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5/25 Issue: Pre-Pre-Proposal

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 12:30 am
by Esynthia
Timeline: August 21st, 2023 (aka Bobby’s first day on the job as Rhodey’s security)

Rogue: Rogue pushed the sausages slightly in the pan, listening to the sizzle. After a moment, she set the spatula on the edge and padded over to the fridge in her bare feet to look for anything else that might go with the meal she was making. She grabbed the salsa and sour cream, then went to the pantry for the flour. A thickened, spicy sauce to go with the cheesy sausages, maybe. "Ah was thinkin' we could order Chinese f'r dinner an' watch a movie on th' couch t'night? Just be normal?"

Tony: Tony was still waking up. He'd gotten in from DC late last night and then they'd celebrated his return, so he was in dire need of coffee. Walking into the kitchen to see his girlfriend looking like Daisy Duke wasn't exactly what he'd expected but he wasn't going to complain. "Sounds great," he agreed, passing by her to give her a pat on the ass and a quick kiss before he got his coffee. "Smells great, too."

Rogue: Rogue happily accepted the kiss then went back to work gathering a bowl and whisk. "Thanks, sugah." She scooped some flour into the bowl, coughing when it puffed up into her face. Waving away the cloud, she grabbed the sour cream. "Y' want me t' make a fresh pot? Ah already had a few cups o' chicory. Couldn't sleep."

Tony: He was still admiring her - she was fully clothed, but so much skin was showing with her cropped shirt and shorts... "I can try chicory," he decided, moving in behind her and resting his hands on her bare waist and his cheek pressed to her ear to whisper. "If you couldn't sleep you should have woken me up. I would have helped."

Rogue: "Mmm. S'at right?" She was beaming and leaned back into him while she whipped in the sour cream. "Although Ah appreciate th' offer, Ah think Ah just drank too much." Rogue shook her wrist in example, "Shoulda taken this off f'r a bit b'fore bed, prob'ly. But now y' get a full hangover-style greasy breakfast."

Tony: "I didn't think you'd had that much to drink," he said, letting his hands roam a bit and tracing the knot in her cutoff shirt with a fingertip. "I'll never complain about you cooking for me, that's for sure."

Rogue: "Shoulda had more water, then." Rogue got all of the flour and sour cream beat together and she set the bowl and whisk down to be able to turn in his arms and face him. "How'd y' like some bacon pancakes?" She rose on her toes to press a soft kiss to his lips, but then felt a little unsteady and lowered herself back to flat-footed, closing her eyes to stop the slight tilt of the room.

Tony: "That sounds creatively delicious." He was pleased to have her face to face and returned the kiss, then frowned when her eyes unfocused a little and she retreated. "Whoa there," he said, wrapping his arms around her to steady her. "Are you alright?"

Rogue: "Mmhmm." Her jaw was clenched and her eyes were still closed. "Mm-mmm." Rogue pushed out of his arms and leaned over the sink, the remnants of last night's alcohol splashing into the drain.

Tony: "Mmm," he replied, then jumped when she pushed away and retched. "Anna Marie!" After a moment's thought he snagged her hair to hold it back out of the way. "Clearly, you're not alright."

Rogue: Rogue stayed where she was for a moment, still dizzy and feeling off balance. Blindly, she reached for the faucet, turning the sink on once she found the handle. She rinsed the sink with her hand, then stuck her head next to the stream to wash out her mouth. "Ah just got really dizzy. Ah'm fine."

Tony: "I'm told I have that effect on women." Tony held her hair, rubbing her back while she rinsed her mouth. "The dizziness, not the vomiting." He glanced over at the stove, hoping what she was cooking wasn't about to burn.

Rogue: After another couple of slow breaths, she stood and the room had stopped spinning. "It's passed." She washed her hands before giving him a small smile over her shoulder and went to check on the sausage, turning off the stove for the time being. "Y' make a lot o' women dizzy, do ya?"

Tony: "Good." He let her go and went to the coffee pot, picking it up to sniff the chicory inside. "I haven't for the better part of three years," he said, glancing back over at her. "I'm happy making one woman dizzy now."

