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Summer 2018: the NewlyDrakes

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:09 am
by Slarti
Set just a couple days after the wedding.

<Bobby> "I dunno. What's the worst that could happen?" Bobby couldn't read most of the words on the menu, but since it was the same story at every restaurant they'd seen, he didn't think they had much choice.

<Paige> Nervous Paige twirled a bit of her golden hair as she stared at the menu. "What if it doesn't taste good?" she asked him softly, peering over at him from her French menu. Paris had been absolutely amazing so far... except for the whole eating part. Neither of them spoke French!

<Bobby> "We'll find a McDonald's?" Although even the golden arches were weird here. He watched her play with her hair with an absent smile.

<Paige> "You can't go to Paris and eat at McDonald's..." she whispered to him, face flushing.

<Bobby> "Sure we can! It's cultured. Ronald McDonald has one of those little mustaches and everything!" Bobby pretended to twirl said mustache, then laughed and held out his arm for her.

<Paige> Paige giggled at him and took his hand in her own. "My silly husband."

<Bobby> "That's me, silly wifey." He grinned and they entered the restaurant, where they were quickly spotted.

<Paige> She laced their fingers together, holding onto him tightly, nervous again. "Are you sure about this?" she whispered to him.

<Bobby> "Sure I'm sure!" The maitre d sized them up and switched from French to accented English as he showed them to their seat.

<Paige> "Okie..." Paige followed Bobby, terrified to let go of his hand.

<Bobby>Once they got to a table, he tried to let go of her hand to pull out her chair, but Frenchie beat him to it.

<Paige> Blushing, Paige smiled at the man and thanked him (in French!) as she took her seat. She had learned one thing at least.

<Bobby>Well... look at that. She spoke French! Bobby did it the old-fashioned way and took his seat. Once the man was gone, he leaned across the table. "You're getting all fancy on me!"

<Paige> She blushed more and ducked her head a little, smiling. "Just... a couple of words. Nothing too fancy!"

<Bobby>"Oui oui!" He laughed and reached over for her hand.

<Paige> Without any hesitation, Paigey took his hand and laughed with him. "See, you're just as fancy."

<Bobby>He shook his head and smiled at her. "Well, hopefully our fancy is fancy enough to fake our way through the menu."

<Paige> "Maybe we can get something... tame?" she asked, hopeful.

<Bobby>"Can we tell what might be tame?" He wrinkled his nose and gave her hand a squeeze before he let go to open the menu.

<Paige> "Well I don't think 'French fries' are going to be on the menu," she admitted, opening her own menu.

<Bobby>"Aww, but why not? They're French!" He scanned down the page. Yeah, no.

<Paige> She giggled at him, amused by his energy. "Because I doubt they call them that here. Like... we don't call football American football. Or maybe this place is too fancy for them?"

<Bobby>"Futbol! No, wait, that's the wrong language." He laughed. "I got Spanish, I got Klingon... maybe some Canadian French? Got any maple syrup?"

<Paige> "Klingon... how did I marry such a cute nerd?" she teased, wrinkling her nose at him and giggling. "How do you say 'I love you' in Klingon?"

<Bobby>"Well..." He turned red and couldn't meet her eyes. "There's really not a Klingon word for love? Soooo there's, um..." Bobby looked around, leaned closer. "qamuSHa' I unhate you?"

<Paige> Paige grinned and reached for his hand, whispering back to him, "I unhate you too."

<Bobby>"Awwww." A goofy grin broke out across his face and he squeezed her fingers, getting lost in her blue eyes.

<Paige> It wasn't until someone filled their water glasses that Paige was able to break her gaze from him. "Um... Dinner... right." Face bright red again, she placed her finger on a random item. "How about this?"

<Bobby>Clearing his throat, he followed her finger. "Yeah, what is it?" Bobby pulled out his phone and started googling.

<Paige> "Confit de canard..." she tried to pronounce, watching him and his phone.

<Bobby>Bobby typed it in, his nose wrinkling up. "Duck! It's duck!"

