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Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:51 am
by Rowena
So much, and so good! Kurt as Oedipus. Erg. *shudder*

You really don't like Brian, do you? Wow!

Cool stuff! You have such interesting ideas! I love the way you delve into Kurt's heritage! :D

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:45 am
by Lauren
Yes, I'm accpeting challenges.

Yeah, poor Kurt gouged his eyes out...*weeps for him*

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:49 am
by StarLightCrawler
Nice work Lauren. I don't know witch one to comment about so i will just say i like them all. I mean i with you on the whole brian thing. Just don't like him.
As for the rest just keept me reading more and more.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:52 am
by Lauren
yeah I no likes Brian! I wish someone would kill him! *writes letter to Claremont and Davis about this*

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:37 pm
by Wolvertique
Hee. I didn't do the challenge Lauren made for you yet, Miss Kitty, but I may if you like. I am willing to do challenges. They're fun.

As for Brian, it may please Lauren to know that I have an OC who piledrove him about six feet into the ground. Betsy doesn't like her. :D And that was her only experience with telepaths, so my OC doesn't trust them.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 7:43 pm
by Lauren
You pile drove Brian in a story! That's so awesome! I hope the bastard suffered!

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 7:53 pm
by NachtcGleiskette
Ok, I have a challenge......

A Kurt/Wanda story involving any way, at any age....even during pregnancy, whatever. I need some more Kurt/Wanda in my life. And it can be angsty, but for the most part, a happy ending....

And for the angst, more internal than external....

Wanda's Earring

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:59 pm
by Lauren
1.Another Kurt/Wanda
2.Make sure TJ is in it
3.Happy Ending

Wanda opened the drawer to her jewelry and she dug around, finding one of her ruby earrings, but not the other.

Frowning slightly, she dug around for a moment more before she started to look around through her other jewelry boxes. When she still didn’t find it, she frowned and looked under her bed as well to try and find it.

Kurt walked in and when he found Wanda under the bed with her rear sticking out in the air, he couldn’t help but walk up and give both cheeks a pinch.

“Ah!” Wanda banged her head on the bed and made a vase shatter with her powers. When she whirled around and found Kurt smiling at her roguishly, she stood up and slapped him lightly.

“Don’t do that!” she cried. Kurt looked at her in surprise, tilting his head to one side.

“I was only playing with you.” He said.

“Well I’m in no mood for games right now.” She said. “My favorite earring is missing its pair and I’m not going to leave the house without it!”

“Couldn’t you just put on another pair?” Kurt offered. He immediately regretted saying it when Wanda narrowed her eyes in a way that said she would use her powers to make his head burst if he asked that again.

“Well have you looked everywhere for it?” he asked instead.

“Of course I have! It’s not in here!” Wanda cried.

“I’ll help you look for it all right?” Kurt offered. “We can’t spend too long on this you know.” He added seriously. “We promised to meet Scott and Jean in half an hour!”

“I know that!” Wanda cried, starting to get hysterical. “You think I don’t know that? You think I want to waste time looking for my earring? Do you think I’m being a stupid bitch about this, Kurt?!” She was starting to get into hysterics, and Kurt had to hug her tightly to calm her down.

“I don’t think you’re being shallow about this, honey.” He said gently, stroking her hair. “I was just telling you the time we had to look for it. Now, do you remember where you had them on last?”

They looked all over the house, searching high and low for the missing ruby earring. They were unable to find it anywhere, and Wanda wept softly as she sat down.

“My father gave me those a week before he was killed in Genosha!” she wept. “Now I’ve gone and lost one of them!”

“It’s all right, liebe.” Kurt said gently. “You can still wear that one earring and still look beautiful you know.” Wanda agreed weakly, seeing that they only had five minutes to meet up with Scott and Jean.

“Let’s tuck Talia in to bed.” Kurt said, helping her out of her chair. They opened the door and found their daughter sleeping in bed, her thumb in her mouth. It made Wanda forget about her lost earring as she smiled and leaned over to kiss her daughter good-bye.

Kurt smiled and looked around the room, his tail swaying side to side lazily. He stopped and frowned, narrowing his eyes slightly.

“Wanda?” he whispered.

“Yes?” she asked, looking over at him.

“Has Talia been in our room by any chance?” Wanda shook her head slowly, a bit confused by what he meant.

“I don’t think so.” She said. “Why?” Kurt walked up to one of Talia’s stuffed bears and he handed it to Wanda with a smile.

“I found your earring.” He said.

On the bear’s left ear, Talia had put on one of her mother’s ruby earrings.

Laughing softly, Wanda took the earring off and slipped it on with the other.

Gone Only An Hour

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:00 pm
by Lauren
In The Early 1800’s

The horse plowed through the bushes and trees wildly, panting as it was pushed to run as fast as it could. Looking over his shoulder, Stefan narrowed his eyes and looked back around, kicking his horse in the sides.

“Come on! We need to get to Jimaine and Kurt!” he said, leaning forward slowly. His horse agreed and leapt over a fallen tree, running as fast as it could. It was getting a little spooked from the sounds of the hunting dogs barking wildly.

“Ignore them and keep going.” Stefan said gently. “You can do it!”

Stefan gave the hunters a good run, making his horse leap over a small river to make them lose his scent. Making his horse double around, he headed for a waterfall, making sure his horse ran through the water to lose the scent.
“Stefan should have been back by now.” Jimaine sat down by the river near the waterfall, resting her bare feet in the cold water. “Do you think..?”