Rogue: "Good." Rogue pulled the bacon from the fridge then a different bowl to mix the pancake batter in. She watched him for a second over her shoulder as he futzed with her chicory. "Are y' gonna drink it or just stare at it? Ah c'n make y'r coffee, y' know. Ah drink that, too."

Tony: "I'm just, uh, investigating it. It smells a little like candy." He snagged himself a cup and poured it, sniffed again and then took a sip, making a pleased sound. "Candied coffee," he amended. "Would be better with scotch."

Rogue: Rogue rolled her eyes at him, but smirked a little. "Y' think everythin'd be better with scotch. Ah bet y'd even dribble some on me b'fore y' went down on me if Ah letcha." She poured some milk in the bowl, stirring as she went. "'Course, then maybe we'd have other problems."

Tony: "Would you let me?" He perked up a little at that idea, then cocked his head. "Other problems?"

Rogue: "No," she said with a look that told him not to even push that idea. "Yeah, other problems. If it takes alcohol t' get y' t' do somethin' with me, there's somethin' wrong, don'tcha think? An' then it'd prob'ly cause infections that Ah'd hafta be th' one t' deal with an' all y'd hafta do is have sex with y' hand f'r a week."

Tony: He held up his coffee and his free hand in surrender. "I was joking!" Mostly. "Besides, it's not that I'd need it, it's just a novelty." He took in her expression and decided it was time to shut up. "But, as I said, I was joking."

Rogue: She accepted his gesture for now and turned back to the batter. "Do y' want eggs with th' bacon pancakes an' sausage with spicy sour cream sauce? Ah know it ain't hollandaise, but Ah ain't a Michelin chef, just a barefoot house...girlfriend." Rogue frowned down into the bowl. She was cranky from lack of sleep and getting dizzy, and then sick, was like a cherry on top.

Tony: Tony made a face at her tone. "I love my house girlfriend. Why would I want a Michelin chef when I have a gorgeous Southern belle?" He debated if he should approach her again, considering she'd just lost her chicory in the sink. "That sounds great, sweetheart."

Rogue: "Scrambled, fried, or... No, just scrambled'r fried. Over-easy'd look too much like what Ah just washed down the drain." Rogue made a face and shuddered dramatically for effect. "'Less y' want boiled. Guess Ah could do that, too, it'd just take longer." Rogue set the batter aside and started to pull the bacon from the package, making a face that was not for dramatic effect. It stank. "Maybe no bacon."

Tony: "Scrambled is fine," he chuckled at her face, then moved closer when she made a more sour expression. "What's wrong? Did it go bad?" Did bacon go bad? He really had no idea since he tended to only encounter it cooked. By someone else. Tony picked up the package and gave it a sniff. Smelled... smoky.

Rogue: Rogue swatted his hand lightly, "Hey! Don't touch. Ah don't touch y'r tech things, y' don't touch mah cookin' things." She frowned up at him. "An' it smells bad, but th' date says it's fine. Maybe it's th' coffee an' alcohol mixed in mah nostrils makin' it smell awful. Ah'll check it again t'morrow."

Tony: "You most certainly do touch my tech things," he laughed. "My robots follow you around like lost puppies." Tony put the package down and took a sip of coffee. "If you're not feeling well you don't have to cook all this. We can get something delivered."

Rogue: "Ah don't touch 'em 'till they're put t'gether." Rogue turned to face him, slightly offended. "Ah'm cookin' breakfast, damnit. Why would we get somethin' delivered when Ah'm upright an' just fine?" She put her hands on her hips, "Y' know what? Out. Shoo."

Tony: "I'm being shooed? Am I being shooed? You're shooing me!" He was dismayed and possibly a little offended himself. "You're not fine, you just threw up in the kitchen sink. I'm just thinking of you if you're not feeling well." His eyes fell to the bracelet on her wrist, already calculating how long she'd been wearing it and if he could extrapolate any correlation between that time and her sickness.

