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Post by msgt »

Hey now :P

I do want to say of course I do not think that drug use and ultraviolence are cool in the real world. But for the X-men it seemed like something different for them I guess especially with the tone of the story.

The X-men lead dangerous lives. They go up against dangerous foes. Things are bound to get ugly and get out of hand eventually.

I really liked the style of New X-men. Each arc had its own style. Also I'm a fan of movies like Clockwork Orange and Riot at Xaviers was like Clockwork Orange Mutant style ;-)

Lady Erin, I want to say I'm sorry for sounding a bit stand offish. I'm also not very good with debates, but I try! hehe

My parents would qualify as the working poor, so we're not middle class. I live in Eastern Kentucky and there is a lot of poverty here, just like there are in a lot of Appalachia (lets just say I really did not enjoy Chuck Austen's She Lies with Angels arc... where kentuckians were portrayed as dumb racist hillbillies..with guns).

We definitely have a drug problem here too especially with OxyContin. I do know the real life reality of drug use. I have addicts in my family.

Though studying Substance Abuse my ideas about drugs have become more liberal I still wouldn't use any. Nor would I ever encourage anyone to use illegal drugs or any dangerous psychoactive drugs.

But since drug use is so common, to me, it made the x-men feel more real that they had those problems too. Most schools have drug issues and so did the Xavier Institute. Xavier's was like any other school.

Like I said before I do not like real life violence at all. Though we all know violence is everywhere. Violence has always been in the x-books, its just that in this story it seemed more severe.

I do understand why some of you like the new retcon that took away Magneto's most shocking story. My ex bf was a big Magneto fan. Though he did enjoy Grant Morrison's Planet X... he is extremely happy about the retcon and that Magneto being back. I have another friend who has always loved Magneto (he's even a big fan of Joseph) but he agrees more with me.

Call me a GM fanboy lol But I really did enjoy all of his issues in New X-men. I don't think there has been a run in X-men where I enjoyed every issue like I did New.

I still think GM captured the essense of Magneto, because he wasn't all drugged out psycho mags. I love those panels where he is looking out on the city and he goes "One day" All it took was one day. He seemed very introspective in that issue and I think Mags is a very introspective guy.

Also Magneto does have all this power. He has enormous power. He has shown restraint many times before, but after what happened to Genosha? And taking in account his childhood....I could see why he would just say "Enough" and he would just husk off those contraints that have kept him from going all Planet X on the world.

At any rate it will be interesting to see exactly how Claremont explains the imposter.

I do hope it has something to do with Sublime, so it will tie into GM's last story.

Planet X is definitely cheapened by the retcon just like the Dark Phoenix Saga was by Jean's return in the mid 80's.

Chuck Austen did say in an interview that it was editorial's decision to bring back Magneto and Xorn. He said that the editors were hoping that Grant Morrison was going to keep Xorn a character and not make him Magneto. Apparentely they loved Xorn, and obviosly someone really did not like how Magneto turned out in New X-men. So Austen was told to find a way to introduce/bring back Xorn and Claremont was to bring back Magneto.

After Grant Morrison's last issue I really expected Jean Grey to be the first one of the two to return, but it looks like she is going to be the last.

And I do hope you all don't think I just came in here to argue with you all or to cause trouble or anything like that. I post mainly in the off topic nightcrawler forum but I lurk on this forum often :)

This is a really cool message board, and its cool to share opinions even if we disagree.

One thing about Grant Morrison's run that is hard to deny is that it gave us all a lot of things to discuss, debate, and talk about!


About Cassandra... I don't think GM was saying she wasn't really evil in the future. The X-men pretty much reprogrammed her mind to learn. This happened in New X-men 126 when Cassandra was trapped in the alien called Stuff's body. Her original body died. So she became child like and they made her into a student. Cassandra was reformed by Xavier and Jean.

As a Sociology major, Mike, you should be able to discern that kind of ploy, shouldn't you? It's not only the characters in the books that play mind games, kiddo... Look at the office politics...and the motivations of the creators...the storylines are as good in real life as they ever are inthe books! And they are revealing as to what is being done by whom in the books. Comics is a mulitlayered world with the books being only the tip of the iceburg. And that, for the multilevel thinker is part of the fun.
I think very few things happen without motivations being behind them. We are all actors on the social stage.

GM has been doing interviews, just like all writers do, to promote thier books and get word out on their latest projects.

I don't think Grant Morrison is any different than any other comic writer in that respect.

