shut her eyes tight, this was not good.

[Rahne] Rahne gaped in horror before slowly and shakily climbing off and standing up " ... Meggan? ... T-This'd better nae be y' idea o' a joke ... y'know ..."

[Rahne] It ... it was Victor sitting there ... a perfect copy, every little detail right from the tips of the ears right down to the size 12 biker boots.

[Rahne] "I-if it is ... y' a sick p'rs'n." Rahne hissed.

[Meggan] Meggan shook her head, eyes still closed. Don’t. Cry. She sat up and drew her knees to her chest, "I... I'm sorry.... I think my shifting's broken...." she finally looked at Rahne, "I didn't know.... I didn't mean to... I-I'm sorry..."

[Meggan] She buried her face in her knees. "I'm really sorry... I can go....I just wanted to see... if you were ok..."

[Rahne] Oh God ... that was Vic sitting there, all huddled up looking like a lost child. She sighed and took a deep breath to steady herself before squatting down to tuck a strand of waist-length blond hair behind an ear.

[Rahne] She stroked her thumb under Vi- ... Meggan's eye to wipe away the tears "D ... d'ye wanna come in? Save ye givin' naeone else a heart 'tack if tha happen ta wander past." She tried to smile encouragingly but it ended up a little wobbly.

[Meggan] Meggan nodded, getting shakily to her feet and following Rahne into the room. She glanced at the state of the doorframe wondering what the hell had happened but decided against asking... for now.

[Meggan] "I'm really sorry... I know this is probably the last thing you want.... I didn't know this would happen..."

[Rahne] Rahne sat down on the bed and put her head in her hands ... she remembered people talking about something to do with Meggan on myspace "Look ... it's 'kay ... if ye dinnae mean ta hur' me or did it outta spite or naethin' ..."

[Rahne] "Y' ... y' shiftin's broken ...?" She looked up and Vi-Meg looked so upset she patted the bed next to her for her to sit down "Wha's tha mean? An' ... 'sactly why did ye shift Victor?"

[Meggan] Meggan sat down, if a little awkwardly. "Rahne I'd never do anything like this on purpose, trust me. I don't want to upset anyone..."

[Meggan] She sighed, "It's just... for a while now....." Since Pietro went back home... she thought, "I haven't been able to control my shape-shifting properly. I keep changing when people make tiny comments about hair colour or anything... and I guess you must really miss Victor..."

[Meggan] "I think my empathy did this... it used to make me change when I was little... before I learnt to control it..." she wiped her eyes on her sleeve, "I did this to Remy too.... I feel terrible... I'm so sorry...."

[Rahne] "Oh ..." Rahne bit her lip ... God this was weird ... it looked like Vic ... it was Vic ... but it was really Meggan and talking with Meggan's voice.

[Rahne] "It's ... it's 'kay man ... d'y-" she caught herself just about to ask her to change ... sure it was Meggan and this was strange ... but she looked just like Vic, and she missed Vic so much.

[Rahne] This ... this was better then nothing ... Rahne shook her head "So ... ye picked up on my ... missin' Vic an' ye shifted him? Wit'ou' realisin'?"

[Meggan] Meggan nodded, playing with her cuff, "Seems so..." she sighed, "Stupid empathy... nothing but trouble...."

[Rahne] Rahne frowned and tugged on her necklace absently "I ... I guess I get tha' ... Imma shifter ta an' s'metimes I shift wit'out realisin' it ... like in m' sleep an' if i'm scared o' s'methin' ... like subconsciously aye?"

[Meggan] "Yeah... I do that too. It's just so much worse lately. Like.... I'm talking to people and I'll suddenly see my hair has changed colour or my skin or my boobs have got bigger... all because someone's thought it at me."

[Meggan] She frowned, "Stupid empathy. Stupid Shape-shifting." if ever there was a time she hated being her, now was it.

[Rahne] Rahne shrugged and started to tug on her hair ... Meggan had shifted a really really accuret copy of Vic .... noooo ... don't start thinking like that!

[Rahne] But ... she had to ask "Sooo .. d'ye ... like ... get instinct's an' stuff when y' shift?"

[Rahne] No! That is not your boyfriend ... she won't appreciate you jumping her ... you’re not even 100% sure you like girls anyway!

[Rahne] Oh Dia ... why her?

[Meggan] "Um... how do you mean? Like when I'm a cat?" Meggan was confused, "I guess so... to a certain extent... I mean... I get sleepy when I'm a cat..."

[Rahne] Rahne couldn't help but smile, Vic always looked cute when he was confused about something "Well ... when i'm wolfy I get all tha wolfy instinct's ye know? Like I can hunt an' track an' stuff aye?"

[Rahne] This was bad! In her heart of hearts she knew that she was hoping that Meggan, by shifting into Victor's form, had inherited his desire ... this was so wrong!

[Meggan] "Yeah... I'm like that a little when I shift into animals." she chewed her lip, "It's different with people. Their thoughts and feelings work differently and it's hard to know if I'm feeling my emotions or what other people are wanting me to feel... or feeling towards me...."

