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11/17 Issue: Datey Date

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 2:33 am
by Slarti
Timelined after Back on the Radar.

<Carol> Carol had chosen a slightly less super fancy place for her date with Andi so she could be comfortable in her clothes. She pulled into a parking spot and looked over at Andi, "So, here we are... I tried to talk them into giving us some privacy but apparently they pay more attention to the news than most people..."

<Andi> Andi chewed on her lip a little and adjusted her dress nervously. "Uhmm? News?"

<Carol> "Yeah... my face and my name are on tv because, you know... X-Men stuff. So there's that... sorry."

<Andi> "Oh uhmm yeah. So, paparazzi?" Andi looked around outside wondering how this was going to go.

<Carol> "I hope not..." she rolled her eyes, "But they've probably sat us somewhere people can see so they can make money off it later. Come on, let's go find out... Silence... best behaviour, okay?"

<Andi> "Well.. that's rude." Andi sighed.

<Silence> Silence made an arm come out of Andi's shoulder and mimed blabbering. "We are always on our best behaviour."

<Carol> "That's public life for you." She shrugged a shoulder, "It'll be fine, I can up my EM output so anything they try to film won't be worth watching," she gave Andi and Silence a grin.

<Andi> Andi laughed a little. "That's nifty. Silver lining of the whole kill all tech thing." Andi smiled and reached back to smack silence's hand. "Stop it you."

<Carol> "There's always an upside," she agreed, opening her car door, "At least if they know who I am they'll try hard to impress with the food, right?"

<Andi> "We can only hope." Andi opened her door and got out, smoothing out her dress as she stood up and shut the door again. "Like how I always have someone for the carpool lane?"

<Carol> She laughed, "Exactly," she locked the car and walked around to meet Andi on the other side, "So, how datey do you want this date?"

<Andi> She gave a little shrug. "How datey do you want to go? I haven't had a date in a while. Being a stay at home nerd doesn't lead to many dates." Andi gave a nervous giggle.

<Silence> "She says I'd scare them away." Silence poked at the dress Andi was wearing. "Why are we wearing such revealing impractical clothes Andi. What if we need to defend ourselves?"

<Carol> "I have the defense covered, I promise," Carol assured Silence, "And my other date this week went really badly or really well depending on how you look at it... so whatever helps you feel comfortable."

<Andi> Andi took Carol's arm in hers. "Just ignore her.... Silence thinks all clothes are stupid unless it's full on plate mail."

<Silence> "It offers us no protection Andi!" Silence shifted around in the dress, making awkward bulges. "It is not even fire proof Andi, what if we catch on fire?"

<Carol> "You planning on jumping into some burning buildings on our date, Silence?" Carol raised an eyebrow, amused at Silence's assessment of danger. "I promise Andi's safe with me. Just relax... and stop moving around so much it looks super weird."

<Silence> Silence let out a sigh and stopped shifting for a second and then made Andi's bust size larger almost popping out of the dress. "Is this preferable meat shield?"

<Andi> "SIlence!" Andi blushed red and tried to turn away, forgetting she had Carol's arm.

<Carol> Carol caught Andi's other arm so her flailing didn't overbalance them both, turning her to face her, "Silence, you said you'd be on your best behaviour, this doesn't look like best behaviour. Preferable to me is that Andi's comfortable, okay? Let's just try and have a nice time..."

<Silence> Silence just groaned and returned Andi to normal. "You two are very boring."

<Andi> Andi tried to hide her blush and let out a shaky sigh. "I'm sorry, she's impossible when she's bored."

<Carol> "Well if she's good we'll do something that's fun for her next time, how about that?" Carol offered, "Then she has something to look forward to."

<Andi> "Oh please don't make those kinds of promises... It will have her chattering in my ear for days about it." Andi gave Carol a little smile and fixed her dress again. "So.... uhmm dinner?" She tried not to focus on how they were basically pressed together right now.