I know a lot of people say he used a lot of shock value in his books, but to me that isn't a bad thing, because that means he does take risks as a writer, especially someone who is writing mainstream comics.
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Post by LadyErin »

I understand that. I guess I read “coolâ€
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Post by Paty »

sigh... how convienent... Morrison is up against a deadline and his fans are clamoring for and expecting hi m to explain everything in a couple of blame it all on a sentient bacteria...that is soooo lame it boggles the mind. Oh, sure, why don'tl we blame everything on a sentient BACTERIA! right! and what boggles the mind even further is that people accept this lamo explanation without even batting an eyelash!
Sorry... I don't. You know sooner or later Wolvie is gonna come up against the real magneto again and what was said in the "tomorrow" arc will have no validity at all...cuz what wolvie told THAT jean in whatever alternate timeline that will become, is predicated on the Morrison Magneto being the real one... which he is not, never was and couldn't be allowed to be.
Morrison wanted it his own way and with the future arc was trying to cement it in as the only true future...which would have left Marvel where? Without it's major players...or at least two of them...Jean and Magneto.
Now... Jean is the Phoenix and the Phoenix as a mythological character, which is what the power was based on... is to rise from it's own death... it's own ashes live again and again and again... The Phoenix was the elemental ever returning life cycle. Jean dies and will come back...she's done it before and will continue to do so... that's her power. It may take it's toll on her...but a hundred fifty year hiatus? I think not. so Morrison rather stupidly set himself up for retcon by trying such a lamebrained stunt as to warp everything into the future...HIS future! He really didn't want anyone monkeying with his stuff! but he only gave subsequent writers huge loopholes to do so...and Marvel REASON to do so in spades!

You must remember that the comic characters are now major players in movies... a money potential that overshadows the comics greatly. And , while the comics characters do not have to match their movie personnas exactlly, they must bear a reasonable resemblance so that people going from movie to comic store could pick up an X book and be assured of knowing the character they were searching for. Knowing their motivations, their powers, their basic personality that the moviegoer thought interesting in the movie and wanted to read more about.
Morrison's abuse of Magneto blew that out of the water. and an irate Avi Arad blew his stack at this pipsqueak writer ruining his highly merchandisable characters! To many, including the Claremont fans and the movie goers, Magneto is a sympathetic, if flawed ,character. In fact it is his vunerabilities... his emotional vunerabilities that made him so interesting! And that's the Magneto they wanted to see in the books as well as the movies.
Morrison wanted to harken back to the original Magneto...and did... citing his derangement and methods of the early sixties. But, while touting his hope that other writers would respect what he had done, he completely and totally forgot to research and respect the changes to the character that had already been made...changes so strong that even ten years of abuse by Hardass and company could not wipe them out.
The real Magneto of today has had genetic changes that have affected his ability to control his actions on a more rational plane...and Morrison completely ignored that. He has acted and reacted as a reasonable man... Morrison completely ignored that and, in fact, acted as if the Magneto of the early sixties was still the Magneto running around in today's Marvel Universe. He is not. The character has changed physically and emotionally and morally...eschewing former behavior patterns and trying to do something more coherent with his life and power.
Morrison ignored ALL that. He said that the megalomaniac insane Magneto was old, stale and redundant... Yeah... so did Chris Claremont in the early eighties...and he proceeded to change that in a rational and explanatory way for the betterment of the character. He gave us clear and coherent reasons for the changes and showed us complexities that made the character interesting. It garnered a fantastic fan following... in fact, probably one of the most loyal and energetic fan followings of any character in comics history!
Morrison ignored all that... He basically showed no respect for an author who had a seventeen or eighteen year tenure on the books! We are to throw all that wonderful writing ... all that wonderful and interesting characterization that kept us rivetted for thirty years... away? For what? The drivel of a person who started a run on the books with interesting ideas and halfway through his tenure fell apart or became so uninterested in the characters that he couldn't even write coherent issues??? A writer who is so inept that he has to have his fans explain what he is saying? A writers is supposed to be clear enough for all to understand him... on different levels. this man wasn't coherent on a basic level... much less a complex one! And don't tell me I am too old to understand... I understand very well... and I am saying that this particular emperor has no clothes to anyone who can see literary coherence. and quality

Morrison's overweening arrogance in thinking he could determine the usage of characters into the future set himself up for retcon... cuz there is no way that Marvel is not gonna use the Phoenix. She's the focus of the next movie, fer cry eye! So what WAS Morrison trying to do? Hamstring Marvel? Esspecially with both Jean's character and Magneto's?? Sure seems so.and this, dear children... is corporate sabotage! His own actions bespeak this as aviable rationale. He didn't have to leave Marvel if he had wanted to continue to explore his story setup...quesada expected him to sign another two year contract! He knew what he was doing...he planted the bomb, liat the fuse and ran. why marvel let the bombl go of is anyone's guess... but they did... to their, I am sure, unending sorrow and fiscal disruption.
The Tomorrow arc is such a dead issue... it can only be an alternate future timeline... of which Marvel has a it isn't even original... that whatever ANY writer does from here on in is gonna invalidate it. whether it is a Jean/Phoenix storyline or a Magneto one... or even a Scott one. With any luck at all, the whole sordid Scott/Emma thing will leave such an awful taste in the mouths of middle America that they will have to explain it away and get rid of it...cuz it is, after all based on an adulterous act... and these are supposed to be SUPERHEROES!!!
Read... ROLE MODELS to the kids who are reading the books... as well as the adults who know the world is not always perfect and right... but want their superdoops to be that way... a little fantasy of things not so harsh as the real world.