“Don’t be foolish.” Kurt said, waving a hand dismissively. “Stefan is too clever to get caught by hunters.” When he heard loud splashing, he drew his sword and got ready to fight. When he saw Stefan riding over, he smiled and sheathed his blade.

“You see? I told you he was too clever to get caught!” he said. Raising up one arm he walked up and took hold of the horse’s reigns. “How did it go?” he asked.

“Hunters chased after me for a while.” Stefan said. “But I got away. They lost my scent you see.”

“But were you able to make contact with mother?” Jimaine asked. Sadly, Stefan shook his head as he dismounted.

“The hunters started to chase me before I could reach her hideout.” He explained.

“Then I’ll go instead.” Kurt offered.

“Are you sure? There are still hunters out there.” Stefan warned. Kurt scoffed, flicking his tail at him faintly.

“I can get away from them easily my brother! Have faith in me!” With that, he mounted up Stefan’s horse and with a salute he rode off into the trees.
Kurt had been gone for a long while when Stefan heard the hunters coming. It was too late however when he drew his sword and his heart was pierced with an arrow.

Screaming in surprise, Jimaine bent down to pick up his sword and she held it out defensively as the hunters surrounded her, their own blades glittering in the light of the sun.
Kurt was singing while riding back to where Jimaine and Stefan were supposed to be waiting for him. He had met up with their mother without any problems and she had given some supplies good enough for another week before they reached the border. She had also told him that they were to meet up with the rest of the tribe in two days.

He couldn’t wait to tell the others.

He knew something was wrong when he called out their names and no one answered him. Frowning, Kurt called out their names again as he headed for the site. When they didn’t answer again, he knew something was wrong.

Leaping off of the horse, he ran to the waterfall, where he tripped over Stefan’s body. Looking down, he found the headless thing in his arms and he covered his mouth with one hand as he let out a muffled scream.

“Jimaine? Jimaine!” he cried, getting up and looking for her. He started to go into hysterics as he looked all over for her, sobbing weakly as he screamed her name.

He found her in the river, a rock stopping her from being washed away. He ran into the river and picked her up, finding that her head had also been taken as a trophy. He sat down on the bank of the river, cradling her body in his arms as he sobbed, rocking back and forth and wishing something would bring them both back.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 1:55 pm
by Rowena
Oh my... *shudder*
I just got an image of headless zombies magically brought back from the dead. Erg.

The earing story was cute! Well done!

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 3:43 am
by Lauren
heh, thanks but the really sad part about the second story for me is that back in the early 1800's, people really did cut off Romani's heads for trophies.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:34 pm
by Rowena
Yeah. Another shameful, horrible historical reality to add to the ever-growing pile.

I'm depressed now. I've got to go watch some Marx Brothers. Keep up the wonderful work!

Bango Vassili Day!

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:41 pm
by Lauren
Author’s Note: I read the parable about Bango Vassili at

Kurt had been five when he first heard the story about Bango Vassili.

It had been at night after a whole day of feasting, dancing, and singing on Bango Vassili day when Margali called for everyone’s attention around the main campfire.

The fur at the back of Kurt’s neck had gone up slightly at how eerie his mother looked in the light of the fire. She looked like an evil witch from one of the fairy tales Gummi told him and his brother and sister before they went to bed.

Margali smiled and her eyes danced in the light of the fire as she spread a hand over the fire. The flames turned sky blue and shot up into the air, causing the young ones to flinch in surprise.

“The story of Bango Vassili dates back a long time ago, in a dark time when the gadje made laws saying that any Romani men they found, they hanged on site for gold. They made laws harsh on the gadje who helped the Romani, so there were not many who would help our people in those dark times.

“On this very day, Rom hunters were chasing a Romani man so that they could hang him and receive their payment from the king. They would have succeeded too if he had not met a shepherd named Vassil.

Now Vassil was a lame man, and that is why the Roma people called him bango.

Bango hid the Romani in his own house, endangering his own life should the hunters find the man there. They did not and when night came the man asked Bango what he would take as a reward for his kindness.

Bango said, “I want all Roma people to remember me and feast for me on this day!”

And that is why we celebrate Bango Vassili day.”

Kurt had liked the story, his tiny tail wagging slightly as he thought about the lame shepherd helping the persecuted man.
Kurt grew up and he soon forgot about the story about Bango Vassili, but he did remember that the celebration on Bango Vassili was very important.

He was brought back to the story when he was seventeen and being chased down by angry villagers carrying torches and stakes.

He ran through the streets as best as he could, praying through gasps of breath that he would be able to get away from these people without having to fight.

When they chased him on top of a house and tried to burn it down; he saw no other solution but to fight them.

He dove down, howling like the demon they perceived him to be and he lashed out fang and claw, trying his best to beat them back.

The people soon overpowered him and he found himself at death’s door when a man shouted for them to stop, and by some miracle, they did.

The man who had saved his life looked like an educated man, with piercing blue eyes. He spoke to Kurt kindly, asking him if he truly wished to learn.

Kurt had nodded, but he wasn’t really paying any attention to what the man was saying.

It was the chair that had his attention.

A wheelchair… The man was lame in both legs.

Kurt suddenly remembered what tomorrow was, and his eyes grew wide in surprise and understanding.

Tomorrow was Bango Vassili Day.

The Sparrow

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:14 pm
by Lauren
Author’s Note: Mistress D gave me this idea while talking about what pet Kurt should have.

Kurt had almost missed it while he was heading towards the lake to meditate for a while.

