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Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:51 pm
by Siona
*Siona cannot hear Lauren, for she is being beaten by the monstrous :offtopic smiley patrol*


Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:52 pm
by Lauren
beats away horrible smiley with this!

there we go

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:02 pm
by Wolvertique
Aww...Lauren, does that mean if I do an Evo story on here, you'll stone me?

Naughty Lauren. That's why we like her. ;)

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:51 pm
by Lauren
Yes, yes I will. Unless it's comic Kurt beating the snot out of Evo Kurt.

The German and the Cajun

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:40 am
by Lauren
The dry leaves rustled gently some of them being picked up by the wind and blown up to the top of Xavier's School for Gifted Youth. Most of the leaves fell back to the ground but one leaf stayed strong and slowly began to fall onto the head of Remy Lebeau as he sat on the roof looking out at the stars in the sky.

Remy raised one hand slowly and he plucked the leaf from his hair looking at it quietly with something akin to appraisal. He sighed softly and he held out his hand and he let go watching as the leaf fluttered down to the ground in little circles. Remy's red on black eyes watched as the leaf fell and when it finally reached the ground he narrowed his eyes slightly and instead of a leaf he saw the body of Warren the millionaire angel laying broken and bloody on the pavement his limbs twisted in positions not meant for any human or mutant body to make. A slight smile came to the corners of his lips.

The vision faded and all he saw was the leaf once more and he sighed softly shaking his head sadly. Maybe it wasn't Warren he saw dead on the ground. Maybe. Remy looked down at the leaf once more and he saw his own body laying there his dead eyes staring up at the stars his body twisted like a broken puppet.

Slowly Remy leaned forward as if to get a better look before he came to his senses and he rocked back with a gasp shaking his head a little. He rested a hand on his temple and he tried to collect his thoughts. He had never felt like this before but for some reason he often had the urge to just let himself fall and then that vision he had just had would then become true.

Remy was so involved in his thoughts that be barely heard the soft foot steps coming towards him until Kurt sat down beside him his tail swaying slightly from side to side and even then it was only until Kurt cleared his throat softly that he finally found out that he had company.

Remy looked up faintly at the blue furred mutant and then glanced down at the ground a light breeze coming back ruffling his silken auburn hair a little. " 'lo, Kurt," he mumbled.

" Vhat is the matter, mein freund?" Kurt asked softly tilting his head slightly looking at Remy. His tail rose slowly and curled up before uncurling and landing gently on the ground moving back and forth.

Remy shrugged a little his eyes staying where they were, " T'ings," he said simply. He looked through his jacket pocket for a moment and he took out a pack of cigarettes charging the tip of one and slipping it into his mouth letting out a gentle puff into the night air.

Kurt looked at Remy quietly for a few moments his tail flicking from side to side slightly. He had known Remy for years and he knew that Remy was almost like Logan; when you asked a question they would answer it, but they weren't going to add any more to it. He thought for a moment looking up at the stars before turning back to Remy. " Vhat is vrong, Remy? Besides things; there must be something that upsets you so much," he said.

Remy was quiet for a full minute raising his head up to the crescent moon. He took out his cigarette and he let out a long stream of smoke from his mouth and nostrils making it look like a fog making twisting patterns. Finally Remy turned his head and he looked Kurt in the eyes, " I been t'inkin' 'bout leavin' dis place, Kurt," he said seriously, " No 'un wan' ole Remy 'ere any way."

Kurt looked at him in surprise and he shook his head faintly, " Ach nein! Vhat in the vorld gave you the idea that no one vanted you around, Remy? You are a part of the team und if you left it vould not be the same!" he insisted.

Remy gave a hollow laugh and he shook his head turning away once more, " Kurt, y' weren' dere when dey lef' me tae die ou' dere in Antarctica. Naow look at me, mon ami. Warren don' loik me an' 'e always tell me dat, Rogue was de 'un who lef' me dere, an' all de others been nothin' but nasty evah since I came back 'ere," he said.

Kurt nodded faintly, " Ja, you are right mein freund. I vas not vith the X- Men vhen they left you in Antarctica. If I had been vith them then I vould have gone back for you, that is a promise!" he said. He raised a hand as Remy looked at him his eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, " You are a part of the team, Remy. It vas vrong of them to leave you there but the only vay you vill ever be able to stick it into their faces is to stay here vith us und prove them that they vere vrong und that you never meant any harm to come to the Morlocks! Und besides, both I und Jubilee are your friends no matter vhat has happened before."

Remy laughed softly and he shook his head a bit but looking at Kurt and seeing how serious he was he nodded a bit with a shrug, " Well, why not?" he said at least. He stood up slowly and he dusted off his pants looking at Kurt as he stood up with him, " Y' know wot, mon ami? I t'ink y' lot smarter den y' let on sometimes," he said with a smile.

" There are a lot of things you do not know about me yet, mein freund," Kurt said with a laugh, " Hopefully I vill be able to tell it to you later on!" Kurt watched as Remy walked back into the house his hands on his hips his tail curling up slightly over one shoulder. He turned to look back up at the moon and he smiled faintly before he followed after Remy into the building for a good night's sleep.

The next morning Remy came to the kitchen for some breakfast. He stopped faintly looking around seeing everyone else around the table talking and eating together. He stifled a sigh and he went to the fridge to look for something. He rolled his eyes a bit finding nothing but a few broken eggs and the ingredients to the gumbo he was going to make for dinner that night.

" Merde! Y' guys not leave any t'ing fo' me dis mornin'?" Remy asked looking over at the others with a cocked eyebrow, " Dere's nothin' 'ere but my gumbo ingredien's!"

Warren shot Remy a look before turning back to his plate of pancakes, " Some of us can actually get up in the morning instead of sleeping for so damn long, " he said simply. He gave a startled yelp as Kurt's tail whapped him hard upside the head, " Now what..!?"

" I have plenty of Jean's pancakes to share, Remy," Kurt offered taking half of his large stack and placing it on a plate to the empty chair beside him.

Remy smiled glancing over at the fuming Warren and he sat down, " T'anks, mon ami," he said to Kurt as Jubilee passed him the maple syrup. He winked at her with a smile and he proceeded to drown his pancakes.

After breakfast classes started. Remy had a bit of a problem with some of his students during French class due to Warren's loud mouth spreading rumors that Remy had only come back to betray them next to Sinister and the Marauders. It took up ten minutes of class time for him just to be able to get his students to pay attention to him even though it was hard to ignore the angry looks some of them gave him.

Then there was the problems with Marrow after classes were over.

The whole time she had made it known that she wanted the Cajun dead even going so far as to pass one of his self defense classes and just happen to say it so loud that everyone in the gym heard her but Remy had made a good show of ignoring her and her harsh words.

Now that classes were over she had waited for her chance as Remy played some three on three basketball with Scott, Logan, Warren, Kurt, and a slightly reluctant Hank. Hank had passed the ball to Remy and as Remy leapt for the shot a bone knife flew and burst the ball in his face making him fall to the ground with an oof.

" What y' do dat fo'!?" Remy demanded standing up and glaring at her as she tossed another bone knife into the air looking innocent.

" What are you going to do about it? Get your friend Sinister to finish me off?" Marrow spat at him narrowing her eyes.

Remy looked at her with narrowed eyes and he was ready to say something back when he caught a glimpse of Kurt from the corner of his eye shaking his head slightly. He shut his mouth then and looked back at Marrow with an indifferent look, " Non, I can' do nothin' 'bout y' ruinin' the game but y' gonna 'ave tae buy a new ball fer us, mon ami!" he said throwing the deflated ball to her.

Snarling Marrow sprouted a large bone spear and stabbed the ball with it baring her teeth at him, " You and me will face off, Gumbo! When we do I will avenge the Morlocks since Ororo won't!"

Remy brushed away a stray lock of hair and he placed his hands on his hips smiling at her locking his eyes with hers. He concentrated hard and Marrow gasped softly her bones going back into her body. She stepped back and then ran away from there.

" What did you do to her!?" Warren demanded grabbing Remy by the shoulder and forcing him around.

Remy smiled a bit, " I used my charm tae make 'er go 'way, Wings. Why don' y' jus' calm down?" he asked. Before Warren could say another word Remy turned around and walked away slinging his jacket over one bare shoulder.

Warren sniffed his feathers ruffling up a bit as he crossed his arms across his chest, " I still don't see why the professor lets that traitor stay here. How does he know the Cajun won't backstab us again?" he asked.

" It is simple, Vings," Kurt spat. Warren and the others raised their eyebrows slightly looking at Kurt in surprise. He had never addressed Warren as Wings before, " The professor is not an ignorant fool like you und the others. He knows that Remy vill not betray us again because that is not the vay Remy is! Remy is a good man und if you or the others make it any more harder for him I vill leave you in Antarctica und then you can see vhat it vas like!" With that he stormed off but not before he gave Warren a good whap across the face knocking him to the ground hard.

Kurt looked all over the school grounds and when he couldn't find Remy outside he decided to go looking inside. He walked down the halls but he couldn't find Remy anywhere not even in his room or the Danger Room working out. Confused he turned to Ororo as she walked down the hall, " Do you know vhere Remy has gone?" he asked.