Morrison may have been going through a hard time and wanting to pass the misery around and drag the characters he was entrusted with to as low a point as his own private , miserable little life... but he did not have that prerogative. and I am surprised to all hell that marvel let him so disrupt and corrupt the superhero image of such important characters.

By their own actions, they have told us they are appalled, no one was minding the store and they were blindsided by this destructive act. It won't happen again, with any luck, cuz these characters now are too financially important to Marvel. that may take the edge off what will be allowed to be done with them... but it may also force writers to use good storytelling and not shock, sex and drugs to tittilate people with.
They are gonna have to write well... write good stories and complex characterization to hold the interest of the erudite readership. Readers don't stay twelve forever... and continuing readership is what keeps the company financially stable. I think Marvel is finally waking up to the conclusion that they better look at their readership ... who is reading... who is spending money on stuff...books and merchandise... and who they really want to write stories for. No one stays twelve forever, marvel. It's time to wake up and see who your readership really is... teens, young adults, adults and , specifically in all these age groups... WOMEN! Boychildren want action and adventure... and it's not that gals don't like that too... but gals demand more real story than boys do. It's a whole new market... which DC seems to be taking advantage of... so wake up and smell the coffee, Marvel.

I am really glad to have Claremont bak... not only for Magneto's sake, but for decent storytelling again!
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Post by Panz »

Has any one else seen the previews for #3?!?!?!?!?
I don't know if Charles is at long last losing his marbles or not. Nice artwork out of Lopresti too.

I'm dying to know where Chris is going with this, but so far he sure is laying down some cool foundation stone! I love Uncanny, especially under Claremont, but Excalibur is the book that has me perched on the edge of my chair at the moment.

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Post by Paty »

It's MAGS!! You know it's Mags!.... OK... and his relationship to ol' baldy. this mind stuff could be the tnt that could blow a lot of crap outta the water, Y'know?
I mean.. if Chuck's mind is as powerful as it is SUPPOSED to be, couldn't he projet scenerios to a wide area with a varied populace..making them THINK there was massive damage or crematoria... when actually there couldn't have been and show no signs of in the other books in the shared universe? If he can fool himself... almost to death... why not mere mortals?
this isn't spoilers... you will see what we mean when you read the book...LOL.. it is just something to think about when you do that...If that is where Chris is going, it makes a lot of sense...and will raise some hellacious howls of protest...and we know where they will come from! LOL

This book sure isn't boring... from the excellent Loprisi Magneto to the interweaving of the plot lines that converge to make a royal mess for our heroes... including Mags... to deal with.
I just cannot get over mags in an month, swim trunks!!!

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Post by the4thpip »

The first stupid thing that was done to Magneto post-Claremont was to retcon him from a Jew to a Gypsy and then give him a name neither Jew nor Gypsy would have - Lehnsherr ("Lord of the Manor) - a name that sadly even made it into the movies.
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Post by Singe »

Well, maybe he's just half Jewish. After all, back in the day you were a Jew by association! Besides, I much prefer him as a Jew. Way too damn many Gypsies in the Marvel U. It's like it's in the fine print that in order to have a super-hero team you've got to have at least one Gypsy!
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Post by Paty »

When I reead the Unlimited number two that tried to gypsyfy him, I snorted..."Doom's the gypsy! Done that... been there... don't these boyos have ANY brains at all?"
As it turns out, it was only the tip of the Hardass blitzkreig to destroy a sympathetic Jewish character. And it wasn't as if Mags was a practicing Jew... he wasn't, by his own admission!
If his mother was jewish... he was jewish... that's the rule! LOL... But in the movie, his father had the yellow mogan david on his clothes too...
Rivka, I know had done very deep research on the possibilities and probabilities concerning where and when and how... with Mags. she found that the number shown clearly to us in Excalibur two would have been right for the time frame Claremont is postulating for mags. so Claremont has finally done some indepth research on this aspect of Magneto. He did the research on the Sunderkommando earlier.
But Hardass lingers on... like the stink of dogshit on the bottom of your boot, even after you have washed it off.
Of course, it has been established that Erik Lensherr was a pseudo name... an alias... but since it was used in the movies, it will stick, I am sure. Oh, well...we have to call him something.. I personally prefer Magnus. when people call him Erik, I get that feeling one gets when fingernails are scraped across a blackboard. Does me no real harm, but it ain't the best sound I ever heardd...LOL
But considering what we just went through... with marvel telling us it was all real!!!...well... a little bogus name being bandied around isn't too bad...LOL
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Post by LadyErin »

