3/10 Instance: One wrong moment will change your life.

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Title: Executive Administrator

3/10 Instance: One wrong moment will change your life.

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

[Remy] Remy screwed the cap back on, setting the bottle down on his desk. He'd had this damn thing done for weeks now, but he had been procrastinating delivering it. Nothing funner than going to someone that looked so much like her.

[Remy] But he'd put it off too long already. If he had a hope of pulling his ass through, and having his Nonc not be totally disapointed in him, he had to do this.

[Remy] Scooping the paper up, he headed down the stairs and out the front door. He'd known Kurt was around, other than the odd times he was gone for a few days - but he'd avoided him like the plague. No reminders needed.

[Remy] He paused at the stairs leading up to Wagner's 'apartment', making a face. Just get it over with. He rapped at the door, shifting on his feet impatiently.

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt jumped at the sound of a sharp knock on his door. Who knew he was back? He shrugged, put his book down, and climbed over the back of the couch to reach for the door.

[Fr.Wagner] There was another knock. "I'm coming," Kurt said. His apartment was small, but it wasn't that small. He expected it was another friend from AA coming to check on him, which he appreciated even though he wished they'd call first.

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt opened the door. It wasn't anyone he would have expected. "Remy?"

[Remy] Remy made an effort to smile and appear at ease, but kept flicking his gaze away from Wagner. He held the papers in his hand out. "Brought y' d' stuff from last year dat Xavier wanted Remy t' do up."

[Fr.Wagner] Last year? Kurt was confused. Hadn't everybody gotten their grades already for last year? Including Remy?

[Fr.Wagner] "Oh. Well. Thank you." Kurt said. He took the assignments from Remy and looked at them. He didn't even remember assigning these.

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt looked back at Remy and thought about New Orleans and then the Fringes. And now Talia had left. Remy had never had an easy time here and yet he always came back. He stayed even when the going got tough.

[Fr.Wagner] And the tougher it got, Kurt looked at the pages in his hand, it seemed the harder he worked.

[Fr.Wagner] "Do you want to come in," Kurt asked. "Because... I don't know why you're giving me work from last year."

[Remy] Remy sighed. So much for the dump and run. He wandered into the small home, shutting the door behind him. "Y' don' know about it? Was part of d' deal..."

[Remy] "Y' know dat Remy spent d' summer with his Uncle? Well...he figured dat it would be good t' start on a level feild. Part of dat was makin' up for d' shit dat Remy missed."

[Remy] He waved a hand at the paper. "So dere it is. Ain't supposed t' change d' grade. Jus' bein' accountable."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt smiled. "Well, then for those reasons alone I wish I could change your grade," he said.

[Fr.Wagner] "Here, sit down," Kurt said, motioning to the couch as he walked into his kitchen. "Do you want a cup of coffee? You look like you could use it."

[Remy] "Don't matter. Jus' glad its done." he nodded towards the paper. Running a hand through his hair he shrugged. "Sure."

[Remy] He pulled a chair out, sitting on the front edge of it, one leg jittering restlessly, as he looked out the window.

[Remy] Glancing uneasily back at Wagner as he puttered around his eyes crossed over the book that was sitting on the table. 'Alcoholics Anonymous. So the homme was still working on that then. He pushed back in the chair from it a bit. He felt awkward being here.

[Fr.Wagner] "The weirdest thing about living here," Kurt said as he carried over a plate of oreos and a cup of coffee for Remy, "is having a kitchen. I keep trying to cook things and I'm hopeless."

[Fr.Wagner] He set them down and went back for his cup. He could have made one trip if he'd wanted to use his tail, but that was always so awkward that he never bothered.

[Fr.Wagner] "And shopping." Kurt said, sitting back down. "I hate going to the grocery store. All those choices and if I'm in the wrong mood it just looks like a really big liquor store to me."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt shrugged. "It's silly I guess. What about you? I don't have you in any of my classes. I hardly see you."

[Remy] "Remy's fine." he took a sip of the coffee, ignoring the oreos. "Keepin' busy. Imagin' y' are too...lots of new students, neh?"

[Fr.Wagner] "You must be if you're doing this year's classes and last year's work as well," Kurt said.

[Fr.Wagner] Remy wasn't eating the cookies. Kurt had half expected him to have eaten them all before he returned with his own coffee, but they were all still there. It was sort of strange. What happened to the guy who would eat 3 bags of potato chips in a sitting?