Ororo thought for a moment and she got a sad look on her face, " Did you look all over the grounds?" she asked.

" Ja," Kurt nodded.

" Inside?"

" Ja."

" Even in the Danger Room?"

" Of course! I vould not ask if I had not looked all over first!" Kurt said getting a bit annoyed his tail flicking back and forth, " Do you know vhere Remy is?" he repeated helplessly.

" Yes," Ororo nodded sadly.

" Then vhere is he?" Kurt asked.

" Go look in the Morlock tunnels," Ororo instructed before walking away once more.

Kurt sighed and shook his head a bit. He should have known that Remy would go there after Marrow's outburst. Closing his eyes he thought about the entrance to the tunnels and with a BAMF he was gone in a cloud of purple and the smell of brimstone.

When Kurt came to the entrance he could see no one there so he started down one of them looking around with his supreme eyesight for any sign of Remy. After a while of fruitless searching he stopped and he thought for a moment of where Remy would go in the tunnels. His eyes grew very sad when he thought about it and he closed his eyes and he teleported once more. As he appeared he saw Remy sitting quietly in front of a wall where a small inscription had been made by Ororo in honor of the dead Morlocks.

" Remy." Kurt said softly his tail falling limply to emulate his sadness at seeing Remy like this.

Remy didn't look up tracing his fingers along the inscribed words his eyes distant as he read:

In Honor of the Morlocks who were slain in their own homes;
May They Find Peace In The Knowledge That One
Of Their Own Has Survived to Keep

Their Memories And Traditions Alive Once More

The X-Men

Kurt slowly walked up and he sat down looking at Remy worriedly, " Please say something, mein freund. You are scaring me," he said.

Remy snorted softly, " I guess I scare a lot o' people naow, mon ami," he said slowly lowering his hand.

Kurt placed a hand on Remy's shoulder and he forced him to look into his eyes and his eyes softened seeing Remy's eyes were filled with tears, " Mein freund, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I think my furry one vould suffice," he offered gently.

Remy paused for a moment trying to hold back his tears but they slowly came up and he leaned against Kurt sobbing against the small curve between Kurt's neck and his shoulder. Kurt closed his eyes slowly and he wrapped his arms around Remy rubbing his back gently whispering softly words of comfort in German. Remy slowly placed his arms around Kurt's body and the two stayed like that for quite some time Kurt gently rocking back and forth raising his eyes up to the ceiling and whispering a prayer in German giving Remy some comfort in knowing that he had such a good friend with him.

Slowly Kurt shifted so that he could look down at Remy to ask if he wanted to go back but he stopped when he found that Remy had fallen asleep his arms still around him. He smiled a little and he closed his eyes teleporting both of them swiftly.

They appeared in Remy's room in the same position and Kurt slowly stood cradling Remy in his arms. He laid him down on his four poster bed with a faint smile and he gently placed some of the quilts over him. Before he turned to go Kurt smoothed out Remy's hair and he kept his hand on his cheek for a moment looking at his face that looked so peaceful in sleep before he slowly removed it and he walked away closing the door gently behind him.

When Remy woke up the next morning he blinked a few times as he sat up and he was surprised that he was in his room when he remembered going to the Morlock tunnels. He thought back and he remembered that Kurt had come down and kept him company; he had even held Remy letting him cry on his shoulders like a child.

As Remy dressed he bit his lower lip in thought wondering what Kurt thought of him now that he had seen him crying like that. He sighed and he stepped out of his room where he almost crashed into Rogue who gave a soft cry stepping back and glaring at him.

" Watch where you're goin', street rat!" Rogue snapped narrowing her eyes dangerously her hands becoming fists at her sides.

Remy held up his hands in defense, " Sorry 'bout dat, chere," he said seriously, " I didn' see y' dere!"

" Yeah Ah bet!" she spit before she stormed off past him grumbling angrily to herself.

Remy watched her go sadly and he shook his head walking in the opposite direction to reach the kitchen the other way. When he came him he ignored Warren as he went and opened the cupboard to get some cereal.

" Well look who decided to come back to the mansion!" Warren said, " Of course you weren't here yesterday when it was your turn to cook but why should you? You're obviously not a team player and."

Kurt looked Warren in the eyes and the millionaire fell silent turning back to his oatmeal with an uneasy shifting of his seat. Kurt looked over at Remy as he sat down and he smiled faintly, " Feeling better, mein freund?" he asked.

" Yeah, t'anks," Remy nodded with a smile.

Everyone at the table exchanged looks as they watched the two talking and laughing softly with each other like old friends when Kurt had not known Remy nearly as long as the rest of them had.

After breakfast Remy was getting ready for classes when he checked the calendar and found out that today was a Saturday, " Merde, 'ow did I forgit dat?" he wondered aloud placing his hands on his hips.

" You forget a lot of things when guilt is eating at you."

Remy sighed softly and he turned around slightly, " Wot y' wan', Marrow?" he asked.

Marrow made a bone knife appear in her hand, " I want you to pay for what he did, Cajun!" she spat at him.

Remy rolled his eyes and he place his folders down resting his hands on his hips, " Y' really wan' tae kill me?" he asked, " Den y' an' me go ou'side an' we figh' noice an' clean loik in the fores' where no 'un goin' tae come in an' stop us!" he said.

" All right then, lead the way," Marrow said narrowing her eyes.

Remy nodded a bit, " Jus' follow me tae my room so I kin git my Bo stick an' den we go," he said. He led Marrow into his room and he picked up his Bo stick acting as if he was giving it a few quick rehearsal swings before he turned to Marrow, " Come on den," As Marrow was about to leave the room Remy turned and slammed it shut locking her inside making her scream and curse loudly. Remy ran down the hall leaving his Bo stick as Marrow began to ram bone knifes and spears through the door wood splinters scattering all over the place.

Remy met Kurt in the halls and he grabbed him panting as he tried to speak, " Mein Gott, Remy! Vhat is the matter?!" Kurt asked looking at him worried.

" 'ide me!" Remy gasped.

Kurt looked up hearing Marrow's enraged scream and he winced nodding. He teleported them into his room and he sighed closing and locking his door before turning back to Remy, " Vhat did you do?!" he asked.

" She wanted tae figh' me so I tricked 'er intae comin' tae my room mais instead o' leadin' 'er tae a place tae figh' I jus' locked 'er in dere an' den I ran!" Remy explained sitting down on the bed to catch his breath.

Kurt listened as he heard foot steps running towards the door, " Hide!" he hissed to Remy as he unlocked the door and got ready to open it.

Looking around Remy dove under Kurt's bed and he kept quiet.

A second later a loud pounding noise came to Kurt's door and he opened it pretending to be completely surprised by the looks on Marrow's face, " Vell vhat is the matter Frau Marrow?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

Marrow jabbed a dull bone knife into Kurt's chest her eyes narrowed dangerously, " I know you've got him in here, Kraut! Now send him out here!"

" Now who are you talking about?" Kurt asked placing his hands on his hips his tail swaying lazily back and forth.

" The Cajun!" Marrow roared, " Now tell me where he is or so help me I'll."

" Herr Remy did not come here und if you do not believe me then by all means search my home und see for yourself!" Kurt challenged almost making Remy raise his head up in surprise.

Grumbling Marrow shoved her way into the room and she began to search throwing things around.

" Please be careful vith my Errol Flynn video collection," Kurt warned narrowing his eyes slightly in warning.

Marrow snorted after she looked through the closet and she looked at the bed. She narrowed her eyes and drawing a large bone spear she began to stab at Kurt's bed sending goose feathers all over the place. When there was no sound she hissed angrily and left the room without another word.

Kurt sighed sadly at his destroyed bed and he closed and locked his door before he walked over to his bed to see if Remy had lived through Marrow's violently stabbing on his bed. " Remy?"

Slowly Remy crawled from under the bed with a faint groan of effort and he looked up at Kurt who stood over him his hands on his hips. He smiled weakly, " She missed me," he said.

Kurt rolled his eyes as he helped Remy to his feet, " Ja, but sadly she did not miss my bed! Look at the feathers!" he cried.

Remy looked at it sadly, " Y' kin 'ave mine 'til y' git anudder 'un, mon ami," he offered.

Kurt closed his eyes for a moment shaking his head a bit, " Nein, mein freund. Don't vorry about it. I have plenty of spare beds to replace und.Mein Gott! Your leg!" he cried.

Remy looked where Kurt was pointing and he smiled weakly seeing a line of bleed seeping through his jeans from where one of Marrow's stabs had nicked him, " Well den maybe she did git me 'unce, mon ami. It don' 'urt though," he offered his friend who looked very worried for him.

Kurt shook his head and he went to one of his drawers, " Sit down, Remy," he said taking out a first aid kit. As Remy sat down Kurt opened it and took out a roll of bandages with some antiseptic. He sighed looking at the wound, " Your jeans need to be ripped a bit more," he said.

Remy shrugged, " Dey kin be cut off shorts den," he said.

Nodding Kurt ripped the pant leg to get a better look at the wound and he winced slightly seeing how twisted it looked. He shook the bottle lightly and he slowly poured some of the medicine onto the wound watching as it hissed and sizzled.