<Paige> A horrified look was immediately on her face. "Not duckies..."

<Bobby>"Okay... it's okay... w-we'll just try... something else!" He ran his finger down the menu and searched for a word he recognized. Salade was a salad, right? "Mesclun? Waaaaait, isn't that, like, peyote?"

<Paige> She sniffled a bit and leaned over to look. "Maybe? I really don't know. Why didn't we bring a guide book!?"

<Bobby>"We did!" He waved the phone. "They need to translate their menus." He looked around at the waiters.

<Paige> "Okay so find us something safe?" she begged him, taking a sip of her water. Water was safe.

<Bobby>He'd heard of ratatouille, but only from the movie, and he was terrified of googling it, so that was a big fat no. "Pigeons..."

<Paige> "...Pigeons?" she gave him another horrified look. "Bobby..."

<Bobby>"Coq au vin is chicken with wine sauce...?"

<Paige> "That... that might be okay," she relented, peering over at his phone.

<Bobby>Technically it said cock, but he so wasn't telling her that. "Yeah?" He smiled at her and tried to decipher the rest of the ingredients listed.

<Paige> "Or... we could go find that McDonald's...."

<Bobby>There were truffles in it, too, and that was the fungusy stuff that pigs snorted... she couldn't know about that either. "Yeah... that might... be the best idea?"

<Paige> "Can we?" she all but begged him.

<Bobby>Bobby looked up, and that was a mistake, because there were those big, big, saaaaad blue eyes. "Absolutely." He nodded.

<Paige> "Oh thank you Bobby," she told him already out of her seat and hugging him... middle of the restaurant be damned.

<Bobby>He fished a few euros out of his pocket because he felt bad... but not that bad. Tossing them on the table, he returned the hug, took her hand, and led them from French hell.

<Paige> Once safely out of the place of bird death, Paige readjusted to take his arm, leaning her head against his arm as they walked... settling into a somewhat slow pace. There was no need to rush in Paris!

<Bobby>Bobby blew out a relieved breath and enjoyed the stroll with his wife. "Can you believe they eat that stuff?"

<Paige> "Nooo I can't. They... they eat duckies." She sniffled just a little.

<Bobby>"And snails. Slimy. Bleh." He shuddered, but pulled her in when he heard the sniffle.

<Paige> That made her smile and glance up at him. "This is why you're my hero. You save me from all kinds of dangers... like snails."

<Bobby>"McDonald's at least does it right - French fries!" He gave her a squeeze and grinned down at her.

<Paige> "You know... I'm really just glad that we're here. Together," she admitted, smiling at his face. Those blue eyes... she was so done for. It was a good thing she'd married him!

<Bobby>"Me too... my wife." He grinned and caught her hand, pulling her into a little spin. They were in Paris, they could dance, right?

<Paige> All giggles, Paige followed his lead and spun gracefully.

<Bobby>He pulled her close and brushed back her hair, giving her a kiss.

<Paige> She pressed against him, running her fingers through his hair gently as she returned the kiss. Finally... finally she had gotten this right.

<Bobby>Bobby cupped her face and when they broke apart he just smiled at her. Perfect. This was perfect. She was perfect.

<Paige> "I know someplace we need to go," she whispered to him after a bit.

<Bobby>"Other than back to our room?" He wagged his eyebrows at her and gave her another kiss.

<Paige> "Shouldn't tempt me!" she grinned in the kiss, returning it. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small lock and key. "There's a bridge... and you're supposed to put the lock on the bridge."

<Bobby>"Okaaaaay?" He pecked her on the tip of the nose.

<Paige> "Nooo see it's a thing," she pointed out their initials written on it in pink and blue. "You put the lock on the bridge and throw away the key."

<Bobby>He took the lock and looked it over, grinning at her. "Okay... it's a thing?"

<Paige> "It's a thing!" she laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist. "It's like... the love can't be broken."

<Bobby>"Ohhhh!" Eureka! "That's cool!" he laughed, kissing her again. "And so totally totally true. Our love can't ever be broken, babe!"

