12/17 Game: All Fall Down

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
Location: Germany

12/17 Game: All Fall Down

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: November 19th.

Lorna: Standing beside the van, Lorna took a deep breath. Helping these people was necessary, to be certain, but she knew full well going in that they were not going to get any thanks for what they were about to do.

Adam: Adam was a lot better than he'd been. Dai had upped his dose again after the full-scale hallucinations and he'd hidden in his studio until his head had stopped going nuts...and while under the uniform and his cybergear there were more bandages, at least he wasn't so manic now. He tightened a glove, humming to himself and bouncing on the balls of his feet gently.

Sue: Sue was invisible again because she wasn't sure she liked the tight black leather. She pulled her hair back and tied it into a ponytail. Normally she wouldn't dream of this kind of thing but since she could now do more than be invisible she figured she'd be somewhat useful.

Selene: Selene worked her long black hair into a ponytail as she stroke into the garage. "So, what is it today," she asked. "The alert sounded actually rather urgent, so I assume it's not another cat rescue mission?"

Sue: "We rescue cats too?" Sue could never tell if Selene was kidding.

Doug: Doug offered a brief smile to everyone before turning his attention back to the small padd in his hand. He scrolled with his thumb, and tapped with the finger of his opposite hand. But so far he didn't have much to say or do. He was just 'ready' was the best description to give. Though he did comment, "I like kitties." in a vague manner.

Lorna: "No cats today." Lorna admitted, though she wished that it were the case. "Is this everyone then?"

Selene: "Figuratively speaking," Selene added with a shrug. "Unless they're big cats, perhaps."

Sue: "Big cats sound scary...." she chewed her lip, deciding she may as well get it over with and making herself visible.

Doug: "Yes, well, Tigra can be scary." Doug agreed, obviously thinking of at least one big cat he knew.

Selene: "I saw sparky fighting with her uniform back in the locker room," Selene informed Lorna and thumbed over her shoulder. "She should be with us any moment."

Noriko: Speaking of which Noriko boucned into the room as well as she could, arm still bandaged up but the rest of her was at least working fine

Adam: Adam played with the mask in his hands, rolling a shoulder and picking at the bits he'd sewed onto the uniform - nothing much, just the odd green biohazard symbol. "I'm good to go." He nodded, pulling the mask on and running his gloved hands through his fake green and black dreads. "Toxic up and ready to save kittens!"

DrSummers: Scott adjusted his collar. He was going to have to start working out on a more regular basis - too much lab work was beginning to show.

Lorna: "It's people today, no kittens. We have a hostage situation," Lorna sighed and continued a bit more delicately. "at the FoH headquarters."

Doug: "Oh, this will not be fun." Doug said carefully, wincing.

DrSummers: "Damn."

Sue: Sue decided to get some practice in while she was just standing around and made a small ball out of her forcefield, working on holding it that shape as she gently squeezed it in her hands. "... What's F O H?"

Adam: Adam froze a little, hands stopping in their fidgetting as he stared at Lorna. "Let me clear this up - are we saving mutants or FoH?"

Noriko: "FoH who are they?" head tilting as she adjusted the sleeve over her bandaged arm fidgeting slightly.

Adam: "Very bad people."

Selene: "So we head out to grab drinks and popcorn and pack a few lawnchairs to see how this turns out, right?" Selene frowned.

Selene: "Short for Friends of Humanity," Selene explained for Sue and Nori. "Consider yourself lucky you have not made their acquaintance yet, as they don't extend the term 'Humanity' to us mutants, if you know what I mean."

Doug: "No, that just makes us look worse." Doug shook his head. His parents supported people like FoH, unfortunately. He hadn't talked to his family since the last time he recieved an e-mail from them shortly after he and Jean-Paul visited them.

Sue: "Oh... that's nice..." Sue frowned a little at Selene's explanation.

Adam: "Because you uh..." Adam glanced at the new kids. "You do...remember what they did to Darren and me, don't you?" He itched at a shoulder.

Adam: "My hair still hasn't grown back in and I'm missing patches of my tattoos. I'm not feeling all that friendly towards the Friends, even if I did deserve what I got."

Noriko: Noriko sidled up to Adam and lowered her voice. "Why? where they the ones that did the bad stuff to you that you mentioned?"

Adam: Adam glanced at Noriko and nodded. "They are. I um. I know we're supposed to help everyone but...you know..."

Sue: "If you have a conflict of interests or whatever it's called you could just stay home?" Sue suggested, still squeezing her invisible ball.

Lorna: "We're saving the FoH." Lorna answered, opening the van door. "Load in, folks! We might not like them but we've got to do what's right here."

Noriko: "Oooo." looking alittle worried before patting his arm in a friendly way.

Doug: "Perhaps he should recuse himself?" Doug grimaced. "Conflict of interest?" then nodded because Sue suggested same.

Selene: "Doug is right, of course," Selene said as she got into the van. "We're out to help anyone, even our enemies. Xavier's dream and everything. Well, at least it should earn us plenty of good rep with the public."

Sue: Sue dropped her concentration on the ball to climb into the van, sliding into a seat and checking her nose. So far so good.

Selene: "Unless they spin it to make us appear somehow responsible for this mess again," she added with a mutter.

Sue: "Well I could make us all invisible and then it'll be a mystery who saved them?"

Doug: "Means we're going to have to watch what we do an say too. They probably have security cameras. They can spin this against us if we mess up in any manner." Doug pursed his lips as he thought about it, getting loaded into the vehicle.

Adam: Adam rubbed the back of his neck. "No...no, I do what's right now, so..." He sighed, chewing his lip under his mask. He blurred, curling into a seat and fidgetting, staring out of the window.

Lorna: "It doesn't matter what spin anyone puts on this and if you're doing this for good press then you're in the wrong business, folks." Lorna said as she got behind the wheel, starting the van up.

Sue: "Invisible works on Cameras too." Sue put in.

Cyclops: "I think we can skip the invisibility for now, Sue."

Cypher: "Oh I know. I just mean, you can do both. Don't let them goad you, and still do good. Because you know at some point someone is going to smart off." Doug tried to explain what he meant. "Don't feed the bad situation. Is what I'm saying."

Sue: "Well suit yourself. I'm going to be invisible. I like being invisible. It's safe."

Observer: He leaned back into his chair, his notebook at hand, observing the wall of monitors in front of him. Everything was ready.

Surge: Noriko hopped in the van next to Adam, she could look after her friend this time just minding the arm of course. "Ok I shall be quiet easiest way."

Toxic: "I don't do invisible. I do what's right, fuck everyone and everything. Tired of making the wrong choices, not my fault the Friends are too stupid to be open minded and...yeah." He shrugged. "If I got tortured by them and can still help, I'm sure everyone else can too."

Sue: "Well it's just an offer and it's pretty much all I can do so may as well make the most of it." she shrugged, at least she was trying to be helpful.

