11/24 Instance: Reunited

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Dread Pirate
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Title: The Ragin' Cajun
Location: NY

11/24 Instance: Reunited

Post by NachtcGleiskette »

Timeline after Lost Pup Found please

Victor: Vic rubbed the back of his neck as he yawned, straightening in the chair. Annie hadn't even tried to get him to budge, sensible lady that she was. Well....his ex had just come back from the dead....

Victor: Vic looked at where the still form of Rahne was slumbering, slight snores telling him that she was still well asleep. Quietly he stood and leant against the bed, looking down at her. Vic....had no idea what to think about this. All he knew was that he was glad she was back.

Rahne: Rahne grunted and snuffled in her sleep, turning her head slightly and frowning as she started to wake ... the ground underneath her felt strange ... really soft.

Rahne: There was a scent near by ... familiar ... Vic? But it was stubly different. Her eyes flickered and she whined in the glare of the artifical lights ... she was laying on her front ... on a bed ... something was sticking in her arm, she moved her other arm and tried to paw at it to get it out.

Victor: Vic gently wrapped his hand around Rahne's, pulling it back. "Tha's y' IV, Rahne. Sure Annie wouldn' appreciate y' takin' it ou'." He said softly, hesitantly giving her hand a squeeze. "Ya home, babes."

Victor: He reached up and moved the lamp so that it wasn't directly in Rahne's eyes. "Y' awake?"

Rahne: Rahne blinked a couple more times and tried to move her legs, but from her knees up to her chest she was wrapped in bandages, she let out a soft moan and turned to look at Vic ... and her eyes widened. "V-Vic?"

Rahne: It ... it sounded like him, and smelt like him ... but ... she hadn't really registered the changes that he'd gone through when he'd come to pick her up with TJ.

Victor: Vic smiled down at Rahne, letting go of her hand but staying by the bed. "Yeah. Same ol'." She smelt shocked, and he remembered that she probably didn't know he'd....changed. "I uh....manifested jus'....jus' after y'....reckon it mighta in th' shock...." He trailed off uselessly.

Rahne: Rahne peered at Vic again, and then sniffed loudly with her eyes closed "Yooou smell differrrren'." She said at last.

Victor: Vic frowned. "I do?" He looked down at her, still not quite able to believe that....there she was. Not dead, although she looked pretty close to it, not drowned, but....here, talking to him. He didn't know what to feel.

Rahne: Rahne opened her eyes, Vic smelt almost like he was in shock ... at it was because of her. She looked away "'M sorrrry ..."

Victor: Vic rana a hand through his hair and grinned uneasily. "Sorry? F' what? F' comin' back from th' dead?"

Victor: He shook his head. "Sorry. Tha' was....y' know what I mean. Y-y' are real, righ'? Not some dream thing or somethin'?"

Rahne: Rahne smiled, her torn ear twitching as she tried to face it forward and reached out and poked him with one claw "Rwwwwreal." She confirmed.

Victor: Vic hesitantly hugged Rahne, being careful not to hold her too tight. "You have no fuckin' idea how good it is t' see ya, Rahne. No idea." He whispered.

Rahne: Rahne reached up to touch Vic's cheek and frowned a little "Yooou d'nt haaate m'? Arrrfterrr everrrythin'?"

Victor: Vic pulled away slightly. "I....I don' honsetly know, Rahne. I don' have a clue righ' now." He smiled at her a little. "But I don' think so. Jus'....give me time."

Rahne: Rahne looked down, well what did she expect, but this was better then him screaming and raging at her. She laid back down on the bed and looked around "Teeej 'kaaay?"

Victor: "Yeah, far's I'm aware." Vic stood awkwardly. What the hell did you say to something like this? "I uh....Rahne....how....?"

Rahne: "Yeee wouldn't 'lieve m' if i tol' yerrrr." Rahne shrugged, then winced.

Victor: Vic saw the wince. "Y' okay? An'....heh. Try me, pup."

Rahne: "Hurrrtss." Rahne shook her head "'T'll heeal."

Rahne: She smiled at the 'pup' but frowned as she tried to think of how she could explaine ... everything. "Wrrrait till I caaan taalk b'tterrrr." She told him, that should also give her the chance to work it all out in her own head.

Victor: Vic nodded, looking away a little, his tail flicking against the bed. "Fair enough." He gave Rahne a smile. "So....y' wanna know what ya missed, babes?"

Rahne: Rahne smiled and nodded. Things were a little awkward ... but so much better then what she'd expceted.

Victor: Vic sat on Rahne's bed, pulling his tail out of the way and smiled. This was better then awkward silence and it meant he dind't have to actually think. "Well....I manifested jus' after....everythin'. Teej is livin' back here wit' Johnny an' her'n Rem're....back together." He looked away quickly. "Um...."

Victor: "I'm on a team - th' combat team....we got a ton a' new students in. I got a new bike an' a car, an' I met back up wit' my Mama - y'll hafta meet her someday."

Rahne: Rahne frowned, most of this she knew from TJ but " ... Maaaarma?"

Victor: "Yeah - my Mama. Bought me up, foun' me after I got abandoned an' got me outta Lon'on when Matt framed me f' murder." Vic smiled, playing with the tuft of his tail. "She tried t' visit me in prison bu' Bl- all my records'd been wiped an' as far as they were concerned I didn' exist, ya know? Then she traced me t' here an'....we met up in th' summer."

Victor: "Y' lookin' at a financial advisor, now." Vic smirked.

Rahne: Rahne raised an eyebrow at him and make a little snorting noise.