Remy winced taking in a sharp breath, " Mon Dieu!"

Kurt laughed softly as he wrapped up the wound tightly and when he finished he sat down beside Remy more feathers bursting out fluttering to the floor, " Vhat shall ve do about her, mein freund? Marrow vill not stop until she kills you most likely," he said.

Remy shrugged looking out the window, " Keep avoidin' 'er I guess," he offered.

" You can't keep hiding from her you know," Kurt said softly.

" I know, " Remy nodded sadly.

Kurt looked Remy over quietly and he smiled faintly, " Remy?"

" Yeah?"

" Do you remember vhen ve talked on the roof?" Kurt asked gently.

Remy laughed softly, " 'ow could I fergit? Y' talked me intae stain' 'ere," he said.

" Und I also told you that there vere things that you did not know about me yet," Kurt pointed out.

Remy cocked one eyebrow slightly at him, " Yeah?" he asked.

" Vell do you vant to know?" Kurt asked.

Remy thought for a moment and he shrugged turning back to look at Kurt, " Shoot," he said.

Kurt laughed softly and he leaned forward his lips meeting Remy's gently. Remy raised his eyebrows in surprise and he pushed Kurt back gently looking at him. Kurt laughed softly shrugging a bit, " I'm a homosexual," he explained with a shrug. Remy looked at him for a minute in silence before he burst into laughter. Kurt cocked his head to one side in confusion, " Vhat is so funny?" he asked.

" Y' always be 'ittin' on de women! Y' were wi' Amanda an' den tha' alien Cerise fo' a whoile! 'ow come naow y' gay?" Remy asked slowly calming down.

Kurt shrugged a bit crossing his arms over his chest, " For quite some time I did not realize that vomen vere not my thing, mein freund. Sometimes it takes a vhile to find out vhen one is a homosexual," he explained.

" Y' tell any 'un else dis?" Remy asked

" Nein, only you so far," Kurt said with a smile.

" Why only me?" Remy asked starting to think he knew the answer.

" Vhat do you think?" Kurt countered calmly looking him in the eyes.

" Dat y' got a ding fo' me?" Remy asked cocking an eyebrow slightly.

" Ja," Kurt nodded calmly.

Remy looked at the ground his eyebrows raised as he thought about this quietly, " I don' t'ink I could be gay, mon ami," he said.

" I know. I just vanted to let you know how I felt. Does this change anything between us?" Kurt asked looking over at him.

" Non," Remy said shaking his head with a smile, " 'cept maybe I 'ave tae be more careful if I drop somethin' in fron' o' y'!" he laughed softly.

Kurt burst into laughter and he punched Remy on the arm lightly as he stood up and went to the door. He listened for a moment and he then opened the door, " All is clear, Remy," he said, " Vant to play some basketball?" he asked turning back to him.

" Non, sorry," Remy said standing up with a faint wince, " I got tae try an' fix somethin' firs'," he explained.

Kurt nodded raising his eyebrows slightly, " Rogue?"

Remy smiled weakly and he nodded, " Y' got et," he said.

" Good luck."

" Oh I'll need et," Remy sighed walking out of the room. He walked down the hallway looking all over for Rogue. He found her in the recreational hall playing a game of pool with Bobby and he leaned against the wall his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her beat Bobby without mercy. " Nice game, chere," Remy said softly.

Rogue turned and glared at him as she placed her pool cue down Bobby quickly excusing himself from the room sensing the tension slowly starting to rise up in the room. " Wot do ya wan', Cajun?" Rogue demanded placing one hand on her hip the other resting on the pool table her fingers digging into the felt.

" Jus' wan' tae talk tae y', chere," Remy said softly.

Rogue snorted softly and curled her lip at him, " An' why should Ah believe tha'?" she asked.

" Jus' gi' me a minute, chere," Remy pleaded gently.

Rolling her eyes rogue sat on top of the pool table, " Jus' one!" she snapped. " I'm sorry for wot 'appened tae de Morlocks. I never mean' tae 'urt any 'un when I 'elped Sinister git 'em. 'e didn' tell me wot 'e wanted 'em for an."

" Yer minutes up, pardner!" Rogue snapped slipping off the table. She started to walk past him but he grabbed her arm and he held her there tightly looking into her eyes. " Chere, y' gotta lissen tae me." Remy insisted.

" Ah've 'eard enough froom you!" rogue snapped ripping her arm away from his grasp. She lashed out and slapped him hard across the face the sound seeming to echo all over the mansion, " Ah don' wan' you tae evah come near me agin or Ah'll kill you loik those Marauder friends o' yers killed the Morlocks!" with those words spoken she turned on her heel and left slamming the door behind her.

Remy watched her leave and he fell onto one of the couches his shoulders slumped and his head in his hands as he shook it slowly in despair. He fought back the tears that threatened to come figuring that he had wept enough in one life time to set him for the rest of this one and possibly the next. Remy barely moved as he felt firm but gentle hands rest on the back of his neck and gently start to massage his shoulders which were hunched up.

" I see it did not go vell for you, mein freund," Kurt said softly, " I'm sorry she hates you so much."

Remy nodded a bit moving slightly to give Kurt more room to work with, " She gonna 'ate me fo' years tae come," he sighed.

Kurt nodded sadly and he slowly moved his hands down, " You vill find someone else to be vith," he assured him gently.

Remy arched his back slightly letting out a soft groan, "Kurt? Where y' learn tae gi' such good massages?" he asked looking up at him with a smile.

Kurt shrugged smiling bearing his fangs, "I picked it up from here und there," he said his tail flicking side to side as he said 'here und there'.

"Y' good at et," Remy groaned softly.

Kurt laughed softly, "Danke, mein freund," he said. He slowly stopped and he walked up to face him, "You feel better now?" he asked.

Remy looked into his eyes and he nodded a little. He stood up slowly looking at Kurt and the two slowly leaned forward to meet their lips.

"Oh. My. God!"

It was like a bolt of lightning had come down and struck them both they both jumped away from each other and they turned to see Warren standing in the doorway with a smirking Marrow looking over his shoulder. Remy coughed softly rubbing the back of his head as Kurt simply faced Warren without a sign of worry.

"You two?!" Warren asked his wings ruffling up a little. He burst into laughter shaking his head turning to go, "Wait until I tell the others!"

Kurt teleported in front of Warren and Marrow and his tail wrapped around Warren's throat tightly. He lifted him up and slammed him into Marrow sending them both flying landing painfully on top of the pool table. Kurt bared his fangs in a snarl as he grabbed Warren by the throat and made him look into his golden eyes, "You tell a soul about this und I vill show how in Bavaria ve deal vith big mouths!" he warned softly.

Warren gulped softly and he nodded unable to breathe with Kurt's vice like grip on him. Marrow sneered and slipped off of the pool table making bone spikes appear all over her body. She went to attack Kurt but Remy leapt up and grabbing the eight ball that had fallen to the ground he charged it up and hurled it at her head striking her hard as it exploded sending her into the back wall with a yelp.

Kurt laughed and he let go of Warren running to Remy and grabbing his hand teleporting them to the roof of the mansion just before a bone spear flew and stuck itself into the ground where they had been standing a second ago.

When they appeared on the roof Remy stepped back and he laughed softly, "Tha' was fun!"

Kurt laughed shaking his head, "You have a strange idea of vhat is fun, mein liebling!"

Remy cocked an eyebrow at the name he recognized as one Kurt often used with the women around the house. He laughed softly and he placed an arm around Kurt's shoulders, " So I guess dis makes us a couple, non?" he asked.

"Only if you vant us to be," Kurt assured him softly his voice becoming gentle and loving all of a sudden, " If you still vant some more time to think about it."

"I all ready 'ave t'ought 'bout et, chere," Remy said softly.

Kurt shivered slightly with a laugh, " You know vhat? Everyone alvays says they love my German accent but I alvays thought your Cajun one was much sexier, liebe," he said with a devilish smile.

Remy's eyes twinkled slightly as he looked into Kurt's and his lips met Kurt's in a gentle kiss. The two stayed like that for as long as they could before they slowly parted to breathe. " Y' know," Remy said with a twinkle in his eyes, " I don' know 'ow tae make love tae a man."

Kurt wrapped his tail gently around Remy's middle and he winked a bit, "I vill show you, mein freund," he said before teleporting them from the roof and into Remy's bedroom.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:04 am
by Mistress D
Wooohoooo! Shameless Kurt/Remy! My fave! :D :love :D I simply love this story, and I love the one about the little sparrow! I've never inspired anyone to write a story before! :D You rock, Lauren!! ^_^

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:11 am
by Lauren
Yeah...but birds are just so darn cute and huggable!


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 12:28 pm
by Lauren
Kurt decided to explore the vast fields around the school and its neighbors a few days after he got his image inducer. He still didn’t like the idea of hiding who and what he was with such a device, but he figured that it was better than being hunted down as a demon so he swallowed his pride and went out with the image inducer.
He hadn’t known that some of the people had little ranches in the fields.

The first one he saw surprised him. Tilting his head to one side, he smiled as he watched a few horses trotting around in their fences, throwing their elegant heads back and making their manes shimmer in the sunlight. They were just magnificent.