Deadpool: "Here I come to save the day!" Yelled Wade as he jumped flourishly with elegance of a duck at the van. "Where do I sit? There still time for me to call shotgun?"

Cypher: Doug smiled. "It's a good offer, and I'll keep it in mind. Sneakiness is useful and there will be times when we need it. And we might need it at some point if we have to get in somewhere or behind something. Thank you."

BlackWidow: "In any case, it's a useful option to fall back on," Selene commented. "Invisibility might prove useful to gain unseen entrance to the site."

Sue: "Invisibility is good for all kinds of things if you get creative."

Toxic: "...N'ikooo? No breaking arm or getting shot this time, 'kay thanks?" Though Adam's face was half-hidden by the dustmask, it was obvious he was smiling.

Cypher: In a bad part of Doug's mind he tried to ignore, he couldn't help think 'locker rooms for one'.

Polaris: Oh, now they had Deadpool, and away they were! Lorna floored it out of the garage, speeding for the nearby scene.

Cyclops: "Who are the hostages and who are the hostage takers?" Scott asked.

Deadpool: "With the power of invisibility, I was able to secretly watch the girls in locker rooms." Wade said, thinking back on the time how he discovered his ini-powers by putting a cardboard box on his head. "Mind you, it was more like camoflouge."

Deadpool: "I suddenly feel like I was in the Tardis."

Obscure: Sue raised an eyebrow at Wade. There was something really wrong with that guy.

Cypher: "I want one of those some day." Doug said thoughtfully.

BlackWidow: "You mean the van looks smaller from the outside," Selene asked, looking over her shoulder. "I rather feel the other way around."

Malice: "Sir, Vertigo, Archlight, they're here." Malice reported from her vantage point as the secretary closest to the window.

Observer: Ah, they were finally approaching. Only a small selection, obviously. As always, a mixture of old and new.

Obscure: "Me too.... that would be so cool..." she gave Selene a grin, "We could pant the van blue and dress it as a police box.... maybe that'd help?"

Cypher: "Imagine if you ran a storage facility and had tardis tech? You could make a fortune." Doug pondered.

Obscure: "Someone needs to invent that."

Arclight: "About time." Arclight leaned against the window frame and peeked outside. "Was getting bored babysitting those maggots." She flipped the rest of her cigarette at one of the bound FoH members. "Looks like your saviours are here."

Cyclops: "So...my previous question...what are we dealing with?"

Toxic: "Idiots and madmen, same as always, Doctor Summers."

Vertigo: "Understood, Malice." Vertigo muttered into her headset, fastening one of the explosive devices for this occasion onto the closest cluster of bound captives. "Yeah, I hear you, Arc, gets damned old. Especially when we don't get to poke at them."

Deadpool: "Who you calling an idiot?" wade asked.

Obscure: Sue decided to make herself invisible before she even got out of the van so she could pretend to not be there.

Polaris: "Don't know yet. We're going to have to tap in to see who's in there." Lorna answered Scott, pulling over. "Widow, can you get an idea of what we're up against?"

Obscure: Sue was never going to get the hang of all these code names... at least Adam's was covered in clues... though she wasn't sure that'd be particularly reassuring to people they were saving.

Observer: He tilted his head a bit and opened the com-link. "Keep the status reports to me as short and rare as possible. I don't want anybody tracking the signal." He looked at the cameras that had been installed outside the house. It was quite some brilliant technology, he had been assured. He should be able to follow all the mutants' actions.

Observer: "Oh yes, and please, I expect you to be either formidable or die..."

Deadpool: "A thought just appeared in my head, whoever came up wit hthe codenames, do they know something that we don't know, because giving someone who's married the name 'Black Widow'.... it's rather a teensy bit ominous." Wade observed.

BlackWidow: As they approached a row of police cars, one of the officers waved at them to stop the van. "Let me see what I can dig up," Selene said, focusing on the nearest person in uniform. "Apparently they received an anonymous call about the hostage situation at the FoH building."

Obscure: Sue tried to ignore the voice in the back of her head that yelled 'It's a trap!' but then it made her giggle.

Toxic: "Dundundun, then what does mine mean, Pool?" Adam tilted his head at Wade even as his eyes washed over to blood red. "Also, many people. Too many to pick up individuals."

BlackWidow: "Something about the enemies of mutatkind being made an example of," she added, mentally convincing the officer that they were supposed to be there while scouring his memories. "There have been no demands made yet."

Deadpool: Wade wanted to lean out of a window and wave back, unfortunately he wasn't near a window whre he sat. Instead he just hummed Rebecca Black's Friday.

Polaris: "Well then, no signs on how many are inside?" Lorna bit her lip a bit as she glanced to the building, seeing hints of the police cars surrounding the place.

Toxic: "Just...people. There's people in there, but I can't pick up the individuals, you know?"

Surge: Noriko was taking a more careful approach about things helping with the looking, after all Ankka had been quite annoyed she'd gotten hurt *again*.

BlackWidow: "No, the police has decided on a wait and see tactic for now," Selene said. "Unsurprisingly, they're suspecting mutant activists." Thank to a little psychic convincing, the cop cars pulled back to make way for their van.

Toxic: "Well...running in there with all guns going will just get people killed, right?"

Cyclops: "Great, so our hostage takers are most likely going to be mutants." He took off his glasses and put on his visor. "How are we going to do to this? Two teams - one distracts, the other goes in for the take down?"

Deadpool: "I can always pop in and check out myself. Don't worry, I'll wear a mask, and pretend like I'm a neighbour from across the street who wants to borrow a cup of sugar." Wade suggested

Obscure: "I could just make us all invisible...." Sue offered again.

BlackWidow: "As much as I'd love to just drop a giant rock on that entire house and call it a day, I'm afraid this calls for a more thoughtful approach. We need to know with how many hostages and targets we're dealing with here, and where exactly they're located."

Deadpool: "No no, that won't work, then they wouldn't see my mask. Look," Wade said, rummaging in his fannypack, and pulling out a rubber skin mask. "It's Bea Arthur!"

Surge: "I could kill the lights in the building if you want me to?" Adding her offer into the mix.

Obscure: "... That's.... Lovely...." Sue patted Wade.

Deadpool: Wade made a ^-^ face.

Cypher: "That's disturbing." Doug added. "I like Rose myself."

BlackWidow: She looked over at the others. "Before we do that, I had hoped Cypher could find a way to gain access to the local security network. Without a doubt, people like these tend to be rather paranoid, so I'd be surprised if there aren't any cameras."

Toxic: "Zomg it's an alien!" Adam flailed at the mask of death.

Polaris: "Right." Lorna sighed, wishing they knew a bit more before going in...but that's never stopped them before. "Chances are we've been seen as it is. Black Widow, I want you to watch the minds in there as well as you can. Obscure and Surge, be ready to do your tricks but not just yet."

BlackWidow: "Obscure is right about the invisibility," Selene added. "I think it's the best way to get a team inside without notice before we strike."