[Fr.Wagner] "I'm pretty busy. I've got the first year class and the 2nd year class to teach. Plus my work at the church," Kurt said. His hands still shook slightly and he clasped them around his cup to make them stop. "Then I got sick and had to take some time off."

[Fr.Wagner] "In fact, how did you know I was here? I'm not officially back at work until tomorrow."

[Remy] "Didn't. Didn't know y' were gone even." he took a sip of coffee. "Jus' lucky suppose." He raised a brow at sick. "Y' feelin' better now den?"

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt ran one hand through his hair. "Yeah. I am. Thanks."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt slid his AA book across the table and stared at it. He realized Remy might have seen the title, but ... it didn't matter. He was through with lying about it; done with hiding.

[Fr.Wagner] "I spoke to Talia's mom about 2 weeks ago," Kurt said. "She's doing pretty good. I was worried about her, you know..."

[Remy] "Oui?" The word was flat and clipped.

[Remy] He grimaced, hiding it with another sip. Maudit. Why did that have to come up? "Remy wouldn't know a thing about dat."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt frowned. "You mean you weren't worried? Or that you don't care?"

[Remy] He set the cup down with a thump, coffee splashing a bit. A muscle jumped in his jaw. "Mean dat it ain't none of Remy's business."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt smiled. "Maybe not. And I'm sure Talia certainly doesn't think it's any of mine."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt went to the kitchen to get the pot of coffee to refill his and Remy's cups. He continued speaking.

[Fr.Wagner] "But I still care about her ... and her mom. I might be taking blame for things I can't control, but part of me feels like a lot of this is my fault. So I guess I'm just trying to do what I can from a distance to make sure they're all right."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt sat back down and rested his chin on his hands. "I'm sure you know how that feels whether it's your business or not. You know what I mean?"

[Remy] He swallowed hard against the rising bile in the back of his throat. He ignored the refilled cup. "Don't want t' talk about dis. Y' do what y' want - jus' leave Remy d' hell outta it. Y' need t' do what y' need t' do an' dats fine."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt nodded and was silent for a moment.

[Fr.Wagner] "I guess it's hard not to be angry when we discover that something we've done, maybe just a single bad choice or wrong decision, has changed our life forever and there's nothing that can be done about it," he said quietly.

[Remy] He frowned, confused. "What d' hell d' y' mean?"

[Fr.Wagner] "I guess I'm talking about regret," Kurt said.

[Fr.Wagner] "Nearly a year ago, I made a selfish choice hidden in what looked like a gift. If I had known what that act of selfishness would mean to me now, how it would impact the rest of my life: I would have never done it."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt shook his head. "But at the time I thought I was doing the exact right thing."

[Remy] His frowned deepened. He had no clue what the fuck this had to do with TJ, but whatever the hell got Wagner off that topic. "Oh oui?"

[Fr.Wagner] "You were there. I pretended it was your idea," Kurt said.

[Remy] "Ah. N'awleans. Y' still sore about dat?" He shrugged. "Say what y' want. Y' didn't really get a chance t' say it before. Told Xavier dat Remy'd do what he could t' make up for shit." He made a face. "It was Remy's idea. An' it was a good time. 'Xept what happened t' y'. Didn't know."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt laughed. "I'm not mad at you. What you did... You didn't know what the results would be and it wasn't malicious. I can't be angry about that."

[Fr.Wagner] "I was angry at first, it's true. But I think that's because it was easier to blame someone else for my problems. It always is," Kurt admitted.

[Fr.Wagner] "But if I'm honest with myself, you spiking my drinks wasn't when things went wrong. I lost control of the situation while we were still in the plane."

[Fr.Wagner] "When I decided that I would rather take you and everybody else to ... New Orleans of all places on Mardi Gras!" Kurt started laughing. "Simply because I couldn't be bothered to fly the plane again to Memphis on Wednesday."

[Fr.Wagner] "I was supposed to be in charge and I instantly put myself in a situation that there was no way I could control. That I would have to lie about and ask you to lie about as well just so I could go to church. Doesn't that strike to you as ... a little bit backwards? And we hadn't even landed yet.

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt sat back. "So as you can see. There's no point in being angry at you."

[Remy] Remy gave him a long look. "Well...it ain't d' place, y' know. If y' were gonna slip - it coulda happened anywhere. Sure N'awleans is a bit wild - mais...think dat its d' person more dan d' place, neh?"