It was a tiny sparrow lying amongst the tall grass under an oak tree, its wing broken from making a crash landing against a tree sharply. It was making a tiny pitiful kind of chirping noise, and it hurt Kurt’s heart to see it lying like that with its wing broken.

Deciding that helping the sparrow was more important than going to meditate, Kurt slowly walked up and he stooped down to pick up the sparrow, whispering to it gently in Romani to calm it down.

The sparrow was trembling in his cupped hands and he decided that it would be best to walk it back to the school instead of teleporting and risking killing the bird.

Hank wasn’t in the medical lab when Kurt walked in, so he decided to fix the wing himself. Sitting down at a counter, he set the bird down on a pillow and he continued to whisper to it, stroking its head before it finally stopped trembling and making pitiful chirping noises to try and make him leave it alone. It simply stayed still, watching Kurt as he carefully inspected the wing to see where the break was and everything.

Kurt worked carefully, still talking to the sparrow as he did so. His tail swayed side to side lazily and when he was finished, he found that the bird had fallen asleep. Smiling, he gently stroked its head and picked it up, pillow and all to put it in his room.
Kurt kept the sparrow in his room for the next two weeks. He didn’t keep the bird in a cage, letting it wander all over in its little hops. For the first few days he was forced to lay newspaper on the ground to keep his carpet poop free, but he was soon able to teach the sparrow that he wanted it to poop in a small container he kept near the window.

The wing’s progress was doing very well, and soon it would be time for Kurt to let the bird go back to its nest outside. He almost didn’t want to give the sparrow up, having become close to it as he fed it and stroked its feathers. It had become like a pet, resting on his shoulder when he taught his classes and even chirping as if giving an answer to one of his questions.

But he knew that it would not be right to keep the sparrow inside of the mansion. It belonged outside where it could fly freely wherever it wanted to go.

He told himself this often as the day to let the sparrow go came nearer, but it never made it any easier for him.
When it was time for Kurt to let the sparrow go, he fed it its last breakfast and stroked its chest feathers as it ate, telling it that he had to let it go back outside where it would be able to fly anywhere and everywhere its heart desired.

Picking up the sparrow, he walked outside and he lifted his head to the sky a slight breeze blowing back his hair.

“Fly!” he cried, throwing the bird into the air to help it. The bird faltered a bit but just as it seemed like it would plummet to the ground, it righted itself and started to fly away. As he watched it go, Kurt couldn’t help the sting of tears in his eyes.
The next day, Kurt was sitting Indian style beside the lake, meditating quietly with his eyes closed and his tail lying by his side limply.

He opened his eyes when he heard a bird singing.

Looking up, he smiled as the sparrow flew down and landed on his shoulder, ruffling its feathers and singing to him.


Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 2:39 am
by Lauren
Author’s Note: Dern it! You see?! This is what happens when you write a story arc that won’t go away! You keep dreaming up new versions for it! Argh! Why won’t Lightning Squad Nightcrawler leave me alone? WHY?!!!


Without further adieu, an alternate to Freedom for Lightning Squad Nightcrawler and Shadowcat!

Even the best-laid plans could be fouled up.

Kurt didn’t understand how it could have gone wrong, but he couldn’t dwell on it, if he wanted to at least get Kitty out of their destroyed world. Gritting his teeth as a bullet pierced his shoulder, Kurt drew his rapiers and lunged forward, slamming his fist on the activation button; sending Kitty through time and space to Earth 616.

Groaning from the pain in his shoulder, Kurt turned his head just in time to take a blow fully in the face from Hauptmann Englande, sending him into darkness.
He had hoped for too much with the scientist. The man had gone straight to the Reichminister after Kurt went up to him with his proposal to help him and Kitty get to Earth 616 before the Fuhrer and his army could. Moira had told the man to bluff through the whole thing with Kurt and Kitty, wanting to catch them in an act of high treason.

It had worked of course. When Kurt told the man to press the button, he instead yelled out the signal and S.S officers came in guns drawn with Hauptmann Englande at the head.
When Kurt woke up, he immediately wished that they had shot him through the heart or the head. He was chained to a bench in a truck with a power-nulling collar on. It wasn’t an ordinary collar however. It was the kind with the tiny needles on the inside that jabbed into your neck and made you bleed when you turned your head either way.

Not to mention that fact that Hauptmann Englande was sitting in front of him with such a look of pure satisfaction on his face that it made the fur on the back of his neck stand up on end.

“Did you have a good sleep, Nightcrawler?” Hauptmann Englande asked, tilting his head to one side. “I really hope so. We wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable now would we?”

“Where are we going?” Kurt asked, all ready knowing the answer to that stupid question. Hauptmann Englande lifted his eyebrows and laughed softly, shaking his head a bit.

“Don’t you know?” he asked. “You’re going to the Court of the Reich. The Fuhrer himself is going to pass judgment on you for the crime of high treason to the Reich!” Without warning, he punched Kurt in the gut, knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to curl up on himself and gasp for air.

“Why did you have to step out of bonds, Nightcrawler?” Hauptmann Englande demanded. “Over a Jew no less! We found your journals. You had a Romani wedding to her? She had you absolutely bonkers for her didn’t she?”

“At least you can’t stick your filthy dick into her anymore.” Kurt whispered, gritting his teeth.

“No, you’re right about that.” Hauptmann Englande agreed, smiling evilly. “But I can still stick it into you whenever I want to.”