Cypher: He smiled and held up his padd, coming over to Black Widow. "We've been working on the design for a while now. If my brother in arms was here, he could tap directly into it and see for himself, but this screen will show us." He was already tiptapping away.

Obscure: "I'm being invisible whether you guys are or not, it's the only trick I have and it's safer if they don't see me before I use it."

Cyclops: "That's a good idea, Widow - Cypher, can you do that?"

Surge: Noriko nodded making sure to keep hold of her concentration, ready and raring for the light shows or charging one's self up.

Observer: He had noticed that the girl with invisibility powers was in the group. Now, we can't have a a quick and stealthy takedown, can we?

Cypher: Cypher nodded. "Idea me and Warlock was working on after that one mission you led, Cyclops." He explained even as he continued to tap and work toward access. Smiling slightly he tapped the last series of code in and held up the screen for perusal by fearless leaders.

Observer: "Arclight, escalate the situation at your leisure. May I suggest killing a hostage? And make it gruesome, be a dear."

Deadpool: Wade pulled out a clip on tie, "I can always go in undercover as aa FoH member wearing this." the guy wearing a superhero suit said.

Toxic: Adam looked at Noriko. "Want me to start rubbing balloons for you?"

Obscure: "Hate to break it to you, Wade but I think they might see through that..."

Surge: Noriko giggled then trying not to be to load about it. "No thank you Toxic I'm ok for the moment."

Toxic: "I have a pack of them..." He pulled out a small bag out of his belt. "See? Just in case." He grinned happily.

Arclight: "Right on, finally some fun!" Arlight tapped her intercom and pushed herself away from the window frame. "Alright, bitches, any volunteers?" She gave their bound hosts an evil grin, then started counting down the row. "Nenenenene...."

Vertigo: "The one with the hair. He should die for the hair."

Cypher: Cypher frowned. "This doesn't look good. We need to move quickly." He pointed to the screen.

Arclight: "You, fuckface! Get up!" She grabbed the panicked man by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to his feet. "Congratulations, you have just been chosen to be the first human letter pigeon. Hope you have a pleasant flight."

Polaris: "We're going now." Lorna was out quickly, trying to direct people. "Obscure, cover Cypher as well as Deadpool and Cyclops for quick strikes when they won't expect it. Widow, try to get as much information as you can for who's there, Toxic, you're up front with me."

Arclight: Before the man could finish his frightened cry, Arcligh swung around and hurled him out of the window. A tap on her wristband took care of the rest, turning the unlucky FoH member into a firework above the front lawn.

Obscure: Sue threw her field over Doug, Wade and Dr Scott too before getting out of the van.

Toxic: "Yes'm." Adam blurred, scruffed Noriko's hair and skidded beside Lorna. ""Just point me and let me go-" He twitched as something - someone - exploded, instinctively catching the...body...parts...uuugh...

Cypher: "Bad things are happening!" Doug scrambled. He shoved the padd onto a strip on his suit where it wouldn't fall off but he could grab it quickly. "Damn it!" He launched himself out of the van.

Deadpool: "Aww, I hoped it would feel tingly."

Polaris: "...oh hell." Lorna cringed at what came out the window, rushing forward and throwing the doors open.

Observer: "Four have gone invisible. Use barrages and cover as much ground as possible. Bring the house down if you have to." He was curious how the students would deal with a coordinated enemy.

Obscure: "I'm not going to think about what that was, I don't know about anyone else."

BlackWidow: "Drat!" Selene hurried after the others and ran across the lawn, holding up an arm to shield herself from the fine red mist that drifted across the area. "Everyone, don't panic now! Try to stay focused even when acting fast, I want no rushed and mindless actions!"

Toxic: Adam was right behind Lorna, the gack splatting to the ground harmlessly as he let them drop. "I know what it was. Seen it too often. On too many drugs for it to bother me, though." He smiled happily under the mask.

BlackWidow: "We have to assume they rigged all the hostages with explosives," Selene called over their intercom. "Possibly the building, as well."

Deadpool: "No mindless action?" Wade said as he ran along, "What am I doing here then?"

Obscure: "That's lovely..." Sue rolled her eyes, wishing she'd had more practise with her invisibubbles.

Cyclops: Scott followed Lorna, "I'll take the second floor, Pool with me?" Scott asked over the commline. "I'm sure everything's rigged - and they're probably armed, and not just with powers."

Cypher: Cypher normally tried to avoid looking at people in general because he understood body language, paralanguage, kinesics. Neuro-linguistic programming... but in this situation it was useful to see what people were saying without saying. That meant not only did he need to get control of the building as far as computers went, but watch and study the people as well.

Arclight: "Damn right we did," Arclight commented, watching their mutant friend storm the building on the security monitors. "Alright, all the motherfuckers are hot. They'll pop should they get separated too far from each other."

Obscure: "I'm not sure if I can cover you two if we separate," Sue told Cyclops.

Malice: Malice sat down with the rest of the hostages, cringing as she recognized the other green haired woman. Her? Really? Oh she was not going to fall into that trap again.

Toxic: Adam pulled out two taped-up glowstick tubes. One was snapped and dropped, a ribbon of blood slowly winding around him, glinting in the light. The other blurred as he played with it, glowing slightly. "Just point me in the right direction, eh?"

BlackWidow: Selene stopped briefly once she had ducked past the doorway, closing her eyes to focus on their surroundings. "I get signals from all over the place, but most of them seem concentrated on the upper floor and in the basement."

Polaris: "Right, then we need to get up there but get people out as well. Surge, can you short out the security feed?"

Cyclops: "Upper floor is probably the hostages, and basement is the ops room they're using. It will be the most heavily defended."

Cypher: Cypher took his padd and looked at it, changing the setting for a moment. "I need to get to the security center, of the building." He told Sue. "I've located it, and its of course... " He trailed off and pointed at Selene. Nodding. "Can I say she is awesome?" He asked.

Obscure: "We can get there invisible but I wouldn't recommend going without someone with a more useful power..."

Surge: Noriko nodded and concentrated finding the electrical systems for the cameras and security and giving it a terminal booster, frying thing all round. ".... and done I hope...."

Cypher: "Why isn't your power useful? Or were you referring to mine?" He smirked and winked. Though he didn't know where she was.

Cyclops: "I can take Cypher and blow the door to get him inside."

Toxic: "Balloon time nao?" Adam gave Noriko a grin, surrounded by the floating ribbon of blood.

Obscure: "Either of us. Mine's only great for sneaking really. If there's people in the way we're in troublle."

Observer: He was very glad he had decided to go with insulated cameras. "May I suggest throwing one or two explosive hostages at them?"

Cypher: "No, we're not. You do shields, right?" He smiled. "You can do awesome things with shields. Defense as well as offense. And never downplay the power of a well placed right cross."

Polaris: "Cypher, I want you to concentrate on trying to work out their communications. Everyone with more passive powers we're going to need you for hostage care and getting people out."

