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3/18 Issue: Wax On, Orgy Off

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:39 am
by Esynthia
Timeline: Thursday, July 6, 2023

Monet: Monet passed Jean another stack of filing and another surprise thump on the shields for training purposes, then pressed the button on her phone for her secretary. "We'll be eating in today. Order my usual from Megatokyo and I will send Jean to see you and place her order shortly." She released the button and arched an eyebrow at her intern, "Does that work for you?"

Jean: She winced at the attack on her shields and knew she'd catch hell for it. It wasn't like Monet was getting through them, but she'd shown that it startled her. "Of course," she responded. Ew, Megatokyo? Jean settled the files on the crook of her arm and turned to go do her evil filing.

Monet: "Just because you're my intern doesn't mean you're also a 'yes man', Jean Grey." Monet leaned on her desk and crossed her arms, "In fact, I would rather you speak your mind. Yes men are always the first to falter when there is some sort of attack happening. Of any kind." She thumped her shields again for good measure.

Jean: Well, fine then. Jean pushed back this time. "Megtokyo sucks."

Monet: Monet smirked. "Very good. I do not have a usual at Megatokyo. I have eaten there once and that was more than enough." She pressed her intercom button, "We will have our real lunch order out to you shortly. I apologize for the confusion you projected."

Jean: Jean rolled her eyes. "So that was the whole point of that? To get me to point out it's nerds serving shitty burgers in bad cosplay?:

Monet: "Indeed." Her smirk grew at Jean's obvious disapproval. "If you do not know your enemy, how do you expect to protect your loved ones from them?"

Jean: "Okay, wait... who is the enemy in this situation, because you just messed with your secretary to fuck with your intern." Jean cocked a hip and set the files on it.

Monet: "I am your enemy. Or, you should at least view me as such. I am trying to train you and you are not behaving as if you are in training."

Jean: "Well it's kind of hard to tell where the training ends and the filing begins." So far, thanks to Arcade and scheduling, Jean hadn't been able to do much meeting with Monet. Jamie was so disappointed. Now that she'd been here a couple of times, however, she was starting to think he was right.

Monet: "The filing is meant to serve as distraction. Much like your everyday life. You go throughout your life, doing your daily tasks, none the wiser about what could be," during the course of speaking, Monet tapped on her shields gently, "coming at any moment."

Jean: The tap made her eyebrow twitch. "Okay, that makes more sense, but I do get nudges on my shields like that all day long."

Monet: "Well, I do not wish to actually harm you. That was merely to prove my point." Monet tilted her head to the side, eying Jean silently for a moment. "What would you like for lunch?"

Jean: Jean mirrored the movement. "I'm thinking about going vegan," she lied, shields up.

Monet: "Vegan? Hmm. That is definitely a choice." She kept her face impassive, save for a slightly amused glint in her eyes. "Do you know the extent of my powers, Ms. Grey?"

Jean: "All of them?" Jean snorted and decided since they were talking and not doing evil filing she'd sit in the office chair and put said evil files in her lap.

Monet: "Oui. All of them." Monet arched an eyebrow, letting more amusement show on her face. "I know it is quite the litany of gifts, but I ask again, do you know the extent?"

Jean: "No, because I'm not a psycho stalker." She tapped her manicured nails on the arm of the chair. The noise was fun.

Monet: Monet waved a hand, fun in this part of the game gone now. "I can see, and read, mutant auras. You lied about the vegan restaurant. Being aware of what you are walking into does not make you a 'psycho stalker', it makes you prepared."

Jean: "And is there even a way to counteract that? Shielding against... whatever that is? I have a pretty impressive list too if we wanna compare resumes, but that isn't one of them, so it's kind of an impossible situation to counteract even if I did know, right?"

Monet: "So far, oui. But that shouldn't stop you from trying." She shrugged one shoulder. "Back to my original question: what would you like for lunch?"

Jean: "Oh I better get a burger after all that. Extra sriracha." She managed to hide her internal eye roll behind her shielding. Prepare for everything you can't do anything about. Check.