“If you come near me with that thing I swear to God I’ll rip it off with my bare claws!” Kurt hissed, narrowing his eyes.

“How will you be able to do that with broken hands?” Hauptmann Englande asked innocently, his head tilted in a questioning manner.

Kurt knew that he would wish he had died during that raid instead of live to go through a so-called trial.
The Court of the Reich’s public seats were filled with people who wanted to see what the Fuhrer would do with the rogue Lightning Squad fighter. The seats were in a wide circle in the whole room, surrounding a podium where the condemned would stand to await sentence.

The Fuhrer had a high throne at the head of the circle so that he and the condemned could look at each other eye to eye.

Kurt’s wrists and ankles were chained to the podium, and when he looked up at Fuhrer, he understood why most of those standing on the podium would be reduced to begging on their knees for mercy at some point during the sentencing. He himself had to stop himself from falling to his knees from sheer exhaustion and pain from the collar.

Meggan watched from the sidelines, hugging herself and biting her lower lip as the charges were read aloud for everyone to hear. She could feel the mixture of pain and fear in Kurt, and she closed her eyes and slowly tried to send him some calming waves.

Kurt looked over his shoulder at Meggan before his attention was snapped back forward when the Fuhrer stood up and clapped his hands loudly.

The sentence rather surprised Kurt and everyone in the Court of the Reich that day. He was not sentenced to die by gas or by shooting squad or anything. He wasn’t even sentenced to die. He was sentenced to be imprisoned alone in a dark cell in a place the Fuhrer called the Bastille; after the old French prison.

Kurt didn’t understand the sentence, but when he saw the look on Hauptmann Englande’s face, he understood completely and his body was filled with dread.

Hauptmann Englande had a huge grin on his face that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame.
Kitty didn’t know what to do when she first appeared on the beach of Earth 616. she had tried to start the machine up again to go and get him, but it had landed on a rock that broke some of its circuits. She was stranded.

She lived in a hotel for a week, trying to figure everything out. When she had finally summed up enough courage, she went to the Lighthouse.

She had been met with suspicion by Excalibur; especially with her doppelganger and her tiny version of Lockheed the dragon.

Kitty told them everything that had happened to her and Nightcrawler, including the failed escape for him. Meggan confirmed that what she was saying was the truth, and Excalibur soon relaxed and let Kitty stay with them.

She changed her codename to StarPryde and she fought with them, ignoring the twinge in her stomach for a while before it became apparent that she was pregnant.

Shadowcat should have been happy, she was pregnant with her Kurt’s baby, but with the news came sorrow because there was no way that she or Excalibur could go and get him out of her old world.

Her children would never know their father.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 2:40 am
by Lauren
Hauptmann Englande’s broken hands threat wasn’t just a threat, it was pretty much a promise.

As soon as Kurt was put in his cell, the man came in with a club and smashed both of his hands until every bone was broken, making Kurt howl like an animal. He then proceeded to savagely take him, twisting his body in ways that almost left him with a snapped spine.

Kurt’s hands healed over time of course, but they did not heal properly. They were crooked and useless to him, causing him pain whenever he tried to pick something up, reducing him to having to bend down(with his hands held tightly to his chest) and eat his scraps of food like an animal.

Hauptmann Englande must have been selling tickets for people who wanted to have a go with him like he was a whore or something. Every night people were coming in and reducing Kurt to a plaything. The women weren’t so bad, there were a few who brought in mace or a shocker to torment him first, but most of them just wanted to see what he could do with his tail.

He didn’t want to think about the men who came in.

And he really didn’t want to think about the things that happened when Hauptmann Englande came in.
Three Years Later

Kurt was getting too frail to even eat anymore. His muscles were all gone, and his once sleek and velvety fur was ruffled and filthy from the things that were constantly being splashed onto him. His ribs were completely visible, as was the bones in his face as his cheeks sunk in more and more as days passed by. His teeth were wasting away, cracking from the harsh blows dealt to his face, and growing mossy from his inability to brush them properly. The claws on his feet and fingers were long and twisted, cracking in places and giving his mangled hands pain all the time.

Even the bones in his tail were starting to show.

When the door to his cell was opened one morning, he flinched and moved his arms slowly to cover his eyes. He tried to press himself into the corner, but he could only manage to tremble and make a pitiful whimpering noise instead.

“Kurt, it’s me.”

Kurt lowered his arms and he smiled faintly as Meggan sat down in front of him, setting down the bowl of soup in her hands.

“Meg…” he croaked, his tail making a pitiful attempt at a wag. Meggan slowly held up and spoon full, and most of it dribbled down the corners of Kurt’s lips as he tried to open his mouth enough to let it in.

“Don’t try to talk.” She said softly, wiping his mouth carefully. “I have something important to tell you.”


“Hush now and eat.” Meggan said, holding out the next spoonful. “They’ve been working on a new portal traveling machine for a while now. They’re almost done too. Hauptmann Englande says it will be one more week before it’s finished.

“Do you know what my plan? I plan on taking the form of one of the workers and getting out of here like you wanted to.” Kurt shook his head, moaning softly.

“No… Trap…”

“I won’t get caught, Kurt.” Meggan assured him. “You’re the only one I’m telling this to. I’m taking you with me and we’re going to find Kitty and live with her.” Kurt shook his head slowly, tears falling down his cheeks slowly.


