7/28 Game: Making a Splash.

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Title: Sometimes the bark isn\'t worse than the bite
Location: the drama studio

7/28 Game: Making a Splash.

Post by littlebamf »

Scott sliced through the water, enjoying the cool water. He reached the end and flipped around, going back.

Alex was lying on a canvas chair, enjoying the sun and life in general.

Vic sat on one of the pool chairs, tail swinging idly as he sunned himself. He'd been spending too much time on the bike, really. 'Bout time he was sociable.

Angel slid her black hat further down to shade her face, watching Scott swim. It was nice to be back, but the sun was still too bright for her jetlag.

Opening an upstairs window, Laura looked around sneakily, then swung her leg over the frame, climbing out and down the side of the school. Dropping off just on a level with the ground window, she brushed off her shorts and looked around before heading to the pool, her ankle healing up as she went.

With a flourish, he ended his laps, and pulled himself out of the pool and splattered his way to Angel. "Still lagged?" He bent over to peek under the brim of her hat.

Meggan slinked around the wall and blinked in the sun. Cats had it made, they could lie around all day and no one expected more of them. It was good. She yawned and padded over to where Alex was sitting.

Cessily reclined in her canvas chair and enjoyed her book while lying under the sunshade. She had found out that it was better if she stayed out of the sun, unless she really wanted to blind someone else with the sunlight reflecting off her shiny skin.

Shiro parked the motorcycle in front of the school, he took the sword sheath from the back of the motorcycle and put it on his back. He wore duster and the eyepatch, "Its good to be back... Or not" he said. He heard heard laughter and noises from the poolside and walked to that direction.

"You're dripping on me!" She squealed, laughing. "Si, I am still a little lagged. How can you not be?"

* Northstar raised an eyebrow archly at Laura, then set the bar on the pool chair so he could lie down flat. He smirked, wondering if anyone would mind if he sunbathed. He thought not.

Only thing missing is my girlfriend being with me...mmm, maybe swimming a bit?...Uh, oh... He tried hard to not remember the skinny dipping...

Nope. No one was watching....She smirked a little then noticed JP looking at her and poked out a tongue before dropping off her denim shorts and slipping into the pool, sinking to the bottom.

Vic eyed the pool from behind his shades. It looked really nice, but it would take a while for his fur to dry. Maybe not in this heat, though....

Kurt looked at the large grill off to the side of the patio, trying to figure out how to light it. He had a stack of buns, bratwursts, and various condiments and now... he was supposed to cook them. Hank, bless him, had figured out that he could get Kurt to do just about anything by promising him that it would be "good for your leg". Somehow, cooking bratwursts on a grill he didn't know how to light was going to be good for his

leg. He wasn't sure how, but somehow - it would be.

"Dunno." He flicked water on her and grabbed a towel. "Lucky like that, I guess." He sat on the chair by her feet, and looked around.

Shaz blinked in the light as she carried two bin-bags out of her room, she could hear voice comming from the pool ... well ... it beat reading magazines in her room.

He sighed, turning over. At least no one would try to take off his trunks this time.

Meggan jumped lightly onto the canvas chair. She walked along the side of it then lay down, resting her head on Alex's shoulder before shifting into her human form."Boo."

Rachel wondered outside, grabbing a seat in a chair away from everyone. Why was she out here again? Oh yes, it was better to be around everyone than by herself worrying about Farouk. She sighed, she still needed to see Xavier about that.

Cessily took a sip from the cold cocktail located on the small table beside her, then languidly flipped the pages of her book while looking up at the others having fun every once in a while.

She came up to the pool and spotted Victor, making her way over to him "Hey mate,"

Opening her eyes she held her breath, looking around underwater. Thankfully there weren't too many people swimming so she was pretty undisturbed.

Vic looked over to the voice, smirking when he saw Shaz. " 'Ello, mate. Sup?"

"WHA-...shiiiiiit!" Well, he had got his girlfriend...and nearly wet his pants. "Do-...don't this all the time, I'll get a stroke!" His heart bumped up into his throat.

Ah. There it was. He clicked the button a few times. Nothing. Leaning over it, he clicked it a few more times.

Meggan giggled and gave him a hug, kissing him on the cheek, "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it..." She nuzzled his shoulder a bit.

"Verflucht!" Oops. He hadn't meant to shout so loud. Eyebrows still there? Yes. This was going to help him walk better how?

He stretched out in the shade next to Angel's chair, humming an old jingle under his breath.

"Lucky you," she grinned, poking him with her bare foot. "It's good ta be back... feels like home." She looked around, though since she had done nothing but sleep since she got back she hadn't seen Lizzie or TJ yet.

A couple of bubbles escaped her mouth and she blinked. Ooooh.....Lightheaded! Liiightheaded!

"Nothin' much," She sat down next to him "How was your summer?"

Well, that kind of making up he liked. He kissed her back. "Well...okay. You're too cute to be mad at.," he smiled widely.

Jean-Paul gave Wagner a withering glance before closing his eyes and resuming basking. He'd help, if he could be bothered and if it wasn't Wagner.

Shiro walked from the side of the school and turned to the pool area. "Oh fuck" he said, almost everyone was there.

Looking around, she spotted Rachel sitting all by herself. She contemplated walking over, but then noticed that she didn't look very happy, even for Rachel's standards, so she hesitated. It probably would only bother her even more if she headed over now.

She looked around and pulled her legs up, closing her eyes to focus on her shields. She was okay. He wasn't going to do anything. Everyone was here. She took a breath as she followed the instructions Lizzie had given her and Bobby.

Scott looked up at the shout, and went over to Fr. Wagner. "Having trouble?" He resisted the temptation to play with his new belly piercing.

Vic shrugged. "Busy as fuck. But okay. Got laid." He grinned at her. "Y'?"

Meggan grinned back and kissed him softly, "Good becauseif you were mad at me I'd be very unhappy."

Okay, well, bratwursts then. Just because he was German he was supposed to know how to cook them, like it was genetically ingrained or something.

Everyone seemed to have so much fun? And most people seemed to have someone else to hang out with. Cessily felt a slight feeling of loneliness creeping up upon her.

Yeah, 'cause that didn't make him soud like a complete bastard, did it? Vic hid the wince.

"Oh, we don't want that, do we?" His smile went from jonest to devilish. Suddenly he got up and lifted her. "Being thrown into the pool doesn't make you mad, right?"

"Oh hallo, Scott. Welcome back." Kurt shrugged. "I think I've done the hard part. Now I've just got to cook. I figure... Just don't let them catch fire right?"

Hee...This...Was...Fun! Wasn't it? Okay not a fun a test as getting drunk...Shaking her head, her hair flowed around in front of her face and she glanced up to the waters surface. Should prolly swim back up....

Oh? Shaz smiled "That's good then, yeah?"

Meggan squeaked and stuggled, "Noooo!" she laughed and turned herself into an otter, "Ner!"

He serisously doesn't know how to barbeque? "Yeah...and don't squish them. They lose all the flavour and become hard and gross." He shrugged, and went back to the pool, noticing a dark blob at the bottom. Who is that? He jumped in, and swam down to investigate.

Suzie walked out toward the pool, still talking with Charlie.

"Yeah." Vic's tail ticked irritably and he sent it a glare, looking around the pool. "Y' spen' the holidays here then?"

Angel watched some of the other students for a moment, then noticed Scott shoot to attention and dive into the pool. What was up?

"oh, wow, wait you slippery little..." He tried hardly to not let her go. "There!" He threw her right into the water.

"Went home fer a bit ... but yeah, mostly ... it's nice when there noone else here."

Well she could so hold out for - woah! She fell back a little and cracked her head on the pool wall as someone swam right at her.