<Carol> "Now that your body isn't doing weird stuff that will for sure get people taking pictures, absolutely," she gave Andi a smile to show she didn't mean anything by her comment and let her arm go so they could walk beside each other. "And before you get all in your head about it, order whatever you want, okay? My treat."

<Andi> "Don't hold your breath... I'm mentally chastising her, but that doesn't mean she won't do it again." Andi bit her lip. "You sure? I mean we can go dutch. I don't mind, it is a first date."

<Carol> Carol shook her head, "It's fine, really. It'll be nice to spend my money on something that isn't broken equipment for a change."

<Andi> "If you insist." She gave Carol a smile. "Thanks for putting up with my stowaway."

<Carol> "Eh, she's free entertainment," Carol grinned in reply, "Also sometimes she says stuff that's just adorable. She definitely grows on you."

<Andi> "I'm glad someone enjoys her craziness." Andi sighed. "She is ridiculously clueless sometimes. Just don't let her actually grow on you."

<Carol> "She probably wouldn't enjoy being attached to me. My powers mix weirdly with other people's," she opened the door to the restaurant, holding it for Andi, "Even telepaths think it's uncomfortable prodding my brain."

<Silence> "We are Andi's, you can't have us anyway."

<Andi> Andi just sighed and went in the door. "Thank you. So how was uhmm your day?"

<Carol> "I've for sure had worse days. Nothing blew up, no one called to yell at me for something someone I'm supposed to be able to boss around did. All the holes in the building are patched up and no stoned telepaths found their way to the kitchen. So I'd call it a good day. How was yours?"

<Andi> "That sounds a lot better than the alternatives. Also, stoned telepath?" Andi quirked an eyebrow. "All I did was scroll around on the internet and did some coding work."

<Silence> "She did things I am not allowed to tell you either, or I am something called grounded."

<Carol> That made her laugh, "No one wants to get grounded so good for you keeping those secrets," she gave her name so they were shown to their table and waited out the fussing so they could continue their conversation, "You haven't met Beth and Jean, have you?"

<Andi> Andi still blushed red at the implications. "Yeah, keep those secrets to yourself. I haven't really met anyone but in passing. I'm kinda a shut in I guess."

<Carol> "Well, Jean owns a dispensary so... that's where they're getting the weed. I'm pretty sure she'd share with you if you thought it'd help. She's always trying to talk me into it."

<Andi> "Uhmm.... let's not see what lowering Silence's inhibitions does. I've seen enough anime to know that can go bad."

<Carol> "Well, Jean has a fiance but Beth is single..." Carol threw Andi a grin over the top of the menu.

<Andi> "Trying to set me up while on a date with me?" Andi laughed a little.

<Carol> "I'm just saying... get out there... they won't bite you. Honestly, none of us are really sure what Beth is into. It'd be like an experiment."

<Andi> Andi gave Carol a smirk. "So you're saying that you're in to watching huh?"

<Carol> "I didn't say anything about watching... but I can supervise if you want me to... or lab assistant." She gave her another grin before disappearing behind the menu again.

<Andi> Andi pulled the menu up in front of her face to hide the blush when her joke backfired. "So... uhmm, what's uh good here?"

<Silence> "Andi is blushing Carol. We thought you might want to know." Silence snickered a little.

<Carol> "I don't need the running commentary, but thanks," Carol replied, prodding Andi with her foot under the table, "I don't know, want me to ask the waiter?"

<Andi> "No, I was just making small talk." Andi bit her lip, but smiled at the prodding. She scanned through the menu looking for something she'd like that Silence wouldn't complain about.

<Carol> "I don't know why I'm still looking at the menu," she set it down on the table, "I already decided what I'm having but I figured I should let you hide more."

<Andi> Andi blushed bright red. "S...sorry. I'm not usually this shy. It's just been a while. I think I uhmm know what I want too."

<Carol> "It's fine, really... it's not like I do this all the time either. So, bright side? If one of us sucks at this neither of us will know any better."

<Andi> "Yuuuup, so we're both in the clear." Andi set the menu down. "So uhmm... we're supposed to talk about things now I guess right?"