“You know what?” Meggan asked, her eyes sparkling with determination. “I don’t care what you say or think, Kurt! You and I are both getting out of here, and we’re going to live happily on Earth 616! So hush up and finish this soup up!” Kurt didn’t really have a good argument about that, so he closed his mouth and did what he had learned to do a lot over the years; he submitted, bowing his head and letting Meggan feed him.
One Week Later

When his cell door was opened, Kurt expected Meggan and he lifted his head with a smile.

Seeing another soldier standing in the doorway, he whimpered and shrank away as the man stepped into the room and crouched down to look at him.

“Kurt,” Meggan said, smiling at him kindly. “It’s just me!” Kurt calmed down slowly, and he tilted his head to one side, smiling faintly at her.

“Meg!” he whispered softly, his tail flopping once in greeting. “Go…now?” he asked, tilting his head to one side. Nodding, Meggan gently picked him up, cradling him in her arms.

“That’s right, Kurt!” she nodded. “We’re getting the hell out of here!” With that, she started off, walking by the guards and soldiers she had killed on her way there.

Who said blondes were airheads?

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 2:41 am
by Lauren
“Kurt! Kurt, stay away from that crab, honey!” StarPryde called out to her son, watching as the boy poked a resting crab with the tip of his tail. She quickly ran over as the crab raised up a claw to grab his tail and she picked him up, sighing softly as her three year old smiled at her charmingly.

“What am I to do with you, Kurt?” she asked, heading up to the Lighthouse. “You need to take your nap.”

“Don’ wanna.” Kurt said, yawning through his words.

“Your sister Johanna is.” StarPryde pointed out. “Don’t you want to…”

That was when the machine crash-landed about a few feet in front of her, nearly knocking her over and scaring Kurt.

Meggan opened the door slowly, holding Kurt in her arms still. The trip had knocked him unconscious, and she was worried that he was seriously hurt. When she saw Kitty, she smiled faintly, stepping out of the machine.

“We need to help Kurt right away!” she said. “Please!”
Moira was tending to Kurt in the med lab while Meggan told everyone what had happened after Kurt sent Kitty to this world. She kept her distance away from Captain Britain however, fearing that she would end up snapping and attacking him just because he was the doppelganger to Hauptmann Englande.

“I should have jumped out when I had the chance.” StarPryde whispered softly. Meggan shook her head, resting a hand on hers.

“It wouldn’t have done us any good.” She explained. “Kurt would have died if you had been captured by Hauptmann Englande and his men. The only thing that kept him alive was you.” She looked over at the two sleeping children, and she smiled faintly.

“And besides, these two wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t of gotten away now would they?” she asked. StarPryde shrugged faintly, biting her lower lip as she thought about.

“But do you think that the Reich of your world will try to get to this world again?” Nightcrawler asked. “And if so, do you have a guess as to how long it will take?”

“There’s no way of telling when it comes to years and time in different worlds.” Meggan said. “As for trying again, I’m sure they will. They’ve lost two machines now and the Fuhrer will not tolerate that now will he? Don’t worry though, we can help you fight them when the time comes.”

Moira came in later, her face filled with frustration as she sat down and put her head in her hands. She looked up when StarPryde touched her shoulder lightly and she sighed, shaking her head.

“ ‘is ‘ands cannae be ‘ealed wi’ oot breakin’ ‘em agin.” She explained sadly. “An’ Ah dinnae thin’ ‘is body weel be able to take tha’ kind o’ abuse anymore either.”

“But will he live?” StarPryde asked. Moira was quiet, thinking it over slowly on how best to tell her.

“ ‘is body took a lot o’ abuse o’er the course o’ three years.” She explained slowly. “Et was a miracle tha’ ‘e made et ‘ere in fac’! Ah dinnae thin’ ‘e ‘as too much time lef’, lass. Ah’m sorry.”

“But can I see him?” StarPryde asked slowly. Moira nodded, and she was off, phasing through the floor right into the med lab. She found Kurt laying in the softest bed, pillows propped under his head so that it was raised up to let him see everything. IV’s were in his arms, giving him the vitamins and nutrients he needed too late. His eyes were closed in light slumber.

Walking up to his bedside, StarPryde looked at his frail body and she covered her mouth with one hand as tears welled up in her eyes. She touched his forehead with the tips of her fingers and he opened his eyes slowly, looking at her for a moment before he recognized her.

“Kit…” he whispered, slowly trying to sit up. She tried to stop him, pressing down on his chest lightly and telling him to rest, but Kurt was always a stubborn man and she was finally forced to just help him up. Adjusting himself slowly, Kurt looked up at Kitty and he wrapped his thin arms around her, giving her a hug that felt more like feathers were being thrown at her.

“Kurt, you need to save your strength.” StarPryde said.

“Moira told me about… the children.” Kurt said, looking up at her. “Kurt and Johanna? I… I want to see them…” StarPryde couldn’t deny Kurt anything, and she was soon back with both of her children after telling them who the man was and that they needed to be very careful because he was very weak.

Johanna went up to him first, looking up at him with her golden eyes in wonder. He smiled at her faintly, and she slowly smiled back, slowly holding up her arms for him to pick her up.

“Johanna…” StarPryde started. His arms trembling with the effort, Kurt slowly leaned forward and he picked his daughter up, placing her carefully on his left knee as he ignored the roaring protests his hands were making the whole time. Smiling, he looked over her shoulder at his son, his tail swaying faintly.

Kurt was hiding behind his mother, unsure of what to make out of this weird person his mommy said was his daddy. He looked like Nightcrawler, only he was really sick and weak looking. He looked up at his mother for support, but she only told him that it was all right, that this was his daddy.