Getting up from her lounge chair, she ducked the splash from Meggan and peered into the pool. Was sombody on the bottom?

It was warm so Kurt had gone for a t-shirt and shorts rather than sit out in the sun wearing all black; his favorite "body piercing saved my life" shirt that one of his teen group kids from the church had given him last year, they'd definitely understood his sense of humor. He pulled his shorts down self consciously over the scar on his leg, which still stood out against the blue of the rest of him. They said it would blend in.

Meggan easilly sawn back up to the surface then around in a circle on her back before reaching out and pulling him in too. "It's hardly fair if only i get wet, isn't it?"

* Northstar sat up irritably. What was all of the commotion about?

Charlie was walking and talking with Suzie when he got splashed from the pool region. "Oi!" he muttered, "First milk, now here..."

With an internal sigh, Scott grabbed Laura and pulled her to the surface, and waited until she healed before asking, "having fun?"

Didn't Laura jump into the pool a while back, Cessily wondered, looking at the water. Was she diving for such a long time?

Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow, hearing an "Oi!" and looked in that direction. Oh, great. They got new people.

Suzie jumped back from any splashes. She was not ready to get wet yet.

Shiro walked to the wall and lied back

She raised her eyebrows as she saw Scott pulling Laura up to the surface.

"Whoah!" He went down in a splash. Staying under the surface, he swam behind her and hugged her tightly. "Rawr..." He siletnly growled into her ear.

Her eyes unglazed and she grinned at Scott. "I was! Watcha have to go and stop me for?"

"Laura! What are you doing!" Angel almost jumped in.... but Scott had her.

Vic's tail flicked as it got splashed, and he sat up, grinning. Screw this. "Hey, Shaz. Y' wanna get wet, babes?" He winked at her.

"Was healing! I was seeing how long I could stay down for. I've been experimenting on all sortsa tests and stuff!" she quipped brightly and grabbed a towel, rubbing her long hair.

Shaz raised an eyebrow at the freaky midgit, was she trying to drown herself? They could hope ...

Shaz snorted at Vic "I ain't got a costume ... an' I don't do water."

"I know you heal, but damn, if it isn't creepy as all hell..." He looked up at Angel, as if to say 'whatever'. "Yeah? What kinds of tests?"

Meggan turned around and kissed Alex on the end of his nose, her arms encircling his waist. "Rawr yourself," she smiled, then glanced around them at all the people and blushed slightly.

"Uhhh... let's take a few steps away from the pool... I have a sneaking suspicion we'll be pushed in..."

"Looks like ya was trying to drown yourself... and it's scary, yo!" Tests? She exchanged the glance with Scott.

"Ah well." Yeah, he could tell that she didn't do water. "Y' mind if I swim?" Without waiting for an answer, he stood up and stretched.

Cessily got up from her chair and put on her large straw hat, so that she wouldn't blind someone. Walking over to the edge of the pool, she knelt down and gave Laura a worried look. "Laura, what are you doing there? This is dangerous!"

Suzie looked to Charlie. People in this place were nuts.

Rolling her eyes she folded her arms. "I have one of the best mutant healing factors there is. I'll survive three minutes at the bottom of the goddam pool!""

Shaz shrugged "Knock yerself out fuzzball."

She sat back, opening her eyes and noticed Wagner. She wondered whether he'd talked to Fatty yet. Getting up, she made her way over to him, "Hey, Father."

"Hey, you are when you blush, but you don't have to...they're cool with us." He rubbed his cheek on hers.

Once Kurt had a line sausages sizzling on the grill he stepped away to sit closer to the pool. Don't squish. Don't let them catch fire. Seemed simple enough.

Turning back to Scott she beamed. "Like, testing my metabolism, alcohol co - drinking, jumping from windows to test how fast my bones heal and stuff...I've been writing them down too!"

Vic shot Shaz a fanged grin, jogging to the deep end. In one smooth motion, he dived into the pool, staying underwater and swimming to the shallow. Guess he had some things to thank the military for, he thought as he surfaced.

Only now he noticed a few new faces around the pool...oh right, there were new students.

Angel raised her eyebrows at the attitude from the giggle twin. "Okay, you right. Carry on."

Hearing himself address he waved at Rachel and then sat down to put his feet and his tail in the water.

She went into her shorts pocket and pulled out a Hello Kitty notebook and handed it over to Scott. "I write down what I did and all my healing times. When I remember to time them."

". . . cool. How fast do you heal?" He grabbed onto the edge of the pool.

Noticing Vic in the pool she scrunched up her nose. "Though. Ew. Not going in now. Wet cat hair is nasty!"

Meggan smiled hugging him tighter, "I know but still... don't like thinking they're all watching and thinking things...." she kissed him on the shoulder, "I'm supposed to be behaving myself...."

Cessily got back up, still looking worried. "This is still dangerous, Laura!" She insisted. "What if you go too far sometime?"

Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow. Oh, now that was unattractive. Who'd want to sleep with someone who smelled like wet fur?

And now Scott was distracted by medical goobledygook. He was as bad as Hank. She shrugged at Cess. "That's what I was thinkin..."

"I like you better when you are naughty..." He looked over to some Asian girl. "Say, do you know her?"

"Well, depends what I do." Laura sat down cross-legged. "Like, I'm near impossible to get drunk - unless I'm with the right crowd!" she winked over her shoulder at JP.

She sat down attempting to avoid the water, "Have you talked to Farouk yet?"

"She's broken her neck, and she's fine, Cessily." Scott glanced at Vic, and pulled himself out of the pool. He took Laura's notebook and examined it.

* Northstar smirked at Laura. He knew how to do it.

Vic pushed himself up onto the side of the pool, feet dangling in the water as he smoothed his fur down. Definately better. He smiled, looking out over the pool. At least he wasn't shedding.

Meggan looked over,"Um... nope...." she looked back at him, "I haven't really talked to any of the new kids much...."

Sighing heavily she looked from Cess to Angel. "That's why I test myself and test myself around people. Like now."

"Let's grab a seat or something." He said to Suzie looking towards some of the pool chairs.

Ewewewewew wet cat! She cursed her hyper smell and chewed on some of her hair.

Angel shuddered. She knew Laura could heal, but it still creeped her out since she sure as hell didn't heal like that. "Si, if you are going to do it... I guess that works."

"Oh, yeah. I did," Kurt said to her. "And... I think we came to an ... agreement." Was that what you could call it? He wasn't sure he wanted to tell her exactlywhat they'd spoken about.

"Hmmm...we should some time. It was nice having all the older students talking to you and welcomning you when we were new."

Cessily looked dumbfounded from Laura to Scott and back. "Fine, feel free to do what you want." She sighed. "I'm just saying that you should be really careful. I don't want to see something happening to you, you know?"

"Alright." Suzie headed to the chairs with Charlie.

He stood against the wall, watching and listening

"Yeah... but I'm paranoid...." she smiled and ducked under the water, turning into an octopus and tightly wrapping tentacles around Alex, "My Alex."

"Yeah? What kind of agreement?" She still believed that Farouk was evil.

What the fuck?! Was that an octopus in the pool? Vic pulled his feet out quickly.

"Well, that perhaps his methods with the students are a tad extreme," Kurt said with a smile.

"Uuuuuhhhhh...Meggie?...That's...like, I don't want to wear my girlfriend as some kind of intimate decoration...I think..."

He noticed the octopus and the weird-looking Asian dude by the wall. "Is it just me, or is everyone here either crazy or creepy?"

"So Char-what the fuck?" Suzie had noticed the guy in the pool with a squid on him.

* Northstar looked in the pool with a sneer. That girl was seriously messed up. She needed to stop.