Monet: "Bien. I will have it here toute de suite. How does Vito's sound? Their burgers are incredibly juicy and greasy. A wonderful reward for a lesson learned, oui?"

Jean: "Vito's," she laughed. "Sure, that sounds good." Jean got up again to get started on her evil filing.

Monet: "Bien," she repeated and picked up the phone to tell the secretary their orders. "They typically have the food ready in fifteen minutes, so please be ready to leave to pick it up in five, Jean."

Jean: "Okay." If that one was supposed to phase her, that lesson failed since she was all about getting out of here for a few minutes. "I'm almost done with these files anyway." The files of evil.

Monet: "Marvelous. I'll have more waiting when you return." Monet checked the clock and moved to sit at her desk instead of on it, logging back into her e-mail for a few last minute tasks before they had lunch.

Jean: Yaaaay. She made a noise of acceptance and flipped through the drawer. "I'm kind of surprised this isn't all electronic, TBH."

Monet: "TBH," she replied with a hint of mocking. "It is. I had these printed off specifically for you."

Jean: Jean stopped and looked back at Monet, unable to stop her eye roll. "Should I wax your car? Paint a fence?"

Monet: "Non. My chauffeur takes care of my car and I do not have a fence for you to paint. That would also mean I have to be outside for longer than I care to be in order to keep your training active."

Jean: "Well, the outside part I can understand. We might both burst into flames."

Monet: "You might." Monet smirked, "I'm more the melting type of witch."

Jean: That startled a giggle out of her. "You just made a joke. You won't lose your witch card for that?"

Monet: "Of course not. Part of being good at being bad is keeping them guessing."

Jean: "I'll keep that in mind," she said, looking at the rest of the files in her hand, then back at Monet. "So do I have to do this?"

Monet: "I'm going to let you retract that question because you already know the answer." She looked up with an arched eyebrow, "And do not let our food get cold."

Jean: Jean gave Monet a smirk in return and slapped the files on top of the cabinet. "I'll get right on that." She turned toward the door and picked up her purse from the table by the door.

Pietro: She didn't need to worry about the food getting cold or opening the door because Pietro was already on it. The door opened and he managed to step around Jean without crashing because handy speedy powers. "Surprise?"

Monet: Monet laughed in surprise. "Indeed! Bonjour, cher. Jean? Filing."

Jean: "Holy fucking shi-" Jean backed up and nearly twisted her ankle in her strappy heels.

Pietro: Pietro put a hand out to steady her and offered a grin by way of apology, "I brought lunch."

Jean: Jean recognized him, but it'd been forever since she'd seen this former studenty teachery person. "Hi?" She looked at Monet. "I thought we were eating lunch? Then filing the papers that don't need to be filed but you're making me file them anyway because you're a sadist." She gave her a sweet smile.

Monet: "Amant," she arched an eyebrow at Pietro, "am I a sadist?"

Pietro: Pietro raised an eyebrow, "Only to people you don't like."

Jean: "Well, I'm sure that covers me." She kept her smile in place, tone chipper.

Monet: "There, see? I don't dislike you, Jean. I'm trying to help you. Since the food is here, you do not need to go retrieve it, so instead, file half of the papers and then you may eat." Monet thumped her shield in two separate places.

Pietro: Pietro unpacked the food and took a seat, "If she didn't like you, you wouldn't be in her office unless she was yelling at you."

Jean: Already on edge from the surprise old guy, Jean barely hid her jump.

Monet: Monet laughed and then tsked her. "Always be on guard, Miss Grey."

Jean: "Okay, but if you do that to me while I'm eating and I choke and die I'm totally haunting you." She put her purse down and went back to the filing. Fake evil filing.

Pietro: Pietro took a moment to work out what that was about but speedy brains were helpful, "Don't worry, I'm first aid trained."

Monet: She turned to Pietro with a smirk and got up from her chair to greet him properly. "Merci for bringing our order. How did you know?" Monet pressed her hands flat on his chest and raised up to kiss him.

Pietro: He set his hands at her waist out of habit, "I have my ways."

Jean: Jean pretended she didn't hear them behind her. Interesting. Wait, wasn't he married? "I had first aid training but it's hard to do the Heimlich on yourself."