<Carol> "That's usually how it goes, supposedly," she nodded, "I don't know what things we're supposed to talk about though."

<Andi> "Uhmm, well what kind of hobbies do you have?" Andi shrugged a ltitle.

<Carol> The question made her laugh, given her conversation with Chris earlier in the week, "I don't have time for hobbies... I don't even know where I'd start."

<Andi> "Uhmm what kinds of things do you like? Maybe start there? I like card games."

<Carol> "I like punching bad guys. That's my hobby," she offered, "Or, I guess I like Star Wars... but that's not really a hobby. Does throwing stuff at Fox News count as a hobby?"

<Andi> "Well, I guess you're in the right line of business huh? That's what Silence likes doing too, though she'll punch anything. Star wars huh? So you're a closet nerd?"

<Carol> "Not exactly a closet nerd... you haven't seen my room," she gave Andi a grin, "Or my cat. Who I called Chewie."

<Andi> "That's adorable." Andi gave her a warm smile. "So who's your favorite character?"

<Carol> "You're expecting me to say Han Solo, aren't you?" she narrowed her eyes accusingly, smirk of amusement on her face, "But no. I'm in it for the droids. R2D2 has a potty mouth and I love it."

<Andi> "Well you did name your cat Chewie." She giggled a little. "Potty mouth?" Andi gave Carol a confused look.

<Carol> "She looks like Chewbacca," Carol pointed out, "You watch the movies again and listen to 3PO when he answers back. You know that little droid's dropping f-bombs all over."

<Andi> "So that's why he only beeps and whistles. They had to censor all his dialogue." Andi tried to hold back her laughing.

<Carol> "Exactly," Carol nodded, "See. Now you get it. It's a conspiracy!" she laughed.

<Andi> Andi snorted a little. "I'll take your word for it. I like Star Wars, but never got into the whole conspiracies of it thing."

<Carol> "Oh neither did I, but making up my own theories is fun. Take my word for it, I've watched the movies like a hundred times. It's good!"

<Andi> "I mean I've seen all of them.... I think. There's like what 9 of them?"

<Carol> "We don't talk about 1-3."

<Andi> Andi laughed a little. "But those are the first ones I ever saw."

<Carol> "They were? Oh I'm so sorry..." she laughed, "You should watch them with me."

<Andi> "Planning date number two before date one is done?" Andi smiled. "I'm down."

<Carol> "It doesn't have to be a date... but if you're okay with calling it a date..." she returned the smile, looking up when their waiter showed up to take food and drink orders.

<Andi> "I mean... this is a date right?" Andi chewed her lip a little.

<Carol> "Yes, this is a date," she confirmed, "Kinda worried that you have to ask..."

<Andi> "Oh hush you." Andi threw her napkin at Carol. "If this is a date why wouldn't that be?"

<Carol> "Because that's just people watching tv?" Carol offered the napkin back because she might need that later, "I do that with people I'm not dating..."

<Andi> "Sorry, it just uhmm seemed like it would be another date."

<Carol> "See... now I'm thinking we could be at home watching TV instead of uncomfortable in a restaurant..." she teased a little, "Don't call it a date when we're doing TV because that's how you make me lazy."

<Andi> "I mean, it just depends on if we're doing datey things too." Andi gave her a smirk.

<Carol> "Oh the other datey things? I don't know if that counts as dating either because you for sure can't do that in public... at least not without getting arrested."

<Andi> "Only if you get caught." Her smirk turned wry. "You just have to have skills."

<Carol> "I have skills..." wait. "No that came out wrong... also not a thing I should tell you in a place people can overhear but I have a story you'll like."

<Andi> Andi blushed red at that. "Oh stories huh? You're gonna make me all curious."

<Carol> "Guess you're gonna have to ask me later," she gave Andi a grin, "For now you can just imagine all kinds of stuff."

<Andi> "That's just mean." Andi poked her foot under the table.

<Carol> "I can promise it'll be worth it later?" she offered, poking back, "It's a good story...." she sing-songed.

<Andi> Andi laughed a little bit, "you're terrible, you know that?"