Standing up, Vic headed back to his pool chair and grabbed his towel, roughly towelling his mane and tail dry. Great....he was already going poofy.

Angel slid the hat off her head and patted her hair flat into its bun, looking around again. People were staring at the pool. She looked. "There's a fucking octopus in the pool, yo!"

"Okay, mebbe not gonna swim." He grinned at shaz. "Not 'less anyone fancies squid f' dinner...."

Meggan shifted back to her human form and giggled, "Sorry, couldn't help myself,"she grinned, "It's nice being able to just shift whenever I feel like it again..."

Laura shut her eyes for a second, trying not to gag too much from the wet cat smell and now the weird seafood smell from the pool. People could be lame....

Shaz pulled a face "That stuff's like chewin' rubber."

Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow. "Good idea! Who has a harpoon? Oh, darn; she changed back..."

"Oh, damn. My Sausages. Can you give me a hand up?" he asked.

"Why there an octupus in the fuckin' pool...oh. Hey, Meg!"

"Just a little," she replied, sarcastically. She glanced at Shiro. Should go talk to him in a minute. "Sure."

"We can still harpoon her." Shaz grinned savagly "Or how about the midget, since she wants to know how good her healin' is?"

Vic raised an eyebrow at Jean-Paul. Hadn't noticed him there. "Why a harpoon, mate?" He smirked, sitting back down.

"I'm glad for you..." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Hey, I'm getting hungry. Want some stuff from the blue chef?"

"Um ok!" Meggan chirped, then waved at Angel, "Hi! Have a nice Summer?"

* Northstar shrugged. "Why not a harpoon?" He looked over, noticed the new kids had moved, and decided he should introduce himself.

"Eh, leave her." Vic shrugged at Shaz. "She wants t' test it, it's up t' her."

She pointedly ignored JP's comment. if she didn't sink to his level it would be fine....

Cessily decided to go back to her chair in the shade, not feeling in the right mood to fool around with the other at the moment. She flopped down and took her cocktail, downing it in one big gulp.

"Charlie, this place is weird..."

"Si! Looks like you had an...um, interestin' summer too!" She smiled at Alex too for good measure.

It was kind of embarrassing, not being able to just get up and go whenever he wanted to. In all his years as an acrobat, he'd never once been injured. He accepted Rachel's help and limped back to the grill.

It actually smelled pretty good, and he didn't really even like bratwurst that much.

Meggan grinned,"I had a great summer! My Mommy's having a baby!!"

He got up and headed to Charlie and Suzie. He offered Charlie his hand, an eyebrow raised archly. "Bonjour. I assume you're a new student."

Oh! Did they know she was getting married?! She almost started to show off her ring to them, but then realized she wasn't wearing it. "That's fantastico!"

"Meggie, I think Angel always has a nice 'summer' if she wants to." He grinned and hoped someone would laugh about his lame pun.

Eva popped out of his shirt pocket with the talk of the octopus, neck and hands resting on the edge. Charlie looked over. "Yeah. You're telling me. Some crazy chick pushed milk all over me last night, too. I thought this was supposed to be a 'safe environment' for normal kids with 'abilities'. If ya ask me, they ain't normal."

Why not a harpoon indeed...Vic shook his head and started getting his fur to lay flat now that it had dried completely. Nice thing, fur.

She help Wagner up and went over to Shiro, leaning against the wall next to him, "Hey. when did you get back?"

Suzie laughed at him. "Agreed."

Angel giggled a little at Alex. "Si, and I will be a Summers too myself soon." She beamed.

There were new kids around, Laura thought as she glanced around. Ooooh and Shiiiiiiiro! She giggled as she saw Rae head over to him.

Meggan giggled at Alex too then spang out of the pool and hugged Angel, "Oh my god! Seriously?!"

Noticing that Rachel was heading towards Shiro, she thought that it might really be to leave her alone a little while longer. Rachel would come to her if she felt like talking, that she was sure of.

"Oh, really!" He beamed. "That's really great. Xavier's is some kind of wedding institute, it seems."

"Oh, hey" He shook the guy's hand. "Yeah. Got here not long ago. I'm Charlie. And you are?"

"Seriously! We're engaged!" Angel bounced a little, excited to get to tell people.

"Oh hello, I came back just about 20 minutes ago" he said to Rachel

"That is so cool Angel!" Laura trilled and bounced up to give her a big hug,

Meggan squeaked and dived for Scott, giving him a hug too, "Congratulations!!"

He heaved himself out of the pool too. "That's so cool, Angel. I hope we're invited to the wedding?"

Angel enjoyed the hug-fest, grinning over at Scott too for good measure. "It was very romantic! He proposed in Italy, with flowers and everything." She winked at him, sparing the part where he blurted and she giggled.

"I'm Jean-Paul." He grinned wickedly. "You may have heard of me."

"Aww that's so sweet!" Meggan bounced on the spot, happy for her friends, "I hope we're all invited!" she grinned to show she was only joking.

Vic overheard Jean-Paul's comment and snorted slightly, replacing the sunglasses and smiling at Angel. "Yeah. Congrats, you two."

Scott grinned back. "Very romantic..."

"We haven't decided where to have the wedding yet, but I'm sure we'll include everybody we can." Her family could SO afford to bring anybody they wanted to the wedding.

"Not yet. Haven't talked to too many of the crazies... I mean, students, yet. Oh right." He gestured towards Suzie. "This lovely lady here is Suzie."

Meggan beamed and hugged Angel again, "I'm so happy for you two!!"

"Cool, I'll see Maggan in a fancy dress!" He beamed. "Say thanks to Scott for me!"

Kurt looked at the grill and ... they looked pretty ready. He set out the buns on a plate along with various chips, condiments, drinks, and all the other items they'd lugged out here for him. So this was their plan, find the teacher with nothing to do and ... get him to do ... everything else. Still it was better than hanging around in the infirmary. He was going to go crazy down there. Thank God he was moving out of their


Before she could lay down again with her book, she noticed the two new faces nearby. Oh, that have to more new students, Cessily thought, feeling a bit more excited. She really shouldn't be impolite and go to say 'hello' to them. Getting up again, she adjusted her hat again and walked over to Charlie and Suzie, putting on a friendly smile.

Suzie bowed a bit to Jean-Paul in greeting.

He shifted uneasily. The thought of a big wedding was unsettling.

Deciding she was bored she bounced over to the new guys. "Hey! I'm Laura!" she stuck her hand out (up) at them. "How are you doing?"

"Gracias!" She looked a little from Meggan to Alex.... they seemed to be together, but it was hard to tell with them. "I didn't wear my ring out here - don't wanna lose it in the pool! But I SO want to go get it now! I feel naked without it, yo!"

Jean-Paul nodded to her. "Pleased to meet you, mademoiselle. Charmed, I'm sure." He turned back to Charlie. "How disappointing to hear that my reputation has not preceded me. But it'll catch up. And when it does, know that my door is always open." He winked and sauntered back to the side of the pool.

"Cool. So, done anything besides get in trouble in Russia?" she asked him.

"Really?...I never thought that such a little thing can be that important..."

"Hey, you're new here, right?" She stated the obvious, then recognized the girl from her myspace-profile. "Oh, you're Suzie, no?" she asked and extended her hand.

Or... well, that didn't sound too appetizing. He tried again. "Bratwurst's are ready. Courtesy of Dr. McCoy and cooked by an actual German guy."

Meggan grinned, "Aww that's so cute!" She looked over to Kurt then back at Angel, "Gonna go get food now!" she chirped and bounced over to the grill.

Suzie cocked her head to one side and watchign Jean Paul leave. She then realized what he was doing. Suzie burst into laughter.