Flicking his tail to one side, Kurt slowly walked up to the man and instead of making him pick him up, he climbed onto his lap, looking at him with a serious expression on his face of worry.

His eyes had started to sting when his little girl raised up her hands to be picked up by daddy. When both children were sitting with him on the bed, he burst into tears, his whole body trembling badly.

God is good.” he said, reverting to Romani in his sickness. “He has let me see my children before I die! Praise God!

They stayed in the med lab for the rest of the day until it was the children’s bedtime. Kurt gently helped him off of his bed and he watched them as they left the room, Johanna looking over her shoulder at him and smiling faintly.

They are beautiful.” he whispered, forgetting that StarPryde didn’t know a lot of the Romani language. “They will grow up strong and beautiful. God is good to us.” StarPryde let him continue talking, stroking his head gently, as he rested his head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep.

Leaning forward, StarPryde kissed on the brow, the cheek, and finally his lips, brushing a strand of hair away from his face.

He died during the night peacefully in his sleep.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 2:45 am
by Lauren
Meggan had been right of course. The Fuhrer had indeed ordered another machine to be made, and as soon as it was ready, he sent Hauptmann Englande through with his best troops and weapons.

But it had taken four years for them to make another machine, and in that time Meggan’s knowledge of how to make weapons proved very useful. The weapons were made by W.H.O., and all of the soldiers in the army force were skilled in using them in no time.

They had thought that they would be going in and destroying everything; they were dead wrong.

The fighting was mainly on the beach, blood washing into the sea and soaking into the sands from both sides of the conflict. Excalibur fought the hardest of all, wanting revenge for everything that had happened.

StarPryde was focusing on Hauptmann Englande. It was his fault that her family was dead. It was his fault that Kurt’s family; both Romani and Raven and Aloysius, was dead. It was him who tortured her and the others for hours on end in their own world, and he had made Kurt suffer before he came to this world and died after only coming to the world a few hours before.

She was going to make the bastard suffer.

When the two fought, her daggers flew with deadly accuracy, but Hauptmann Englande was able to block them, and they were soon fighting hand to hand, StarPryde twisting her body around as she aimed kicks and punches to his face and balls.

Hauptmann Englande laughed, seeing what parts of his body she was focusing on. He started to taunt her, asking her what had happened to her whore of a husband Nightcrawler.

It got the response he wanted.

Screaming, StarPryde tried to kick his head high, and he grabbed her by the ankle and twisted it around, breaking it instantly. He threw her down to the ground and he slammed his foot into her back, making her cry out in pain. He kicked her in the face to make her roll onto her back and he raised up his foot to crush her skull.

That’s when he felt something slash across his face, taking out one of his eyes.

Screaming, Hauptmann Englande stumbled back, holding his bleeding face. The slashing occurred again and it lanced down his back, leaving long traces of wounds all over it. He tried to punch around blindly, but he ended up losing his other eye in the process.

Everyone stopped their own fights and they watched in awe and wonder as invisible blades of some sort were slaughtering Hauptmann Englande, cutting him up everywhere. The last blow dealt was a move that left him on his knees, wailing like an animal as he cupped a bloody mass that had once been his manhood. His throat was slit a second later and he fell to the ground dead.

The soldiers gave up instantly, throwing down their weapons and raising up their hands over their heads.

StarPryde stared at Hauptmann Englande’s body in confusion, wondering what in the hell had done that to him from out of nowhere.


StarPryde looked up, frowning slightly

Katzchen, turn around, it laughed.

Slowly, StarPryde turned around, and her eyes grew wide in surprise.

Kurt was standing a bit off, smiling at her as he sheathed his bloody rapiers. He was dressed in clothes that she remembered him modeling once to show her what he used to dress like with his Romani family, a golden hoop in one ear and a red bandanna tied around his head, the ends waving in the wind.

Raising up one hand, Kurt smiled at her and the vision faded away.

Shaking her head slowly, StarPryde turned around and she smiled at Fay as she ran over to hug her, laughing at their victory.

It was over. It was finally over.

This was Kurt’s final gift to his friends that he considered family back on his world.

A Girl's Place

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 3:43 am
by Lauren
Author’s Note: I saw a picture on a site where Kurt was in a dress in a Western setting. I think it was during the Cross Time Caper. Now why would Kurt be in a dress? Could it have something to do with his alternate version in that world? Hmmm…

And in case you’re wondering, yes, the alternate version of Kurt is a transvestite.


Kurt was not a very happy woman. Frowning, she placed her hands on her hips and she looked around her dressing room, her tail swishing behind her in anger.

Someone had taken her favorite dress and wig!

Growling softly, she swore and decided to just pick something else to wear. After all, she needed to be out in her saloon and watch over those rough and rowdy cowboys again.

A woman’s job was never done.

Calmly she looked through her other dresses until she finally found one to her liking. It was a lilac color with lots of ruffles and frills around the waist and down the rest of the dress with a long slit on the side to show her fishnets.

Taking out some soft cloth, she stuffed the front of her corset to give herself a nice breast size before she slipped on her dress, adjusting it slightly to hide the fact that she had been mistakenly born a man instead of the woman she knew she was underneath. Hiking up her dress, she slipped on black fishnets, adjusting it so that it didn’t get tangled on the toe on the back of her feet.

The shoes were a bit difficult to work with. Biting her lower lip, Kurt took a deep breath and she started to try and squeeze her feet into her narrow shoes. It took a while, but she was finally able to put them on and she smiled as she stood in front of the mirror, her high heeled shoes sparkling in the lantern light.