Rogue: "Ah'm fine," she repeated and her frown deepened. "Do not make me take th' bracelet off an' carry y' outta here, 'cause God help me, Tony, Ah will."

Tony: "Okay, okay!" He held up his hand and coffee again in surrender and started for the hall. "I'll go to my workshop then, and touch all my tech things."

Rogue: "Thank you!" She let out a sigh of relief, happy to have her space to herself. "Ah'll getcha when it's ready. Have fun touchin' all y' tech things. Ah love you. G'bye."

Tony: "Mark III will be happy to have me," he called over his shoulder. "I love you, too, sunshine."

Rogue: Rogue turned back to the counter, hands still on her hips, as she surveyed her 'workshop'. More chicory first since the last bit left her. She pulled a clean mug down and leaned her hip against the counter while she poured the steaming cup. Both hands around the mug, eyes closed, she took a long whiff of the steam rising from the black liquid. What should have made her smile, made her stomach churn. "Oh... Oh no." She barely made it to the sink this time. Maybe she wasn't fine...

Tony: Tony was already in his workshop and set his chicory down, then after a moment of thought went to get a bottle of scotch to add a splash to the cup. Anna Marie was in a mood and it was unsettling. She'd always been sassy, but between the nausea and her attitude, he was worried. She still hadn't had her period, but the test had been negative. The bracelet, however. What if there was some side effect he hadn't foreseen?

Tony: He clapped his hands and awoke his screens and Friday. "Let's pull up an old project for fun," he said, ordering the music on while he skimmed through the schematics and sipped his doctored almost-coffee.

Rogue: Rogue cleaned up the sink, again, then herself, again, and stood. She stared at the puddle of chicory on the counter from where she'd dropped her mug in a hurry. That should not have made her sick. It smelled amazing not thirty minutes ago. "Plato, send Dum-E to mah bathroom," she said numbly, then set about cleaning up her mess and putting the perishable food in the fridge.

Tony: Tony didn't even notice the robot trundle out of his workshop. He was neck deep in equations and theorems, recalculating every component of Anna Marie's inhibitor bracelet. So far, nothing. His calculations were perfect, but, if there was a chance it was causing her sickness he had to know.

Rogue: Everything in its place, or covered for the time being, she walked to their bathroom and found the robot waiting for her, holding the box. Rogue gave it a small smile that didn't reach her eyes and a pat on the head-hand. She pulled the contents out and stared at it for a long time, heart thundering in her chest. "Wait outside, sugah."

Rogue: The robot turned towards her for a moment, then rolled through the door, shutting it behind him.

Tony: He'd need the bracelet to run diagnostics to ensure it was working properly, but the design seemed flawless, if he didn't say so himself. Humming along to the song, he shook his head and decided to triple check before he turned his attention to Mark IV.

Rogue: Rogue could hear his music from down the hall, but she kept going, Dum-E following dutifully behind her. She had tried to splash water on her face to get some life back into it, but she wasn't able to manage it. "Remember t' go b'hind Tony t' be ready t' catch him. Just in case." The doors opened and she stopped on the landing, robot moving around her and down the steps. "Tony?"

Tony: Tony barely registered his wayward robot's return, glancing behind him and then doing a double take. "Don't hover back there. You're making me nervous." He didn't even notice Anna Marie, still humming to the music and tapping away on his screens.

Rogue: "Plato, turn off the music." The sound cut out and she took a shaky breath. "Tony," she tried again, still not moving from her spot by the door.

Tony: "Friday, what the hell-" He spun on his rolling chair. "Anna!" She looked like she was about to faint. Shit. He was on his feet in a split second. "Do you need to sit down? I've been thinking, and maybe I should look at your bracelet, just in case it's causing all this."

Rogue: "Tony, stop." She held her hands up, hoping to slow him down, or at the very least, slow his mind down so he would hear her. "It's not th' bracelet." Rogue glanced behind him, making sure Dum-E was sticking close to him like she'd asked.

Tony: He didn't slow down until he got to her, his hands on her bare arms to steady her, then he felt a bump from behind. "Dummy! What's your problem? Personal space!"