<Carol> "Considering you're here... I think you might like it."

<Andi> "Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment? Or maybe you just have a nice butt?"

<Carol> "Well they don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive..."

<Andi> "Maaaaaaybe?" Andi gave her another wry smirk. "You're also not scared off by Silence, so that's a perk."

<Carol> "If silence was the weirdest person I ever met maybe I'd think twice... but she isn't by far and she's accidentally adorable a lot so that helps."

<Andi> "You haven't seen her go all tentacle monster yet." Andi laughed.

<Carol> "Now would be a good time to tell you that she's not my first tentacle monster...."

<Andi> "There's other tentacle monsters out there?" She blinked a few times. "Wait.... do you mean that you've met? Or that you've met?" Andi put more inflection on the second met.

<Carol> "Kiiiinda both, kinda not both.... definitely met another one before but that was way too much crazy and not in a good way.... the other one... not technically the same thing but... there were tentacles involved."

<Andi> "So, you have a type huh?" Andi smirked. "She can do more than tentacles too."

<Silence> "I thought we weren't allowed to do those things Andi?"

<Andi> "You hush now! And I said only with consent and not in public!"

<Carol> Carol giggled, picking up her water, "She mentioned something before so I kinda figured... but good to know."

<Andi> "She can uhmm change everything about me basically." Andi blushed and sipped at her water to stop her mouth from running wild.

<Carol> "That is a thing I would totally explore with you..." Carol offered her a small grin, "For science, obviously..." she added, feigning innocence.

<Andi> "Oh yeah for uhmm sience." She smiled wide even though she was blushing red.

<Carol> Carol laughed, "You gotta work on that poker face."

<Andi> "Y...yeah, you should have seen me at my first R-rated movie. I'm pretty sure I was glowing."

<Carol> "That is adorable," she moved her water aside as their food arrived, "Pretty sure I laughed a lot."

<Andi> "You're going to tease me mercilessly aren't you?" Andi smiled at the waiter when she got her food. "Thank you."

<Carol> "Maybe a little bit... but not without rewards for putting up with my shenanigans."

<Andi> "Ooooh what kind of rewards?" Andi smirked.

<Silence> "We only accept food rewards!" A tentacle snuck out from somewhere and stole a piece of food off Andi's plate and disappeared with it.

<Carol> "I don't cook so I hope junk food is okay with you... which I know it is," Silence liked pizza as much as she did, "As for Andi's rewards... you want me to write a list or shall I let you use your imagination again?"

<Andi> Andi sighed. "No tentacles in public Silence...."

<Carol> "I have a question... for future science experiments... does it count as in public if no one can see?"

<Andi> "It... uhmm does... but doesn't impose the public rule."

<Carol> "Good. I was worried," she offered a grin.

<Andi> "Silence isn't the only one who can control the tentacles." Andi took a bite of her food.

<Carol> "Oh yeah?" she raised an eyebrow, "Good to know."

<Andi> "Mmmhmm." She took another bite and sent one down to touch Carol's leg.

<Carol> Oh hey that wasn't a foot. She smirked, "Wow you could really make things hard for me if you weren't so shy..."

<Andi> "Who's shy?" The tentacle went up her leg slowly.

<Carol> "You're all kinds of shy," Carol pointed out, only a little bit not egging her on.

<Andi> The tentacle kept squirming up her leg. "I don't have any clue what you're talking about."

<Carol> "Sure you do... all that blushing you do all the time... which is adorable by the way...." oh that tentacle was reaching distracting heights.

<Andi> Andi blushed more and the tentacle paused, moving back and forth on Carol's leg. "Nope, no blushing."

<Carol> "You're doing it right now," Carol pointed out, tugging at the corner of her lower lip with her teeth, "But it's cute on you."

<Andi> "Am not, I think you're seeing things." Her cheeks kept heating up.

<Carol> She laughed, "Sure, all this water has gone straight to my head."

<Andi> "Yup, you have a real water problem. I mean you're looking just like a fish." She started squirming the tentacle higher again.