Kurt walked by a few ranches, stopping a few times to stroke the noses of the horses or ponies that stretched their necks out to whinny at him.

It was the last ranch that caused of the problems and made Xavier spend more money of making his own stables bigger.

Kurt heard the angry shouts first, and he was ready to teleport when the need arose. But he found that the shouting wasn’t about him, it was about a horse revolting against the men who tried to bring it down.

It should have been a beautiful horse, but it was obvious that these people were mistreating it. It was a reddish brown color with a white star on its brow and that was it, the rest of it was the reddish brown color. Its ribs were showing, and its fur was ragged and unbrushed with filth dangling off of it.

Crying out, the horse bucked and almost kicked one of the men as Kurt started to run over in a rage.

“Damned horse! Harry, get the blasted pistol all ready!” one of the men shouted as they finally were able to drag it down to the ground. They held it down as it struggled to get back onto its legs and one of them came with a pistol in his hand.

“If you shoot that horse I will kill you!” Looking up, the men saw a young man with cobalt locks leaping over the fence and running over with the light of battle in his eyes. They backed off and the horse got to its legs and ran to the other side of the fence.

“What the hell are you doing?!” one of the men demanded. “Do you know how long it took for us to get that bastard down?”

“Why were you going to shoot that animal?” Kurt demanded. “And why has it been so maltreated?”

“Look buddy, we don’t know how or why the horse was treated. All we know is that we were paid to shoot it because it twisted its ankle real bad and it won’t be able to race anymore.” One of the men said. “So just buzz off and mind your own business!”

“If you take one step towards that horse I will make you very sorry!” Kurt snarled, narrowing his eyes. “Is your employer in there?” he asked, pointing to the house.


“Then get out of here and stay away from that horse. I’m going to buy it!”

“You’d be wasting your money on it.” The man warned him.

“It’s better than just shooting it in cold blood!” Kurt shot back, heading towards the house in a fury.

The horse’s owner didn’t know what to do or say when he faced an enraged Kurt jabbing him in the chest with two fingers, shouting at him in a mix of Romani and English what he thought of him for treating his horse so harshly.

“I should have the police after you!” Kurt said. “But I will buy the horse from you instead if you agree to sell!” he offered.

“That horse is going to cost you quite a bit.” The owner said.

“With a twisted ankle? It had better be fair.” Kurt said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Five grand for the horse.” The man said. “Which is far less than it’s worth.” Kurt narrowed his eyes, thinking it over.

“May I use your phone?” he asked.

“Sure.” Kurt had a bit of a hard time with the buttons at first, but he was finally able to dial the school’s number and he waited, his rage cooling down as Xavier picked up the phone.

“Teacher?” he asked.

“What is it, Kurt?” Xavier asked. “Is there a problem?”

“Ja, there is.” Kurt nodded. “I need to ask you a favor.”

“How much?” Xavier sighed. Kurt couldn’t help but smile sheepishly.

“Five um grand?” he asked. Xavier sighed heavily into the phone, and Kurt could just see him pinching the bridge of his nose hard.


“I will be the one to take care of the horse!” Kurt insisted. “I can tend to its wounds, feed it, and make it ten times better than it was with this idiot! Please, teacher?”

“Kurt, when will you start calling me Xavier instead of teacher?” Xavier asked.

“If I call you Xavier, will you buy the horse for me?” Kurt asked. He heard the light slap as Xavier clapped a hand over his eyes.

“Kurt…” Xavier started and decided against it. If Kurt really felt that he needed to take care of the horse, there was no use in stopping him now was there?

“I’ll buy the horse from him. Put him on the phone.” He said. Laughing happily, Kurt jumped up and down excitedly.

“Thank you! I promise that I’ll pay you back and take care of this horse! You have my word, teacher!” he said before he handed the man the phone to talk to Xavier.
At first they weren’t sure if they would be able to bring the horse into the truck to drive it over to Xavier’s mansion. It was skittish and even though it had a bad leg, it ran from anyone who tried to come near it.

“You think you can get this horse into the truck, Elf?” Logan asked, cocking an eyebrow. Nodding, Kurt leapt over the fence and slowly headed towards it, holding out a hand slowly.

“I am positive.” He said over his shoulder. Turning his attention back to the horse, he whistled softly, extending his hand slowly to touch the horse’s muzzle. It shirked back, whinnying softly as it shook its head at him.

It’s all right, brother.” he whispered gently in Romani, trying again to touch the horse somewhere. It threw its head back and took a few steps back, looking at him warily. He smiled gently, tilting his head to one side as he clicked his tongue lightly.

I won’t hurt you like these people did, brother. I’m going to take you somewhere nice where your wounds will be tended and you will be just as swift as you once were. This I promise. Trust me.” He gently ran his hand down the horse’s neck and it trembled for a moment before it finally relaxed and snorted softly at him. It turned to look at him and it sniffed his face lightly before the horse licked his cheek.

Laughing, Kurt placed an arm around the horse’s neck and he led it into the truck, sticking his tongue out at Logan as he did so.
“I didn’t know Kurt was so good with horses.” Piotr said, cocking an eyebrow as he watched his friend riding his horse around their pastures.

“He told me that a few of the people in the circus he was in came from a tribe that was skilled with horses.” Logan explained. “They taught him everything he knows about tending horses.”

“Do you remember how the horse was in the beginning?” Sean asked. “Ach, the horse was afraid of everyone except for him!”

Kurt had indeed been the only one who could come near the horse without risking the threat of getting a kick in the face. He spoke to the horse gently, brushing its fur, mane, and tail until they looked as beautiful as they once were.

The leg needed to be tended to next. At first the horse didn’t even let him touch it, shying away every time he bent down to see how bad it was. Kurt wasn’t sure how to handle this at first, but he remembered an old trick his friend Zelig once taught him.

He gave the horse an apple and while the horse was eating it, he bent down and gently inspected it. He did this every time and soon he was able to tend to the wound and the horse was able to run at a good pace without limping badly anymore.

He tried to get the horse to let someone ride it, but it absolutely refused, throwing everyone off, including himself.

It was after his fourth throw off when John Proudstar finally decided to help him out with a little trick the Apache had with getting horses to let them ride them.

“Bring the horse to a body of water.” He said, helping Kurt place some ice on the bump on his head. “Bring the horse into the water and wait until it is fully calmed down. Then you will be able to mount it and ride it without any problems.”

“Are you sure about this?” Kurt asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I’m positive.” John nodded. “Let’s try it out now!”

They brought the horse to the lake and led it into the water calmly, soothing it with gentle whispers as it whinnied in fear slightly. Kurt ran his hand down the horse’s neck; the one thing that always calmed it down.

“All right. Try to mount it now.” John said.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” John nodded with a smile. Shrugging, Kurt slowly mounted the horse and he held his breath as the horse threw its head back and snorted. It didn’t throw him off though, it just looked over at him and then shook its head to get the water out of it.

Kicking the horse’s sides lightly, Kurt rode the horse out of the water and he laughed, looking over at John.

“It worked!” he said.

“I told you so. It’s an old Apache trick!” John said.
Kurt didn’t really think of a name for the horse until after their attack on the Ani-men and their loss of teammate John Proudstar. After the funeral, Kurt stayed with his horse a lot, riding it around the pastures or to the lake to just sit and think.

After two weeks of this, Kurt finally decided on a name for his horse, and he told it to him while they were at the lake resting.

He named his horse Proudstar.

Former Bigot's Tale

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 12:29 pm
by Lauren
I didn’t like mutants for the longest time. I mean, what was there to like about them if you honestly think about it for a minute. They were all basically freaks of nature trying to pass themselves off as humans.

That’s what my father taught my siblings and me anyway. He told us all the time that a war was going to occur where mutants and humans would fight to the bitter end and only one race would come out alive.

Then he said the blacks and whites would fight for world supremacy once the mutants were all killed.

Now, I should have known something was wrong after he told us that little tidbit of information, but I’d been raised with this since I was old enough to go to public so, I honestly believed what he said for the longest time.

I was an adult when my beliefs changed though, and I’m really glad that it happened.

I had been the biggest anti-mutant demonstrator around. I threw rocks at people, told them that they were going to Hell, and I think I even handed out fliers about the future war between the humans and mutants for world supremacy. I was a big fan of Trask and his Sentinels too.

It was night when my life changed. It was because of the Sentinels too. I was in my kitchen cooking when I heard shouting and blasting outside. I looked out of my window and I saw in the distance a few Sentinels fighting those freaks called the X-men. I remember hoping that the Sentinels would kill those pricks, prancing around in their brightly colored spandex and crying that they were fighting for the rights of mutants everywhere.

Right, like I believed that they had any back then.

I went back to my cooking, figuring that they wouldn’t get any closer to my house.

Ten minutes later one of the X-men came smashing through my house and stopped when he smashed into my TV.

I wasn’t sure what to do at first. I mean, I had a knife in my hand and this one X-man that I was looking at seemed like a total freak, the kind that I had screamed and shouted needed to be killed.

He looked like a demon. He was covered in blue fur, his hands and feet were oddly shaped without the right numbed of fingers, and he even had a tail that ended in a spade.