Originally posted by Singe
Well, maybe he's just half Jewish. After all, back in the day you were a Jew by association!
Originally posted by Paty
If his mother was jewish... he was jewish... that's the rule! LOL...
Actually under Nazi law that isn't true. If you go here you can veiw Alara's notes on it.. But basicaly it says
Originally written by Alara
Here is the Nuremberg Law that defined a Jew, in 1935. (The First
Regulation to the Reich Citizenship Law, dated Nov. 14, 1935.) From Raul
"Everyone was defined as a Jew who (1) descended from at least
three Jewish grandparents (full Jews and three-quarter Jews), or, (2)
descended from two Jewish grandparents (half-Jews) and (a) belonged to the
Jewish religious community on September 15, 1935, or joined the community on
a subsequent date, or (b) was married to a Jewish person on September 15,
1935, or (c) was the offspring of a marriage contracted with a three-quarter
of full Jew after the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor had
come into force (September 15, 1935), or (d) was the offspring of an
extramarital relationshp wtih a three-quarter or a full Jew, and was born out
of wedlock after July 31, 1936. For the determinaton of the grandparents,
the presumption remained that the grandparent was Jewish if he or she
belonged to the Jewish religious community.
"Defined *not* as a Jew but as an individual of "mixed Jewish
blood" was (1) any person who descended from two Jewish grandparents
(half-Jewish), but who (a) did *not* adhere (or adhered no longer) to the
Jewish religion on September 15, 1935, and who did not join it at any
subsequent time, and (b) was not married (or was married no longer) to a
Jewish person on September 15, 1935, and who did not marry such a person at
any subsequent time (such half-Jews were called Mischlinge of the first
degree), and (2) any person descended from one Jewish grandparent (Mischling
of the second degree). The designations "Mischling of the first degree" and
"Mischling of the second degree" were not contained in the decree of November
14, 1935, but were added in a later ruling by the Ministry of Interior.
"In practice, therefore, Losener [the doctor who who wrote up all
the anti-Jewish decrees for Hitler] had split the non-Aryans into two groups,
Mischlinge and Jews. The Mischlinge were no longer sujected to the
destruction process. They remained non-Aryan under the earlier decrees and
continued to be affected by them, but subsequent measures were, on the whole,
taken only against "Jews." Henceforth, the Mischlinge were left out."
So either Magneto is:
  1. a Full or Three-quarter Jew
  2. a Half-Jew and
  • a member of the Jewish faith (and we do know he did practice-he stated that in Uncanny X-Men 150)
  • the born to a Full or Three Quarter Jew after 1935 (in or out of wedlock-but this doesn't apply, as he was too old)
  • Married to a Full or Three-quarter Jew (and we know he wasn't, as he was too young to be married)
So that truely narrows things a lot. We also know he was circumcised as he got away from the guards after his parents were shot and had changed clothing by the time they found him. So they knew he was Jewish somehow. And I doubt he would tell them. After all, German (and all other boys, the exception being a group of Muslim boys and men) weren't.

So he was either a Full or Three-Quarter Jew or a Half Jew, but either way, as a boy he was a member of the Jewish Faith.
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Post by Singe »

Originally posted by Paty
When I reead the Unlimited number two that tried to gypsyfy him, I snorted..."Doom's the gypsy! Done that... been there... don't these boyos have ANY brains at all?"
What comes to mind for me is a scene in one of the first Excaliburs where Rachel and Meggan are talking, and Rachel says something to the effect of "Nightcrawler was raised by gypsies," to which Meggan replies "Oh, me too!" GEE, what are the odds?! That plus Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch not only being of Gypsy lineage but adopted by Gypsies? There must be dozens of Gypsy-run orphanages all over Europe!
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Post by Paty »

those gypsies do get around, don't they? since Magda was gypsy too, I suspect that is why Bova gave the kids to Maximoff.

I was thinking of the old rule of thumb with regard to jewish parantage... that if your mother was Jewish, you were Jewish. A rule of thumb that made sense if you belonged to a conquered race... which the jews were for a long time in their history. Up until the present day, with it's surrogate parentage, you always KNEW who the mother was... the kid came out of her body! So the bloodline through the female was clear. Only the female bloodline was truely traceable... so Jewish lienage descended through her. christians took even this little bit of female power away from women. Of course, so did the Moslems.

The determination of the nazis as to who was Jewish or non Jewish just gave them legal grounds to persecute a wider range of people and feel justified in doing so. Make it legal to kill someone and it is OK to do so at the least little resistance or provocation.