“Now for my wig…” she whispered. She opened a closet and revealed a few mannequin heads with different kinds of hairstyle wigs on. All of them were blond and she sighed, looking at the spot where her favorite wig used to rest.

“I suppose I will have to ask Alistaire to make me another one just like it.” She shrugged, choosing one that was all ready done up with fake sapphires and feathers in it. Carefully she put it on, adjusting it a bit and using bobby pins with sparkling glass jewels on them to keep it in place like real hair.

Digging through her jewelry box, she took out a pair of long earrings that were the only real diamonds that she owned.

Perfect. Now all she needed was to put on a little make-up and she was ready to take on those men out there who wanted to meet the owner of the saloon.

Her long claws were all ready painted a stunning crimson red, so she went to her lipstick, making her lips cherry red to match the rouge that she put on next. A little eyeliner to make them look more lush and her face more exotic and she was finished with everything.

“Ms. Wagner?” It was Meggan, knocking on the door nervously. Honestly, that girl needed to find herself a man to make her more relaxed! “Ms. Wagner, everyone wants to see you now! You have to start the show!”

“Coming mein liebling! You cannot rush perfection you know!” Kurt called, putting on a jeweled bracelet as a last minute touch up. She really hated her voice sometimes. She wanted it to be more womanly, but for some reason it always came out scratched, sounding like a man trying to imitate a woman’s voice and failing.

When she said this to her girls, they never had the heart to tell her that she was indeed a man trying to imitate a woman’s voice.

Stepping out of the room, Kurt smiled and winked at Meggan, tilting her head to one side as she headed for the back of the stage where she could men shouting out for Ms. Wagner. Her girls were waiting in their can-can outfits, checking their bodices to make sure their cleavage was showing immensely for the men.

“Gather round! Gather round.” Kurt said, clapping her hands and stepping in the middle of the group. “Now girls, I hear a lot of men out there tonight! And we all know what men want when they come to the Blue Heaven now don’t we? They want to see us, so dance your best out there, mein liebes! I know that you will make me proud!”

Laughing the girls took their places and waited as Kurt slowly parted the curtains and stepped in front of them amid the wolf calls and howling that occurred as soon as the spotlight hit her.

Smiling, she gestured for the men to all calm down, her tail swaying side to side lazily.

“Now calm down, boys!” she said. “If you yell too loudly, you will scare away the girls! You don’t want to do that now do you?” The men responded with loud shouts and applause.

“I thought so.” She nodded. “Well then put your hands in your gold bags because these girls aren’t coming out here for free! I give you; the Blue Heaven Girls!” stepping off the stage, Kurt had the curtains raised and the girls started to dance as the men started to howl and bang on the tables wildly.

Soon gold coins were thrown onto the stage, and Kurt smiled as she watched her girls skillfully pick them up, seducing the men all the while. Seeing that everything was all right with her girls, Kurt headed for the bar to serve out drinks and get one herself. She laughed and posed a few times along the way as a few men whistled at her and asked if she would show them a little more than just that slit on the side of her dress.

“You must use your imagination, mein herr!” she said to one old man, tapping him lightly on the tip of his nose. “Unless you can pay to see more later.” She added, leaning forward and kissing him lightly on the lips. Winking, she left the astonished old man sitting there as she went behind the bar to help serve out drinks.

All was going well for her and her saloon; until Brian came in.

Narrowing her eyes, Kurt pursed her lips and placed her hands on her hips, looking over at Meggan defensively. She didn’t like Brian, not at all. The bastard used to beat Meggan until Kurt had finally chased him away from her saloon and swore that she would kill him if he ever came in again.

Her tail slowly went under her dress to her ankle, where she always kept a tiny pistol there in case someone got a bit violent and needed to be taken care of in a hurry.

“What are you doing here?” she asked flatly, narrowing her eyes as Brian walked up. Sitting down on a stool he shrugged, putting down a bag of gold on the bar.

“A man can come in here if he’s thirsty can’t he?” he asked.

“Not if he beats one of my girls he can’t!” Kurt snarled, narrowing her eyes. “Get out before I make you get out!”

“Why do you hate me so much?” Brian asked, cocking an eyebrow slightly. “You know you want me.” Kurt drew her pistol, calmly pulling back the hammer.

“Get out, Brian.” She warned. “I will shoot you!” Shrugging, Brian got up, looking at Kurt with narrowed eyes.

“I’ll get you one of these days, Ms. Wagner.” He said. “When you’re not looking I’ll let everyone know what you are!”

“What I am is a very pissed off woman at the moment!” Kurt snarled. “Now get out!” Brian left, and the tension he had brought with him was gone. Sighing, Kurt put back her pistol and she smiled, turning to the next customer.
When the night was done, it was time to close up the saloon and start the second business Blue Heaven performed for the men of the town; prostitution. It was the girls who got most of the business of course, but there were a few men who specially requested to be with Ms. Wagner.

Now how could she deny her public what they wanted?

She had a few rules however when it came to what she did. She kept the lights down very low so that she could the fact that she was not as womanly as she wished to be. She only allowed a few positions to be performed, and she never let them take any longer than half an hour.

She never really looked at the men who paid to be with her, and she really should have sometimes.

That night, a friend of Brian’s came in and he got all the proof he needed to help Brian to get back at Kurt for taking Meggan away from him. When the man was finished, he calmly took one of the spare keys to the back door of Kurt’s room and he slipped it into his pocket as he paid for the trick.
The next night, Kurt was getting ready for another performance with the saloon when she heard someone opening the back door. She was too busy stuffing her corset however, and she figured that it was a friend since no one else had a key to her back door.