I had a knife in my hand, and I was ready to use it to. I thought that if I killed it, it would leave a loud message to those freaks out there that no one would accept them for their so-called “uniqueness”.

I grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back despite the fact that he had a bad wound on his head, exposing his throat to my knife. I was seconds away from finishing him off and making my daddy proud when he moaned softly. That’s what made me pause and I took a minute to get a better look at him.

He didn’t really look like a demon when I looked at him more closely. He looked more like, an Elf if you want to know the truth. He had this kind of European look to him, his cheekbones high and his nose looking kind of aristocratic. His ears were even pointed, giving him the perfect look of an Elf from Tolkien or something.

I let his hair go and I put my knife down, trying to think this over. Now, like I told you before, my daddy taught me since I was little that mutants were the enemy and that they all needed to be killed, and here I was with an injured mutant in my house and in my control. I could easily finish him off and toss his body outside without blinking an eye.

But I couldn’t bring myself to do it for some reason. He looked so helpless lying in the shards and pieces of my TV set. Not only helpless, but even though he was a mutant with blue fur on his body and a tail and big birdlike feet, he looked kind of handsome.

I made up my mind then and I gently picked him up, carrying him down to my basement where I kept some spare mattresses and stuff. If this fight of theirs was coming near my home, it wouldn’t do us any good to get crushed in the middle of it now would it?

I laid him down on his stomach, turning his face to one side gently. His back was really cut up some smashing my TV, and some of the glass and pieces were still in his skin. It looked really bad if you want to know the truth.

I ran upstairs and got my medical kits and peroxide and all that to help his wounds. With some tweezers, I pulled out the pieces and he flinched a few times, whimpering something in some foreign tongue I think was German or Russian or something.

I tried to figure out how to take off his uniform. I mean, it looked like he was bleeding pretty bad and I had to find a way to clean them with some peroxide and stuff. Finally I just used a pair of scissors and I put the blades carefully through one of the holes all ready made and I made it bigger until he was exposed from the waist up only if you really want to know you perverts!

I’m not stupid, I know that’s what you were wondering about dammit.

He flinched and hissed when I put the peroxide on his wounds, but who doesn’t do that when they get peroxide put on their wounds, honestly? When I was finished, I wrapped them up on bandages and I carefully rolled him onto his back, helping him to make sure it didn’t hurt as bad as it would if I simply flipped him over.

He opened his eyes slowly, and I couldn’t help but take a step back as I stared at his glowing yellow eyes. They burned almost like the sun in a bright summer sky. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see me better probably and he tried to sit up. I conjured up my courage and I firmly placed a hand on his chest and pressed him back down, telling him not to hurt himself any worse by trying to sit up.

He insisted that he wanted to sit up though, and that’s when I figured he was German when I heard how his W’s became V’s and his V’s became W’s. I had to get some pillows to prop up his back to help him with that, then I told him that he needed to keep still so that I could wrap up his wound on his head.

He asked me how the fight was going outside, and I told him that I wasn’t too sure how it was going. He was quiet after that, just looking at me as I tended to his wounds.

We talked for a while after that. I found out that his name was Kurt Wagner, and that he had been saved back in Winzledorf from a mob that had tried to kill him. He told me that all he really wanted was for people to learn to accept the fact that people are born looking different some others. He said that mutants were no different than people born blind or something like that.

He asked me about myself next. I wasn’t too sure about telling him that until he moaned I was going to kill him to give mutants everywhere a message that they weren’t welcome anywhere in the world. Finally, I told him that I had been raised to hate mutants, and that I had almost killed him.

He was quiet for a moment, tilting his head to one side as he looked at me with his piercing eyes. Finally, he asked me what my father had taught me exactly, and why I hadn’t killed him when I had the chance. I told him the truth, and to this day I still don’t know why I did that, but he listened to me patiently, his tail curling around his ankles slightly.

He was quiet for a while when I had finished, looking down at his hands. I was almost afraid that he would yell at me for something but he didn’t, he just asked me if I wanted to keep hating mutants, and if I did, what I thought would come from that.

I really liked talking to Kurt. He was really nice, and he didn’t yell at me for hating his people for so long. We talked for a while until I heard someone coming down my stairs. I wasn’t sure if I should get ready to fight or not, but when the guy came into view, Kurt smiled and assured me that it was a friend.

The man was short and wearing yellow and blue spandex. He had these two points in his hair and it almost made me laugh out loud. The man turned to Kurt and yelled at him for teleporting in front of the Sentinel when he said that he would be able to handle it. Kurt told him that he thought he could use some back up, and the man Kurt called Logan snorted and shook his head as he helped him onto his feet. He called Kurt Elf, laughing faintly at him.

Before they left, Kurt thanked me for tending to his wounds, and he told me that if I wanted, I could come over to the Institute he lived at to learn more about mutants the right. I said I would think about it, and he smiled, his fangs glittering in the light. He said that he would be looking forward to my visit, and he assured me that Professor Xavier would pay for the damage done to my house.

His Professor did pay for the damage to my house, he even hired contractor’s to help rebuild it too. So I took him up on his offer and I visited the Institute to learn more about mutants.

So that’s why I’m here tonight talking to you young people out there with your hatred and your picket signs. Now, I know most of you have not been listening to me, and have just been cursing and shouting at me the whole time, but I think a few of you tonight have actually heard what I wanted to say, and that’s all I wanted to happen tonight.

If you really want to be the Friend’s of Humanity, start by acting like humans first.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:16 am
by Mistress D
Coolies! ^_^ I really liked that last one. I really can't put into words why I like it, but I think it's just very touching... :) Man, if I could write like that, you wouldn't see me hanging around here... You have a real talent, Lauren. :D

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 4:34 am
by Lauren
Aww tankie tankie, Mistress D! I really appreciate it:D

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 9:42 am
by Rowena
I really liked the ending of that last one, but I think I liked the Proudstar one best. Well done! :D

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:38 am
by Lauren
Nightcrawler should have a horse for a pet! He could easily train it!

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:03 pm
by CurlyyHairGirl
I have a challenge for you. Of course you don't have to do it, it will be a little challenging, my sister thought it up.

write a fanfic involving three or more versions of nightcrawler.

But!!! It must be like the Survivor show. If you use Evo Kurt, feel free to trash him, I believe it was you who said they didn't like him.

REMEMBER this is optional.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:29 am
by Mistress D
Ooooo! Yah, that would be soo funny! :D :D :D Three versions of Nighty, duking it out! Bwuahahahaa!!! Of course comic Kurt would win, because he's da best... He came first too... :P

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 2:35 am
by RavEnigma
Hey, I have a challenge if anyone wants to give it a try. Rules are as follows:
1. Must mention Kurt/Ororo romance
2. Must include four of the following lines:
"I was drunk, I don't remember a thing." (counts as 2 if said by Xavier)
"Why are you wearing a tutu?" (counts as 2 if it's said to Logan)
"Na na na na na na na, BATMAN!"
"I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and gay! Oh god, did I just sing that?"
"Ho Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo, By root, branch, and bough, by the reed and willow! Ho Tom Bombadil, Harken now and hear us, Come Tom Bombadil, for our time is near us!" (counts as 2 if the person singing this is wearing a Tom Bombadil costume (consult LlOTR #1, somewhere in the beginning/Tolkien guide to characters for the details), or if a villain sings this while sober)
"Good horsie"
"Of course I know what I'm doing....I think."
"I love the Powerpuff Girls!"
"Warren, how many times have I told you, NO DIVE-BOMBING GUESTS WITH WATER BALLOONS!"
"Freedom, Beauty, Truth, and Love!"
"Okay, you caught me. Callisto and I are going to elope next Tuesday. Now can you PLEASE stop snooping in my room?" (can be used sarcastically)
"The same thing we do every night, Scott, try to take over the world!"
"Coincidence!" (must be shouted by 2 people at the same time. (lol, tribute to Russel K's and my 'Coincidence' list back when we were kids))
"Quick, get the video camera! The professor's sloshed and he's doing wheelies in the rose garden!"
"This looks like a job for......someone else."
"My hair gets frizzy when it gets, wet, okay? But that doesn't give you any reason to ask if I stuck my finger in the wall socket again." (worth 2 if Jean or Ororo says this, especially Ororo, it's just soooo ironic :D )
3. Scott sings "Macho Man" in front of the bathroom mirror (just after getting out of the shower) and someone videotapes it to use as blackmail, then shows it to the other X-Men anyway. (I've been wanting for someone to use that for AGES)
4. Scott-bashing, please? I really don't like him, he's a prick.
Post here, and pleae email me a copy of the fic. My email is
Happy ficcing!