Monet: Monet looked at Jean over her shoulder, "Well then aren't you lucky that both he and I are quote, speedsters, and can race to do it to you if need be." She looked back at Pietro and kissed him on the cheek this time. "Merci beaucoup, again. Do you have food? Or did you just bring my order?"

Pietro: "Do I have food? Have you met me?" He laughed, "Of course I have food."

Monet: She smacked his chest lightly and rolled her eyes, "Forgive me for trying to be polite." Another kiss on the lips and she moved to check the orders. Jean got another flick. A very light one, meant to distract with a stronger one on the opposite side of her shields.

Jean: She smirked at their flirting and sent Jamie a mental kiss, just for the hell of it. As she finished the last file, she caught those taps on the shields and thumped back.

Monet: Monet straightened and smiled at Jean, "Tres bien! You're learning. And now you may eat."

Pietro: "Oh, we're being polite because of the guest? Okay." Pietro gave Monet a grin.

Monet: "We shouldn't scare her off just yet. I need her to finish the filing."

Pietro: Pietro shook his head, "No you don't."

Monet: "Oh, don't I? Are you really going to tell me, The Black Queen, what I do and do not need?"

Jean: "Thank you!" She turned to look at Pietro and her head cocked. Okay, not old. "She already told me I don't really need to do the filing but she wants me to do the filing because she's Mister Miyagi or something."

Pietro: "I tell you all sorts of things," Pietro pointed out, "And I can file way faster than her."

Monet: "Only when I let you. And only in the bedroom." Monet arched an eyebrow at Jean. "Mistress," she corrected.

Jean: Jean's eyebrow quirked at that. Well well. They were doing the nasty. "Mistress Miyagi."

Pietro: "Pfft, details. There's food! Let's eat!"

Monet: "Merci," she smirked at Jean and then gestured to the food. "Eat and then I will give you the full tour as the last time you were here we were unable due to my schedule. Amant, would you care to join us?"

Jean: "De rien." She returned the smirk and grabbed her burger, sitting down in a chair to get greasy. "The full tour? Does it require a blood sacrifice?"

Pietro: "Sure, I don't have anything on today, that's why I'm here." He took a seat to get to his own food, "Can't think of anything else to do with my free time."

Monet: "Anything else to do? Or anything else you'd rather do?" Monet grabbed her container and went to sit at her desk again. "Non. No blood sacrifice, pet. Not yet."

Pietro: "I've done all the things I'm obligated to do and now this is my time and I'm here. What does that tell you?" Apart from that he was hungry.

Monet: "That you were bored," she stated flatly as she pulled out a fry.

Pietro: Also that. "But I chose to not be bored here instead of annoying someone else. That makes you special. Do you feel special?"

Jean: Oh yay, she got a free show with her free lunch! Jean watched them, back and forth, mentally checking on Jamie again and letting him know she was fine. Fiiiiine. No blood sacrifice. Only evil filing.

Monet: "Non, it does not." Monet cut her burger in half and picked up one of them, eyes sliding to check Jean's aura. "What is it?"

Jean: She paused before she could take a bite. "What is what?"

Monet: "Your aura has shifted. Are you enjoying yourself?"

Pietro: Eating at normal speeds was haaaaaaard. Maybe they wouldn't notice half the fries...

Jean: "I'm just observing." She took a bite and blink blinked innocently.

Monet: "Mmm." She started in on her food, ignoring Pietro's frustration.

Pietro: Success! Fries consumed without comment!

Jean: Jean was slowly eating her food. Bite of burger, couple of fries... wait, where did the not-old-guy's fries go?

Monet: "Pietro, did you get enough for yourself or should I call the chef?"

Pietro: D'oh! Busted. "I may or may not have already had lunch."

Jean: Jean giggled at his expression.

Monet: "I honestly don't know why I'm surprised." Monet shook her head and took another bite.

Jean: "You're speedy, so you can eat all day and not get fat, right?" Jean took another bite of her fry. "Nice!"

Pietro: "It sounds like a good deal but really it's a pain in the ass. I have to manage my calorie intake carefully to keep up with the energy my powers burn when I'm actively using them and when I'm at rest. It's a lot of math."