I hate WWII politics...but one has to understand them to understand the world Magneto grew up in and what influenced his formative years... and also to recognize similar tactics in today's world. Stack the deck against a particular player, so that when you villify that character or kill them there will be no horrendous outcry to embarass you. Worked with the jews in pre WW II. Sounds like the little neo nazi pogrom against magneto. And it would fit... after all, Claremont made him jewish... or at least of jewish extraction... so if you have a secret little aryan supremacy bent, Mags is the character to get your panties in a twist about. Especially since he had gained a vocal and strong following in the fan readership. And especially since that fandom was hugely female! Little d neo nazis couldn't get girls slobbering over them.. but a comic character with thousands of slavering female followers!!!??? Musta galled the little yoyos outta their sox!

Alara, Rivka and Dannell Lites were in the vangard years ago, in the fight to save Magneto's ethnicity. Rivka can give you chapter and verse on the ins and outs of that battle...which, with the firing of Harras, they thought they had won. But Hardass had put into place a support group...hiring only those people who agreed with him on how to view Magneto...yes, that was a key question when Hardass interviewed prospective employees. Even with him gone,his little coterie of bigots has continued to forward his aims and plans...especially regarding magneto. the culmination was Planet X...which had word balloons that were aimed diretly at magneto fandom, referencing ugly plans they had heretofore thwarted. The "in" digs were observable only to the people who fought those wars and knew about things that had never made it into print. This is why people who know of those times and the politics of that war know that Planet X was one big F...YOU to those fans.

And it all revolves around Magneto. Hate, venom, vitriol...Magneto... and by extension, his ethnic creator,Claremont. Those people aren't gonna stop until they regain control or are booted out... I vote for the latter.
Marvel used to be in the forefront of the move to use more ethnic diversity in the makeup of heroes... to appeal to a wider audience. but ethnic diversity has almost disappeared in the books...especially in X dom.
Claremont will fix that if given the chance... but, as I said in other posts, I see no big hype for Excalibur or Uncanny these days. quiet announcements... but no big "Great new team " bullshit like we had for almost every issue of Morrison's crap. Marvel politics...sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant... always smarmy.

I weep for the Camelot of yore... the fun place... the GOOD place! Where there was a respect for long years of canon...where continuity of characterization was valued... not ridiculed and hacked to pieces for the self glorification of one person. I don't know what is happening in the rest of the marvel Universe, but i am incensed with the changes that I see in the last decade within the X empire. And the better part of it is tracable to hardass and the Magneto problem. The ethnic problem.
You would think that Joe quesada, of an ethnic minority, himself, would be on top of the situation. But he skulks in corners and mollifies the hardass faction by not supporting Claremont...who is X doms main chance for revival.
What a total mess! And all we can do is support with accolades to Marvel, what chris is doing.

LOL... you guys got lucky.. I had a much longer post on this subject and a glitch wiped it out... I hate when that happens! LOL

Magneto Rules!
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Write support the Claremont Magneto! Cast a vote for complexity in characterization! And write to protest THE USELESS KILLING OF NIGHTCRAWLER !!!
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Post by LadyErin »

Paty, the Cherokee (and most native peoples) counted the mother's blood line as well. Native people knew where the power lay. And Native men who were out hunting or at war (and with women hunting and fighting along with them) it makes sense too. I think most "primitive" cultures used maternal lines as family. Just becuase then you knew

* :offtopic hits Lady Erin in the head* Owies!

But back on topic...I wasn't trying to say that the Jewish line was counted differently, just that under the law that Magnus grew up in (1935, he would have been, what seven? eight?) that that law was what would be counted. So indeed he may not be fully Jewish under Jewish law, but he was Jewish under German law. Sorry if it cam out differently.
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Post by the4thpip »

Just out of curiosity, when was it revealed that Lehnsherr is just a pseudonym?

I long for the days when there was only Uncanny X-Men, New Mutants and Annuals, and I could afford to read the whole story...And it was worth it, too!
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Post by Paty »