<Paige> That made her giggle, kissing him again, longer this time. "Never," she agreed. "You're sooo stuck with my girlie, glittery self."

<Bobby>"That's okay. I like it!" He stole yet another kiss, then gave her back the lock and took her hand. "Let's to get locked up together then."

<Paige> "I hope this is the only time you ever say that, Bobber-wobberz," she teased, swinging their hands a bit.

<Bobby>"Awww, but I'll always be your prisoner of love." He kept up the swing, adding a spring to his step.

<Paige> She matched his pace easily enough and used their map to lead him to the lovers' bridge, which wasn't too far away. "Wooooow. So many locks!"

<Bobby>"Bet the city loves that," he laughed, leading them onto the bridge to find a free space. "Wow..."

<Paige> "How could you not love this? It's a legacy from thousands of lovers!" She kept his hand, staying close to him.

<Bobby>"Bet it rattles real fun when it storms." He found a spot between a purple lock and one that looked a thousand years old. "Here?"

<Paige> "Here!" she agreed, pulling out their lock and unlocking it. "I think we're supposed to kiss as we put it on the bridge."

<Bobby>"I'm liking this tradition more and more..." He gave her a slow grin and leaned in, tilting his head and putting his free hand on the lock.

<Paige> "Me too," she mumbled as she closed the lock with him and kissed him at the same time.

<Bobby>"I love you," he said between kisses, grinning when he heard the lock click.

<Paige> "We should take a picture!" she decided, fumbling for her phone.

<Bobby>"Yus! Selfie time!" He helped her by applying tickles.

<Paige> That just made her dissolve into a fit of giggles, leaning against him. "Bobby!"

<Bobby>"Find it yet? Huh? Huh? No pressure!" He kept it up, cackling all the while.

<Paige> She kept laughing, leaning against him as she started to sink toward the ground, gasping for air.

<Bobby>"Oh nooooo, she's going down! Noooooo!" Bobby slid down with her. "Melting! I'm meeeelting!"

<Paige> "Noooo Bobby!" she squeaeled, still laughing. Wasn't he supposed to stop things from melting?

<Bobby>They collapsed into a pile of giggles and he started trying to fix her hair.

<Paige> "Am I still pretty?" she asked him, worried.

<Bobby>"Awww, you're always pretty, babe!" He smoothed the blonde curls back.

<Paige> "Awww, Bobby..." that made her brighten as she leaned in for another kiss.

<Bobby>The kiss was nicely distracting, and he made them comfy on the bridge. "Mmm.... weren't we gonna take a selfie?"

<Paige> "Mmhmmm...." Paige, however, was distracted by her very hot husband and his kisses.

<Bobby>"Mmm..." He started looking for the phone, enjoying every moment of it.

<Paige> Willingly, she handed over the purse so he could find it for them. Her hands had a much better use of holding onto him and stroking his cheek.

<Bobby>He pulled the phone out and tucked her into his side, grinning into the camera. "Say fromage!"

<Paige> Paige nestled into him, dropping her hand from his face to wrap it around his waist. "Fromage!" She gave him a brilliant Miss America smile.

<Bobby>Bobby took a few pics, just to be sure, then thumbed through them, cuddling Paigey close.

<Paige> "I like that one," she stopped him, key still in her hand. "I want to frame it!"

<Bobby>"Frames are still a thing? Digital frame?" He laughed at her face and gave her a fast kiss. "Frame it is! Pink one!"

<Paige> "Yes! I want it on our wall! So everyone can see it and go oh my gosh how cute are you two! And we can go awww we know," she giggled and stole yet another kiss.

<Bobby>"Sounds good," he laughed, then stole one back. Tapping the key with his finger, he quirked a brow. "We doing this?"

<Paige> "Oh! Right!" Paige gave the key a kiss and handed it to him. "You do it."

<Bobby>"Ooookay," he said, dragging out the word as he took the key. He got to his feet and offered her his hand.

<Paige> She took the hand and hopped to her feet. "Now our love can't be broken. The lock has spoken!"