Jean: "Ew," she said, toying with her fry. "Math." Jean chewed and thought about this. "Aren't you some kind of scientist anyway? So math comes with the territory?"

Pietro: "Mutant geneticist," Pietro replied, "I specialize in mutations with awkward side effects and how to counter them."

Monet: "It's just too bad you've not been able to figure out how to fix your 'minute man' stamina," she quipped.

Pietro: Shots fired!

Jean: Jean snorted at Monet's comment, nearly needing that Heimlich she'd mentioned. After clearing her throat, she thought about this. Awkward side effects... Hmm.

Monet: Monet arched an amused eyebrow at Jean then turned back to Pietro, "I'm jesting, cher. Mostly."

Pietro: "I know. That's why I'm still sitting here and not crying back in New Hampshire."

Jean: "So... what kinds of side effects?" Jean glanced between the two of them, debating if she wanted to bring this up here.

Monet: "Having issues of your own in the bedroom?" Monet smirked at Jean.

Jean: "Not that way," she quickly said, offended on Jamie's behalf.

Pietro: "The kinds that prevent people from living life they way they want to... varies from person to person. Some people can't touch things because their mutation destroys them or their senses are so overwhelmed they can't concentrate. Some people have trouble controlling their mutation... some affect the air around them... my work identifies the problem then finds a solution to give them better control."

Jean: Jean would not bounce in her chair. But OMG maybe this was their solution! She stuffed another bite into her mouth.

Pietro: Pietro watched her for a moment, "Any more questions?"

Monet: Jean's aura shifted considerably and both of Monet's eyebrows went up in slight shock and curiosity. "So you really are having problems, then, and you feel Pietro can fix them?"

Jean: Of course Mistress Miyagi would pick up on that. "Yeah," she said after she swallowed and took a sip of her drink. "You know when we were, um, taken... by that Arcade guy?" They were from the school, so she could trust them with this, yeah?

Pietro: Pietro nodded, waiting for Jean to continue at her own pace. Work mode engaged.

Monet: Monet's eyebrows drew down into a concerned frown, now. They had been her students once, after all, and they had all been through similar situations. "Oui. Did he break something in you?"

Jean: Jean swallowed. "Not... me." Except for ripping their child from her body, nope, nothing at all broken. "Do you know how Arcade died?"

Monet: "Non." She looked at Pietro to see if he knew and smirked a little. He was very handsome when focused.

Pietro: Pietro shook his head, "No, I'm not as involved with that side of things as I was before..."

Jean: Jean set her food aside for the moment and gave in to the urge to rest her hand on her stomach. "Jamie killed him."

Monet: "Mon Dieu," she whispered. Monet didn't miss the hand to the stomach. "Are you ill? Do you need the bin?"

Pietro: Huh. He'd never have thought Jamie would have it in him. He kept his face impassive, "Okay. Killing someone isn't an easy thing to get over... I know from experience. But that sort of thing is something I'd suggest counselling for... unless there's an added detail you haven't mentioned yet."

Jean: "No, I'm okay," she told Monet, sighing. "Arcade was... trying to kill me. Jamie snapped and, um, while he was beating him he... duped inside of Arcade." Jean winced, remembering it herself through Jamie's memories.

Monet: "Mon Dieu," she repeated, glad she was sitting down. "How does that... Non, don't tell me. I don't believe I want to know the specifics."

Jean: "You don't." In fact, she tightened her shields, trying to hide her upset from Jamie.

Pietro: Pietro took that in and all the implied mess. "Well... that's a thing..." Don't say it's cool. Don't say it's cool. Work face. "I know it's not fun to blow someone up with your powers... even if it's on purpose."

Jean: "Yeah, and he's not okay. He's terrified he'll do it to someone else, to me, because he can't control it. I got him a SHIELD inhibitor, but he doesn't like how it works, so he's been wearing this inhibitor jacket for weeks. Like, all the time. He sleeps in it."

Jean: Jean licked her lips. "The other day, he panicked when I just hugged him without it. I think he's getting worse, not better, and I'm worried about him."