He leaned over to Suzie and whispered. "I'm not sure, but I think he was hitting on me." It took him a bit before he noticed the bouncy little midget. "Uhhh... hi. " he shook her hand.

"Si! It is very important!" In fact.... "I'll be right back, I really wanna get it now. Scott bought me a gorgeous ring." She grabbed her hat and lifted off to fly back to her and Scott's new room.

"He was." Suzie said simply.

Food? Vic had smelt it, but wasn't really sure if he wanted to eat yet. After the breakfast he'd had at the greasy spoon that morning on the bike....

Scott rolled his eyes, and went to get some food, feeling very pleased.

Suzie looked to Cessily and nodded, bowing instead of shaking her hand.

"I gonna get us some food, ok Megs?" He walked over to Wagner.

She shook his hand back. "Charlie, right?" she grinned with her pointy little teeth.

But then he was kinda hungry. Checking that the mane at least was dry, he stretched and padded over to the table, tail curling into a question mark. Smelt good at least.

Feeling a little irritated, she dropped her hand and mimicked Suzie's bow after a short moment.

He waved at Kurt and came closer. "Hello Father, have you misteriously increased the numbers of bratwursts to feed us all?"

Suzie smiled at Cessily.

Meggan looped her arm stealthily through Alex's and walked with him to the grill, "Father Wagner... what's bratwurst?"

Scott looked over the assortment, of food. "Looks goof, Father Wagner." He piled up a plate for Angel and himself and went to where Laura was, as he still had her notebook.

"Oh... well, then. That's a first. Wait a second, that laugh wasn't at me, was it?" he did a double-take when he noticed the pointy teeth. Reminds me of a Critter. Just add fur... "Yeah. You're Laura, right? I overheard some of the others when you tried to drown yourself..."

Cessily relaxed a little at Suzie smiling. She had feared at first that she had refused to touch her hand because of her condition.

"Oh, it's kind of a German sausage with spices. They're pretty good. Put some mustard on it." Kurt told Meggan.

Oh right, I am kind of German...I should probably eat more of that stuff...

"I didn't try to drown myself! Not quite..I heal!" She nodded. "I was seeing how long I could stay underwater."

"Here, Laura. If you bring it to the lab later, I'll be happy to read it over with you." He held out her notebook.

"Brown mustard," Northstar noted as he came up behind them with a plate. "Afternoon, Vic." He nodded to him with a cryptic half-smile.

"Thanks Scott. I followed you're directions. Looks like I'm a natural." Kurt smiled, watching Scott return with food to Angel and Laura.

"Um ok!" She picked one up,added the mustard and tried it, "Hey it's not bad!" she smiled, "How's your leg and stuff?"

Laura took back her notebook "Thanks Scott!"

She reluctantly held out her hand to Charlie as well, maybe he would take it? "I'm Cessily! Welcome to the school, you two!"

He hadn't even told Meggan about his newfound family, but he had started to wonder whether it would alter his behaviour...

He re-adjusted his goggles, and nodded politely at the new students. "Hello."

"Well, I traveled around the world"

Vic smirked back. "Hey, mate. Good holidays?" He started loading a plate. Yeah. Hungry.

"And met a lot of people" he said to Rachel

"There's the kind with seeds," Kurt said to JP, "the spicy kind, and the sweet kind. Bavarians are really into mustard. Mustard and beer. I didn't bring any beer."

She sniffed the air...Mmm it smelt reeeeeally good.

"oh hey! I bigger version of Eva." He said, surprised to see Cessily. He spoke while shaking her hand. "Thanks." He pointed at the miniature girl poking her head out of his pocket. "You look like someone I know."

Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow archly. "Anyone wants some, I'll get some." He resisted the urge to pull out a cigarette.

He also took a bratwurst and added mustard. "Hm, you're a good cook, Father!"

Suzie made a face at their brauts. "How can you eat that stuff?"
"See ya!" she nodded to Charlie and went to get some of the food, biting into it hungrily.

Meh...Too cooked...

Vic munched on his...what was it, bratwurst? The hell was bratwurst? and watched the crowd. A little over-cooked, but then anything more cooked then raw was overcooked, where meat was concerned.

Cessily stared for a second or two, then remembered that this was kinda impolite and grinned unevenly. "Hey... Eva?" She said pointing at the small girl in his pocket, then waved her fingers.

"It's food..." Meggan said simply to Suzie then, "Oh! I'm forgetting my manners! I'm Meggan." she smiled, "I'd shake your hand but it's mustardy....."

"*That* is not food. That is preservatives and fat."

Meggan shrugged, "It tastes like food...."

"Oh," Kurt dug around in his shopping bag and pulled out a box. "I have ... they're 'boca-burgers'. They don't have meat," Kurt said to Suzie. "I can make these if you'd like."

"Same here!" He smiled at the Asian girl. "I'm Alex by the way, and those are the best preservatives I've ever eaten!"

"Go ahead and eat it. When you weigh 200 pounds, don't say I didn't warn you."

* Northstar smirked. "Oh, good. We have a health nut." He knew just how to annoy health nuts. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it."

Quickly looking over to Father Wagner, she saw that everyone seemed to get food. Oh, and it really smelled delicious. She hoped that the others would leave her something.

Vic overheard the asi- hey, he knew her. "Hey - Suzie?"

She glanced over, noticing the new people. She'd met Charlie already but not the other. Might as well go talk to them. "Hey Charlie."

Meggan blinked, "I'm a shapeshifter... I don't think I can get overweight," she looked down at herself and shrugged again.

Suzie looked over. "Oh hey! You must be Vic." Suzie looked back to Meggan. "Well aren't you just a lucky little person then."

Suzie rolled her eyes at them. Couples... so useless.

Eva waved back at Cessily. Whoah. Talk about a crowd. "Hey Rachel. Uhhhh... Rogue isn't around, is she? I'd rather not bump into her..."

Meggan raised an eyebrow at Suzie,glanced at Alex then rolled her eyes at JP and went to sit on a sunlounger with her wurst.

"I can't get fat!" Laura hooted proudly. "Fast metabolisms for the win!"

"Yeah." Vic finished his food and sat down near her, smiling slightly. He leant back, fishing around in his jacket pocket and pulling out a cigar.

He watched Rachel go, he didnt feel like meeting new students, so he kept watching.

"Uh...haven't seen her. Plus, you should be fine, you don't have any milk to spill all over you."

Cutting off the end with a claw, he stuck it in his mouth and lit it. Definately not smoking cigarettes again. "So....y' didn' come t' Englan' after all, babes?" He smiled at Suzie.

He wondered whether to follow Meggan for a second, but it wasn't as if they were grown together at their hips.So he ate his bratwurst at the pool.

"No, sorry, had a busy summer."

"Yeah. Thanks." Crazy woman'd probably pour pool chemicals on me.

Scott finished his food, and Angel's as well and tossed the plate in a trashcan. He waved to everyone and went in search of his errant fiancee.

Kurt scanned the instructions on the package. Boca burgers were entirely new territory. "I don't think you would have said that if you'd known me a few years ago Alex," Kurt said, still reading about how to cook meatless hamburgers. "My house I had in Los Angeles when I lived there, the stove still had the tags on it when I moved out two years later. I never used it once."

"Aw, shame." Vic blew a smoke ring. Maybe he should have just gone out for another bike ride.

"Well, you really improved your cooking then, Father Wagner. Because this is a good sausage."

He set them on the grill the cautiously. They were still frozen. Was that okay?

Suzie shuddered at the mention of 'good sausage.'

She shrugged, "No problem. So, besides the insanity in the kitchen, what do you think of here?"