Oh, dear... here's that number thing again. I hate numbers! Hey, any of you bibliophiles out there... what was the issue where Mags was revealed as using Lehnsherr as an alias? I remember reading it... he goes back to this little old forger and literally scares him to death because he yells at him that they weren't supposed to find out that it was an alias... and someone HAD. Had something to do with Sabra. I remember at the time thinking ... how silly... SHE wouldn't be hunting down a jewish refugee... she should be after the surviving nazi war criminals! I also remember laughing out loud at that bogus name being identified in canon as bogus! then they went and used it in the movie...stupid people... that was no way to send it into limbo!!! the freaking movie cemented it into usage! That pissed me was sooooo bogus! Now, I could see Magnus using it to hide behind... that's his MO...but it is still bogus to me.
Magnus was fine as a carried through the magnetic image and he was "Mags" either in superhero life or in civilian was brilliant. I used to wonder if it were a first or last name...or maybe middle. Of course they made it his middle name. but it galled me when everybody and his dog staarted calling him Erik... a shallow trick to get us used to the new name. Xavier had never called him that up to that point...and he started using it like he was talking about and to Scott. PTUI! the other characters like Rogue started using it too... which was right out! he had always been "Mags" to her! Suddenly she is calling him Erik...tactics as clear as freakin crystal! sigh...didn't anybody ever explain to those children that sometimes LESS is better. It might have been logical that a longtime friend would use Xavier...but the rest of the X people? No way! but we got beat over the literary head with it so we HAD to accept it. No to that, too.

When I speak to Rivka, who is in the midst of having her kitchen repaired... later today I shall ask her. She may be a little under the weather and frazzled a bit though...she's got a whole batch of things on her skillet right now with no time for posting. Anyone here who can spare a few calming, strengthening and defrazzleing vibes, please send them her way...she could use them !

not a problem, Erin...the quote from Alara's site was very informative and cool... my membership with the magneto board only goes back a couple of years...cuz I didn't even own a computer until '01... and never knew about the internet at all! I knew there was such an animal... I didn't know what it did or how it worked. Dave found Nightscrawlers a year before i had the gumption to try it! LOL I was sooo afraid of punching a key and wiping everything out! I did manage to lose my D drive, my DVD player and een my A idea how I did it. A friend at the time said I didn't KNOW enough to have wiped them out! Ha! little did he know...LOLOL Magic fingers... touch the damn devilbox and it will blow up! I am better now...LOL I got friends that set me straight about this damn thing. LOL

See, erin, off topic cuts no ice with me. especially short side trips for refreshments and added info. Yeah, I was aware that some tribes had matrilineal bloodlines...and it does make sense. Men wanted all power for themselves, so they legislated ane socialized women into virtual breeding pen slavery... and it still exists even today in a good part of the world. It is no coincidence that the 9/11 attack came just after the Year of the Woman, which sought to expand the legal and cultural horizons of women around the globe... breaking down old taboos and letting women have equal rights under the law in countries where they were traditionally only worth HALF what a man certain countries in the middle east where this anachronism is the llaw! People like Bin Ladin considered this kind of thing a threat to the status quo... as well it was! the American idea of women being equal legally with men. Bin Ladin would feel right at home at marvel with it's antiquated views on what women can do and cannot do.

No... no! BAD Paty! I will not get off on THAT rant again... it does no good. BACK TO MAGNETO!
This is HIS thread!!! Paty whips self with a wetnoodle cat o nine tails!


But they DID do an issue that outted the Erik name as bogus. I remember liking the art... and,of course, the message...and it had to be after Hardass got booted, cuz HE would never have approved a plot or storyline that broke down something he tried so hard to establlish.Erik Lehnsherr is not a jewish name... not even a gypsy name!!! A hole didn't even have enough smarts to do some basic research and pick a name that would fit.. and MIGHT be acceptable.
sorry... such ineptitude just ticks me off! it is soooo stupid. The "you will accept this because I'm in charge, and I say so!" mentality.

Might doesn't always make right..especially if you have a mind and voice to refute it. so the first thing to do is shut up the voices. Where have we seen these tactics before?

Retorical question... I know the answer...throughout history...all history, not just Marvel's. A lesson to be taken to heart oth in every day life and comic life.

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Post by the4thpip »

As I said before "Lehnsherr" means something like "Lord of the Manor" and clearly indicates nobility - and that's something that was never bestowed on Jews or Gypsies in Germany.
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Post by LadyErin »

X-Men 72. That's the big "Erik Lehnsherr" is false name revel. Knew I had that written down here somewhere.

But yeah, the Chreokee had most (if not all) of the power. They decided who, when, and why war was declared. Decided and carried out the fate of POW and captives. Could kick out a husband they were bored of and send him packing without it being a big deal. Kept everything except his tools and clothing. Adultary was accepted so long as the woman was the one committing it. A woman warrior was considered to be a most powerful person that was not crossed. *sigh* The good old days. Really should finish my time machine.
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Post by Paty »

LOL... the supposition is that he was from the border areas of Germany... Poland or one of the Baltic states rimming Germany that came under nazi domination early. Rivka knows the timelines and has researched what ethnic groups found themselves in Auschwitz during the time sequence that is being considered as the right one.
The thought amongst some researchers is that he and his family were of extended Polish or Lithuanian, I believe, merchantile famlies. Part of the upper middle class within the Jewish community at that time. Tilman could probably enlighten us...he is a consummate scholar in this regard... Rivka, too, digs into the possible relationships with a geneologists fervor. Rivka is otherwise occupied right now and I believe Tilman is off at european conventions garnering drawings of Magneto and Rogue! LOL