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:06 am
by Lauren
Avast knaves! I shall perform both of thy challenges willingly! The survivor shalt come first, and then with the drunk Xavier story! *runs off to write*

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:05 am
by CurlyyHairGirl
YAY!!...COugh...*pulls out a knights metal chain link glove* "we shall comence the challennnnnnnnnnge, now!*smacks Lauren with glove* "oh my GOD!!!! I am so sorry" *swings glove away from Lauren so as not to hit her again and ends up smacking the person next to her* OH CRAP!!! SORRY, I REALLY DIDN"T MEAN TO!!! *someone runs up and takes the glove before more damage is done.* HEY!! Don't you be takin' my glove.:D

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:46 am
by Mistress D
Man, I can't wait to read both these fics! :D Btw, I love all the funny stuff you came up with, RavEnigma. :LOL

Too Many Nightcrawlers!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:48 am
by Lauren
Characters Used:

Marvel’s LS Kurt: Evil womanizing Nazi bastard

My LS Kurt: Everyone’s loveable version of LS Kurt!

Comic Kurt: Average 616 Nightcrawler; will be referred to as Kurt only

AOA Kurt: Grumpy Nightcrawler with a tattoo over his eye and hates religion…scary

Movie Kurt: Awww he’s so cute and overly Catholic

Evo Kurt: Don’t make me puke

Kymri: Female version of Nightcrawler from Excalibur 16 and 17

Ultimate Nightcrawler: From Ultimate X-men!

Cadbury: Bastard human from Excalibur 23, he called Kurt ugly!

On with the story!

Kurt had no idea how or why this had happened. All he knew was that he had gone into the Danger Room to practice for an hour when something happened and it malfunctioned to the extreme while he was in the middle of a teleport. The doors slammed shut and the machines fizzled out as electricity raced around, hitting him when he reappeared.

He fell to the ground with a shout, blacking out as he heard the sound of people crying out in surprise.

When Kurt opened his eyes, he thought that he had died and gone straight to Hell. There was this thing staring at him, and it looked like him if he had done excessive drugs and grew his hair long.

“Hey homies!” Evo Kurt shouted. “He’s avake yo!” Kurt heard a group of people groaning and when he sat up, he felt like passing out again.

He only recognized about…oh say three of the people in the room with him at the moment, and he hated two of them, Cadbury and Marvel’s LS Kurt. Everyone else…no idea.

But they all looked like him in some odd way.

“Computer? Deactivate program.” He tried, standing up slowly.

“Program disengaged. Error. Doors sealed. Override manually required to open doors. Error. Override manually required to open doors. Error. Override…”

“Is that damn thing going to keep saying that the whole time that we’re in here?” AOA Kurt demanded, his tail flicking to one side irritably.

“Be patient, mein freund.” Marvel’s LS Kurt said, walking around the walls slowly with a smirk. “I am sure there is a way out of here. Isn’t that right?” he asked, turning to Kurt.

“You’re going to be a pain in my ass the whole time we’re in here aren’t you?” Kurt asked with a sigh.

“Oh yes.” Marvel’s LS Kurt said. “It’s time for some payback! But first, I must know who this lovely creature is.” He said, turning to Kymri. Kymri snorted, backing up slightly.

“I’d rather lie with a sand shark than with something scummy like you!” she said, her hand straying to her sword. “Nightcrawler, what’s going on?” she asked.

“I don’t know.” Every other Nightcrawler said at once.

“I meant that one.” She sighed, pointing to Kurt.

“I really can’t say.” Kurt said, walking over to the door. He tapped on it with his tail, waiting for a reply.

“Kurt, you ok in there?” Logan’s voice called from the other side.

“I think not.” Kurt sighed, looking around at all his different forms. “Can you open the door?”

“It’s going to take a few hours.” Logan said. Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose and cursed softly.

“Hurry up please.” He said. Turning around to the others, he sighed, trying to think of something.

As was his nature, Evo Kurt opened his mouth and started to talk.

And talk.

And talk.

“Yo dogs! I cannot stay here for long, yo!” he said, making stupid hand gestures. “I gots a date vith zhe hot fox Kitty und I do not vish to be late for zhat stuff, yo!”

“Please stop talking like that.” AOA Kurt said. “It’s getting on my…”

“Don’t tell me vhat to do, yo! You’re not my homie gee in the house!” Evo Kurt protested. AOA Kurt narrowed his eyes, his tail flicking dangerously. Everyone saw the danger except for Evo Kurt.

“I think you should stop while you are ahead.” Movie Kurt said softly, keeping as far away as possible.

“This is so vhack yo! Who are you people anyvay man? You’re not one of my homies und…”

His head came off with one slice, spraying Cadbury with blood. Calmly, AOA Kurt turned to everyone else, his sword dripping with blood.

“Any protests?” he asked. Everyone including Kurt had to think about it for a moment before they said.

Everyone except Cadbury that is.

“That is just like a bunch of ugly faces!” he spat. “You’re all a bunch of animals who need to be controlled!”

“Excuse me?” AOA Kurt demanded, turning on him.

“Back off, ugly face!” Cadbury warned, drawing his gun on him. “I’ll blow your face off!”

“You can try.” My LS Kurt said, his arms crossed over his chest. “But you won’t if you know what’s good for you. Think about for a moment. Six against one is not very good odds. Even if you do have a gun and we only have rapiers and swords.”

“Don’t try preaching to me, baldy.” Cadbury shot back, seeing that My LS Kurt was furless and hairless. “You! Try and get this door opened now!” he ordered Kurt.

“It’s going to take a few hours, Cadbury.” Kurt said, placing his hands on his hips. “Calm down. There’s no need for bloodshed here.”

“Tell that to the freak with the tattoo! Sure that kid was annoying, but he didn’t have to kill him like that!” Cadbury shot.

“I know. Put the gun down and everyone will put their swords down.”

“Nothing doing!” Cadbury said. Kymri tried to slink towards him with her sword have drawn, but he turned on her and fired a warning shot, making Movie Kurt flinch and try to stay well in the shadows with Ultimate Kurt.

“Back off you ugly freak!” Cadbury shouted at her.

“Did you just call me ugly?” Kymri asked.

“If the shoe fits!” Cadbury shot back. Before he could fire another shot, his hand was severed from his arm and he screamed as blood poured from the wound profusely. Kymri mercifully finished him off with a thrust to the neck, adding a second body to the pile.

“Everyone calm down!” Kurt shouted angrily, stepping into the middle of the room to gain some kind of control with them. “I don’t want anymore bloodshed all right! Now everyone just sit down and relax! In a few hours we’ll be out of this room and we’ll try and figure out what the hell is going on ok?” Marvel’s LS Kurt snorted, sitting down and crossing his legs.

“Jawhol, mein führe.” He muttered.

“Shut up, fascist.” My LS Kurt said savagely, narrowing his eyes at this nasty version of himself. Marvel’s LS Kurt kept his mouth shut, shooting a leering glance over at Kymri.

So for a half an hour the six remaining versions of Nightcrawler sat around and talked calmly, trying to figure out what had happened that wound send eight versions of one man into one room. It soon was discovered that every one of them had been in the middle of a teleport when this occurred, except for Kymri who did not have the ability to do so.

“So whatever did this to us, did it through the parallel universe you all go through?” Kymri asked.

“It seems like it.” Kurt sighed, getting up to pace the room. “But to what purpose?” he wondered aloud.

While they were talking, Marvel’s LS Kurt was getting restless and bored sitting in one spot with people who were clearly his enemy. Especially the bald furless one who had snapped him with such venom. He didn’t like that one at all.

If the big burly version of him got away with killing one of them in a flash, maybe he could get away with killing just one.

“So, what did you do in your world?” Marvel’s LS Kurt asked My LS Kurt.

“I was an unwilling soldier to the Reich until I found a way to a world where I could start again with my wife Kitty and our two children.” My LS Kurt said. “That is all a man like you needs to know; you lackey for the Nazis!” Marvel’s LS Kurt could see that he had pinched a nerve.

“Lackey? A Lackey is better than a turncoat wouldn’t you say?” he asked, fiddling with the hilt of his sword.

“If betraying a man who slaughters millions of people in a month is wrong, so be it.” My LS Kurt said. “At least I remember that I was raised by the Roma people!” Marvel’s LS Kurt snorted.

“At least I haven’t soiled my dick with a Jew.” He said. “And having children with one! God, they must be deformed whelps with Jew blood in them.”

Everyone in the room could just hear My LS Kurt’s last nerve snap in two. In a flash he was on his feet with his two blades drawn and ready.

“Come over here and say that again!” he challenged. Baring his fangs in a nasty smirk, Marvel’s LS Kurt got up and drew his blades, glancing over at Kymri.

“I shall be done in a moment my dear!” he called, before teleporting behind My LS Kurt and starting the fight.

Kurt saw at once that stopping this fight was useless, and he went to the door and knocked again as the two LS Kurt’s battled savagely back and forth.

“Logan, how is it going?” he asked.

“Not good actually.” Logan said. “The program says it’s having an overload of universes or something like that. It says that it has to clear out some data somehow. I’m not good with this computer shit anyway.” He added. “What’s going on in there?”

But Kurt didn’t answer. His mind was working fast as he tried to think of what the computer was saying, and what was going on.

Everyone was killing each other, and they were all from different universes. What was going on..?

Marvel’s LS Kurt was cheating at every possible moment. My LS Kurt knew all of his tricks, but he started to get creative and he found himself with a few deep cuts that bled every time he moved.

“Just give up, turncoat!” Marvel’s LS Kurt taunted. “I’ll execute you swiftly if you do!”