[Rahne] Rahne bit her lip ... Vic was sitting right next to her ... only it wasn't Vic ... it was Meggan and now she was starting to feel ... not exactly annoyed .. more ... impatient for something, only she wasn't sure what.

[Rahne] Am I ... sexually frustrated or something? Rahne blushed at the thought ... before getting together with Vic she'd never even had any sort of sex drive or urges ... now she did and couldn't do anything about them.

[Rahne] Fucking English law courts bastards. "Soo ... are ye pickin' up on m' feelin's or Vic's fr'm morphin' him?" she asked, playing with the blanket.

[Meggan] "Um..." Meggan wasn't sure she wanted to try and figure that out. For one thing, it was rude to pry and for another... damn confusing.

[Meggan] "Probably yours...." she tried, "I've never even met Victor.... I guess I got all this..." she gestured to herself, "From you..." she smiled nervously.

[Meggan] "I'm scared to check... if I'm honest... I... I don't want to... pry..."

[Rahne] Mustnotjumpmustnotjump "Oh ... oh aye ... guess I get ye ... kinna personal aye?" She smiled slightly and looked Meggan up and down "Soo ... 'sactly how accurate a copy is tha then?"

[Meggan] Meggan blushed, "Uh.... I don't know....." she bit her lip, OW! Fangs. Nice. "I... um... don't think I should... uh..." she coughed and looked away. She wasn't sure she liked how Rahne was looking at her. She felt very uncomfortable...

[Rahne] Rahne started to laugh ... the look on Meggan's face at that had just been so funny.

[Rahne] "I-Im sorry m-man" she managed to gasp out between snorts of laughter "I-it's jus' ... this is so fuckin' weird!"

[Meggan] "You think it's bad for you?" Meggan raised an eyebrow, "I'm missing bits... and have.... well.... a few extra inches..." she blushed again, "It's... odd..." she shuffled in her seat, "And Victor doesn't wear underwear does he?"

[Rahne] Rahne rolled onto her back, one arm wrapped around her stomach while the other flailed for a pillow and covered her face with it "Oh aye a few extra inches aye!" She was laughing so hard it hurt as she rolled around on the bed. "An' nae! Nae! He says tha it's less ta worry 'bout in tha- mornin'!"

[Rahne] Rahne peered out from beneath her pillow at Meggan shifting around uncomfortably on the bed and grinned, still sniggered "Feelin' a wee bit uncomfortable aye?"

[Meggan] Meggan failed to see the apparent hilarity of the situation. "Just a bit...." this was something she really really wasn't used to. When ever she changed she was always female, before. This was completely new.

[Meggan] The giggling was stressing her out a bit now though, "Why is this so funny?"

[Rahne] Rahne stuffed her fist into her mouth to try and halt the giggles, her face was going very red. "Why ... dinnae ye ... try sittin' wit' ... ye legs ... 'part!" she gasped out.

[Meggan] "Because it's not lady-like," Meggan replied automatically then realised how ridiculous that must have sounded given her current situation.

[Meggan] She rolled her eyes and did as suggested. She had to admit that it was more comfortable...

[Rahne] Rahne let out a shrill shriek of laughter at seeing the look of relief cross Meggan's face as she did as Rahne had suggested "Guess 'tis a accurate copy ... all o'er!" She was laughing so hard now her lungs were burning.

[Rahne] She was rolling around on the bed, pounding the mattress with her fist. One roll brought her to the edge of the bed and with a squeak she fell off, landing heavily on the floor.

[Rahne] She curled up on the floor, still laughing, but gradually the giggles starting to turn to sobs and she punched the floor with her fist "This sucks ..." she whimpered.

[Meggan] The sudden change of emotion surprised and confused Meggan somewhat.

[Meggan] She ignored how odd it would be and how uncomfortable she felt. Stooping down, she swept Rahne into a hug.

[Rahne] Rahne screwed her eyes shut as she felt Meggan's arms wrap around her, Vic's arms, holding her tight and keeping her safe, like he'd always promised.

[Rahne] But it wasn't him ... no matter how much it may look like him, it wasn't her Vic and could never be her Vic. Sniffling she buried her face in Meggan's shoulder "'M s'rry ..." she hiccuped.

[Meggan] Meggan stroked Rahne's hair soothingly, "It's ok..." her voice didn't sound right all of a sudden... that wasn't her voice. She gave Rahne a squeeze anyway.

[Rahne] Rahne stiffened and looked up at Meggan "Th-tha was h-his voice ..." They were so close now she could smell Vic ... their faces were so close ...

[Rahne] Rahne leant in before something in Vic's eyes caught her ... she studied them for a moment and sighed, moving her face away.

[Rahne] It wasn't Vic looking out of those eyes, Rahne sighed and leant her head on Meggan's shoulder, closing her eyes.

[Meggan] Meggan sighed, Poor Rahne. She missed Vic so much that Meggan's empathy was filling in all the blanks. Creating the perfect illusion of Victor Creed. But it would never, could never, be the same.

[Meggan] Meggan was Meggan. And she had her own relationship troubles right now without complicating someone else’s. She hugged Rahne tighter regardless and rested her cheek on the top of Rahne's head. She knew it wasn't probably the right thing to do but Rahne needed this right now.