Rogue: "He's doin' what Ah asked him t' do. Stay there, sugah." Rogue put her hands on his chest and took a breath. "Tony," she started, meeting his eyes. "Ah'm pregnant."

Tony: "Did you ask him to give me a colonoscopy, because-" He stopped talking when she touched his chest, her tone gone serious. Tony just stared at her, opened his mouth, then closed it. "What?"

Rogue: She didn't think about the fact that he might need her to repeat it. It had already felt strange to say the first time. "Ah'm... Ah'm pregnant."

Tony: "The test... was negative." He cocked his head, then shook it.

Rogue: "Th' second one wasn't," she said, voice still a little numb.

Tony: "The... second one." Tony blinked at her. "As in you just took a second one?"

Rogue: Rogue nodded. "Th' smell o' th' chicory, th' same chicory Ah drank 'bout four cups of earlier, made me sick again."

Tony: "That's... that's amazing!" Tony gave her a bright grin, then dropped it. "Right? You don't look amazed. Well, maybe in the literal sense, but-"

Rogue: "Ah'm... Processin'." He was happy, though, and she was shocked. "Y're not gonna faint?"

Tony: "Why would I faint? Did I look faint last week?" He pulled her to him and wrapped her in his arms. "You look a little faint though. Do you need to lie down?"

Rogue: Rogue buried herself in his arms and closed her eyes. "Ah don't know what Ah need... Ah'm scared, Tony. Ah don't wanna kill our baby." Our baby. The words shocked her to say, so she licked her lips and said them again. "Our baby." She laughed a little and held him tighter.

Tony: "Our baby," he smiled at the sound of her laugh and held her tight. "Whatever you need, we'll figure it out. Okay? We can get the best doctors. Your big blue one, or anyone."

Rogue: "Ah'd like f'r it t' be Hank," she agreed. "Big an' blue as he is. He's been with me through a lot an' knows mah powers better'n most anybody." Rogue leaned back to look up at him, worried. "Y' sure y're okay with this? Ah know it ain't planned. Hell, we didn't think it was possible."

Tony: Tony nodded. "McCoy it is then." He smiled down at her. "I'm okay with this. I'm more than okay with this. The panic was all last week." He bent to give her a soft, gentle kiss.

Rogue: "Yeah?" Her smile was slowly growing and she kissed him back. "Ah'm sorry Ah sniped at y' earlier." Now that Rogue had a smile on her face, she couldn't make it go away. "Ah'm pregnant. Me." She laughed and then she started to cry. "Never in mah wildest dreams..."

Tony: "I think this explains why you've been feeling weird lately." Tony returned her smile, finding it spread into a bright grin, which fell when she started to cry. "Are these happy tears? Sad tears? Help me out here?"

Rogue: Rogue laughed through the tears at his expression. "Happy. Beyond happy." She touched his cheek and kissed him again. "Whatcha think 'bout bein' a daddy now t' a tiny li'l version of us?"

Tony: "I think it sounds amazing." He bit down on his lower lip, considering, then stepped back from her just enough to drop to one knee - or try anyway. "Dum-E! I'm not fainting!" The ever-helpful robot tried its best to push him back up, goosing him in the ass in the process.

Rogue: Rogue's eyes went wide when she realized what was happening and was very glad the robot hadn't moved. "Good boy, Dummy. Come over by mama now." She swallowed hard and held tight to Tony's hands, "What're y' doin'?"

Tony: "I'm trying," he paused, giving the robot arm a pointed look when it rolled over to Anna Marie. "I'm trying to ask you a very important question." He took a breath, nerves kicking in as he looked up into her emerald eyes. He kissed her hand, holding on. "Anna Marie Battle, will you marry me?"

Rogue: "Tony..." Part of her wanted to say yes, so badly, and she was overjoyed that he wanted to marry her, causing more happy tears to spill over. But... Rogue shook her head. "Not like this." She got down onto her knees with him, keeping his hands in hers. "Ah love you. But Ah don't want it like this."