Obscure: "Well yeah but right now it's strictly emergencies only because it's really hard...."

BlackWidow: "Okay, I can sense at least three signatures that differ considerably from the panicked minds of FoH losers," Selene informed the others. "Watch out, though, they're quite hazy, so they definitely had a run in with a telepath in the past. I'll try my best to get past their defences."

Surge: "No I'm good for now but thank you Toxic." grinning at him while her eyes stopped glowing.

Cyclops: Scott looked to Lorna. "Do you want me to take Pool with me, to break into their ops?"

BlackWidow: Selene followed the nearest psychic signals and pushed open the door to a spacious hall on the ground floor. She quickly scanned the entire room, but could detect no one but a trio of hostages, tied and kneeling in the middle. "I found some of the hostages."

Cypher: "They are definitely coordinated." He muttered to himself. "Sue I know it is hard, but you may have to surround a hostage to protect them..." He was watching the bad guys.

Polaris: "Yes, you two stick together." Lorna answered Scott. "Right! Hostages!"

Toxic: Adam narrowed his eyes as he did a blood-scan. "Lots of rapid heartbeats, Pol, some serious adreneline going in..." He sniffed a little. "...Lots of panic and fear."

Obscure: "I can't don't know if I can cover you if we separate but I can try to keep you invisible until you get down to the basement." Sue offered Scott and Wade, nodding to Doug even though he couldn't see her, "Yes. But that would count as an emergency."

Malice: Malice had to be sure not to smile, hearing them coming for her group, biting her lip and doing her best to look terrified...and avoid the Poliaris woman.

BlackWidow: "I can't see any explosives on those three," Selene said, as she gave the hostages a quick examination. "Maybe they ran out of time or didn't pack enough. Let's hope so, anyway. I'll take them outside, so they're out of the way."

Polaris: "Surge, do you think you can do anything about these explosives if we find them?"

Cypher: Doug touched a device in his ear that looked like a hearing aid and tapped at his padd, trying to remember where all the buttons were by touch. He had to mentally visualize it though. It made an annoying beep in his ear when he got something wrong.

Obscure: "I might be able to contain one or two explosions if it comes to it..." Sue chewed her lip, "But I can't be sure...."

BlackWidow: "I sincerely hope you appreciate getting your ignorant asses rescued by a mutant," Selene said, being not too gentle with the hostages as she pulled them up to their feet.

Cypher: "Damn it, this isn't working. I can't see what I'm doing and... I need visibility." He said it almost apologetically.

Surge: Noriko was sticking close to Toxic, the safest way really as she wasn't exactly a combatant for the group more a useful asset unless someone grabbed her.

Cyclops: "Thanks, Obscure." He started off, then thought better of it - he sent Deadpool off to be a distraction. "I can cover Cypher."

Obscure: Sue made Doug visible but remained transparent herself, moving to help Selene carefully.

Toxic: Adam hesitated as he saw the hostiges, remembering the knife and having his blades nailed to the wall but...these people were frightened and helpless. They were just humans. He helped Selene pick them up, being gentler about it. "Up you go." He said quietly. "It's alright, you're safe, we don't eat babies, honest."

BlackWidow: The moment Selene noticed the presence it was already too late, the brief contact with the hostage turning out to be enough to let it invade her body and mind. She stumbled backwards, her head dizzy for a moment.

Cyclops: "Out the door, down the stairs, the police are waiting for you. Anybody injured?"

Polaris: "Everyone looks whole enough." Lorna observed, frowning as one of the hostages seemed to duck away from her.

Toxic: Adam went to catch Selene. "Widow - you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?" The ribbon of blood instantly went spikey. Just in case.

Cypher: He blinked and gaped at what he saw. "Cameras are back up. They were insulated." He quickly tapped through and was hearing a kind of hiss in his ear. "I've almost got their comm." He announced as well. "Body language... something is wrong with Black Widow, she just stumbled." Cameras were useful to them as well as the bad guys. He was working on communications though. "Signal wireless, someone outside of the building is accessing the cameras and not just me."

Malice: Blinking in her new body, Malice straightened up a bit, getting a feel for Selene. Not baaaaad, definitely potential...but volitile.

BlackWidow: Selene shook her head and regained her balance, watching the hostages leave before she turned to face Adam. "Why yes, thank you," she said, smiling at him. "I've never been better."

Toxic: Adam tilted his head, but then Sel was always weird. "Good." He nodded, blood relaxing into its ribbon again. "C'mon, let's get these bastards out of here. I hate the FoH."

Polaris: Pulling the metal from the explosives she did find, Lorna started throwing them out of the window and winced when they did indeed go off. "Okay, explosives are in fact live, be careful, people!"

BlackWidow: "Oh, you have no idea how much I loathe them," Selene said. The next instant, she hit Adam with a powerful telekinetic blast that sent him straight through the room.

Obscure: "Woah! What was that?" Sue backed up a bit.

Polaris: "...Widow, what the hell?!"

Toxic: "We-aargh!" Adam his the wall hard, sliding down it, stunned and a hand going to his shoulder. "...Ow...?"

Cypher: "I did say something was wrong." Cypher sighed. "It's her but not her."

Observer: "Hmmmm..." The young man trying to use his cameras had potential. He made a few notes. Then he pressed a button, sending a scrambler over the frequencies. Sure, he would probably be able to find the new frequencies as well after a while, but it would take more time than they had, now that the "special" girl was on their side.

Vertigo: Vertigo couldn't help but smile as she heard the cries of surprise starting up from Malice's actions. "That is too much fun, really."

BlackWidow: "Ah, the green haired witch," Selene said, turning to face Polaris. "I'm sorry, but I really don't like to play with you, so I hope you don't mind if I make this quick." She grabbed Lorna by the neck with an invisible force that lifted her off the ground, pulling her closer.

Cypher: "Whomever it is on the outside, can hear us, and can tell I'm on the trail. I just lost the signal. Working to get it back again." He bit his lip and typed furiously on his device. "Someone is either possessing her mind, telepathically controlling her or has possessed her body."

Obscure: "Hey!" Sue sent an ivisible forcefield ram at Selene, "Snap out of it!"

Toxic: Adam shook his head, trying to clear the fog as he pushed himself up. Gesturing, the blood snapped around Selene's face, drying quickly and hard. "Widow?"

Cypher: "She'll need contained, unless you want to kill the host which is our friend." Cypher called out.

Polaris: Lorna, realizing that she was not just being paranoid and that it was exactly who she thought, swore through the chokehold and tried to pull at the metal Widow had been wearing. "Malice! Nobody touch her."

BlackWidow: Selene staggered back, then scanned the room. She groaned when something stuck to her face. Those children seriously wanted to play, didn't they? She let go of Polaris and hurled her against the wall instead, narrowing her eyes at Adam to prepare a psychic assault.

Obscure: Sue ran to check if Lorna was alright, keeping herself invisible because she felt safer that way.