Ok, everyone seemed to be pretty busy and well entertained without her, so Cessily headed over to Father Wagner to see if she might at least find something to eat there. And to finally say 'hello' to Kurt.. "Hey, Father!" She greeted him, giving a big smile. "How are you feeling today?" She asked , nodding in the direction of his leg.

He scanned the crowd again, feeling restless. There was no one, really, that he could talk to. Shaz had wandered off somewhere. There was a slight pang as he thought of Rahne, but he quickly banished the thought.

"You want the honest answer or the appropriate answer?" he asked Rachel.


Meggan finished eating and threw the rubbish away then looked around at everyone. She shuffled over to Vic and sat down next to him, "Hey."

Vic turned and smiled at Meggan, leaning back as his tail ticked against a leg. " 'Ello darlin'. Y' alrigh'?"

Meggan smiled back, "I'm good thanks, you?"

"It was ... a personal goal of mine," Kurt said to Alex with a smile. He turned to Cessily. "I'm doing better. It was a bad accident but... I think I'm on the mend. How've you been. Glad to be back?"

"Well, the people seem a tad bit off their rockers. Well, down-right insane in some cases."

Laura couldn't help but catch that comment. "Oh totally," she said as she drifted past. "Everyone is nuts here! It's like, a requirement!"

"Bored as fuck." He blew another smoke ring and grinned. "Take it y' had a good summer? " He smirked. "Ya an' Alex look pretty tigh'."

she nodded, "It's always like this..."

Shiro lighted a small sigar

Alex took another sausage's tip in his mouth and bit it off. "Hmmm..."

* Northstar stretched, bored, then decided to take a swim. He'd stripped of his shirt... a good half hour back; now he stripped off his pants and jumped in the pool.

Meggan blushed, "Yeah... we spent most of the summer together..... we were decorating and stuff... mum's having a baby!" she grinned, "Did you do anything fun for summer?"

He flipped the boca burgers over because they looked like they were going to start sticking. And hey... the ice was melting. "So... meatless or ... meat?" He asked Cessily pointing to her options on the grill. "I think Dr. McCoy might have over purchased. We have way too much food."

"That's so nice to hear, Father." Cessily smiled and nodded again. "Yeah, it's good to be back. All of my friends are here. But the summer break was pretty nice, too." Well, most of it, she added in though, trying not to think of all the small and not so small problems that she had been faced with. That she still was facing.

"She is? Awesome-" Vic cut off, cigar dangling from his lips as he watched a very naked Jean-Paul dive into the pool.

"I'm fine with either, but I prefer meat. Thanks."

Meggan followed Vic gaze then squeaked and covered her eyes, "Ack! Put some clothes on!!"

Suzie leaned over to Charlie's ear and whispered very quietly, "How about we head up to my room for a bit?"

"Put your butt away JP!"

He raised an eyebrow. The guy had every right to be confident, he thought, watching him. Nice. Very nice.

Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow. "What? This is a private pool. And underwater, you can't see me unless you're looking. Are you looking?" He leered.

Now that his eyes fell on the nude JP, the bratwurst suddenly felt somehow weird in his mouth...

Taking a long pull on his cigar, Vic smiled. "Yeah, I'm lookin'." He called, sitting back.

"No but my Dad'll come out and say I'm looking and have your ass on a platter and you don't want that!"

Meggan shook her head, her hands still over her eyes, "Vicdon't encourage him..."

"My Dad is waaay too clingy for you!"

At laura's shout Kurt looked up and caught a glimpse of Jean-Paul's naked rear end disappearing under the water as he served Cessily her Bratwurst and he nearly dropped it. Oh dear. Leave it to Jean Paul to push the boundaries of decency at nearly every event this school had.

Kurt sighed. What was he going to do? Chase after him. That would probably make the local papers.

He jumped up at that. "After you, Madame." He gave a little bow and a smile.

"Why not, darlin'? Ya don hafta look." Vic grinned at Meggan, eyes not coming of Jean-Paul. He pulled off his sunglasses for a better view. Hey, if it was there to be looked at....

* Northstar smirked at Vic, then replied to Laura. "Your dad'd be clingy? Well... all right. I don't usually go for the older men, but hey..."'

"Then here you are," he said, handing Cessily her plate.

Suzie smiled. "Bye everyone." Suzie headed on up to her room.

"Thanks, Father."

"Oh god, seriosuly, you even think it and you'll be engaged. I'd have to call you Uncle JP."

He nodded distractedly while walking a step behind Suzie. "Yeah... uhh... bye people..."

Meggan looked up at Vic, "But he's so rude... and he's mean to everyone..." she sighed, "WEll since you're occupied I'll go... not look somewhere else....." shemoved to get up

She turned around, just to see the new students leave. "Bye! See you later!" She said, voice trailing off as she wasn't even sure if they heard her.

Jean-Paul rolled his eyes. "Good Lord. You mean your dad's a relationship-type? Crisse. Is no one a realist on this campus?"

Vic glanced up to Meggan. "He ain' been rude t' me yet, so I'll give him a chance." He smiled. "Babes, y' don' hafta look, ya know."

"Oh fuck it, theres nothing here" he said and walked around the corner

He knew he wasn't supposed to look, but somehow Alex couldn't get his eyes away from JP. The sight was interesting in a morbid an weird way...

Kurt watched Suzie and Charlie leave. Hmmm. And he'd just finished cooking her vegetarian hamburgers too. He took them off the grill and set them aside in case someone else wanted them.

Vic ground out his cigar and stood up, diving back into the pool again. Probably better then dwelling on the nakedness of Jean-Paul - unless he really wanted to embarress himself.

Rolling her eyes she sat down at the edge of the pool. "Yep. Tolda - clingy!"

"I'm not looking...." she uncovered her eyes to search for Alex, "Bye Vic..." she mumbled, she got up then walked over to Alex and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey!"

Cessily frowned, then rolled her eyes and shook her head as she noticed all the ruckus that Jean-Paul's nakedness apparently caused. A naked human, what an extraordinary and unusual sight. She almost giggled to herself, but went on to eat her food instead.

"I'm not looking! I have JP's...my sausage!!" He looked around and saw Meggan owned "Hey Meggie, uhm...want my sausage?" He held his bratwurst up.

Vic swam to the deep end of the pool, making sure his bottom half stayed under water. Well....so much for being bored....

Meggan blinked, taking a while to process what Alex had just said, "Um.... Are you ok.....?"

Kurt puttered around the grill for a few minutes cleaning up, amazed at how one naked guy could manage to drive everybody crazy. Had he ever had hormones like that?

She sighed. Better go annoy Meggan and Alex. "Hey, guys."

"Oh, yes! Everything is great! Have I told you how beautifull are yet?" He got all wet again, as the sweat flew down his back.

Swimming back to the shallow end of the pool, Jean-Paul was amused to see how flustered Alex was. "What was that about my sausage, Alex?" he called.

Laura was boooored now...Looking around she wondered if she could go jump out of a tree or something

Meggan decided to latch on the relative sanity that was Rachel, "Hi Rae!" she hugged her, then hugged Alex and kissed him on the cheek.

Vic dived back under the water and swam a couple of laps before staying at the deep end again, looking at Jean-Paul. Hmm.

Seeing that Rachel was in good company, Cessily walked over to the uncrowded part of the pool, sat down at the edge and let her legs dangle into the water after she had pulled up her skirt a bit, all the while holding her plate with one hand.

"I, erm..." He was interrupted by Meggan huggle-kissing him. then he went on answering JP's question. "I just offered my girlfriend some of my food. My female girlfriend..."

* Northstar smiled sharply. "Yes, I know. You look flustered, though. The heat getting to you?"