Victor: "It's true. I'm headin' up Mama's financial team." Vic smiled slightly, not sure that Rahne would care to hear what the business was. He looked down. They were....well, single. "An' I'm kinda....Duncan adopted me as his big brother...." He pulled out his wallet. "Got some pictures if y' wanna see him...."

Rahne: Duncan? Rahne's ears pricked up and she raised her head up to see.

Victor: Vic smiled at her reaction and pulled out the photos he had, handing them to her. "He's a big bastard now."

Rahne: Rahne looked down at the photos Victor handed to her of the little boy with bright green eyes, just like her's used to be. She pawed at them a little and let out a soft, sad little whimper. Babies changed so quickly, and she'd missed him when he was really tiny ...

Victor: "Hey, y'll get t' meet him soon." VIc smiled softly. "He reminded me so mucha y'....an' Nana an' tha's turnin' me int' a Scotsman. I swear y' Mam wants t' put me inna kilt." He chuckled a bit.

Rahne: Rahne looked down at the photos "Wrrron' I scaarrre him?" She smiled a little nervously up at Vic, as far as she thought, he'd look good in a kilt.

Victor: "I dunno." He answered honestly. Rahne would have been able to tell if he was lying, anyway. "Think he's pretty damn used t' me, an' I'm pretty furry. He teeths on m' tail anyway." He held up the ticking end of it. "Nah, I think y'll be okay."

Rahne: Rahne smiled again and caught sight of something on Vic's arm under all the ... fur. She reached out to touch the wolf tattoo on his upper left arm gently.

Victor: Vic looked down at Rahne's hand, flushing slightly. "Got tha' at Dirty Dan's, same time as all th' piercin's....wanted t' remember ya."

Rahne: Rahne blinked, then smiled shyly, the looked confused. Pierceing? You mean those things on the tail weren't just wierd mutant stuff?

Victor: "These." He held his tail out to Rahne, shifting slightly. Then he grinned. "An' this." He poked his tongue out at her.

Rahne: Rahne blinked at the tounge piercing ... oookay and went back to the tail ... tail it was so wierd thinking of Vic having a tail ... and a mane ... it was just ... woah.

Rahne: Though ... it did answer some questions, she looked at Vic to check that it was okay and reached out to take his tail. Holding it clumbsily in her hands she ran a thumb over one of the rings.

Victor: Vic twitched a little at that. "Heh. It's snesitive too. Big hit with th' gi-" He flushed slightly. "Jus' don' pull on it."

Rahne: Rahne's eyes narrowed for a moment ... but they were ... seperate now weren't they. She shook her head to tell him she wouldn't and ran her thumb all the way down to the tuft, which twitched and insinctivly she snapped at it.

Victor: The tail tapped wildly at the snap and Vic blinked - Rahne wouldn't actually bite it, would she? He hadn't missed the narrowing of her eyes either and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Rahne....I better....explain somethin', so tha' y' won'...." He looked down. "I've been single since...everythin'....but I've bin havin'...." Oh hell. "....A lot of sex."

Rahne: Rahne released Vic's tail and sent him an appologetic look for the tail then sighed "Figurrr'd ... yeee d' smeeeel like it."

Rahne: "'S ... naoowww buissneeess o' m'ne ... we've brrroken up aaain' wrrre?" She clenched her fist in frustration at how she was talking. Talking wasn't that hard!! It was starting to get to her now, her voice sounding like this.

Victor: Vic hesitated, then wrapped his hands around Rahne's. "I....I know but...." He shook his head. "It's too complicated. Jus'....I've really missed y', Rahne...." He looked up into her face. "Never really....y' know. Got over ya." He sighed, letting go of her hands. She smelt frustrated. "I c'n understan' ya, babes. It'll get better...."

Victor: A thought occured to him. "Rahne....y' will stay, righ'? Y' won' leave m- us again?"

Rahne: Rahne smiled shyly and turned her hands over, so that she could wrap her fingers around his and nodded "'m noaat gooin' aaanywrrrherrre."

Victor: "Y' better not. I'll come after y' if ya do."

Rahne: "Llllike yeee jus' did?" She put her head to one side and then yawned, blinking.

Victor: "No. Th' nex' time ya do a disappearin' act? I'll be waitin' f' ya." Vic smiled to show he was joking. "Y' tired, pup?"

Rahne: Rahne nodded and held the photo's she still had of her brother close "Caaan I?" she asked.

Victor: "Yeah. Y' keep 'em. I got more in m' room when ya wanna come see." Vic slid off the bed and smiled, folding his arms. "Y' shoul' get more sleep, Rahne, an' I should probably go eat summat."

Victor: "Will ya be okay?"

Rahne: Rahne looked around the room, then nodded slowly. She wasn't sure if she was happy about being left alone though ... when word got out that she was back the whole school would probably come to gawk at her ... and she didn't really feel up to that just yet.

Victor: Vic frowned, looking at Rahne. He got a very strong hunch that she didn't want anyone to come and see her. "Y' don' hafta see anyone yet, pup. I'll make sure a' tha', if ya wan'." He shook his head.

Rahne: Rahne smiled greatfuly at him and nuzzled his hand, licking on of his fingers.

Victor: Vic couldn't help the soft smile as he gently stroked behind one of her ears, feeling the soft fur. "It's good t' have ya back, Rahney."

Rahne: Rahne rubbed her head against his hand "Goood t' bee baaack."
"If you live your life to please everyone else, you will continue to feel frustrated and powerless. This is because what others want may not be good for you. You are not being mean when you say NO to unreasonable demands or when you express your ideas, feelings, and opinions, even if they differ from those of others.â€
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