“I’m not giving up to a Nazi! I’d rather die fighting!” My LS Kurt shouted, charging at him with his swords raised. Marvel’s LS Kurt teleported over him and sank his blades into one of My LS Kurt’s shoulders, knocking him to the ground with a shout. One of his rapiers rolled away and he was only left with one in his bad hand.

Laughing, Marvel’s LS Kurt pressed his blade against My LS Kurt’s throat. “I win.” He said, raising it up to take his head off.

Ultimate Kurt teleported onto his shoulders and before he could anything, his neck was snapped and he fell to the ground, his sunglasses shattering when they hit the ground.

Danke.” My LS Kurt groaned as Kymri and Movie Kurt helped him sit down. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper.”

“Don’t blame yourself.” Kurt said softly, placing his head between his hands. “I think there’s a reason for all of this. I just have to figure out what!”

Another hour passed without incident, but soon the bodies were starting to stink, and Logan still said the computer wouldn’t work for any of them. It wouldnt even the computer whiz Kitty!

As the time passed, Movie Kurt sat with his legs crossed on the floor with his rosary in his hands, whispering softly to himself, the beads clicking in a gentle rhythm. Everyone thought that it was kind of peaceful, listening to his lilting German as he prayed for a way out of this.

Everyone except AOA Kurt, actually.

“Would you stop doing that?” he snapped. “It’s really pissing me off!” Movie Kurt was in a trance however, and he continued to pray for himself and the people in the room. Kurt saw where this was going and he did not want anyone else dying in this room.

“Kurt…” he said, holding out a hand to AOA Kurt. “Calm down.”

“Why does he need to keep praying like that? It’s not like it’s going to do him any good!” AOA Kurt protested.

“Let him pray.” My LS Kurt said softly. “It helps him stay calm so just let him.”

Ja.” Ultimate Kurt agreed, his tail swaying side to side like a cat’s.

AOA Kurt let it go for another half hour. When it was over however…

Movie Kurt barely escaped losing his head as he dodged the sudden swing from AOA Kurt.

“I said stop praying damn you!” AOA Kurt screamed at him. Everyone tried to calm him down, grabbing him by the arms, and telling him that Movie Kurt was done praying, but he wasn’t having it. He was going to kill him.

Movie Kurt backed away from AOA Kurt, holding out his hands in peace.

“I will stop!” he said. “Please…” AOA Kurt elbowed Kurt in the nose and charged at Movie Kurt, stabbing at him.

Ultimate Kurt teleported in front of Movie Kurt with his arms spread in protection. He had meant to grab the blade and then teleport away with it, but the blade entered his lower stomach, and he doubled over as blood shot out of his mouth.

“Murderer!” Kymri screamed as AOA Kurt kicked Ultimate Kurt off of his blade to get to Movie Kurt.

“He shouldn’t have gotten in the way!” AOA Kurt snarled, turning on Movie Kurt again. My LS Kurt’s wounds were very bad, and he was starting to lose feeling in one of his arms, but he wasn’t going to let AOA Kurt kill Movie Kurt like this.

Struggling to his feet, My LS Kurt charged at him and slammed AOA Kurt into a wall, making him drop one of his blades.

“He’s not even armed you coward!” he spat, taking a punch to the face. “Calm down!”

“The Nazi should have finished you off!” AOA Kurt shouted, stabbing My LS Kurt deeply in the side. He fell to the ground, and Kymri fought with AOA Kurt, screaming curses in her alien tongue.

Struggling to sit up, My LS Kurt slid one of his rapiers over to Movie Kurt.

“The least you could do is help!” he said through bloody teeth. Movie Kurt teleported onto AOA Kurt’s back and he stabbed him between the shoulder blades, the blade coming out of his chest. He was thrown off from the screaming madman and he was stabbed in the stomach in one last burst on energy before AOA Kurt fell on top of him.

“I don’t understand any of this!” Kurt screamed, tears falling helplessly. “Why is this happening!?”

“Ever hear of gladiators?” My LS Kurt coughed, his vision fading. “The computer has to clear out data. We’re the data. It’s making us kill each other.”

“But to what purpose?” Kymri asked, kneeling down beside My LS Kurt. He was all ready gone though, and it was down to two people.

“Logan! Is it working yet?” Kurt called, not wishing to fight Kymri.

“It says that one more file needs to be removed, or something like that.” Logan said.

“I can’t do this.” Kurt said. “I won’t.” Kymri looked around at all of the dead, and she knew what had to be done.

“Nightcrawler, this is your world right?” she asked.

“Yes, why?” Kurt asked. When he saw the look on her face he shook his head. “I won’t kill you, Kymri! Not to get out of here!”

“This is you world, Nightcrawler. You belong here. Besides, we’ll both starve to death if we don’t!”

“There has to be another way!” he insisted. When Kymri shook her head, he couldn’t help but weep helplessly. “This is insane!” he cried.

“If you won’t do it, then I’ll perform suicide.” Kymri said calmly. “I’d rather die by another warrior’s hand, Nightcrawler.” Looking into her eyes, he saw that it was hopeless to fight with her about it. Drawing his sword, Kurt walked up to her, his tail curling around one leg. She tilted her head to one side, smiling weakly at him as she shrugged.

“Hey, at least we saw each other again right?” she asked. They embraced, and Kurt drove his sword through her stomach, snuffing out her life.

That’s when the doors opened. Stepping inside, Logan found Kurt all alone, weeping softly and whispering the name Kymri.

“What happened? It just said space saved and opened up again!” he said. Kurt walked by him, his head bowed and his tail drooped and unmoving.

“Elf? Elf!” Logan called, running after him.
He didn’t know what had been going on the whole time. He had been teleporting away from his angry master when he found himself in a metal room with eight other versions of himself. They started to fight and soon all except one of them was dead.

It was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

Leaping down to the ground, Limbo Kurt walked out of the Danger Room and into a new world.

The End

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:09 pm
by CurlyyHairGirl
OH....MY...GOD!!! ALL HAIL LAUREN, QUEEN OF FANFICTIONS. Take my sword, I give my allegiance. *kisses feet*

Good show, good show. I especially like the very end with Limbo Kurt. Kinda makes ya wonder what will happen next.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:57 pm
by StarLightCrawler
Wow that last story with all the NightCrawlers was very good. Keept me just woundering what will happen next.

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:16 pm
by Lauren
I leave that part up to your imaginations! *runs off to write second challenge* drunk Xavier time!

Lauren's Stories!

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:38 am
by RavEnigma
Gracias for the compliment, Mistress D. I owe it all to a sugar high. Love the latest fic, Lauren! Poor Movie Kurt! But Evo Kurt had to die, he was too annoying to live.

Crazy Day At School

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:27 am
by Lauren
Drunken Xavier time! MUHAHAHAHA!

Set in Movie verse because hey, I like Ororo/Kurt in movie verse only otay?

Title: Crazy Day At School
Scott was happy.

No, Scott was more than happy, he was ecstatic! He was going to try and go out with someone else because hey, it’s time to move on right? Jean’s dead and nothing can change that now can it? Nope, he just had to move on with his pretty little white boy life.

Scott was so happy, that he started to sing quite off key as he stepped out of the shower.

“Macho macho man! I want to be a macho man!” he sang, towel drying his wet hair happily. As he continued to sing, he started to brush his hair and he bobbed his head to the music, looking dumber by the minute.

Which as we all know, he does anyway.

What the master of singing horribly failed to notice was the girl holding the video camera right behind him, getting every precious second of this.

Giggling silently, Rogue closed up the camera and slunk away to wait for him in his room to make the deal in there.

This was going to be a great day.

This was going to be a great day.

Warren snickered as Bobby iced up another one of his water balloons. The winged mutant placed it with the rest and he looked over the side of the building to make sure a target was coming soon.

“I can’t wait to do this!” he said, slipping on the loose backpack that would hold the balloons. Bobby nodded, icing up one last water balloon.

“Me neither, but remember one thing ok? I didn’t come up with the idea. This was all yours!” he said. Warren smiled, standing up and shifting the balloons a bit.

“Of course! You think that I would let you take my idea from me like that?” he asked.

“Here comes that news reporter!” Bobby said, pointing at the bleached blonde beauty as she sauntered up to the gates and went through. “Don’t forget to get her hair real good!”

“I’m on it!” Warren nodded, spreading his wings out.

Xavier calmly rolled up to the news reporter, smiling faintly at her. She was here to talk about the incident with the now pardoned “White House Assassin” Kurt Wagner, and she figured that getting some background from others would be better to start out with, and Xavier was more than willing to help her out with that endeavor; especially if it made the school and all of mutantkind look good in the public’s eye.

“Good morning.” He said.

“Morning, Mr. Xavier.” The reporter said. “Where would you like this interview to occur?” she asked.

“Follow me please. I’ll take you to my study so that we can have some privacy.” Xavier said, turning his chair around. “What is it you wanted to talk about anyway?” he asked. The reporter opened her mouth to speak and…that’s when Warren struck.

“Na na na na na na na, BATMAN!” he sang, hurling the balloons right on her head, soaking her to the bone in ice cold water. She shrieked as her wig came off, and Xavier couldn’t help but lose his temper at the rich winged mutant. This just wouldn’t be good for mutants; he could just feel it.