“Just sit down on the bed, liebe!” she said. “I will be done in a minute!” Brian grabbed her by the waist, spinning her around roughly, startling her badly.

“I think you’re done now!” he said. “And everyone is going to see how much of a freak you are!”

“Let go of me!” Kurt cried, struggling with him wildly. Brian was holding her arms too tightly, and she couldn’t stop him as he dragged her out of the room still in her corset.

“Hey everybody! Look what Ms. Wagner is!” Brian shouted. The men at the tables looked up and Brian tore off the top of Kurt’s corset before he threw her to the ground in front of everyone.

The whole saloon fell silent as everyone stared at the man in the torn corset in surprise.

“I’m just worried about the men who paid to sleep with this thing!” Brian said before he left the saloon.

Hugging her chest, Kurt looked up and found everyone staring at her in horror. As tears started to sting her eyes, she turned and ran into her room, slamming the door shut and locking it.
She kept the saloon closed for a week, staying in her room the whole time. She finally allowed Meggan to reopen the saloon, but she refused to leave her room no matter what. Everyone tried to make her come out of her room, but she refused, staying on her bed, wrapped in her blanket and sobbing.

No one would ever want to see her again. They probably wanted to beat her for what she had done. She had revealed her secret to a few people in other towns, and they had all tried to kill her and drove her out of town. She really didn’t want to move away from this town, and she knew that someone would try to kill her for this; most likely someone who she had slept with.

She really didn’t want to let Meggan into her room, but the girl just wouldn’t give up, so she consented finally, opening the door for her. Meggan sat down beside her, placing an arm around her shoulders.

“Ms. Wagner, you need to go out there.” Meggan said. “You need to start the show.” Kurt shook her head, sighing softly.

“I cannot, Meggan.” She said. “I’ll get shot if I do. Just open it for me all right?” Meggan shook her head, sighing softly at Kurt.

“You’re the one who made this saloon, Ms. Wagner!” she said. “Only you can start the show!”


“I think you’re giving those people out there too little credit!” Meggan said. “Just try one last time, Ms. Wagner! The rest of the girls want you to come back too!” Kurt looked away, her tail curling up slightly as she thought about it.

“Are you sure?” she asked. Meggan smiled, nodding a bit.

“I’m positive. Let me help you get ready!” Kurt reluctantly consented, and Meggan smiled and helped her get dressed.

She chose a long slender dress that was scarlet colored with gold etching on the middle and shoulders. She chose golden hoop earrings and she sat Kurt down to help her with her stockings and shoes. The wig she chose was down to Kurt’s shoulders and she curled the ends up slightly, smiling as she placed one strand of hair in front of Kurt’s eyes.

When she put on Kurt’s make-up, she chose sky blue rouge and lipstick, applying it gently and less than Kurt always out on.

“You don’t need any eyeliner.” She said, smiling at her. “Your lashes and longer without them.”

“I’m a little nervous about this.” Kurt admitted, as she stood behind the curtain. Smiling, Meggan rested a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“You’ll do fine, Ms. Wagner.” She whispered. “Trust me!” Nodding, Kurt gave her a final smile before she stepped onto the stage and into total silence. Looking around, she found herself looking at armed and dangerous looking cowboys, all of them just looking at her in silence.

Slowly, Kurt took a deep breath and she let it out slowly, smiling faintly as she assumed her old jaunty pose.

“What are you waiting for? Me to perform some back flips for you?” she asked. “Where is the applause! I’m not sure that the girls will want to come out if you boys don’t clap for them! They can be very moody you know!” When no one did anything, she sighed, rubbing her hands together slowly.

“What is the matter?” she asked. “You liked my saloon before my secret was revealed? Don’t you like my girls anymore? Or do you want to leave and not see our show? Gott, I think you all must be dead not to see the girls tonight!”

That got a few chuckles.

“Come on! You need to do better than that if you want to see them! Come on!” Her tail flicked to one side and she gritted her teeth, waiting for them to do something with her hands on her hips.

The applause slowly grew, and someone gave a loud and long wolf whistle.

“That is the spirit!” Kurt laughed. “Come on!”

“We missed ya, Missus Wagner!” someone shouted in the back, and the applause grew to its old fury of old. Laughing, Kurt clapped her hands and she raised the curtains, her girls walking up and starting to dance.

Everything was back to normal, and Kurt was finally able to find a town that she could stay in and be herself.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:08 am
by Rowena
EEP! Such dark stuff! Poor LS Kurt! At least he got to see his kids before...before... *sob*! I like how his ghost got revenge!

Cool stuff! Keep it up! :D

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:20 pm
by Lauren
muahaha! keep weeping! I feast upon thine tears! MUHAHAHAHA

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:41 pm
by Siona
Lauren...the fact that you are even thinking of Kurt in drag both worries me and assures me of your utter brilliance. :thumbup


Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:44 pm
by Lauren
Hey, it's not my fault Alan Davis drew him in drag once!

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:48 pm
by Siona
Not to mention he was in drag twice in Evolution.

:offtopic smiley patrol: *SNARL!*

*Siona is dragged off into Off-Topic abyss...*


Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:49 pm
by Lauren
*hisses from the mentioning of that horrbiel horrible show!* NOOOO!!! ARGH!!! Never speak of that show!! EVER!!!