"What's up?" she asked. she sent to him with a smirk.

"Yes, it's a bit hot today. I already mentioned that to my female girlfriend...." Someone about JP always made him want to cover his ass.

Meggan rolled her eyes and did her best to ignore JP. "Not a lot," Meggan smiled at Rae, "I see Farouk hasn't killed you yet?"

Eating her food, her hat pulled low into her face, she reminded herself to go over to Angel and Scott later. She still needed to properly congratulate them.

Jean-Paul laughed out loud and pushed against the side, propelling himself in a backwards dive towards the deep end.

"Yeah. Bobby and I had to help him move stuff to his new off. It was lovely," she rolled her eyes.

Meggan giggled and tried to forget she hadn't seen what JP just did.

Cessily languidly kicked her legs in the water. Felt good. Maybe she should jump in after finishing her plate? Would that distract her, make her feel more relaxed? Maybe.

Alex tried hard to ignore JP playing 'submarine with periscope' and turned over to Rachel.

Vic's eyebrow shot up as he dog - or was it cat? - paddled at the deep end, diving down to the bottom before surfacing again. Damnit....

With the grill now turned safely off and covered, Kurt left the food off to the side. Everyone was still swimming around or chatting and he figured they'd come back and eat the rest of it later.

, was what he thoguht, what he said was different. "I hope he din't pester you too much, Rae?"

Foodfoodfood...Laura scampered up to what was left on the side by Father Wager and took a share, running off to eat up.

Oh, of course not, he only mind raped me and sat on Bobby, but Alex didn't need to know all that. "I think we bother him more. Bobby iced the hall, and we slid the boxes down and most likely broke stuff," she shrugged.

He finished his own lunch quietly, just enjoying being out in the sun, listening to sound of voices and laughter. It was definitely different than what he'd be experiencing if he'd gone on to the seminary in Munich. Strange how something like a car accident could actually be a good thing.

Vic let himself float on his back once he was sure it was safe, arms drifting out to the side. Damnit, now was not the time to be thinking those kind of thoughts. Although Jean-Paul was tempting, after their....conversation last semester....

* Northstar surfaced next to Vic. "You know swimming's not much exercise if you don't move, right?" He was surprised; the smell wasn't actually unpleasant, though it likely would be once Vic got out. "I'd think you wouldn't like water. All the cleaning you have to do."

"Oh, you should stop doing stuff like that. You will only piss him off even more." He winked at her. "He might even sit on you."

Finally he stood up. "Thanks for the lovely afternoon you guys. And Jean-Paul?"

Jean-Paul stood at attention. "Yes, my good Friar?"

Kurt laughed. "Do try to dress before you come in for the evening."

Vic looked over to Jean-Paul, grining as he let himself sink again. "Nah. Dries pretty damn quick." Well speak of the devil. "I do enough excersize outside th' pool." He gave him a cursory once-over.

* Northstar saluted. "Will do!" He swam back to the deep end.

"Yeah, I noticed," she replied bitterly. "I doubt he'd sit on me..." Just Bobby.

Grinning, Kurt picked up his cane and started back to the house. He still wasn't sure how grilling food was supposed to be good for his leg, but still, it had been nice to spend a day out in the sun.

Cessily put down her now empty plate next to her and took another long look at the water. Was certainly tempting, and apparently no one had a huge interest in her presence at the moment.

Jean-Paul smirked. "Well, now that you mention it, so do I, so I hardly have to do laps like I am."

"At least he won't bite, you're not fat enough for him to eat you." He laughed.

"No one here is," she shook her head.

Meggan just looked around, only half listening to what Alex and Rachel were saying. She saw Cessily and waved slightly at her, smiling.

She had a look at the others again, then saw Meggan waving in her direction. She returned the gesture and smiled back at her.

"Guess it's a way to survive then. We just don't have to gain weigth...Lizzie will have a heyday."

"Nice, ain' it?" Vic shot him a fangy grin. "An' it ain' even as if it's hard t' keep in shape. Jus' a case of.....gettin' a routine, hmm?" Another once-over.

Meggan excused herself andwent to talk to Cess, "Hi, did you have a good sumer?"

"Lizzie's all for making sure Farouk doesn't kill any of us..."

Smiling up at Meggan, Cessily nodded slightly. "Yes, it was pretty fun for the most part. How was yours?"

* Northstar grinned darkly. "I like my routine. It exercises all the important muscles."

"Oh, I hope she won't be too hard on him. He's a teacher after all, she might get into trouble..." He frowned concernedly.

"It was great! My mum's pregnant! Alex and me spent a lot of the summer decorating the spare room for the baby." she beamed, "I can't wait to have a little brother or sister!"

Lizzie too hard on Farouk...pffft. He deserves it. "I doubt it."

"Well, I just don't want her to have problems, you know...And should he push too hard, I'll just eat him." He winked at her.

"Mmm. Keeps th' excess down too." Vic stretched in the water. "Unfortunately I don' get much time t' exersize much."

"That's wonderful news!" Cessily said, sounding mellow. "I'm so happy for you." She pondered a moment, then cocked her head and gave a sly smile. "Uhm... by the way, let me say thank you... for making Rachel talk to me again, you know?"

Meggan smiled back, "I didn't make her, I just pointed her in the right direction.... And you're welcome."

"Really?" She wondered whether Alex really would if he knew the whole story.

Jean-Paul chuckled dryly. "Well, an enhanced metabolism could keep the excess down even if you ate Twinkies all day." He looked Vic up and down. "You may not have one, but you don't do too bad yourself."

His face went serious. "Hey, you know that I care for you. I won't let the fat man get his moods down on you, that's a promise, ok?"

"Anyway, I'm happy about it, so thanks again." She nodded over to Alex, then smiled back at Meggan. "So..., you two seem to be pretty happy with each other, no?"

"Yeah, ok," she smiled. Except that now she felt guilty for not telling Alex.

Vic smirked slightly. "Maybe it could but it ain' as much fun, righ'?" He shrugged. "I push weights. Again, not as much fun." He ran a hand absently through his hair.

Meggan blushed and smiled shyly, "Yeah... it's nice to be together.... especially after so much happened last year...." she sighed feeling a slight pang of guilt, but she brushed it away, "Hopefullyno one's gonna spoil this for us," she glanced at JP.

"Ok." He smiled again. "I'll kick his ass...I'll probably get stuck, but I'll do it anyways."

"I don't know. I bounced off him..."

"Yeah, that's true. It's nice being... together with someone." She shrugged, still smiling. "Last year was... difficult for all of us. But I'm happy for you and Alex. And I'm sure it's going to be fine." Because they're not gonna mess up like you do, Kincaid, she told herself, then quickly pushed the thought away.

* Northstar glanced at Meggan wickedly, then turned his attention back to Vic. "Maybe not as much fun for the one pushing the weights, but it's fun for onlookers."

"You...you bounced of him?"

"Hmm. Maybe we shoul' try tha' out sometime." What was the whole deal with Meggan and Jean-Paul anyway? She'd been shooting him evils all afternoon.

"Yeah. Bobby and I were skating. Farouk was in the way. It's how we got in trouble in the first place."

Meggan hugged her "I hope so... and what about you? Aren't you with Japh? Are you happy?"

"So....y' like watchin' exersize more'n takin' part, or both?"

"Oh, wait, he blamed you for skating into him accidentially? But that can happen when you're outside around a school! That's ridiculous!"

Jean-Paul grinned. "Well, I don't need to take part, but it's something to do when one's bored. And I do enjoy the results of exercise on other men." He raised an eyebrow archly.

"Well...it was inside, on the main staircase, which Bobby had iced, and we broke a window."