Monet: Monet heaved a sigh and shook her head at Pietro. What he was talking about was the reason she had lost Jason and she did not feel up to touching that particular emotion at the moment. "So, am I to understand that he assumes he doesn't need psychological help after an incident like that one?"

Pietro: Right, now they were getting somewhere, "I can't give advice on his mental health because I'm not qualified for that, though he really should see a counsellor that has experience with mutants. That being said... the science I can help with. What doesn't he like about the SHIELD inhibitors exactly?"

Jean: "Yeah, I agree about the therapy, but... he's stubborn." She gave them both a faint smile. "Um, the SHIELD inhibitor blocks everything. The inside of his head is..." Jean chewed her lip to consider how to put this. "Unique? Like, all the different facets of just him are in there with him all the time. The inhibitor cuts that off. He was born with his powers, so he doesn't know how to be any other way."

Pietro: Pietro nodded, "Okay. So he wants to keep that and just dampen the duping so he can decide when it happens?"

Monet: "I see." Monet frowned in thought and tapped her nails on the desk. "Has he had someone particularly technologically savvy adjust anything in the inhibitor?"

Jean: She nodded at Pietro and shifted, forcing her hands to her knees. "He is pretty technologically savvy, he's just... I don't know if he's worried about something else with it, or what. He built the inhibitor jackets he wears, based on a design his dad came up with when he was a kid."

Monet: "I see. Apologies. I have not spoken directly with him since he was a student for longer than a passing civility."

Pietro: "Well... it never hurts to get a second opinion if he has anyone he trusts to do that.... As for what I can do... you'd have to talk to him about it and see what he wants to do and then, if he agreed, we'd have to meet and I'll need a DNA sample to work with so I can find a match that works for him."

Jean: "What kind of DNA sample?" Jean could already imagine how that conversation would go. "Have I mentioned he's stubborn?"

Pietro: "Any works, obviously blood is better because of the larger sample size but I've worked with less... my advice would be to tell him about what I do and then let him ask me any questions he has. If he wants me to walk him through the whole process, I'll do that. Whatever he needs to feel comfortable and make an informed decision." He shifted to take a card out of his pocket and offer it to her.

Jean: Jean accepted the card with a nod. "Okay, thank you. I'll talk to him. He tends to want to do everything himself, so I don't know how far I will get, but I'm gonna try. I want to help him... we can't live the rest of our lives like this."

Pietro: "Yeah, that's not healthy for anyone. At least this way you can give him another option. By the way, I do house calls... and normally I charge but for you guys I'll waive my fee. I do that for some special cases."

Jean: "I worry that he's one step away from not wanting me to touch him at all..." Jean gave him a smile. "Thank you. I can totally pay, but I appreciate the offer."

Monet: Monet closed her food container and pushed to stand. "I would also be willing to take a look at the inhibitor if he wishes for a second opinion. But for now, why don't we change the subject, hmm?" She flashed a mischievous smile. "Shall we show Jean the back rooms, cher?"

Pietro: Pietro sat up again in his chair, smoothing his pantslegs down with his palms as he shook off work mode, "The back rooms at lunch time? It's the best time of day!"

Jean: "Back rooms, huh? So if it's not blood sacrifice I'm guessing that's where the orgies are?" She smirked and set the rest of her food aside to stand, smoothing down the front of her dress and letting one hand linger. After a moment, she loosened the shielding on her emotions.

Monet: "Which makes this the perfect time to visit them," she smirked at her paramour. "Orgies? Non. Those are in the basement because I prefer to not see them. Some of the people who join in?" Monet shuddered. "Disgusting."

Jean: Jean's pert nose wrinkled. "Ew."

Pietro: That made Pietro laugh, "Its usually quieter in the daytime. Only the dedicated horny few."

Jean: "Yay?" Jean was no prude, but she also wasn't a voyeur. She steeled herself for some brain bleaching later.

Monet: Monet walked around and took Pietro's arm, glancing over at Jean, "Time to see the fun side of the Club."

Jean: Jean cocked her head. "Yay, fun," she said, hiding her smirk.