Toxic: Adam narrowed his red eyes back. "Fuck you, bitch." He hissed as he heard Lorna. He pushed up what shields he had and blurred, jumping and drawing a hand back. "Time to go night night!"

Cypher: "Are all the hostages out?" Doug asked Cyclops. "My signal is still disrupted on some cameras." He was working to get them back though. He kept a weather eye on the battle involving Malice though.

Polaris: Pushing against the walls to avoid actually hitting it, Lorna floated back to the air, swearing. "Knock her out but don't lay a finger on her or else it'll jump bodies!"

Arclight: "Alright, that's it," Arclight announced. "I'm done watching those suckers and let them have all the fun without me." She flipped a switch on her wristband that engaged the timer on the explosive decided strapped to all the hostages and some parts of the building, then stretched and headed downstairs.

Observer: "Mammommax, if you could be so kind to come up from teh basement? I have a technological fly playing around with my cameras. Take care of him."

Cypher: As one of the cameras came back into focus he called through communications. "Arclight is leaving the hostages, I don't think that is a good thing. She did something to her wrist as she left. The electrical signals suggest it is set to blow!"

Toxic: Adam's eyes flared as he picked Selene up none-too-gently via her blood. "I hate possessors and psychics. At the moment, you're both, but the psychic happens to be a friend. Leave."

Obscure: Sue chewed her lip, "Is there anything I can do?" she felt completely useless.

Surge: Noriko nodded and rushed into the room aiming for Selene and throwing alot of electricity at her, nothing like a good jolt to knock someone out right?"

Mammommax: A bone shattering trumpet echoed from the walls of the building, and then a grey mass of muscle and anger made its way up the stairs.

Cypher: "Oh that doesn't sound good at all." Doug swallowed.

Cyclops: "Yes, they're all out. What the fuck is that?" Scott turned to see a huge...thing appear at the top of the stairs. He shoved Doug away and blasted it.

Mammommax: He stumbled backwards a bit after the sudden onslaught of the optical blast. But then He regained his stance and...spit a fountain of liquid acid towards his attacker.

BlackWidow: Selene/Malice surged and twitched, floating in the air. She could feel the power of this body, but also knew she didn't have perfect control over her host's abilities yet. Going limp, she decided to keep her dormant for now, keeping her out of the fight that way, as well.

Obscure: Sue instinctively threw up a forcefield between the liquid and Scott.

Polaris: "Toxic, can you take care of Widow?" Lorna asked, getting ready to make her move to the upstairs as she too heard the trumped and..."Well, that was unexpected."

Cypher: Doug used the shove to give him an extra 'boost' to sprint away further so that he could still tiptap. "I think we still have a couple of hostages in trouble. And the signals are on the building itself. The building is going to blow too!" He yelled out, tapping rapidly and hoofing it as fast as he could. Geeks learn to run fast, if they don't want wedgies and swirlies.

Observer: "Feel free to break a few supporting walls, boy."

Surge: "Errrr Toxic your turn? wanna makesure she's out for the count?" backing away slowly, no touching but the building was going to blow wasn't it? eerr what to do!

Polaris: Ripping more metal out of the walls, Lorna did her best to try and get a hold of Mammomax to hold him down.

Mammommax: Heeding the word of his master, the behemoth crashed through a number of walls...because he really didn't know which of these walls were supporting ones...

Cypher: "HA HA I heard that!" He crowed. Doug did a dance. "I heard that! Wait... NO NO don't break walls. Don't break walls!" He flailed one hand. "Breaking is bad!"

Toxic: "Can do." Adam held Selene up as she went limp, before pulling out a few more blood-tubes and breaking them. The blood snapped around her wrists and ankles and dried to incredibly hard, also going around her mouth as a gag. "I think she is. She's kinda gone out of it...? Just don't touch her." He could, though, thanks to the gloves, right?

Arclight: "Playtime, suckers!" Arclight jumped down the stairs and struck the ground amidst the mutant group, the powerful shockwaves shredding the furniture and making the flooring pop out.

Polaris: "A rampaging elephant is worse." Lorna pointed out.

Toxic: ...Except he was suddenly thrown across Selene by the new arrival, and not all the skin was covered. "Nononono no more possessions!"

Cypher: Doug suddenly remembered. "Guys, guys, there's a timer thing and explosives and now elephants breaking buildings and hey... great... this is worse than a frat party!"

Mammommax: He grabbed a supporting beam and ripped it out of the wall. Now carrying a weapon he started to smash in more walls.

Obscure: And there went her balance. She fell to the ground and curled up, "Ow...."

Toxic: Scrabbling up and whimpering, he shook his head.

Cyclops: "Acid spit? Please." Scott stepped out from behind the field after the spit had ceased and blasted the mutant with the full power of his blast, stopping the other mutant from destroying any more walls. Scott yelped, not shutting his eyes before the beam punched through the ceiling as a shockwave knocked him over.

Surge: Noriko grabbed Toxic by the belt and dragged him away from her and debris pretty damn quickly considering the owwies.

Polaris: And, it would seem, any damage she did ripping restraints out was doubled by the shockwaves. "Yah!" She charged, intent on getting close enough to Archlight to get to her hands. "Guess your last flight didn't do too much damage to you, eh?"

Mammommax: He stumbled into yet another wall upon receiving yet another blast. He shook his head and just threw the beam at his attacker, now helplessly lying on the floor.

Cypher: Doug was facepalming. "Building is not going to hold." He said quietly to himself. He circled around, having heard Sue go 'ow', and was patting around trying to find her.

Toxic: "Eep!" Adam squeaked as he was belt-dragged, nearly falling over onto her. "Thanks, Surge." He grinned and hugged her. "Not possessed! See? Right. What was I doing?"

Obscure: Sue struggled to her feet and tried to deflect the heavy beam with a ram from her field.

Arclight: "I think someone here wants to play hide and seek," Arclight said, scanning the room with her eyes. Their employer had mentioned that the X-Men were accompanied by an invisible mutant now. Then she got distracted by an angry rush of green coming towards her fast.

Observer: He eagerly took notes. Obviously everything would be recorded and checked upon later, but he still felt he needed to have a real time point of view in on this.

Surge: "Getting her out of here quickly without touching!" Pointing to a window as the building rocked and shuddered about them.

Arclight: "That's because your team is a bunch of sissies," she shot back, stomping the ground with her when Polaris rushed her.

Cyclops: Scott rolled off to the side, beam clattering harmlessly on the floor next to him. "He can take the full force of my beams, and not be fazed. Want me to try again?"

Arclight: *her foot

Toxic: Adam nodded, flinging out a hand and lifting the limp Selene, pulling her towards them. "I'll keep her with us - don't want whoever's got her to think about running away."

Cypher: "We need to get all innocents away from the building outside as well as in. When this building comes down, it's going to come down hard and fast." He called out. He tapped into the police network and interrupted with information to get people evacuated outside. He hoped they took it seriously.

Surge: "Ok right you keep a good hold on her and I'll get out of the building.... explosives are usually electronically activated now right?"