[Rahne] Rahne nuzzled in closer to Meggan "It's 'kay Megs" she whispered "Know it's y' in there ... it's jus' ..." she sniffled and rubbed her cheek against Meggan's neck "C'n we jus' ... stay like this ... fer a wee while? I ... I jus' miss him s' much."

[Meggan] Meggan nodded, "Of course.... I wanted to help you...." oh gods, she found herself wishing that someone could do this for her instead... morph into Pietro and feel something, anything, for longer than half a second... or even just to hold her for a little while.

[Meggan] She felt instantly guilty for even thinking that... would she have the same desire to see Alex again, like that? ... That wasn't the point either. She buried her face in Rahne's hair. Don't cry. You're here for Rahne, she's got enough to worry about.

[Rahne] They sat in silence for a while longer, Rahne savoured every minute of it. It was so easy to pretend, to trick herself into thinking that Vic really was here, with her and that they were safe.

[Rahne] After a while Rahne pulled away from Meggan and wiped her face on her sleeve "T-than's Megs ... she smiled a little sadly and leant up, brushing her lips against the morphed girl's cheek.

[Rahne] "Nae many frien's d' tha."

[Meggan] Meggan smiled and tucked a lock of Rahne's hair behind her ear. "Anytime," she kissed Rahne on the forehead, "And I mean that. If you ever need a hug or anything, just come and find me, ok? I'll do my best..."

[Meggan] She pulled Rahne into another hug. God how she needed contact right now. She needed it so much, and even if she was only getting it as a result of helping someone else, it was better than nothing... right?

[Meggan] "I came all the way over here just to see if you were ok... Did I help any?"

[Rahne] Rahne nodded "A-aye ... ye did in a way ..." she glanced out of the window and sighed. "Ever if it 'twas a weird way."

[Meggan] Meggan smiled, "Again I say: you think this is bad for you? I'm gonna need all kinds of therapy...."

[Meggan] She got to her feet slowly and stretched. Floor bad.

[Rahne] Rahne laughed "Thin' we're all a wee bit messed in tha head" she smiled "I hope y' shiftin' gets fixed soon aye?"

[Meggan] "Me too... as soon as I figure out why it's broken I'll fix it no problem. I have a theory but...." she shrugged, "It's not your problem though. I'll fix it."

[Meggan] "I suppose... um... I guess I should go now though.... Leave you some time to think... and stuff...."

[Rahne] Rahne nodded "Aye ... than's 'gain ... Meggan."

[Meggan] Meggan gave Rahne another quick hug and a peck on the cheek then turned to leave.

[Meggan] Pausing at the door, she concentrated carefully. She ended up shifting into a very convincing Professor Munroe. She sighed. "Oh well, at least it's female.... See you later Rahne..." she glanced over her shoulder, "Take care..."

[Rahne] Rahne repressed a shudder at seeing 'Vic' morph into Professor Munroe "Aye ... ye ta Meggan, look after y'self."

[Rahne] She watched the girl leave and, once she was convinced that she wasn't going to come back, screwed up her hand into a fist and punched the floor, hard, before curling back up into a ball with her arms over her face.

[Rahne] This sucked ... this sucked so fucking much.
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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Title: Executive Administrator

3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

Oh poor Rahne. You just want to snuggle her. Add some more ST or what to the poor girl eh?

And just when I thought the sexual situations in the rp were complicated, the anty is upped. LOL

I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by Freak »

Is it bad that I find his extremely funny? LOL
:freak :andreas They're fighting!
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3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by NachtcGleiskette »

Omg Meggan is PURE EVIL!!!!!!! :shifty
"If you live your life to please everyone else, you will continue to feel frustrated and powerless. This is because what others want may not be good for you. You are not being mean when you say NO to unreasonable demands or when you express your ideas, feelings, and opinions, even if they differ from those of others.â€
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3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by littlebamf »

Vic's only a size twelve boot? :P

Nice job you guys. Poor Rahne must be very confused....and very frustrated.

And I found it kinda funny too :P
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3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by Svartfreja »

Originally posted by NachtcGleiskette
Omg Meggan is PURE EVIL!!!!!!! :shifty
:O No she isn't! poor Meggie, so misunderstood :(

This instance was a lot of fun to do though. And I may or may not have had a lump in my throat by the end....
:quicksilver Pietro Maximoff [Quicksilver]

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3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by JSherlock »

Huggles to everyone in the RP - they all need it. They're all just a bunch of broken babies.

And this was hilarious, while also being heartbreakingly sad. :( Poor Rahne. She gets extra love.
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Title: Executive Administrator

3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

Originally posted by JSherlock
Huggles to everyone in the RP - they all need it. They're all just a bunch of broken babies.

And this was hilarious, while also being heartbreakingly sad. :( Poor Rahne. She gets extra love.
:D :gambit :naughty.

And that's all I have to say about that.

I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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3/1 Instance: Meggietooth

Post by Slarti »

Gotta say, heartbreakingly hilarious sums that up pretty well! :cry
:D :gambit :naughty
I bet! LMAO!
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