[Remy] He doodled in the spilt drops of coffee. "So. Life is what it is. Y' get dealt cards, an' y' deal. What else can y' do?"

[Fr.Wagner] "Well, that is true," Kurt said.

[Fr.Wagner] "However, there's a rather harsh statistic I learned about this summer. Before last February I was sober for over 20 years. They say 'once an alcoholic - always an alcoholic', but the longer one stays sober the 'better at it they get' and they are more likely to stay that way."

[Fr.Wagner] "It doesn't work the other way though. For those that do start again after those long periods, people like me? Less that .01% recover. That's what they told me right before I left rehab." Kurt said.

[Fr.Wagner] "So... I'll tell you the truth. I wasn't away because I was 'sick' Remy. I was drunk. You seem pretty familiar with that lately it seems to me." Kurt said and then grinned to show Remy he wasn't trying to be an asshole, just concerned.

[Remy] "Oui. Sucks t' be y' den. Truly am sorry dat y're dat way, but y' don't know a thing about Remy." He slumped back in the chair, his regular confident cockyness settling over him, but with a harder edge that it had before.

[Remy] "Told y'. Remy's fine. Nothin' t' worry about. Hope y' get d' help y' need." He jerked a thumb at the book.

[Fr.Wagner] "Yeah," Kurt said. "Sucks to be me."

[Fr.Wagner] "And it's not really a question of 'need'. You know the saying... 'it's not about needing so much as wanting'," Kurt said. He looked into his empty coffee cup but he didn't really want anymore.

[Fr.Wagner] "I don't want to be a drunk for the rest of my life so... I do whatever it takes," Kurt said.

[Fr.Wagner] "What about you? Are you going to keep up the tough guy act you came in with and keep telling people you're fine? That they don't need to worry or is it that you don't want them to?"

[Remy] He raised one brow, tipping his head a bit. "Does it matter?"

[Remy] "Remy's taken care of hisself for a real long time now. Don't need no babyin'."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt smiled. "So has Wagner. And it's not babying, it's called 'friendship'."

[Fr.Wagner] "When I moved back to New York I started going to AA meetings here and I made a few friends and after I relapsed the first time, and they saw how dangerous I am when I drink, they started calling me every few days to see if I was okay."

[Fr.Wagner] "I found that to be quite annoying at first. Until I relapsed again and those calls saved my life." Kurt shrugged. "Sometimes friends are annoying. Especially if they want to help you."

[Remy] "Remy's got plenty of friends. Don't y' worry about dat." He grinned cheekily. "Some know better dan others is all."

[Remy] "An' dey are good. Know when t' jus' give Remy his space." He curled his hand shut, nails biting into his skin. "Sides which...it's no big deal. So Remy got dumped. It ain't d' end of d' world, neh?"

[Remy] "Jus' look around. Angel bein' kidnapped...Vic in jail. Dere are bigger fish t' fry here."

[Remy] "Tellin' y' d' same as d' others. Dere ain't nothin' t' do about it. Had a lot worse shit dan dis happen."

[Fr.Wagner] "I'll pick my own fish for the frying if you don't mind," Kurt said in a mock dramatic voice. "And I wasn't talking about drinking buddies either."

[Fr.Wagner] "It seems to me that getting dumped would be a very big deal. I seem to recall both you and Talia telling me you loved each other and I believe you did because ... people generally don't tell lies to priests."

[Fr.Wagner] "It's sort of a hazard of the profession," Kurt added, "If you ever want a really weird afternoon, borrow some of my wardrobe and go to an airport. Total strangers will come up to and tell you their deepest darkest secrets with absolutely no introduction or anything."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt realized he was digressing. "Sorry. So, even if those feelings went away - that alone is very painful. And if they didn't... well, just like my 'decision that changed everything' - it would be like having the floor pulled out from under you. Nothing ever feels the same afterwards."

[Remy] "Think y' got d' wrong impression. Dey may be many things, but drinkin' buddies? Not so much. We figure out much more interestin' things t' do anyways."

[Remy] He shrugged. "Some people are made for dat sort of thing. Remy ain't. Jus' forgot dat for a while."