<Carol> "A fish, huh?" she cocked her head on one side, a smirk on her lips.

<Andi> "Mmmhmm, but one of those cute, bright colored reef fish." The tentacle made it to her inner thigh.

<Carol> She gave a soft laugh, "Pretty to look at but probably not fun to eat?"

<Andi> "Oh? You're not fun to eat?" Andi frowned.

<Carol> "I don't know, I've never had any complaints..." she shrugged a shoulder, "Buuuut I'm pretty sure a lot of people are too scared of me to say anything."

<Andi> "Scared of you? Why would anyone be scared of you?"

<Carol> "Because I can snap them in half?" Carol guessed with a laugh.

<Andi> "Please don't snap me in half.... that would hurt."

<Carol> "I would never!" she was a little offended, "I only break the ones that really deserve it. Not the ones I like."

<Andi> "Then I've got nothing to fear." She wiggled the tentacle on Carol's inner thigh a little.

<Carol> "Nothing at all," Carol assured her, biting her lip a little and shifting in her seat, "Why would I wanna hurt someone being so nice to me?"

<Andi> "Maaaaaybe they're being nice to you but in a torturous way?" The tentacle slid further up and she smiled at Carol's squirming.

<Carol> "Not if I had to punch them," she determined, "But I'm grateful that they give me an excuse."

<Andi> "That wouldn't be nice either." She laughed a little.

<Carol> "It's nice for me. I like punching bad guys," she gave Andi a grin.

<Andi> Andi laughed a little bit. "Then you're definitely in the right line of work."

<Carol> "I know, right? I love this job... especially since I don't have to do any paper work. That was my one condition for accepting the position."

<Andi> Andi ran the tentacle back and forth along Carol's inner thigh. "Paper work does suck a lot. I don't miss doing write ups on code."

<Carol> "I thought the whole point of computers was to be paperless?"

<Andi> "You've never worked in an office have you?" Andi ran her hands through her hair. "And some places want it in triplicate."

<Carol> "Oh I have. I was in DC for a few years before I came back here. I haaaaated it. Military office. Just when you think there's nothing else to sign more stuff shows up."

<Andi> "I don't get places not being paperless anymore. I guess the military is still pretty archaic but not regular offices."

<Carol> "Yeah the military is a different animal... paper is more secure... I guess other places are just afraid of change... or maybe they're worried about security too."

<Andi> "I guess so." Andi started to pull the tentacle back as she kept eating.

<Carol> "Kind of a shame we can't keep Stark for longer. He'd get them to drop paper," she gave Andi a small smile, trying not to look too disappointed about the tentacle going away.

<Andi> Andi laughed a little. "Isn't the paperwork supposed to be important or something though?"

<Carol> "Yeah but it doesn't have to be in files you can drop all over the floor and spend two days reconstructing...."

<Andi> "Very true. Stark does seem like the guy who'd digitize all our stuff."

<Carol> "And give it some fancy ass AI to look after it all."

<Andi> "Now that sounds skynetty." Andi laughed.

<Carol> "Nah, any AI Stark raises would be a brat but a sarcastic brat not a homicidal one."

<Andi> "That almost sounds worse..." Andi played with her food a little. "So.... uhmm how's your meal?"

<Carol> "It's definitely better than the food I didn't eat at the last restaurant I was in," she nodded.

<Andi> "Oh? That sounds like a story." She raised an eyebrow, getting curious again.

<Carol> She laughed, "It's a short story. Everyone got distracted before the food arrived."

<Andi> Andi blinked at that. "That brings up more questions."

<Carol> "I ended up getting pizza with my date... not sure what happened to our double daters after they snuck off right in front of us."

<Andi> "Wow, that was rude of them."

<Carol> "They're like teenagers, I swear."

<Andi> "Well I'm sorry your last date sucked. Hopefully this one's going better."

<Carol> "Hey, it didn't suck... I like pizza," she gave Andi a grin, "Even better when dessert is before pizza."