"...You were skating inside?..."


"On the main staircase?"

Cessily swayed her head from one side to the other, but kept on smiling. "Yeah, I'm with Japh. He's... absolutely wonderful." Her smile broadened, but then dropped a little. "Though... we're taking it a slowly after..." She nodded in Rachel's direction. "I didn't want to be dishonest with him, so I told him. But... I guess he's fine." She beamed again. "Like I said... most wonderful guy imaginable."

Very nice. Vic cocked his head to one side, raising an eyebrow back. "Mebbe y' shoul' take a wander down t' the Danger Room sometime in th' mornin's then, mate. That's when I'm there wit' a few others, if y' like watchin' tha' much."

"Awww that's so great!" She smiled encouragingly at Cess, "It's good to be honest with people.... keeping secrets damages relationships..."

"Yeah, on the main staircase." she nodded. Where the hell was Alex going with this?

"You could have broken you neck!"

* Northstar appeared to consider that. "Perhaps I will. Though I really do more enjoy the one-on-ones. Training sessions, that is. Used to work out with Pietro... similar abilities. Now that he's gone, I find myself looking for a new partner."

"Alex, I wasn't going to break my neck. It was a simple boardslide. Fatty just got in the way and caused me to lose my bet."

"Yes, I still can't believe how understanding he is. Sometimes I think I don't deserve him for all my various antics." She laughed. "Though... it's still great having him:"

"Oh? Yeah. Y're a speedster." Vic twitched a smirk. "Well....y' migh' beat me in a straigh' race but I'll bet a grand tha' I can outlast ya."

"Awww, come on!" He gestured wildly. "Don't make me the one to tell you to not make stupid stunts over bets!"

Jean-Paul raised an eyebrow again. "Really? Well, we'll have to test that theory sometime. I've received many a compliment on my stamina."

Meggan smiled at her, "I'm glad you're happy. Everyone deserves some happiness in their lives," she looked over to Alex and smiled to herself, "It's nice to feel loved and wanted by someone other than your family...."

Vic grinned. "I'd like t' see tha' f' mysel' someday soon." Take that as y' will, Jean-Paul....

"I started the bet, actually. And it was just a boardslide. I've done it before, and I've been skating for years, Alex..."

"On iced up staircases? That's not cool, Rae."

* Northstar smiled like a shark. "I imagine you would." The ritual thus completed, he did another backflip and dove to the bottom of the pool.

"Yeah, on the iced rail, and it wasn't cool. It was awesome. Bobby wouldn't of let anything happen to me."

"Absolutely." She agreed. Especially if most of said family despised you. She kicked her feet through the water again. "I think I'm going to take a swim later." She shrugged. "Or... more of a dive, considering that I don't float any more."

Vic watched Jean-Paul with a bemused smile. Show off. He swam a couple of laps again. Well, he was certainly interested. He had to hand it to the boy - he was good.

"Yeah, I think I should try to talk with him once..." He frowned. "And that's why you had to help him moving his stuff?"

Looking over to Meggan, she said: "And thanks. No doubt you and Alex will be sooo happy together."

"Well, not why we were moving stuff. That was punishment for something else."

Pushing himself easily onto the side of the pool, Vic flicked out his tail then wrung out the tuft. Time to dry out again.

Meggan nodded, "I know exactly when you mean with the family hating you thing...." she sighed, "... what's it like to be made of metal....?" she tilted her head to oneside and looked at Cess quizzically, "I'm sorry... I know it's rude... but I'm really curious about other people's powers..."

"Something else? Did you bungee jump from the mansion and landed on him?" He rose an eyebrow.

Laura lay under a lounger, having a nap.

"No. I don't like heights. We super glued a bunch of stuff in his office, which we were supposed to be cleaning.."

"No worries, it's not rude." Cessily pondered. "For the most part... it's just weird. I can still do most of the things I could do before all this, though I don't know why or how... like eating for example." She shrugged. "But it's not all bad. Never getting sick or having to worry about your weight again is certainly nice."

"Oh...that's far better...why?"

"It's complex, and I'm still trying to figure it all out."

Vic stood up, shaking himself off and reaching for a towel, dryng his mane before it got a chance to smell. Shower later. He wandered back over to his lounger, getting out another cigar and lighting it. He lay down, blowing a smoke ring and smiling slightly.

Meggan smiled, "I've never been without my shapeshiftingor my empathy... I don't know if I could cope without it now...." she frowned, "I guess it'd be a similar thing to not having powers then having them just show up....only in reverse...." her frown deepened,"I'm confusing myself..."

"Because we didn't do anything but skate inside. And I don't clean my own room, what makes him think I'm going to clean his office?"

"He is a techer, though..."

"He's evil, Alex and can't take a prank, apparently. It was only super glue, and Forge had something to unglue everything. That's why we had to move stuff though," she rolled her eyes.

"I know what you mean..." She smiled again. "I'm like this for not very long now, but... I'm slowly getting accustomed to it, more comfortable. And besides, there are many people telling me how cool it looks... so maybe there's something to it and I just have to focus on the good sides instead."

"Ok, but if he's so evil, why do you guys try and not piss him of? Just chill."

"we kinda just found out how evil he was..." Shit. "And, I don't plan on going anywhere near him, anytime soon."

Meggan smiled at her, "Yeah, it does look nice," she touched Cess' arm, "it's so unusual.... beautiful though," she looked out over the pool then back at Cess, "Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying."

He sighed of relief. "Promise?"

Stretching out in her sleep, Laura's foot claws slid out, clicking on the tiles.

[Edited on 29-7-07 by littlebamf]

[Edited on 29/7/07 by HoodedMan]
Posts: 1266
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2002 8:15 pm
Title: Sometimes the bark isn\'t worse than the bite
Location: the drama studio

7/28 Game: Making a Splash.

Post by littlebamf »

<rachel_> "Yeah, I promise. But, maybe you're just being a little overprotective? I can take care of myself, as hard as that might be to believe..."

<Alex> "Hey, you never can be too sure, right?" Hee winked at her. "Hey! I have a girlfriend now!"

<rachel_> "You're just figuring that out?" she smirked.

<Cessily> Cessily smiled a big smile at Meggan. "Thank you, that's sooo nice of you. And... if you don't mind me saying it... you're very beautiful, too." She glanced over to where Alex was standing. "I have no doubt that he's a very fortunate guy."

<Alex> "No, it's just...I have a girlfriend! Let's double date!"

<Vic> Vic let the conversations wash around him, happy just to look up at the sky. Well....he'd be happier if he had someone to share the lounger with....He sighed, taking another drag.

<Meggan> Meggan blushed, "Well, thank you... but I'm cheating." she smiled, "I'm a shapeshifter so I can look like whatever I want.... I don't actually know what I really look like...." she looked down at the ground, "Would be nice to know..."

<rachel_> "Double date? With who?"

<Alex> "You, Meggan, me...and some guy we'll find you! It will be so cool...like, what's up with...uhm,...like...Damn, there are no available men at this school!"

<Northstar> "You're telling me!" Jean-Paul called out to Alex.

<Alex> Uh oh, I've wakened the devil... He thought when he heard JP's comment.

<rachel_> She laughed, "You find me a guy? Yeah, that should be great."

<Vic> "Mate, I'm free." Vic winked at Alex. "Why, y' offerin'?"

<Meggan> Meggan looked over at Vic, "Hey! He's taken!"

<Cessily> "Well, same here." Cessily gave her an encouraging smile and light nudge. "Despite being silver, I don't have to worry about my shape, too. But... I know what you mean with the 'really looking like' part." She shrugged. "Apparently my true form is that of an amorphous metallic blob. Since it probably can't get any weird than that, you should be fine." She grinned again. "But I hope you figure it out anyway."