<Bobby>"A poet and multi-lingual!" He gave her a last kiss, then did his best baseball windup and tossed the key.

<Paige> "Yay!" she cheered, peering over the edge of the railing to watch the key fall into the river below. "Well, I do have a great muse after all."

<Bobby>"Yeah, Rip is pretty darn inspiring, isn't she?" he teased, giving her a quick kiss, then he spotted something else that caught his attention... something golden and archlike. "Babe... loooook..."

<Paige> "Hm?" she turned and once again lit up. "Dinner! Come on!" Paige grabbed his hand and pulled him in that direction. She was sooo not waiting any longer!

Re: Summer 2018: the NewlyDrakes

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:19 am
by Slarti
After the honeymoon.

<Rogue> Rogue landed on the roof of Bobby's house and laid down on her stomach, reaching off the edge of it to tap on his bedroom window without looking in. If she didn't get an answer, she would move to the bathroom window. Then, if she had to, she'd go to the front door. But she didn't know if Paige was home and she didn't need her to be around for this conversation.

<Bobby> Paige was not around, since she was on an all-night shift at the hospital. Bobby rolled over and stared at his alarm clock, wondering why it was making that noise at him.

<Rogue> Rogue waited for a few moments, then tried again. She went back and forth in her head about saying something or not. There were pros and cons to both. So she waited silently. For now.

<Bobby> Bobby hit the clock with a pillow.

<Rogue> Rogue's head jerked a bit at a clatter from inside the room. She leaned over further, hovering upside down outside his window with a frown, tapping lightly again.

<Bobby> "The fuckity fucky!" Rogue was hovering outside his window, reminding him an awful lot of a Stephen King book he'd read in high school.

<Bobby> A tousled blonde head popped up from the pink comforter and Bobby glared at the clock on the floor. That was when he realized the clock was on the floor, and the tapping was coming from... his eyes tracked up slowly.

<Rogue> Rogue couldn't help but laugh at his reaction and flipped mid air the rest of the way off the roof and right side up.

<Bobby> He fought the foamy curtains, flailing his way to the glass. "You're not a vampire, are you?"

<Rogue> Rogue's laugh got a little louder, "No. Is Paige here?"

<Bobby> "No. Are you sure?" He struggled with the old window, finally getting it up.

<Rogue> Rogue snickered, "Ah'm sure." She poked her head in and looked around, "But now that ya mention it, Ah seem ta have lost mah shadow. Will ya help me stick it back on?"

<Bobby> Bobby just stared at her, then reached out and poked with one finger. "Maybe I should feed ya to a croc?"

<Rogue> "He doesn't like tha way Ah taste. He likes tha way bad men like Shaw taste. Ah'm too sweet."

<Bobby> "So he's Hook? Y'know... I could get behind that idea." He grinned, satisfied with his poke test results. "Dollface!"

<Rogue> Rogue giggled and perched on the window, "Bugsy!" She pulled him in for a hug. "Ah've miss ya, Shadow. Or are y'all mah Wendy girl?"

<Bobby> "Depends if ya wanna see me in drag or not." He batted his lashes at her and returned the hug with a tight squeeze.

<Rogue> "I dunno... That could be fun." She squeezed back and kissed his shoulder, "Welcome home."

<Bobby> "Thanks, babe! How are you?" He pulled back enough to grin at her, and then thought of a better plan and grabbed her to pull her into the room.

<Rogue> Rogue let out an involuntary squeal of surprise and caught herself before she toppled on top of him. "Ah'm better now! How was ya honeymoon?"

<Bobby> Bobby plopped her onto the bed. "It was awesome! Other than the part where it was in France!"

<Rogue> "France is awesome, too! ...Ah'd imagine?" She bounced on the bed a bit and crossed her legs Indian style after picking up a pillow to tuck in her lap. "What's wrong with France?"

<Bobby> "Well, mostly they eat snails. And other weird shit." Bobby shuddered and rolled out his tongue.