Polaris: Lorna was pushed back put the metal bar she was pulling behind Archlight started to come around her, slowed however because of the shockwave.

Cypher: "Oh god please yes interrupt the timers!" Doug said gratefully to Surge through communications.

Toxic: "I don't know. The ones I've worked with yes, but...these are all mutants..." Adam put a hand on his shoulder, which was hurting like hell. "Try it.!"

Polaris: "Yes, do what you can for the explosives, then get them out of the building if possible." Lorna ordered, righting herself.

Obscure: Sue hurried over to Scott, putting a hand on his arm so he knew she was there, "Try and knock him down, I'll try and cover us against anything else he throws...."

Surge: "Ok I'll try and be carefull" Careful meant close, waving good bye she darted through the building, not as fast as normal but enough.

Arclight: Smirking in triumph when she watched the green haired woman stagger back, Arclight didn't notice the heavy beam of meal bending around her from behind. "What the..." She turned around and tried to strike, but her arms were already pressed tight to her body. "Fuckit!"

Cyclops: "Right." Scott shot off another beam, aiming for the chest.

Mammommax: Mammommax grabbed an assortment of furniture and threw it at his enemies.

Surge: Finding some of the rigged explosives she remembered the practice with Toxic, just like a milkshake right? and out came the charge from one of the explosives.

Polaris: "Special hug, Smacky!" Lorna gave her a salute and quickly made her way back to the others. "Status?"

Toxic: Adam stuck close to the Japanese girl, making sure Selene was alright and keeping Noriko safe...because he didn't want the huge blond guy thinking that he'd let her get injured. "My shoulder really hurts." He bitched.

Cypher: "Hit him again, hit him again!" Doug jumped up and down, swinging a fist in a cheer. "Shoot him in the balls!" Then realized he was getting way too excited. It was like watching a fighting match on television... only with more falling around because of shockwaves and stuff. Interactive...

Obscure: Sue deflected the larger items and shielded against the rest.

Cyclops: "Chill, Cypher." He looked at the mutant. "Who watched the old Discovery channel programmes about elephants?"

Surge: And another run through building,rubble and falling building before ooooo more charge there. And another lot got absorbed. "I've drained 2 explody thingys! They taste nice!" and woooow feel the power.

Polaris: "Does Dumbo count?"

Arclight: "Yo, fattie," Arclight yelled in Mammomax' direction. "Spray the fucking room! They have a hidden mutant, if you didn't notice!"

Toxic: "So no balloony times? Toxic hasa sadface, N'iko."

Cypher: "I know they are pregnant for two years?" Doug offered helplessly. "Shields would be good right now."

Cyclops: Scott took off his visor. "Hit the deck!"

Obscure: "On it!" Sue focused on shielding the whole team and leaving a gap for Scott's eyebeams. Oh this was painful.

Surge: "If I get enough power want me to blast whatever it is causing the problems?" Finding another and draining it, hair starting to stand on end. "Nomnomnom."

Surge: "Maybe afterwards Toxic!"

Toxic: Adam heard the warning, saw the shield and pulled Noriko and Selene down. "Stay down!"

Mammommax: Noticing that his barrage went by without doing anything at all, and spurred by Arclight's insults, Mammommax decided to do a smart thing...which meant grabbing two steel beams, each in one hand, and wildliy flailing around everywhere around him, slowly making his way towards the guy with the dangerous eyes.

Polaris: Lorna looked and saw what Scott was doing, quickly hitting the deck.

Arclight: "Shit!" Arclight ducked down when Mr. Laser-eyes unleashed. Fortunately, she could still move her hands, tapping them together again and again until the metal beam around her started to bend.

Cypher: Doug crouched down, leaning over his padd. "Person organizing this thing is off site, from what I'm gathering. But I'm all for smacking bad guys around if you can. Though this building is coming down soon." He mentioned. He was also worried about Sue.

Mammommax: He got hit by the full beam, crashing through several more supporting walls on his way.

Obscure: A small spot of blood appeared on the floor by Sue's feet as she tried to keep the shield up.

Observer: "Yes, Scott Summers, interesting. I should have notes on him somewhere..." He noted down to take a look at them later on.

Cyclops: Scott closed his eyes and put the visor back on. "Right. One down. Obscure, the shields can go down, now."

Surge: Noriko had extra charge and that Archlight girl has an metal bar wrapped round her, hmmm. And out went all that extra charge to the woman in question, well she needed a grounding point.

Cypher: "Oh we have GOT to get out of here." He saw a spot of blood and groaned. "Oh dear..." He whispered.

Toxic: Adam spotted the blood. Damn. He pulled a sleeve up, blade slicing into his arm and pulling his blood out, adding it to the shield to try and take some of the strain off her.

Obscure: Sue nodded and dropped the shield, reaching to wipe her nose with the back of her hand.

Arclight: The beam came lose, and Arclight shattered it with an angry kick. While the others were still busy with their big dumb grey friend, she jumped back into the fray, trying to lunge at Cyclops from behind to knock off his glasses.

Polaris: "Toxic, can we get a body count of the building? Do we have any more hostages?"

Surge: And instead Archlight got a lot of full charge to the face, noriko unleasing it from both hands and the blue sparks lashing out eagerly.

Observer: It slowly got time to prepare for the way back out. His operatives had already collected the unconscious Mammommax. "Get ready for extraction. You are allowed to do as much damage as you wish until then."

Observer: He made a specific note about the blood of the invisible girl.

Arclight: "Gah!" Arclight was hurled sideways and crashed into some of the already demolished furniture.

Toxic: Adam pulled the blood back in, ruffling a hand through his dreads. Closing his eyes, he did a sweep. "Shit. Polaris! There's a group of people upstairs!"

Surge: Noriko shook her head out getting off the floor alittle more and looking carefully at the downed Archlight. Ooo dizzy moment.

Cypher: Doug nodded. Yeah, he had mentioned that. "I think they've been deactivated at least by Surge." He reported.

Arclight: "Oh, did you forgot about them," Arclight teased them, chuckling as she sat up again. "You better don't waste any time then." She hit a switch on her wrist, then crushed the device. "Thirty seconds until chunky salsa, suckers."

Polaris: "Right, we've got to move up then." Hopefully the building would hold that long. Taking one of the steel beams Mammomax had been waving about, Lorna once again tried to wrap Archlight up. "Well, you'd best hope we all manage that, yeah? Surge, can you deal with wherever she sent that signal?"

Cypher: "No one listens to me." Doug sighed to himself. Aw well... That was the problem with battles.

Obscure: Sue leaned against a wall, a few more drops of blood betraying her position. Her vision swam with the pain in her head.

Surge: Noriko ran for it, using some half fallen beam and running up them, jumping and nearly failing to make it to the floor up due to her arm, but the explosive devices on the people over alittle pain.

Cypher: "Second verse, same as the first, a little bit louder, a little bit worse." He sang to himself.