I , on the other hand, sit her e remembering bits and pieces of some of the geneological stuff Rivka postulated at me one murky midnight chat...LOL She and I will get on the phone and expound for hours on Magneto lore, genetics and story possibilities. LOL

So... not German , per se... but related countries... theoretically in the direction of the north... which would have made his nordic looks less of an anomaly. But, yes... not a land baron or titled gentry, by any means. But also a familly well established and in higher ranks within the Jewish community.
Magneto once said he wore red for the blood of his people which was shed. The purpe can only be the possible royalness of his Jewish lienage. Some have even postulated a descent from one of the famous kings of judea... David or Solomon. Some suggest alternatives to those...LOL... it is fun to stretch one's mind and try to make connections...that's part of the interest of this character. Do you have any pet theories to share? This is the place to explore them...LOL but be warned... we have some very erudite and learned researchers peeking in on the Nightscrawlers threads! They will shoot down possibilities like ducks in a barrel...and will give reasons why something can't be or reasons why something can be considered as a possibility... all within historical context!
I think Mgneto must be the most researched comic character inthe history of the comics genre. I know I have met a lot of fanatics on the subject who willpull out reams and reams of research onthe subject. the mind absolutely boggles at the interest this character creates!!!
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Post by Singe »

There's no reason a noble name might have not married into a Jewish family after several generiations, especially since anti-semitism was probably lower in Germany than it was in most other European countries for a very long time until the Nazis came to power. Just because a noble family has a noble name doesn't mean it stays noble, and vice versa. Kurt's for a long time thought biological family (though apparently not anymore!) Wagner- Wagoner- "Wagon maker" is not one you'd think you'd find in a royal family... but there you go. Marvel's name etymologies don't always seem that well thought out.

And as for using the alias in the movie, it might feel kind if weird but they did have to use something, and that was the most obvious one. I don't fault them; if they had to give him a name, at least they didn't pull one out of thin air.

But here's something that kinda bugged me about moviemags: Why doesn't he have any kind of European accent?
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Post by Paty »

You will notice in the books he doesn't have any kind of european accent, either. Sometimes in his nightmares, he will sleeptalk in a foreign language...probably the language he was brought up with. Mags speaks very proper English... without even much of a trace of British accent either... so I would guess he spent a lot of time in America and had speech lessons...or even translation implants put into place teoepathically by Xavier. Afer all, Kurt would have spoken German...and often still does. Colossus spoke russian...Ororo would have spoken a Mediterranean French, Arabian or african dialect...but they all speak English in the books. So... how did they get that kind of speech pattern? Xavier gave them telepathic language lessons. All of the foreign students get English lessons telepathically implanted so that their education isn't slowed by lack of understanding or translation difficulties.
Mags was probabllly the first person he did that to...But Mags has always spoken with a very formal British inflection., if not an accent. LOL... almost like a very proper British gentlemen's gentleman... or valet. Of course, being highly intelligent doesn't hurt, either. Mags probably red voracioously and assimilated everything he read easily... so he would have no trouble speaking the language. Knowing Mags, he probably speaks a multitude of languages! It would be a useful skill... and Mags acquires useful skills... except combat skills. He doesn't seem to have many of them. But Mags is an intellectual character...not a physical one. He relies on his power to do the physical stuff. Frankly, a couple of lessons in hand to hand combat wouldn't hurt him at all!

I asked Rivka about the "alias" issue in which we find out Erik is an alias... she said it is XMen 72... what later became "New " X Men...but at the time it was only X Men. story by Kelly, I believe and I forget who the artist was... but it was nice art. Palmiotti? maby? can't remember...
I do remember liking it, though. rivka remembered the writer but not the artist,eiher although she liked the art, too.

Well, maybe the movie people didn't pull it out of thin air... but I am not sure we can say the same thing about the dodos that thunk up "Erik Lehnsherr" at Marvel! PTUI

Now, the nay sayers will yell and scream that that issue shows how evil Magneto is because he killed the old man... but I think he didn't actually kill him... he just scared him so badly that the old geezer had a heart attack. Technically not his fault... especially when the old fart had guaranteed the name wouldn't be traceable as an alias... and it was. I wouldn't want to promise Mags one thing and deliver something less, would you?
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Post by the4thpip »

I can't think of a single instance of a European gentry marrying a jew, but maybe that is just my limited knowledge in the field.... Antisemitism has sadly been around for a long long time.

Does anybody here know of an example for a European nobleman or -woman choosing a Jewish spouse?
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Post by LadyErin »

Well, the ancestor that gave Magneto that name could be a noble person who was disowned or a child from an affair.