<Rogue> Rogue snickered and reached up to try and snatch at his tongue before it went back in his mouth. "Tha pastries had ta be good though, yeah?"

<Bobby> Bobby turned the trick on her and gave her a thorough lick.

<Rogue> Rogue made a disgusted noise for show, even though she was trying hard not to laugh. She then wiped her hand on his chest, making sure to spread his saliva well. "So... Is Ripley still with ya parents? Or is she sleepin'?"

<Bobby> "Still with the folks. They don't get to see her much, so..." He gave a shrug, pleased to see her dealing with his spit.

<Rogue> "Good. So we c'n stay inside ta talk then." She gave him a smile and hugged the pillow tighter. "Ah may'r may not've... broken Shaw's nose."

<Bobby> Bobby's mouth dropped open.

<Rogue> Rogue wrinkled her nose and reached over to lift his jaw gently. "Ah didn't do it durin' tha weddin'!"

<Bobby> He let her close his mouth with a click, but his eyebrows drew down in confusion. "Ummm, yeah, I would have noticed that." He blinked. "When the fuck did you do that?"

<Rogue> "After y'all left. He taunted me! Ah couldn't not! Ah tried, Ah promise!" She pouted and gave him puppy eyes. "Ah only did it once..."

<Bobby> He couldn't contain himself anymore, and practically bounced on the bed. "How'd it feel? I bet it was fuckin' great! Did it crunch? Bastard totally needs a nose job anyway."

<Rogue> Rogue's eyes went a little wide at first and then a giant grin lit up her entire face. She bounced up onto her knees in excitement, "It was awesome! Ah only wish Ah'da done it more'n once! Ah had multiple opportunities tha whole time we were talkin' 'bout Essex, but Ah didn't 'cause Ah didn't want ya ta get too mad..."

<Bobby> "I probably should be mad, and I know Paigey will be mad, but..." He pumped his fist in the air once, then held it out to bump hers.

<Rogue> Rogue let out an excited laugh and bumped his fist. "Pshhh. He heals fast. He's prob'ly already all better by now. She never has ta know."

<Bobby> "Yeah... it's a toss up of whether he'll go cryin' to her over it..." Bobby chewed his lip. "Bet Jessie is pissed..."

<Rogue> "Who cares," Rogue rolled her eyes. "He deserved so much more'n what Ah gave him." She licked her lower lip, then pulled it in to chew on it for a moment while she thought and stared at Bobby. "If Ah tell ya somethin', will ya promise not ta get too mad at me? 'R go bonkers?"

<Bobby> Bobby halted his moment of guilty glee and turned to look at her. "What? Wha... w-what else happened? I thought all you did was punch him once?"

<Bobby> His eyes grew round. "Did he do something to you?!"

<Rogue> Rogue barked a laugh. "What could he do ta me? C'mon now, Bugs."

<Rogue> She took a deep breath and looked down at the pillow she was clutching, "We talked. 'Bout somethin' Ah shoulda told ya 'bout a long time ago..."

<Bobby> "I dunno! He might figure something out!" He blew out a breath, but her actions still made him worry. Reaching out, Bobby pried a hand from the pillow and scooted closer. "What's up, Anna?"

<Rogue> Rogue kept her eyes trained on their hands for a moment before closing her eyes as she spoke, "Essex ain't gone."

<Bobby> Bobby didn't know at all how to respond to that.

<Rogue> She opened her eyes and slowly brought them up to look at his face, hating that he was quiet. "Please don't hate me."

<Bobby> "But... you killed him..." Bobby shook his head.

<Rogue> "With mah powers... Not mah strength..." She chewed on her lip and tried to read his face. "He used me, Bobby..."

<Bobby> "Yeah... I knew that, so you had his memories and his... charming personality, but..." He reached up with his free hand and touched her chin, trying to get her to stop eating her lip. It looked painful.

<Rogue> Rogue relented and let go of her lip with her teeth. "He's not in me anymore... By his own design, Bobby... He left 'fore mah powers let him go."