Toxic: "...You callous bitch! I'm the only person who's allowed to explode people!" Arclight got picked up and thrown into a wall.

Surge: "Heading for it!

Cyclops: Scott noticed the blood dripping on the floor, and started feeling around. "Obscure let me see you, so I can help."

Polaris: Lorna, since she could at least fly and not rely on the building to stay intact, made her way up the stairs in the lead.

Obscure: Sue made herself partially visible, "I'm okay...."

Cyclops: "You're not going to die, no." Scott handed her a clean gauze pad from the medical bag he had. "Pinch your nose and lean forward a bit."

Vertigo: And, behind door number one, the only choice upstairs, Vertigo waited with her arms crossed standing in front of her hostages.

Surge: Ow ow ow ow ow. Why did being an X-women hurt so muc sometimes? and there it was charges she'd missed in walls and apparently on hostages somewhere round here. The wall ones go drained first for energy sake. "I've got the ones in the walls find the hostages for me!"

Arclight: Arclight laughed, even when she was thrown around. In fact, the impact provided her with just what she needed to shatter the beam holding her. "Thanks for the hand, idiot!" She clapped her hands to send a shockwave through the room, then quickly ducked to leap through a hole in the wall.

Cypher: "I keep giving that information." Doug sighed and sent it again.

Toxic: Adam didn't bother waiting to see if Arc was down, flying himself and still carrying Selene. He turned as the shockwave hit, watching her disappear. "Fucker..." He hissed before following the others.

Obscure: Sue let out a yelp as the shockwave hit her and crashed into the wall she was leaning on, dropping to the floor and blacking out.

Polaris: Balls Lorna knew there would be something else in that room but as she ripped the door off of it's hinges she was hoping not to meet up with someone who could make her lose every lunch she ever ate.

Cyclops: Scott picked himself off the floor. "I've got Obscure - get the hostages, I'll take her to the van." He picked her up, trying to staunch the blood dripping from her nose.

Surge: Noriko was close at lorna's heels ready for more charge noms, she needed it now as did those hostages.

Obscure: Sue groaned a little, "I feel like I was stepped on by the vomiting elephant...." she mumbled.

Vertigo: Vertigo simply smiled, sending a wave out in front of her and pushing back the other green-haired woman, quite calmly making her way for the door.

Toxic: Adam pulled up short with Selene behind him. "...Oh joy..." He immediately went for the attack against Vertigo in a demented green and black blur.

Vertigo: "Oh child, don't bother." She smiled, aiming another wave of vertigo and delicious nausea for Toxic.

Observer: "I believe it is time for extraction now. Please follow Vertigo as your lead. We can't really have you left behind and being interrogated."

Surge: Noriko staggered against the wall, trying to hold down her lunch and keep her head in one place, her powers searching for anything to drain to make up for what her body thought was lack of energy and sapping it.

Toxic: "Hrk-" Adam dropped gracelessly to the floor, retching and trying very hard not to throw up. "Oh god..." He grabbed Selene and pulled her out of the way. "Hostages...hostages, Surge, keep going - I'm gonna be sick-"

Cypher: "You know, I don't know who you are. Of course, but you're a complete asshat. I'll just wanted to be clear on that." Doug called out to the entity that was observing the chaos they'd created. "And we will eventually find you."

Surge: Noriko nodded hand over mouth heaving and made a concious effort with her powers, dragging in ever last bit of electrical energy she could find from atomosphere and electrical do-hickys. Including nasty exploding things.

Vertigo: Leaving the hostages behind, Vertigo quickly picked her way through the building, having a good chuckle as she did her best to disconbobulate whoever she came across. "I will say, most of you have performed admirably, you should be proud."

Arclight: With their friends distracted by Vertigo, Arclight sneaked around the corner to plant her boot against Toxic's butt. "Sorry to bother you again, but you still got something that doesn't belong to you," she said, bending down to touch the unconscious black haired woman, again playing taxi for Malice.

Vertigo: She turned to her compatriots however. "Are we ready?"

Arclight: "Yep, all packed and ready," she confirmed.

Toxic: Adam immediately went for the 'gnawing ankles' attack as Arclight went for Selene. "No touchy! Mine!"

Cyclops: "You guys all right?" Scott asked, loading Obscure in the van. "What's going on?"

Arclight: "Shut it, you can keep the rest," Arclight told Toxic and kicked him again.

Obscure: "I feel like my head's going to explode...." she curled up, holding her head in her hands.

Polaris: So...so sick. Between holding her stomach and mouth, Lorna stumbled in after the hostages, raking the devices off of them and doing her best to destroy them and keep breakfast in.

Surge: And with another wave of dizziness Noriko flung out hand and left over powers at the strange women for the hell of it. granted nto much but it was something.

Toxic: And Arclight had Toxic wrapped around her legs and literally gnawed on her.

Cypher: Cypher was making his way out to the van, and puked off to the side. "Bad guys are bugging out."

Vertigo: Snarling at that bit of electrical unpleasantness, she aimed another wave at Toxic. "Don't worry dear, we'll get you tested when we're back at the office."

Arclight: "Well, wasn't that fun," Arclight called when they made their way for the door. "We should do that again sometime. Maybe we can even play for real then."

Surge: Noriko's stomach gave up at this point unfortunately for her.

Toxic: Adam couldn't hold it. On hands and knees, he vomited, coughing harshly as a wave of dizziness hit him.

Observer: "Vomit when nauseated..." He wrote it down.

Vertigo: "You head on out with mind-hoppy and trunks, I'll cover the way." Vertigo assured Archlight, motioning them on.

Obscure: Sue felt the sore spot on her head and winced, "Ow... I have a bump on my head... no one tells Johnny..." she groaned again at another stab of pain.

Surge: Stomach empty however made her feel much better, the dizznes still hitting as she made a struggling attempt at her feet, and then an enthusiastic on as she went to tackle Vertigo with out falling over.

Arclight: "See ya, suckers!" Arclight gave the X-Men the finger, then hopped through a hole in the wall and made her way out side. Plowing their way through the line of cops would provide for more fun on the way home.

Toxic: Adam finished losing everything he hadn't eaten and pushed himself up, wiping his mouth. "Ugh..." He put a hand back to his shoulder, doing a scan again. "I think...that's everyone in the building but..." A chunk of masonry dropped beside him, making him yelp. "I don't think the building's too healthy!"

Polaris: "Okay...it's in the police's hands now." Lorna knew none of their stomaches were going to hold out giving them any kind of chase." She got out, matching her hair. "Everyone out, regroup at the van."

Cyclops: Scott ran up to Lorna. "You all right?"

Surge: Apparently she'd missed most things and fell over again groaning. "My everything hurts....."

Polaris: "Better than some times." She gave him a smile. "Not going to throw up on your shoes...I think."

Obscure: Sue leaned against the side of the van and closed her eyes. It hurt less when it was dark. She probably had a concussion...