“Warren, how many times have I told you, NO DIVE-BOMBING GUESTS WITH WATER BALLOONS!” he shouted mentally and physically at him.

“Sorry, professor!” Warren shouted down at him. Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, helping the reporter get inside to dry off.

“I’m so sorry for this. Please, don’t mention this all right?” he asked. Seeing the bewildered look on her face, Xavier instantly wanted a drink.

He wanted a drink real bad in fact.
Kurt was nervous.

No, he was more than nervous. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack and just die right then and there.

He had no idea what the reporter was going to ask him, and he was afraid that he would end up reverting to one of his other tongues in the middle of something and totally confuse her. Plus, he didn’t think she would like seeing him in his normal dress. They were good with people he knew well enough to be himself around, but not with a total stranger who will be dressed in a suit that would most likely cost more than Margali’s whole circus was worth times ten.

All of these thoughts were running through his head as he walked down the hall to ask if he could borrow some clothes from Logan when he entered his friend’s room to a very strange sight indeed.

“Logan? Why are you wearing a tutu?” he asked, tilting his head to one side. The Canadian growled softly, crossing his arms over his chest. He was indeed wearing a tutu; a bright pink one with sparkles in fact.

“I lost a bet with that bastard Hank and now I’m stuck wearing this all day.” He explained. Kurt nodded faintly, looking at Logan in both horror and confusion.

“Can I borrow some clothes?” he asked weakly, cocking an eyebrow. “I don’t want to look like a slob in front of the reporter.”

“Hurry up and take something.” Logan said. “I can’t stand to have people looking at me in a blasted tutu like this!” Kurt borrowed a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, looking over his shoulder one last time at Logan before he left, closing the door behind him with his tail.

When Kurt left the room, Logan looked at himself in the mirror. Smirking slightly, he bowed and struck a pose.

“I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and gay!” he sang. Suddenly he realized what he had done and he stopped at once. “Oh god, did I just sing that?” he asked himself.


“Seventy five?”

“Hundred and twenty five!”

“Hundred then!”

“Two hundred.”


“Do you really want everyone to see this tape, Scott?”

“Fine, take it you witch!”


“At least give me the tape to burn it!”

“I think I’ll keep this. Just in case you try anything!” Rogue left the room with a smile, the camera under her arm and counting her two hundred dollars.

It had been so easy…
“Jamie, if you ask me that one more time…”

“But did you, Ororo? For real?” Jamie insisted. Sighing, Ororo rolled her eyes, trying desperately to calm her hair down.

“My hair gets frizzy when it gets wet, okay? But that doesn’t give you any reason to ask if I stuck my finger in the wall socket again!” she snapped. When the youth opened his mouth to ask if she was absolutely sure about that, she narrowed her eyes and stormed away in a huff, striking Scott with a lightning bolt in the process because hey, who doesn’t want to smack that bitch once in a while anyway?

She met Kurt while he was on his way to be interviewed, and she could see that he was nervous by the way that his tail was trembling so badly. Smiling, she gently rested a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch from the sudden contact.

“Nervous?” she asked.

“You have no idea.” He said softly, looking down at the ground. He thanked the Good Lord that he was dark blue to hide the blush that came to him when she leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

“You’ll do fine, Kurt.” She assured him. “You know what you’re doing right?” Kurt smiled weakly, shrugging a bit as his tail flopped to one side.

“Of course I know what I’m doing…I think.” He said weakly. Shaking her head, Ororo ruffled his all ready curly hair as she gave him an affectionate smile.

“Meet me in the garden tonight ok?” she asked. “We can talk there in private.” She added, firing another lightning bolt at Scott, who had been spying on them from around the corner. Kurt nodded, smiling as she walked on by him. Sighing, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he entered the study and into the interview.
“Say one thing and I swear to God I’ll gut you right here and now.” Logan snarled, looking over at the smirking Bobby Drake.

“I’m not saying anything.” Bobby sputtered, trying to stop himself from laughing.

“You were going to.” Logan said softly, his eyes glittering dangerously. Bobby’s face crumpled up as he tried not to laugh, deciding to turn his attention to the TV instead. He flipped through the channels casually until he hit Cartoon Network.

“I love the Powerpuff Girls!” he cried, putting the remote down to watch as Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup saved the day before bedtime.

Logan groaned, clapping a hand over his eyes.

“I wish I was dead.” He muttered to himself.
“And you say that you had no control over what you did that day in the White House?” the reporter asked for the tenth friggin’ time. Kurt really had to restrain himself from teleporting away in disgust. The woman just wouldn’t leave it alone.

“Ja, the serum he used on me took over my mind und body.” He nodded. “Can we talk about something else, please? I am not comfortable talking about what happened to me at Stryker’s hands.”

“All right then.” The reporter nodded, looking down at her notepad. “Mr. Wagner…”

“Kurt, please.”

“Kurt, what do you believe in?” the reporter asked.

“Believe in?”

“Yes, what do you think is most important to you? What values do you hold dear?”

“You mean besides my faith in God und Jesus?” Kurt asked.


“Well, there are four things that I believe in almost as much as my faith.” Kurt admitted.

“And those are..?”

“Freedom, Beauty, Truth, and Love!”
All in all, forgetting the whole getting soaked in water thing, the reporter thought that the interviews had gone well, and that the school would be seen in a much better light than it had been with Stryker and his Anti-mutant propaganda.

As the reporter headed for the gates, Rogue cut her off and gave her an offer she just couldn’t refuse…
Kurt and Ororo met each other in the garden at around midnight, sitting down on one of the longer benches. Kurt groaned and laid down on his back, resting his head in Ororo’s lap.

“I hope to Gott that went well.” He sighed, looking up at her with his glowing yellow eyes.

“I’m sure it did. She’ll be airing it in the morning.” Ororo nodded, running her fingers through his hair and tracing the scars on his brow and cheeks. “I believe in you, Kurt.” He smiled, his tail curling up and touching her lips lightly.

“I believe in you too.” He said, slowly sitting up. “Ororo, I think I do more than that in fact.” He said suddenly.

“I think so too.” Ororo said softly. The two looked at each for a moment that was suspended for what seemed like eternity, eyes locked in love and understanding. Slowly, they leaned in to kiss each other.

That’s when Xavier burst through some of the rose bushes, laughing and howling as he waved a half empty bottle of wine in the air while he performed wheelies in the flowers. Scott was trying to calm the man down, but everyone else was just laughing.

Turning to Rogue, Jubilee pointed inside, her sides hurting from laughing so hard.

“Quick, get the video camera! The professor’s sloshed and he’s doing wheelies in the rose garden!” she shouted.

“Professor!” Scott cried, trying to gain some kind of control. “What the heck do you think you’re doing?”

“The same thing we do every night, Scott, try to take over the world!” Xavier slurred, smiling at him as he drained some more red wine.

“Professor, you need to set a good example for the younger students! Now calm down and give me the bottle!” Scott said, holding out his hand sternly. Xavier stopped and frowned, narrowing his eyes at Scott.

“You need to lighten up! Maybe some Tolkien will help!” he said, concentrating on Scott’s weak and feeble mind.

“What are you…” Scott jerked, his head snapped to one side suddenly. In a flash he was acting jaunty, making fluid motions with his arms and hands as he started to sing aloud, much to everyone’s enjoyment.

“Ho Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo, By Root, branch, and bough, by the reed and willow! Ho Tom Bombadil, Harken now and hear us, Come Tom Bombadil, for our time is near us!”

“Good horsie!” Xavier laughed, making Scott act like a horse next. When Scott collapsed out of breath, he frowned slightly, striking a dramatic pose.

“This looks like a job for…someone else.” He said. Finally, he collapsed out of his chair in a drunken stupor, the wine spilling onto the grass.

“What was that?” Kurt asked, helping Ororo tuck Xavier into his bed. She could only shake her head and shrug as they left the room, closing the door behind them.

“I’m not too sure myself.” She sighed. “Maybe everything will clear up in the morning huh?” she asked.

“Hopefully.” Kurt nodded. “I just hope this doesn’t happen too often at this place!”
The Next Morning:

Everyone sat in the living room, watching the news eagerly for the time when Kurt’s interview would be on. When it did come on, they all cheered and clapped Kurt on the back as it played out.

“All in all, my experience at this haven for mutants was a pleasant one, proving once and for all that not all mutants are like those in the infamous Brotherhood.” The reporter concluded.

Scott was ready to change the channel when Rogue grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

“And now, on the lighter side of things,” the reporter said. “I was given a rather funny tape of one of the head teachers of the institute by the name of Scott Summers, which I will play for you now because of a girl by the name of Rogue’s special request.”

Scott wanted to die as everyone laughed at his off-key rendition of Macho Man.

Ororo struck him with lightning again, just for the hell of it.
Xavier woke with a groan, his head pounding over and over again without any mercy at all. Sitting up, he looked around, rubbing his head slightly as he tried to remember what had happened last night. When he saw the empty wine bottle on his desk, he groaned and put his head in his hands.

“I was drunk,” he concluded. “I don’t remember a thing!”

The End