<Vic> Vic raised an eyebrow at MEggan and smirked. "So?"

<Alex> "Uhm...Vic? Want to double date with Rachel and us?" Well, he was nice...maybe he would purr when Rae pet him?

<Meggan> "Me too," she smiled at Cess then looked over to Vic, on hearing what Alex just said all she could managed was, "Oh dear......"

<Vic> Vic looked Rachel over consideringly. "Well....she c'n play guitar....an' she's kinda hot....hell, why not."

<rachel_> She shook her head, "Oh god....."

<Meggan> Meggan put her face in her hands, "It's ok Rae...." Hah!

<Alex> "Hey, Rae, you've got a date!" He gave her his widest puppy smile.

<rachel_> She gave Alex a look, "Yeah, thanks Alex."

<Cessily> Cessily had a hard time hiding her smile, although she felt so sorry for Rachel.

<Meggan> Meggan, clearly trying not to laugh, went over to Rae and gave her a hug, "He'snot as scary as he look Rae, honest...."

<Alex> "It's, like, we could go to some fancy restaurant! Or even go to the beach! And ride there during sunset!" He obviously gained speed.

<Cessily> "Don't worry, Rae! If he's getting annoying, just pull his tail!" Cessily commented, a sly smirk on her face.

<Meggan> "Um... maybe not the beach, Alex.... but a restaurant sounds nice!"

<Vic> Vic resisted the urge to grin as he sat up, leaning forward as he tipped the cigar. "Yeah. I'm really jus' a kitten when y' get t' know me, doll."

<rachel_> Rachel glanced at Vic before shooting Alex a glare. <I despise you at the moment...>

<rachel_> "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be so much fun," she said dryly.

<Alex> "But don't bring catnip along on your first date! I did that with Meggan, it wasn't a good idea." He gestured wildly to convince everyone how great of a couple those two would make. He even ignored Rae's telepathic cuss.

<Meggan> Meggan giggled and gave Alex a hug, "Shhhh, calm down," she whispered in his ear, "Let Rae get used to the idea," she kissed him on the cheek.

<Alex> "And we could have a nice picnic...or go and visit a theme park...but you have to look pretty, Rae! It's your first real double date, you have to wear a skirt or something like that!"

<rachel_> <I will get you back for this...>

<Alex> "And...and...oh...ok," he said to Meggan.

<Vic> Vic shook his head, smiling slightly and holding an arm out. "Wanna come here then, darlin'?" he grinned at Rachel. "Seein' as we've been tossed t'gether....an' Alex, y' owe me, boy." He winked at him and grinned lewdly.

<Alex> <No need to thank me, Rae. I'm happy to help you.>

<Meggan> Meggan giggled quietly into Alex's shoulder, "I love you," she told him.

<Northstar> Jean-Paul frowned darkly, got out of the pool with dignity, and looked for his clothes. He spotted them next to his pool chair and headed for them.

<Alex> "I love you too." He smiled happily and kissed her cheek.

<rachel_> <No really. I will have my revenge.> She sighed, trudging over to Vic.

<Alex> This was so great. Rachel would be really happy around Vic...they both were, like, emo-gothic-stuffish, so they would get along pretty well.

<Cessily> Cessily shot Alex a slightly annoyed look, gave Rachel a sorry one and an annoyed one again to Victor. Let it be, girl... She told herself. She's not like you, so you're only making this harder for yourself.

<Meggan> Meggan smiled and turned to look at Vic and Rachel, "Hey it'll be fun anyway...." she tried, attempting to make Rae feel better.

* Laura has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

* Northstar decided to put his pants on since he'd not put sunscreen on his legs, but left his shirt off. He lay down on the pool chair to sunbathe.

<Alex> "But treat her lika lady, yeah Vic? She's good!"

<Vic> Vic put his arm around Rachel and smiled at her. "Hey, if it's any conselation, babes, this ain' my idea either. Wanna get him back, y' jus' gotta ask." He looked up at Alex, eyebrow raised. "I'm sure she is, an' 'course I will, boy. She is one."

<Meggan> Meggan had to turn around and bury her face in Alex's chest as she started giggling again, Poor Rae, but she really does need to get out more...

<Cessily> "And Vic knows better than doing something that Rachel might not like." She remarked, trying to make it sound funny but only partly succeeding. "Don't you, Vic?" Okay, Cess... calm... it's only fun...

<Vic> Vic loked over at Cess consideringly. Protective. Hmm. "I'll be good."

<Alex> "And make her feel pretty and..uhm...girlish...you get the idea." He'll just suck the emo out of her...ow, bad mental image...

<Cessily> Cessily smiled again and nodded. He's a nice guy, Cess, don't be an idiot again...

<Vic> Vic rolled his eyes, although no one would be able to tell. "I'll do what she wants me t' do, Alex, nothin' more."

<rachel_> She put an arm around him going along with it. She replied to Vic, quietly. She was sure he'd hear, "Yeah, that makes it sooo much better, but I can get him back myself. I'm sure Lizzie has pink dye left."

<Meggan> "She is pretty- she just soends all her time inside..." Meggan smiled slyly at Rachel,

<Vic> "Oh no, I wanna piece." Vic murmured quietly, mouth right by her ear. "I've bin set up here too, doll. Not tha' I'm complainin', y' are pretty damn hot, but...."

<Alex> "Well, what would you say if we get some time alone before we double date, though, my little butterfly?" He kissed her neck.

<rachel_> "I spend so much time inside 'cause this is what happens when I go out," she gave Meggan a look.

<Meggan> Meggan smiled at Alex, "Ok... and I guess we should leave them to get to know eachother better..." she grinned at Rachel.

<Vic> Vic sniggered, ruffling Rachel's hair. "Hey, we never did get t' play together, did we?"

<Alex> "Absolutely. Want some of my cookies?" He started to drag her gently into the direction of the kitchen.

<rachel_> "Okay, fine. We'll think of something after they go away," she mumbled.

<Meggan> Meggan gladly went with him, "See you later guys! Have fun!" she called

<Cessily> Okay, time for a break, Cessily decided. This was all still a little much for her. Putting her hat aside, she prepared to go for that swim... no... dive.

<Vic> "We will!!" Vic shook his head. "Plannin' yer demise...."

<rachel_> "Nope, we didn't, but we can plot against them and play," she shrugged.

<Alex> "And later we can do something that's even sweeter..." He whispered into her ear.

<Meggan> Meggan grinned at Alex and looped an arm around his waist, "Sounds good to me!"

<Cessily> She didn't wear any kind of swim suit, but thought that this would be unnecessary anyway. She focused for a moment, then went into her liquid form, gracefully slithering out of her clothing and into the water.

<Vic> Well....he looked at Rachel. He might be able to work on this. "Well....let's go play then, darlin'." He winked at her.

<Cessily> She quickly sank to the ground, where she re-assumed her human shape and proceeded to sit cross legged on the floor of the pool, enjoying the peace.
Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:08 pm

7/28 Game: Making a Splash.

Post by meepdog »

Wow, lol. Great game. My favorite part's got to be where Alex set Rae and Vic up (and I can't wait until they get their revenge, that'll be fun).

Also, I can't find the line again, but did Laura at some point say "Put your butt away, JP", or something like that?
"Guess what? She's dating Chris!" X-MenSG1
"I don't believe it!" meepdog
"She is! It's true!" X-MenSG1
"I find that hard to believe!" meepdog
"I swear by Nightcrawler she's dating Chris." X-MenSG1
"Oh, well then, I HAVE to believe you now!" meepdog
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