Cyclops: "Pfft. Vomit doesn't faze me - get to the van, I'll go help the others."

Cypher: Cypher was already leaning against the van, looking at the results and history of all his scans, looking for the patterns in the signals. He already knew there was a scrambling device involved, which was why he had to keep switching around to find stuff. But if he could discern the patterns... he was also thinking about how communications could be improved.

Cyclops: He ran ducked into the building, heading for the stairs.

Polaris: Standing at the side of the van now, Lorna clicked into her headset one more time. "Status of everyone? Anything major wrong now?"

Toxic: Adam tried to move his arm, whimpering again. "Ow!" He hissed. "I think I've dislocated my shoulder, but nothing else. On my way out. Surge, where are you?"

Obscure: "My brain feels like it was gored by a rhino..."

Surge: "Getting off the floor again and counting bruises, where in the building.... I have no idea?" Shaking her head and really wanting food and maybe a balloon now.

Obscure: "And then trampled by a rampaging herd of wilderbeast..." she added as an afterthought, drifting out of consciousness briefly.

BlackWidow: Her eyes flying open, Selene blinked a few times, then sat up without saying a word. She looked at the others past a curtain of unkempt black hair.

BlackWidow: "Now that was a weird dream," she muttered.

Toxic: Adam jumped as Selene sat up, staring at her. "...Are you Selene or someone else?" He asked carefully.

Cyclops: Scott got up the stairs. "I hate Vertigo. A lot." He found Surge. "Take it easy. Come on." He gave her hand up.

BlackWidow: Squinting, she tried to focus at the face in front of her. "What day is it? If it's Monday or Wednesday, I'm most likely Selene."

Polaris: "Yeah, you're Selene again. I think they took Malice on with them."

Toxic: "Not funny, seriously, you just got possessed and made us hurt. Made me hurt mostly." He picked her up with her blood. "Come on. Let's get outside, your hands and legs are tied up so don't try to struggle." He touched his earpiece.

BlackWidow: Selene looked somewhat disoriented when she let her gaze wander across all the commotion. "Did we win?"

Surge: "Thank you." Holding her head as thanks to Scott she was successfully on her feet. "Well at least I didn't get knocked out this time...."

Polaris: "Well...we got the hostages, didn't get the bad guys." Lorna, however, was more worried about Vertigo talking about how well they had done.

BlackWidow: She glanced down at the makeshift restraints they had put on her. "Hey, you never gave me the safeword."

BlackWidow: "Well, I guess that's at least something positive," Selene remarked. "Even if it's just FoH."

Toxic: "..." Adam chuckled nervously as he gently picked his way out of the house with Selene bobbing after him. "Well...I guess no one really deserves to be blown up...even them."

Polaris: "Yeah, we got the important job done." She agreed, taking a deep breath and climbing into the van. "Righto, everyone, on in please. Cypher, what did you find out with your surveilliance?"

Obscure: Sue jerked awake again, "Are we there yet....?"

Surge: Noriko started making her way back down stairs to get to the safety of the van. "Hey Toxic I didn't get shot this time!"

Cyclops: "Let's move." The floor creaked ominously under them.

Toxic: "Good! I got my shoulder dislocated though. Hasa sad. But I still has balloons!"

Doug: He paused and then sighed. "Basically, this was planned and pre-prepared. This was orchestrated, for our benefit. I can base that on deductive reasoning based on such things as someone was feeding them information and coordinating their efforts, as well as they had elephantman lying in wait. I can't say for sure that the cameras were placed via them, but it was definitely in their control and set up for wireless transmission." He tilted his head ready t

Surge: Noriko hearing the none safe noises sped up. "Can I have balloons when we get back to the van please?" Even over the mic that sounded cute.

Toxic: "Yes, yes you can."

Cyclops: Climbing into the van, Scott said, "not yet, stay awake, though, talk to me." Scott patted her knee gently. "Let me see that shoulder."

Surge: "Eee-ooooo my head...." Clutching her head again as she re-found the outside world again.

Doug: "They used a scrambling device which used a certain kind of randomizer to disrupt my own signals, which meant I have to keep moving and changing my own settings to find them. I heard his voice at least once. He told elephant man to knock out the support walls." He explained. "I could also find the signals from her wrist watch thingy to set the detonators. This was planned and this was for 'us'. The hostages were secondary."

Obscure: "But when I'm asleep my head doesn't hurt...." Sue protested, trying to force her eyes open.

Obscure: "Hey.... Admiral Ackbar in my head was right..." she grinned sleepily.

Surge: Oooo van, hug the van, love the van, safe van. Noriko clambered into the van and found a spare patch to drop onto to.

BlackWidow: Selene frowned. "I was afraid you would say something like that," she told Doug. "Awesome job, anyway."

Toxic: "Mmmkay." Adam climbed in to let Scott look at the shoulder. "It's gonna hurt, right?" He shook off the red mist, eyes once again blue.

Doug: "Indeed, it was a trap." He impersonated.

Polaris: "Pretty much what we gathered, then." Lorna nodded. "Any location on where it was coming from then?" She doubted there would be but it was worth a shot as everyone was loaded in and she set off...slowly as the road was not her friend just yet.

Cyclops: "Yes, but the pain killers should go into effect soon.

Doug: "I need to improve on communications. I was having to repeat and relay too often and there were times you didn't hear me. He was disrupting MY signals." He added. "That is bad. I'm going to have to counter it."

Cyclops: pain killers and anti-nausea pills for all."

BlackWidow: "They knew one of us would touch the hostage holding Malice." She ran a hand through her hair, able to move on her own again.

Surge: "Can I have painkillers and balloons? Balloons make the sicky feeling go away." Curling up alittle on her seat.

Doug: "Couldn't narrow it down besides in the city, because I was too busy playing signal hop with both his signals and mine. If Darren was here though, and two of us had worked on it, I admit we could probably have gotten it." He sighed feeling like he failed.

BlackWidow: "Don't worry, if it makes you feel any better, I have a feeling we'll hear of them again," Selene commented, the memories of her possession slowly returning.

Cyclops: "So...any guesses as to why we were targeted?" He inspected the shoulder. "Yeah, it'll hurt." He handed out the pills to everyone, handing out his water bottle to be passed around. "You did really good, Doug. Don't beat yourself up."

Toxic: Adam took the painkillers, smiling. "Well, pain is pain. Just so long as I get my arm back."

Obscure: Sue closed her eyes again, sleep was oh so inviting...

Surge: "Balloons please!" Look at those proper anime eyes, they needs balloons, come on please?"

Doug: He gave a small smile, but was already figuring out ways to improve communications so that his signals would not be lost next time. The hostages would have been safe sooner and his warnings would have been heard faster. He tuned out as he made blueprints in his head.

Toxic: "Has balloons! Everyone start blowing!" And the balloons were thrown around.

BlackWidow: "Okay, I think I'm fit for driving again," Selene muttered, still looking slightly not there. "Someone just needs to point me the right way..."
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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