Tony: He watched her come down to the floor with him, swallowing back a flair of disappointment. "That's fair. Consider this the pre-proposal then?" He squeezed her fingers and leaned in to give her a kiss. "Next time, you won't tell me no. Right?"

Rogue: Rogue kissed him back, filling it with the joy and love she felt. "Ah think y' owe me one more b'fore Ah say yes, don'tcha?" She smiled at him, eyes full of hope, "An', Tony... Ah don't want y' t' ask me that just b'cause Ah'm pregnant. Ah want y' t' ask me b'cause y' just want me t' be y' wife. Ah don't want a baby t' change that. That's somethin' that should just be ours."

Tony: "I did ask you because I want you to be my wife, and it isn't only because of the baby. You make me happy, Anna Marie." He urged her back into his arms. "We're good together. More than good, we're perfect."

Rogue: "But y' asked me now, right this second now, b'cause Ah told y' Ah was pregnant... Right?" Instead of going into his arms, she stood, pulling him with her so they could be more comfortable somewhere that wasn't the floor. "We're amazin'. Y're th' best man Ah've ever known."

Tony: "Yes, but also no. You know I've been thinking about it." He let her tug him back up. "I'll drink to that," he said with a grin. "But no more scotch for you."

Rogue: Rogue gave him a flat look, "Y' mean t' tell me that' y' decided b'fore that moment that y' were gonna propose t' me on th' landin' leadin' int' ya workshop? Seriously?" She tugged him down the steps to the couch and gave him a soft shove so she could sit on his lap. "Y' don't need a drink right now. Y' already had some in y' chicory."

Tony: "Well... not exactly, of course, but I've been giving it serious consideration. For a while." He laughed at her dragging and landed on the sofa with a light thump. "Not that much."

Rogue: "Then give it serious consideration 'bout how an' when, too. Not just 'should Ah'r shouldn't Ah'. Okay?" She smiled at him and kissed him softly. "Enough that Ah c'n taste it. Though... Is that a side effect o' pregnancy? Tastin' more things?"

Tony: "Okay," he agreed, happy to have her safe in his lap and returned the kiss. "I wouldn't know. I've never been pregnant." After a moment to think about it, Tony gently placed his hand on her lower stomach. A baby, with a woman who wasn't running away from him. He drew in a ragged breath.

Rogue: That made her laugh, "Ah should hope not!" Oh... Rogue stilled and watched his face, putting her hand on top of his. She felt more tears sting at the corners of her eyes and she swallowed as she looked down at their hands. "Ah'm so happy, Tony. But... Ah'm also terrified. Ah don't wanna let y' down."

Tony: "I was so sure it was the bracelet. That somehow I'd missed something and it was making you sick." He shook his head and leaned it against hers as he kept his eyes on their hands. "This is... we'll figure it out. Us, or Dr. McCoy."

Rogue: "Oh, Tony." The fact that he thought that something he did made her sick made her heart ache. Rogue leaned her head on his, also, turning just enough to press a kiss to his cheekbone. "Ah love you. Ah'm sorry Ah worried you."

Tony: He smiled, eyes still on their hands. "Well, I guess we just traded one set of worries for another, huh?" A baby. A chance to be the father he couldn't for Hope, to raise a child with a woman he loved and who loved him. It was more than he'd ever expected. Tony swallowed hard, then sniffed. "I knew my math wasn't wrong."

Rogue: Rogue's thumb stroked the back of Tony's hand, imagining what was under them. A baby. A chance to be a mommy. Her dreams were starting to come true. "Like y' said, y'r math is never wrong." She heard the sniff and shifted a little to look at his face. "Tony... Are y' cryin', baby?"

Tony: His eyes were hot and there was a lump in his throat, but technically he wasn't crying. "Of course not," he scoffed, but it was half-hearted and he dropped the act quickly. He didn't have to pretend with her. "Maybe," he admitted, looking up at her.

Rogue: Rogue's smile spread across her face and she brought her hands to cup his cheeks, thumbs poised to catch any tears. "Ah won't tell anybody, Daddy," she whispered, her own eyes getting hot.