<Bobby> "B-but... how?" He couldn't stop shaking his head and took up gnawing his own lip.

<Rogue> It was her turn to reach out and touch him, putting her finger just under his lower lip. "Evil genius scientist... He cloned himself. Then transferred his psyche into her."

<Bobby> If her finger hadn't been on his chin, his mouth would have fallen open again. "No..."

<Rogue> "Unfortunately." Rogue frowned and took up chewing her lip again, searching his eyes. "Ah couldn't control it... Ah'm sorry."

<Bobby> Bobby closed his eyes. Essex was alive. Essex was alive! Ohshitohshitohshit!

<Rogue> Rogue moved to put her back against the headboard and drew her knees up to her chest, watching him. "Ah'll fix it. Ah promise."

<Bobby> "" He covered his face with both hands, hearing her retreat. Fucking shit!

<Rogue> "Ah don't know. But Ah will. Ah have to." She put her chin on her knees and watched him. "Ah'll fix it," she repeated. "Ah'll make it right."

<Bobby> He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. "Motherfucker."

<Rogue> Rogue sat there for a few moments longer before finally crawling towards him and wrapping him in a tentative hug. "Please f'rgive me. Ah didn't know how ta tell ya."

<Bobby> Bobby was quiet, lost in his head. All the king's horses and all the king's men... He pressed harder, until he saw stars.

<Rogue> "No, Bobby... Please don't be quiet. Please say somethin'... Anythin'. Ah'm so sorry." She held him tighter, begging him to answer her with something. Voice, body language, anything.

<Bobby> He looked up at her, eyes red with tears, and shook his head sharply to clear it. "A-anna..."

<Rogue> His teary eyes brought the ones she had been holding back spilling over. "Ah couldn't stop him. He had complete control... Ah won't let him get you. Ah promise. Not again. Not ever again."

<Bobby> Sniffing, he shook his head and grabbed her for a crushing hug. "W-what the fuck are we gonna do?"

<Rogue> Rogue held him tight and took a deep, shaky breath. "We're not gonna do anythin'. You're gonna stay safe an' Ah'm gonna work ...with Shaw."

<Bobby> Gripping her shoulders roughly, he pushed her to arm length to stare at her in dismay for the second time in as many minutes.

<Rogue> Rogue blinked in surprise at the quick reaction. "Ah know. Ah hate it, too."

<Rogue> She reached up to take his hands in hers, "But Ah cain't risk anythin' happenin' ta you again..."

<Bobby> "How can you trust him?" The fight went out of him yet again and he slumped forward to rest his forehead on her shoulder. It wasn't himself he was worried about. Now he had Paige and Ripley.

<Rogue> "Ah cain't. But Ah know he's not gonna kill me 'r hurt y'all. He wouldn't dare. Paige would murder him an' he doesn't wanna hurt her." She reached up and stroked his hair softly. "He suggested workin' with SHIELD."

<Bobby> Bobby nodded, SHIELD was good... SHIELD kept them safe... "Anna," he whispered. "We did it all for nothing."

<Rogue> Rogue shook her head and took his face in her hands, pulling him away from her shoulder to look in his eyes. "No. That's not true. We got a long time without 'im..."

<Bobby> His laugh was a little crazed and his voice broke. "Not nearly long enough!"

<Rogue> "Ah know it, Bobby... Ah know it. But..." She chewed on her lip some more, "But Ah'll fix it. He's still not around yet. He's still in hidin'..."

<Bobby> "Where?" He frowned, eyes finally focusing on hers.

<Rogue> "Ah don't know," her eyes lowered to the bed and her shoulders fell. "Ah don't remember. Ah think. Ah don't even know if Ah ever knew. Ah'm sorry."

<Bobby> Bobby rubbed both hands over his face again, rocking in place a little. All the king's horses... No! He shook his head.

<Rogue> Rogue felt the mattress shifting under her and she looked up to see him rocking and wrapped him in a hug. "Ah won't let it happen again. Ah'll fix it."

<Bobby> "But you've been in his head..." he whispered. "A-and he's been in yours..."