<Andi> Andi's shut before she could say anything and she blushed red. "Uhmm... y, yeah, I bet."

<Carol> She couldn't help laughing at the reaction, "Oh, I'm sorry, I made you blush again." She wasn't sorry.

<Andi> She screwed up her face a little. "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

<Carol> She picked up her water for a sip, "Doesn't make it any less true...."

<Andi> "You're evil." Andi smirked.

<Carol> She laughed, "I told you I think the blushing is cute. You shouldn't be surprised."

<Andi> "I'm not, but that doesn't make it less true." She stuck her tongue out at Carol.

<Carol> She laughed again, prodding Andi with her foot, "That's how to play this game. Good job."

<Andi> Andi laughed too and let her foot prod Carol's back. "I'm a quick learner."

<Carol> "This bodes well for you," Carol nodded with a small grin.

<Andi> "I feel like you're leading me into a trap again." She ran her foot up Carol's leg.

<Carol> "Then my plan is working," she replied, using her powers to create a small amount of EM energy, enough to feel and elicit goosebumps on Andi.

<Andi> Andi shivered, what was that? "Oh? Do I get let in on this plan?"

<Carol> "The plan designed to make you all paranoid that everything is a trap? That would be counter-productive."

<Andi> "Only if it's not a trap I'd willingly walk into." Andi bit her lip.

<Carol> "Oh I'd hope you'd willingly walk into it otherwise I totally brought you here under duress."

<Andi> "I mean, you brought me here with the promise of food." She smirked.

<Carol> "And you're eating! I didn't lie," she pointed out, giving her another goose with the EM energy.

<Andi> "You didn't, so no duress." Andi shivered again. "Are you doing that?"

<Carol> She smirked a little, "Maaaaaybe."
<Andi> "Seee, evil." She chewed on her lip, but still smiled.

<Carol> "Awww you say that like you don't like it..." she pouted.

<Andi> "It's different." She smiled.

<Carol> "I can stop if you want..."

<Andi> "I didn't say that..." She decided to do her own teasing and slide a tentacle up Carol's leg again.

<Carol> Carol hissed in surprise, her back straightening a little, "Oh so now we're playing a whole new game."

<Andi> "I don't know what you're talking about." The tentacle rose higher up her leg, faster this time.

<Carol> "I think you might be making a few really good guesses..." she shifted in her seat again, just enough to let the wandering tentacle go wherever it wanted.

<Andi> "I think you might be a bad influence." The tentacle found Carol's panties and started to toy with them a little.

<Carol> She bit her lip, grinning a little, "Did I ever claim to be anything else?"

<Andi> "" Andi gave her a smile.

<Carol> She gave Andi another goose with the EM and followed it with a gentle warming of the air. "Are you disappointed?"

<Andi> "No, b.... but I'm starting to think we should get out of here." The tentacle pulled at Carol's panties.

<Carol> "Bathroom break?" She suggested.

<Andi> Andi's eyes went wide and she blushed bright red. "Wh...what?"

<Carol> "Well, I don't know about you... but I find the desserts are the best thing about eating at restaurants so... I don't wanna rush that part... but I also don't wanna wait for the other part..."

<Andi> Andi bit her lip. "You really like making me blush and squirm don't you?"

<Carol> "Yeah I do... but it doesn't make the things I say any less true," she smiled, cocking her head on one side.

<Andi> " uhmm bathroom huh?" She chewed her lip, looking Carol over a little blatantly.

<Carol> "We did drink a lot of water," she offered by way of excuse, turning a little in her seat as she put her napkin on the table.

<Andi> "Did we now?" She giggled a little and put her napkin on the table too.

<Carol> "So much water..." She extracted a pen and a small pad of paper to leave a note on the table so no one thought they'd skipped out on their bill or something then got up to go to the bathroom.

<Andi> Andi watched her for a second still trying to decide if she was going to go or not. Of course she was going to follow her. "Y...yeah." She got up to follow her.

Re: 11/17 Issue: Datey Date

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:46 pm
by Esynthia
I'm intrigued :LMAO :naughty