But I'm with Paty on this. Magnus is probably his real name. I've kinda always thought that Magnus was his middle name and perhaps a family name or some kind.

As for why Magneto didn't have an accent in the Movies, Ian was told to am for a mid-Atlantic accent. Also, he state that he came to America in the late forties (I forget the year) so he has been here a while. And given that he would have been in between 17-21 he could very well have learned to suppress his accent or lost most of it all together.

As for Comic Mags, for some reason I see him having a very light German accent. Not sure why though.
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Post by Paty »


LOL... kURT has a light German accent, the intonation only slipping through now and again...usually in exclamations or when surprised. Otherwise, it dowsn't show up very often. Is every "W" in Kurt's speech maee into a "V"? nah... he doesn't usually have any of the written/vocal intonations in most of his speech... only when he is excited... and then he usually slips into actual German words. In the movie, they gave him a more pronounced acent which does not manifest in the comic book. but then, in the movie he hasn't had time to interact with Xavier and have that pesky accent mindwiped away, has he? Hmmmmm???
LOL... if McKellan was trying for middle America..even east coast... he missed it slightly. sounded like an english valet to me! LOL He has entirely too cultured a voice. Don;t get me wrong, I loved the regal bearing and cultured tone he gave Mags. that was bang on! but... His English is to good.." she said. "that clearly indicates that he is foreign..."And although he may have studied with an expert dialectition and grammarian...I can tell that he was born..." OH... SORRY...
Where he was born is still up for grabs, right? heheheheheheee...Posish doesn't fit in the rhyme, does it? Could he be Hungarian? "Not only Hungarian... but of ROYAL blood...He is a Princess..."..oops... we are talking about Mags here... ..."Prince!"
sorry... it's a silly morning. I am up entirely too early. the brain is not engaged...I am running on reruns of operettas! I walked past the tv, which Dave had on, and a documentary about some of the early operettas was on...and now I have "Give Me some men who are stouthearted men who will fight for the right they adore..." running through my head. "the New Moon"...or "Half Moon" I believe...something like that...LOL You know, pre superhero stuff for adults...LOL you can pretend to be going to the opera and have a rousing good swashbuckling time! It is no wonder Eroll Flynn was so popular!

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Post by Paty »


Hmmm... is something kafungy with the smileys? my last message didn't have the Mags helmets in their traditional place, only the cue.
Or is it my stupid keyboard not putting the proper colon instead of semi colon...sometimes I cannot tell the difference.
Dave thought Nightscrawlers was down yesterday for a while cuz he couldn't get to it but it was OK every time I tried it .
whats happening? We ot another problem?
...ok... we try the other spelling...LOL
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Post by Panz »

LOL!!! I cannot get the new posts function to work for me, and some of the smilies will not appear when I type them, but for the most part the site seems to be working ok...unfortunately I now have an image of Mags and Xavier singing "I am the very model of a modern Major General" in my head :LOL:LOL:LOL I think it is too late for help at this point, I'm really bonkers

I have several friends from near Frankfurt (sp?) and several from Munich as well as an assortment of friends from various places in France, two Spainards from Catalona ( it is good to live near two universities, you meet all kinds of fun people) and when they all get excitable, I can't understand half of what they say..but most of the time they do just fine (save Hughes, who is a Parisian, and no one can understand THEM anyway) I've always thought of most of the foreign X-Men as having background inflection and trace accents, but with the way that they learned english, they would speak it perfectly for the most part.

I have a hard time imagining what Mag's "voice" would sound like. He has been so many places and has so many differing influences that he would likely have a fairly accentless english, when he chose to speak it.

I love when Kurt slips in a bit of German, but Chris is the only one who does it consistantly.

Hmmmm.... I know that the language of Romania is heavily influenced by Latin in it's base make up and there were a lot of Jewish people in Romania. I wonder if his family is originally from there? Magnus is from Latin, even though the name is mostly used in Scandinavian countries. And 4thpip...THAT would be a subject worth studying! Owing to the narrow minded Jew hating nature of most of the world through out history, I think that they would have had to have been pretty quiet about it. :(

EDIT : I REALLY cannot spell today! YEEEESH!!!

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Post by LadyErin »

Paty, mid-Atlantic refers to falling somewhere between England and New England.

But I meant like a trace of a German accent on certain sounds. I live in Cincinnati, which has it's fair share of German speakers, and have heard quite a few people about Magneto's age. Most of whom have lived here a good 35 years or more. And when they speak you can hear a barest trace of a German accent on certain words or sounds. In fact, I often miss it until someone else asks about it. But I have always heard his voice as that. Cultured, strong, almost lecture-y in tone with this shadow of an accent. But I'm weird like that, so :shrug
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