<Rogue> Rogue let her arms slide off of him and she sat back, pressed against the headboard again, "Ah know it..."

<Bobby> Bobby jerked then, looking up at her in new and complete horror. "What if he's still there!"

<Rogue> Rogue was startled by his raise in tone and looked up at him with a frown. "What?"

<Bobby> "A-are you s-sure he's all gone outta your head? Like... he could have left something behind. Made you like... a sleeper agent!" He looked her over.

<Rogue> Rogue's eyes widened in terror, "Ah... Ah don't know." It was her turn to start rocking as she stared at her best friend, "Ah never thought about that. H-how would we figure it out?"

<Bobby> Bobby shook his head, at a loss. Staring into the depths of the carpet, his mind wandered. "Need a telepath..."

<Rogue> "Rachel's tha only one Ah've ever let in mah head, Bobby. An' it 'bout killed her doin' it."

<Bobby> "No more Rae... runnin' short on telepaths..." His voice still sounded distant. "No Xavier..."

<Rogue> "How strong is Hope? Ah don't trust Monet... Though... If it killed her," Rogue shrugged one shoulder and tried to make light of the situation with a weak chuckle.

<Bobby> "Hope's strong... real strong." He shook his head and finally looked at her. "Can't kill her! ...can't go back to jail..."

<Rogue> "Stronger'n Rae?" Rogue looked hopeful. "Mah noggin's special made ta not allow telepaths."

<Bobby> "Might be. Could be. S'n-not like I ever let her roam around in my head either..." Bobby studied her face. Was this really his Roguey? "Or Shaw..."

<Rogue> "Bobby, Ah dunno if Ah wanna risk anybody else on mah behalf... Maybe... Maybe Ah should just leave." She blinked at him, "What 'bout him?"

<Bobby> "Wouldn't let that bastard in my hea-" Bobby stopped, eyes widening. Fuck.

<Rogue> Rogue gave Bobby an incredulous look, "No. Nooo..."

<Bobby> Fuck! Bobby looked away from her, the muscle in his jaw working.

<Rogue> "Him too?!" Her voice practically squeaked.

<Bobby> Bobby nodded once, jerkily. "He keeps it secret," he said quietly grimaced. "Please... forget I said it. I-I know you hate him, and I don't like him... but for Jess, and Paige." Bobby licked his lips. "P-please?"

<Rogue> "It's bad 'nough tha man is who he is an' has done what he's done. But he's a telepath on top o' all that?!" Rogue scrubbed at her face with both hands. "Fine," she growled. "Fuckin' fine."

<Bobby> Despite himself, he blew out a relieved breath. "Thank you..." He closed his eyes and covered his face with both hands.

<Rogue> "What tha hell, Bobby. At least mah news we c'n do somethin' about." She let out a frustrated sigh, then shook her head. "Hope. We need ta know how strong she is."

<Bobby> "There's nothin' to do with that..." he mumbled, still worried he'd spilled the secret.

<Rogue> "Mah point," she arched an eyebrow at him. "Another issue is, can we trust Hope? Ah don't know her that well. An' this is big, Bobberz. Real big."

<Bobby> "We can..." He paused and cleared his throat, finally forcing himself to sit up and look at her again. "We can trust Hope. I trust her." Bobby frowned. "Jean's a telepath. She's strong too."

<Rogue> "Would Jean be able ta process everythin', though? Or would she flip out?"

<Bobby> He shrugged. "I dunno... she's Rae's cousin, so she's seen some shit."

<Rogue> "She doesn't seem all that mature, though. Would she be able ta keep it all a secret?"

<Bobby> After thinking about that for a while, his nose wrinkled. "I think we should try Hope first."

<Rogue> "Ah do, too." She took a deep breath and hesitated a moment before speaking again. "Ah'm scared, Bobby."

<Bobby> He scooted over to her and put his arm around her again, closing his eyes and pulling her in. Bowing his head and resting his cheek on her hair, he let out a shuddering breath. "Me too, Anna."