[Remy] "Ain't like Remy'll ever lack for companionship, homme. So don't y' worry about dat." He gave him a flat stare. "What's d' point in feelin' sorry for y'reself anyway? Don't change anythin'. So moved on. Its done. Over. Dat's all."

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt cringed. He didn't even want to know what "interesting things" meant. He'd managed to completely forget about the "butt stuff". Did this mean that the butt stuff that Remy had done to ... his daughter he was now doing to other girls in the school?

[Fr.Wagner] He shut his eyes and said a quick Hail Mary under his breath. Then he asked for God's forgiveness for praying that Remy wore condoms while undertaking all these ... activities. Contraception was one thing but there were ... diseases too. Because butt stuff... No, he couldn't think about it.

[Fr.Wagner] "No, definitely no use feeling sorry for yourself. You'll get nowhere."

[Fr.Wagner] "So, you mean you're just meant go from girlfriend to girlfriend? Maybe a couple at once? You weren't meant to have a long time relationship with one girl?" Kurt asked.

[Remy] Remy chuckled. "Who said dat Remy's limitin' himself t' jus' girls?"

[Remy] "An' as long as both people...or more dan dat...know what dey are in for, an' y're safe..." he shrugged again. "It works. Been doin' dis for a long time too. Everyone gets what dey need out of it. No complications."

[Fr.Wagner] "Well, of course," Kurt said. "That was silly of me to limit it to girls. Makes a lot of sense and it does sound like it works pretty good for everyone involved."

[Fr.Wagner] "But, there is one thing I don't get."

[Remy] "Oui? An' what is dat?"

[Fr.Wagner] "If this is what you've been doing for a long time, why did you stop for Talia? If she didn't give you what you really needed then ... what was the point?" Kurt asked.

[Remy] His mouth firmed to a thin line and his eyes flared in anger. "Not talkin' about dat." He spat out.

[Remy] "Whatcha want homme? She's gone. It ain't what she wanted. Should be enough for y'."

[Fr.Wagner] "It was just ... for a little while there, to me, you sounded relieved. You're free now. Lots of friends, good times, all sorts of ... 'interesting things' things to do together. And you just said - it wasn't what she wanted so why should you even be bothered by it?"

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt took one of the oreos off the plate and tried to pull it apart. How did people do that? "Like, you'd think I'd be all happy to be on the wrong side of the .01% because, you know, I really like vodka. But so far, it's just been a pain in the ass."

[Remy] "Oui. Well. Guess we got t' take our lumps as we get dem. Lotsa things in life are dat. A big fuckin' joke."

[Remy] Nodding at the book, he sat up in his chair, preparing to leave. "Best of luck with dat. Sucky odds, but whatever y' do - hope dat it works for y'."

[Fr.Wagner] "Do you want it?" Kurt asked.

[Remy] He gave him an odd look. "Non. Why?"

[Fr.Wagner] "No reason other than generosity," Kurt said.

[Fr.Wagner] Kurt stood up. "Thanks for coming over. It was a much better way to spend my last night being 'sick' talking to you than sitting here alone and reading."

[Remy] "Non. Merci anyway." He stood with Wagner. "Thanks for d' coffee. Be seein' y' around."

[Fr.Wagner] "I'll be back tomorrow." Kurt said with a nod. "Come back and visit again, Okay Remy?"

[Remy] He was halfway to the door when Wagner spoke. Looking over his shoulder at him he paused for a moment. "Have t' see. Y' take care of y'reself." His hand closed on the door handle and he slipped out into the cold air, sighing in relief as he shut the door after him.

[Remy] He thought of going back to his room for a moment, but veered away from the school. He cursed himself. Pick your fucking chin up LeBeau. This isn't a big deal. Get over it. Stopping, he made up his mind. It was a good night for Vitos.
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
Deck Swabber
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3/10 Instance: One wrong moment will change your life.

Post by TechPrincess »

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Remy!!!!!!
Paige :husk -------- Emma :emma -------- Hope :jean
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3/10 Instance: One wrong moment will change your life.

Post by Svartfreja »

"Who said dat Remy's limitin' himself t' jus' girls?" <- I lol'd

But poor Remy, he needs luffs! *huggles*
:quicksilver Pietro Maximoff [Quicksilver]

Quicksilver: Howisshe?Isshealright?Imusetspeakwithmysisteratonce.
Hawkeye: What is that noise?
IronMan: That is the noise Pietro makes right before he's tossed out of the airlock. ~ Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6
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